Wednesday, September 4, 2013

dmanet Digest, Vol 67, Issue 3

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Today's Topics:

1. visitor/postdoc position at Network Algorithms group at ASU
(Andrea Richa)
2. LATA 2014: 2nd call for papers (GRLMC)
3. (new book) The Essential Knuth (Edgar Daylight)
4. Open Data Structures (Pat Morin)
5. Position of junior research group leader for "Optimization
under Uncertainty" at TU Berlin (Martin Skutella)
6. Call for Participation - SenSys 2013 Doctoral Colloquium
(SenSys Publicity)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 15:48:47 +0000
From: Andrea Richa <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: [DMANET] visitor/postdoc position at Network Algorithms group
at ASU
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

A short term visitor (Visiting Faculty or a Post-doc) position for about three months (Sept. 1 to Nov 30), hosted by Profs. Arun Sen and Andrea Richa, is available at Arizona State University to participate in a networking related project. We are? looking for a person with strong background in Graph Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization, Approximation Algorithms, Computational Geometry and Mathematical Programming. If interested, please contact Prof. Arun Sen or Prof. Andrea Richa, School of Computing, Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering (, The position may possibly be extended for another three months.

Prof. Andrea W. Richa???????????? |Phone: 480-965-7555
Computer Science & Eng., CIDSE??? |FAX:?? 480-965-2751
Arizona State University????????? |E-mail:
PO Box 878809, Tempe AZ 85287-8809|


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 19:11:51 +0200
From: "GRLMC" <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] LATA 2014: 2nd call for papers
Message-ID: <4AF81B9EB2AF4C0CBAC4E9274FDE5E60@Carlos1>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


LATA 2014

Madrid, Spain

March 10-14, 2014

Organized by:

Research Group on Implementation of Language-Driven Software and
Applications (ILSA)
Complutense University of Madrid

Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University



LATA is a yearly conference on theoretical computer science and its
applications. Following the tradition of the diverse PhD training events in
the field developed at Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona since 2002,
LATA 2014 will reserve significant room for young scholars at the beginning
of their career. It will aim at attracting contributions from both classical
theory fields and application areas (bioinformatics, language technology,
artificial intelligence, etc.).


LATA 2014 will take place in Madrid, the capital of Spain. The venue will be
the School of Informatics of Complutense University.


Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not
limited to:

algebraic language theory
algorithms for semi-structured data mining
algorithms on automata and words
automata and logic
automata for system analysis and programme verification
automata, concurrency and Petri nets
automatic structures
cellular automata
combinatorics on words
computational complexity
data and image compression
decidability issues on words and languages
descriptional complexity
DNA and other models of bio-inspired computing
digital libraries and document engineering
foundations of finite state technology
foundations of XML
fuzzy and rough languages
grammars (Chomsky hierarchy, contextual, unification, categorial, etc.)
grammatical inference and algorithmic learning
graphs and graph transformation
language varieties and semigroups
language-based cryptography
language-theoretic foundations of artificial intelligence and artificial
natural language and speech automatic processing
parallel and regulated rewriting
power series
quantum, chemical and optical computing
string and combinatorial issues in computational biology and bioinformatics
string processing algorithms
symbolic dynamics
symbolic neural networks
term rewriting
trees, tree languages and tree automata
weighted automata


LATA 2014 will consist of:

invited talks
invited tutorials
peer-reviewed contributions


Javier Esparza (Munich Tech, DE)
Leslie A. Goldberg (Oxford, UK)
Oscar H. Ibarra (Santa Barbara, US)
Sanjeev Khanna (Philadelphia, US)
Helmut Seidl (Munich Tech, DE)


Dana Angluin (Yale, US)
Eugene Asarin (Paris Diderot, FR)
Jos Baeten (Amsterdam, NL)
Christel Baier (Dresden, DE)
Jan Bergstra (Amsterdam, NL)
Jin-Yi Cai (Madison, US)
Marek Chrobak (Riverside, US)
Andrea Corradini (Pisa, IT)
Mariangiola Dezani (Turin, IT)
Ding-Zhu Du (Dallas, US)
Michael R. Fellows (Darwin, AU)
J?rg Flum (Freiburg, DE)
Nissim Francez (Technion, IL)
J?rgen Giesl (Aachen, DE)
Annegret Habel (Oldenburg, DE)
Kazuo Iwama (Kyoto, JP)
Sampath Kannan (Philadelphia, US)
Ming-Yang Kao (Northwestern, US)
Deepak Kapur (Albuquerque, US)
Joost-Pieter Katoen (Aachen, DE)
S. Rao Kosaraju (Johns Hopkins, US)
Evangelos Kranakis (Carleton, CA)
Gad M. Landau (Haifa, IL)
Andrzej Lingas (Lund, SE)
Jack Lutz (Iowa State, US)
Ian Mackie (?cole Polytechnique, FR)
Carlos Mart?n-Vide (Tarragona, ES, chair)
Giancarlo Mauri (Milan, IT)
Faron G. Moller (Swansea, UK)
Paliath Narendran (Albany, US)
Enno Ohlebusch (Ulm, DE)
Helmut Prodinger (Stellenbosch, ZA)
Jean-Fran?ois Raskin (Brussels, BE)
Wolfgang Reisig (Humboldt Berlin, DE)
Marco Roveri (Bruno Kessler, Trento, IT)
Micha?l Rusinowitch (LORIA, Nancy, FR)
Yasubumi Sakakibara (Keio, JP)
Davide Sangiorgi (Bologna, IT)
Colin Stirling (Edinburgh, UK)
Jianwen Su (Santa Barbara, US)
Jean-Pierre Talpin (IRISA, Rennes, FR)
Andrzej Tarlecki (Warsaw, PL)
Rick Thomas (Leicester, UK)
Sophie Tison (Lille, FR)
Rob van Glabbeek (NICTA, Sydney, AU)
Helmut Veith (Vienna Tech, AT)


