Monday, December 2, 2013

dmanet Digest, Vol 70, Issue 1

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Today's Topics:

1. Deadline extended: CFP: Special Issue on "Heuristics for
Reliable and Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks Deployments" (J.
of Heuristics, Springer, Q1) (Juan A. Gomez-Pulido)
2. Call for Book Chapter Proposals: Simulation-Optimization
Approaches (extended deadlines) (Daniel Guimarans)
3. Call for Paper (Journal of Applied Science and Engineering
Management) (
4. Call for paper (Journal of Operational Research and Decision
Science Studies) (


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 21:34:54 +0100
From: "Juan A. Gomez-Pulido" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Deadline extended: CFP: Special Issue on "Heuristics
for Reliable and Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks Deployments" (J.
of Heuristics, Springer, Q1)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this email]




Journal of Heuristics
Springer, ISSN: 1381-1231. Editor-in-Chief: Manuel Laguna.
Impact factor (2012): 1.471 (Q1, COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS).

Aims and Scope:
Wireless Sensor Networks are nowadays an extended engineering technology
for many markets due to the great amount of their possibilities in
collecting data from complex environments and processing them for
different purposes. Nevertheless, this interest is not enough to apply
this kind of networks as trustworthy solution for many real-world
environments, such as industrial processes and critical infrastructures,
where high reliability is required, together with other related key
aspects as energy, security and efficiency. Many companies could
overcome their reluctances if economic, reliable and easily deployed
solutions are provided in this field. In this scenario, the heuristics
and computational intelligence play an important role to solve many
involved optimization problems, doing necessary the research on advanced
solutions that result in a successful product. In this sense, there are
many challenges, trends and open possibilities in this area that deserve
to be known. In this special issue, we seek original, high quality
articles, clearly focused on theoretical or practical aspects of the
heuristics and mathematical optimization methods for obtaining reliable
and efficient wireless sensor networks, including but not limited to the
topics shown below.

Topics of Interest:
The topics related to heuristics for reliable and efficient Wireless
Sensor Networks deployments that are relevant to this special issue
include but are not limited to:

* Energy minimization aspects: network lifetime and power savings.
* Efficient networks deployments.
* Heuristics and computational intelligence applied for solving
optimization problems.
* Multiobjective optimization problems.
* Fault tolerance and quality of service.
* Robust routing algorithms, network protocols and operating systems.
* Security and privacy aspects of the communications.
* Microprocessors, circuits, and embedded applications.
* Application cases, user studies and experiences.

Papers must be tailored to the problem of the wireless sensor networks
and explicitly consider heuristics and mathematical optimization
methods. The editors maintain the right to reject papers they deem to be
out of scope of this special issue. Only originally unpublished
contributions and invited articles will be considered for the issue.
Authors should submit their manuscripts through Editorial Manager, selecting "SI - HREWSN" as the
article type.

Important Dates:
Submission deadline: December 31, 2013.
Acceptation notification: April 1st, 2014.
Final Papers: June 1st, 2014.

Guest Editors:
Lead Editor:
Dr. Juan A. Gomez-Pulido
Dept. of Technologies of Computers and Communications, Univ. of
Extremadura, Spain

Jose M. Lanza-Gutierrez
Dept. of Technologies of Computers and Communications, Univ. of
Extremadura, Spain


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 06:44:44 +0000
From: Daniel Guimarans <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for Book Chapter Proposals:
Simulation-Optimization Approaches (extended deadlines)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"




Applied Simulation and Optimization:

In Logistics and Industrial, and Aeronautical Practice

Springer Handbook

Miguel Mujica, Idalia Flores, and Daniel Guimarans (Eds.)


Upcoming Deadline: 31st December 2013 - intention to prepare a manuscript
Contact us:<>,<>,<>

Simulation is a well?known approach that can have different abstraction levels and can integrate different elements of a studied system. It consists in the development of a representation of a system (logistics one, manufacturing, operative, etc.) using modelling formalisms, off?the?shelf software programs, or programming languages. It is commonly used at industrial level to obtain a better understanding of the studied system. With the use of the model different experiments may be carried out in order to test different research questions, such as the performance of new configurations, identify bottlenecks in the current system, and inefficiencies that are perceived as an increase in operative costs. Unfortunately, the experiments alone cannot ensure the optimal configurations for the objective pursued (allocation of resources, minimizing operative costs, increase throughput etc.). On the other hand, optimization techniques are very?well?accepted techniques which consist in t!
he representation of the problem under study taking into account only the key variables, dependencies, and restrictions of a problem. The main argument against them is that the abstraction process often leaves out of the scope some key elements that participate and affect the performance of a system, giving as a result a potential optimal solution that sometimes results difficult or impossible to implement in the real system.

The book will present techniques, case studies, and methodologies that combine the use of simulation approaches with optimization techniques for facing problems in manufacturing, logistics, or aeronautical problems, which aim at overcoming the shortcomings of both approaches through the combination of them. The book will present detailed techniques and research studies that cope with common industrial problems in several fields, which range from manufacturing to aviation problems, where the common denominator is the combination of simulation?s flexibility with optimization techniques? robustness.

The benefit to the reader will be a comprehensive guide to tackle similar problems in industrial environments. The problems presented will serve only as an example, but methodologies used by the scientific community will be of high value in order to cope with complex problems.


Topics of Interest

+ Supply Chain
+ Manufacturing
+ Transportation
+ Aeronautical Operations (Terminal, Side, Services)
+ Facility Location
+ Routing Problems
+ Simulation?Optimization Methodologies
+ Urban logistics
+ Ports and Sea Transport

We strongly welcome other topic suggestions dealing with convergence of the two approaches into an integrated methodology beyond the topics suggested above.


Schedule & Deadlines

- 31st December 2013
Notification for intending to contribute with a book chapter to help us in planning the review process (authors, preliminary title, and brief abstract of max. 250 words)

- 28th February 2014
1st manuscript version (also authors who did not notify us their intention to contribute are invited to submit)

- 1st April 2014
Review comments for 1st manuscript version and notification of acceptance

- 8th August 2014
Submission of the 2nd version of accepted book chapters

- 31st August 2014
Feedback from the editors if all criteria are met (e.g. page count, correct template, review comments addressed, appropriate English language, etc.)

- 15th October 2014
Final manuscripts to be sent to Springer. Thereafter manuscripts cannot be updated (strict deadline)


Manuscript Preparation

- Please prepare your manuscript according the following guidelines:<>

- Send the following files as one .zip file to one of the editors:
+ Authors short bios (collected in one word file)
+ Picture of each author
+ Original manuscript in word, LaTeX, or any other word processing format
+ PDF version of the manuscript

- Make sure that the following conditions are met for the final version of the chapter:
+ The submissions need proper English language editing. Please ensure that your final submission is proof read and written in proper English language
+ The submissions follow the Springer template
+ Each submission has to be structured according the following 'template':
* Introduction and problem discussion
* Literature state of the art/Literature Review
* Methodology & Approach
* ... other content of the chapter ...
* Viewpoint on Convergence (min. 1/2 page, or add to the Conclusions section)
* Conclusions


Dr. Miguel M?jica Mota, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands.<>
Dr. Idalia Flores de la Mota, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico.<>
Dr. Daniel Guimarans Serrano, National ICT Australia, Australia.<>

Daniel Guimarans

NICTA l Lvl 5, 13 Garden Street l Eveleigh NSW 2015 l ?Australia
Locked Bag 9013 l Alexandria NSW 2015?
T + 61 2 9376 2073
Twitter<> |<>

Research Excellence in ICT
Wealth Creation for Australia


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 22:04:11 +0330
Subject: [DMANET] Call for Paper (Journal of Applied Science and
Engineering Management)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";

Call for paper for Vol. 2, No. 1

Dear Researcher
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Management (JASEM) is an
international open access, peer-reviewed, and interdisciplinary
journal published by Novel Science Inc., Canada. Open Access Journals
are freely accessible via the Internet for immediate worldwide, open
access to the full text of articles serving the best interests of the
scientific community. Moreover, authors who publish in our Open Access
journal retain the copyright of their article.
JASEM covers researches and developments in the field of applied
sciences and technologies as it relates to Industrial Engineering,
Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Operation Research, Production
and Manufacturing Engineering, Statistics, Economics and other related
Applied Sciences and Engineering fields. The journal aims to provide
the most complete and reliable source of information on current
developments in the field. The emphasis will be on publishing quality
articles rapidly and making them freely available to researchers
worldwide. The journal will be essential reading for scientists and
researchers who wish to keep abreast of the latest developments in the
field. The publishers are confident of the journal?s rapid success.
JASEM intends to publish research and review manuscripts emphasizing
new methods and techniques in the field of Applied Science and
Engineering Management:
Operations Research
Emergency Management
Artificial Intelligence
Reverse Logistic
Robotics and Automation
Evolutionary Computation
Green Supply Chain Management
Green Vehicle Routing Problem
Tourism Management
Application of meta-heuristics
Supplier Selection under Uncertainty
Stochastic Optimization
Applications and case studies of planning and scheduling techniques

We invite you to submit your valuable research paper related to one of
these fields. We would appreciate if you can kindly inform your
colleagues and encourage them to submit their papers as well.
Contributions containing new insights and findings in this field are welcome.
All submitted papers will be subject to the double-blind review
process. Criteria for acceptance include originality, contribution,
and scientific merit. For author guidelines, please visit the website
of the Journal: Authors who are interested in
contributing papers should submit their papers online at the journal
website. You can also contact the editorial team directly with any
questions at:
We are keenly looking forward to receiving your valuable research paper.

Submission Deadline: 15 February, 2014

With kind regards,
Payam Chiniforooshan
Executive Manager of JASEM,


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 00:17:24 +0330
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for paper (Journal of Operational Research and
Decision Science Studies)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Dear Professor\Colleagues\Authors
We would like to invite you to submit your research paper for possible
publication in Journal of Operational Research and Decision Science
Studies (JORDS). It is a peer-reviewed journal, published by Novel
Science. The journal focuses on the following topics:
? Continuous Optimization, Computational Intelligence and Information
? mathematical modeling
? Multi-Criteria Decision Methods
? Discrete Optimization and Expert Systems
? Heuristics Mathematical Programming
? Case Studies, Applications in all Areas of Sciences, Engineering and
? Econometric and statistical method
JORDS seeks to provide a forum for debates on practical and policy
implications to ustainable development. This journal also encourages
studies on solutions to improve corporate erformance towards
It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to
contribute innovative research in the field. JORDS carries original and
full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments
in both theoretical and practical aspects of management, applied
mathematics and industrial engineering.
JORDS is devoted to rapid dissemination of significant research and is
the fastest submission-to-online journal. Accepted manuscripts will be
published online immediately for free of publication fee.
The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online
versions are free access and download.
If you are interested in submitting your papers, please send it to the
e-mails : or
You can visit us at:
Editorial Office
Journal of Operational Research and Decision Science Studies


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 70, Issue 1

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