Adrian Horia Dediu (Tarragona)
Ana Fern?ndez-Pampill?n (Madrid)
Carlos Mart?n-Vide (Tarragona, co-chair)
Antonio Sarasa (Madrid)
Jos?-Luis Sierra (Madrid, co-chair)
Bianca Truthe (Magdeburg)
Florentina Lilica Voicu (Tarragona)


Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting
original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced
pages (including eventual appendices) and should be formatted according to
the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see

Submissions have to be uploaded to:


A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series will be
available by the time of the conference.

A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing
peer-reviewed extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the
conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.


The period for registration is open from July 15, 2013 to March 10, 2014.
The registration form can be found at:


Paper submission: October 14, 2013 (23:59 CET)
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: November 25, 2013
Final version of the paper for the LNCS proceedings: December 2, 2013
Early registration: December 9, 2013
Late registration: February 24, 2014
Starting of the conference: March 10, 2014
End of the conference: March 14, 2014
Submission to the post-conference journal special issue: June 14, 2014



LATA 2014
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University
Av. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona, Spain

Phone: +34-977-559543
Fax: +34-977-558386


Departament d?Economia i Coneixement, Generalitat de Catalunya
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universitat Rovira i Virgili


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 10:43:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: Edgar Daylight <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] (new book) The Essential Knuth
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dear fellow computer scientist,

Just appeared. The Essential Knuth

A book about Donald E. Knuth, a pioneer in algorithms (and much more).

How, when, and why did mathematics and computing converge for Knuth during the 1960s?
To what extent were Turing machines and Chomsky's work relevant to Knuth?

More information:

best wishes,
Edgar Daylight


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 19:17:34 -0400
From: Pat Morin <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] Open Data Structures
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I am pleased to announce that the undergraduate textbook
Open Data Structure
is now available in three formats:

PDF (free)
HTML (free)
Trade paperback ($29.95)

Links to all three can be found at book's website:

The PDF, HTML, and LaTeX source code for the book is released under a
Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY).

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. The Need for Efficiency
1.2. Interfaces
1.3. Mathematical Background
1.4. The Model of Computation
1.5. Correctness, Time Complexity, and Space Complexity
1.6. Code Samples
1.7. List of Data Structures
1.8. Discussion and Exercises
2. Array-Based Lists
2.1. ArrayStack: Fast Stack Operations Using an Array
2.2. FastArrayStack: An Optimized ArrayStack
2.3. ArrayQueue: An Array-Based Queue
2.4. ArrayDeque: Fast Deque Operations Using an Array
2.5. DualArrayDeque: Building a Deque from Two Stacks
2.6. RootishArrayStack: A Space-Efficient Array Stack
2.7. Discussion and Exercises
3. Linked Lists
3.1. SLList: A Singly-Linked List
3.2. DLList: A Doubly-Linked List
3.3. SEList: A Space-Efficient Linked List
3.4. Discussion and Exercises
4. Skiplists
4.1. The Basic Structure
4.2. SkiplistSSet: An Efficient SSet
4.3. SkiplistList: An Efficient Random-Access List
4.4. Analysis of Skiplists
4.5. Discussion and Exercises
5. Hash Tables
5.1. ChainedHashTable: Hashing with Chaining
5.2. LinearHashTable: Linear Probing
5.3. Hash Codes
5.4. Discussion and Exercises
6. Binary Trees
6.1. BinaryTree: A Basic Binary Tree
6.2. BinarySearchTree: An Unbalanced Binary Search Tree
6.3. Discussion and Exercises
7. Random Binary Search Trees
7.1. Random Binary Search Trees
7.2. Treap: A Randomized Binary Search Tree
7.3. Discussion and Exercises
8. Scapegoat Trees
8.1. ScapegoatTree: A Binary Search Tree with Partial Rebuilding
8.2. Discussion and Exercises
9. Red-Black Trees
9.1. 2-4 Trees
9.2. RedBlackTree: A Simulated 2-4 Tree
9.3. Summary
9.4. Discussion and Exercises
10. Heaps
10.1. BinaryHeap: An Implicit Binary Tree
10.2. MeldableHeap: A Randomized Meldable Heap
10.3. Discussion and Exercises
11. Sorting Algorithms
11.1. Comparison-Based Sorting
11.2. Counting Sort and Radix Sort
11.3. Discussion and Exercises
12. Graphs
12.1. AdjacencyMatrix: Representing a Graph by a Matrix
12.2. AdjacencyLists: A Graph as a Collection of Lists
12.3. Graph Traversal
12.4. Discussion and Exercises
13. Data Structures for Integers
13.1. BinaryTrie: A digital search tree
13.2. XFastTrie: Searching in Doubly-Logarithmic Time
13.3. YFastTrie: A Doubly-Logarithmic Time SSet
13.4. Discussion and Exercises
14. External Memory Searching
14.1. The Block Store
14.2. B-Trees
14.3. Discussion and Exercises


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 22:26:41 -0700
From: Martin Skutella <>
Subject: [DMANET] Position of junior research group leader for
"Optimization under Uncertainty" at TU Berlin
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

In the framework of the Einstein Center for Mathematics Berlin (ECMath) we are looking for candidates to lead a junior research group "Optimization under Uncertainty" in the area of Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics. The position is paid according to "Entgeltgruppe 14 TV-L Berliner Hochschulen".

The area of Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics plays a key as a connecting link between mathematics, computer science, and applications in economics and industry. Candidates are expected to have a solid background in Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics with clear connections to Discrete Optimization and the ECMath Innovation Area "Mathematics in Metropolitan Infrastructure". Favored research areas are Optimization under Uncertainty, Robust Optimization, and Algorithmic Game Theory. Candidates should be interested in interdisciplinary projects with other scientific disciplines as well as industry.

We are looking for postdocs who have already proved their scientific independence and are about to establish their own research program. Initially the position is limited to 3 years and can be extended to 6 years upon positive evaluation. The junior research group also includes a position for a PhD student.

Please send your written application by September 26th, 2013 with appropriate documentation to

Technische Universit?t Berlin
- Der Pr?sident -
Fakult?t II, Sekr. MA 3-1
Str. des 17. Juni 136
10623 Berlin

Please send copies only. Original documents will not be returned. The vacancy is also available on the internet at


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 23:03:29 -0700
From: SenSys Publicity <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for Participation - SenSys 2013 Doctoral
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

[ ** Please excuse any duplicates you may receive ** ]

Note: Submission deadline extended to September 6th, 2013.

SenSys 2013 Doctoral Colloquium
November 13 November 2013 (afternoon), Rome, Italy.

The Doctoral Colloquium (DC) of SenSys'13 is to provide a friendly,
supportive, and constructive environment where PhD students can present
their research-in-progress for an open discussion guided by a panel of
experienced researchers and practitioners. Applicants should be far
enough into their PhD to have a concrete proposal, and have initially
outlined the salient issues and proposed research methodology.
Applicants should not be planning to submit their PhD thesis or
dissertation for at least four months after the DC, so that any advice
or input may still be incorporated into the doctoral work.

The DC will be a half-day, seminar-style event, consisting of short
presentations followed by round table discussion. Time will be allotted
to each student not only for the presentation, but also for careful,
in-depth consideration and discussion amongst the panelists and DC

In addition to the DC presentation, the participants will be given a
chance to present a poster at the poster session during the main


Topic scope is the same as that listed in the SenSys call for papers. DC
submissions should consist of a single PDF document using the SenSys
paper template. The document should contain the following:

Research summary (3 pages) describing the work in progress and including
a 100-word abstract. Things to consider for inclusion in the research
summary might be: the expected contribution to the field of sensor
networking; the original idea or thesis statement; the problem domain
and the specific problem addressed; a brief overview of related work;
the methodological approach; research carried out and results so far.

Student biographical sketch, including the names and affiliations of the
research advisor(s), and expected date of dissertation submission.

The submission site can be found at:

Research summaries will be reviewed by the chairs and panel members. If
the work is accepted, a student may be expected to make clarifications
and improvements to the research summary by the camera-ready deadline.
Note that the research summaries will not be formally published, but
hard copies will be made available to colloquium delegates.

A prize for best student presentation will be awarded by the panel.


Accepted participants of the doctoral colloquium shall register with the
SenSys workshop registration rate (if applicable at the student rate).
The registration is free if the student also attends and has registered
for the SenSys conference. Participants can also apply for SenSys travel

Important Dates (all at 11:59pm PDT)

Submission Deadline: September 6th, 2013
Notification of Acceptance: October 6, 2013
Camera-Ready: October 27, 2013
Colloquium: November 13, 2013


Cecilia Mascolo, University of Cambridge


Polly Huang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Nic Lane, Microsoft Research Asia , China
Andrew Markham, University of Oxford, UK
Emiliano Miluzzo, AT&T, USA
Luca Mottola, Politecnico di Milano Italy & SICS Sweden
Anthony Rowe, CMU, USA
Silvia Santini Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Germany
Sasu Tarkoma University of Helsinki, Finland


Subject: Digest Footer

dmanet mailing list


End of dmanet Digest, Vol 67, Issue 3

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