Monday, September 9, 2013

dmanet Digest, Vol 67, Issue 7

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Today's Topics:

1. 2nd CFP: Special Issue on "Heuristics for Reliable and
Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks Deployments" (J. of
Heuristics, Springer, Q1) (Juan A. Gomez-Pulido)
2. Post-doc positions at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
(Jerzy Szyma?ski)
3. LATIN 2014 - deadline Sep. 17 (Joan Boyar)
4. MATCOS - student session:: last CFP (Andrej (Andy) Brodnik)
5. Call for application PhD Distributed Learning and EE
(Marceau Coupechoux)
6. Postdoc Position in Algorithms, Munich (Susanne Albers)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 22:38:50 +0200
From: "Juan A. Gomez-Pulido" <>
Subject: [DMANET] 2nd CFP: Special Issue on "Heuristics for Reliable
and Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks Deployments" (J. of Heuristics,
Springer, Q1)
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[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this email]



Journal of Heuristics
Springer, ISSN: 1381-1231. Editor-in-Chief: Manuel Laguna.
Impact factor (2012): 1.471 (Q1, COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS).

Aims and Scope:
Wireless Sensor Networks are nowadays an extended engineering technology
for many markets due to the great amount of their possibilities in
collecting data from complex environments and processing them for
different purposes. Nevertheless, this interest is not enough to apply
this kind of networks as trustworthy solution for many real-world
environments, such as industrial processes and critical infrastructures,
where high reliability is required, together with other related key
aspects as energy, security and efficiency. Many companies could
overcome their reluctances if economic, reliable and easily deployed
solutions are provided in this field. In this scenario, the heuristics
and computational intelligence play an important role to solve many
involved optimization problems, doing necessary the research on advanced
solutions that result in a successful product. In this sense, there are
many challenges, trends and open possibilities in this area that deserve
to be known. In this special issue, we seek original, high quality
articles, clearly focused on theoretical or practical aspects of the
heuristics and mathematical optimization methods for obtaining reliable
and efficient wireless sensor networks, including but not limited to the
topics shown below.

Topics of Interest:
The topics related to heuristics for reliable and efficient Wireless
Sensor Networks deployments that are relevant to this special issue
include but are not limited to:

* Energy minimization aspects: network lifetime and power savings.
* Efficient networks deployments.
* Heuristics and computational intelligence applied for solving
optimization problems.
* Multiobjective optimization problems.
* Fault tolerance and quality of service.
* Robust routing algorithms, network protocols and operating systems.
* Security and privacy aspects of the communications.
* Microprocessors, circuits, and embedded applications.
* Application cases, user studies and experiences.

Papers must be tailored to the problem of the wireless sensor networks
and explicitly consider heuristics and mathematical optimization
methods. The editors maintain the right to reject papers they deem to be
out of scope of this special issue. Only originally unpublished
contributions and invited articles will be considered for the issue.
Authors should submit their manuscripts through Editorial Manager, selecting "SI - HREWSN" as the
article type.

Important Dates:
Submission deadline: December 1st, 2013.
Acceptation notification: April 1st, 2014.
Final Papers: June 1st, 2014.

Guest Editors:
Lead Editor:
Dr. Juan A. Gomez-Pulido
Dept. of Technologies of Computers and Communications, Univ. of
Extremadura, Spain

Jose M. Lanza-Gutierrez
Dept. of Technologies of Computers and Communications, Univ. of
Extremadura, Spain


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 12:09:54 +0200
From: Jerzy Szyma?ski <>
Subject: [DMANET] Post-doc positions at Adam Mickiewicz University in
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Post-doc fellowship competition in the frames of POKL 4.3

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Adam Mickiewicz
University in Pozna? within the Human Capital Operational Programme
measure 4.3 Improving the performance of the educational system of
education institutions in the key areas of Europe 2020 Strategy targets
announces the post-doc fellowship competition in the academic year
2013/2014 for young doctors of Computer Science. The 10-month
scholarship will commence in October/November. The scholarship amount
will stem from the budget of project: Integrated development program
of Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna?: ?Advanced technologies for the
development of highly qualified staff for the economy?, i.e. 4000
PLN/month and accommodation costs defrayal to the amount of 1800
1. PhD degree in Computer Science or in related sciences, obtained
within last 5 years, postdoctoral reasearch not started yet; age: not
more than 35 years.
2. Documented scientific achievements.
3. Knowledge of Polish or English language with ability of teaching
4. Reasearch plan.
5. Up to 120 hours of teaching.
6. At least two letters of recommendation.
We ask every candidate to submit the following files:
1. Curriculum Vitae with publications list, scientific achievements
information and languages knowledge confirmation, as well as information
concerning teaching experience,
2. motivation letter,
3. at least two letters of recommendation,
4. reasearch plan.
The files should be sent until September 15, 2013 to the email address
of the coordinator: and the hard copy should be
delivered to the following address: Wydzia? Matematyki i Informatyki,
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, ul. Umultowska 87, 61-614
The candidates may be invited for a direct interview or an interview
over Skype according to the place where they live.
Applications for shorter, 5-months scholarships, may be also
For additional information please contact the coordinator, email:, tel. +48 519 340 481.


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2013 17:26:50 +0200
From: Joan Boyar <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] LATIN 2014 - deadline Sep. 17
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"; format=flowed

Latin American Theoretical INformatics (LATIN 2014)
March 31-April 4, 2014, Montevideo, Uruguay

A series of Symposia in Theoretical Computer Science was launched in 1992, to
be held in Latin America: LATIN (Latin American Theoretical INformatics).
is the eleventh event of the series, after Sao Paulo, Brazil (1992),
Valparaiso, Chile (1995), Campinas, Brazil (1998), Punta del Este, Uruguay
(2000), Cancun, Mexico (2002), Buenos Aires, Argentina (2004), Valdivia,
Chile (2006), Buzios, Brazil (2008), Oaxaca, Mexico (2010), and Arequipa,
Peru (2012).

We seek papers presenting original research in theoretical computer science,
including, but not limited to: algorithms (approximation, online, randomized,
algorithmic game theory, etc.), analytic combinatorics and analysis of
algorithms, automata theory and formal languages, coding theory and data
compression, combinatorial algorithms, combinatorial optimization,
combinatorics and graph theory, complexity theory, computational algebra,
computational biology, computational geometry, computational number theory,
cryptology, databases and information retrieval, data structures, formal
methods and security, Internet and the web, parallel and distributed
computing, pattern matching, programming language theory, and random

Proceedings containing the accepted extended abstracts will be published
by Springer-Verlag, in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
Printed versions will be available at the conference.

---- SUBMISSION ----

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract in English no longer than 12
pages (including the bibliography) on letter-size paper using at least
font in Springer LNCS format. If more space is needed, a clearly marked
appendix, to be read at the discretion of the program committee, may be
included if desired. Simultaneous submission of papers to any other
conference with published proceedings, as well as the submission of
previously published papers, is not allowed. Instructions for electronic
submissions will be posted at the conference web site,

The deadline for submissions is September 17, 2013 (firm deadline).
If needed, a short 1 page abstract of the paper can be submitted by
this deadline, and later the final extended abstract
can be submitted by September 22, 2013 (also firm deadline).
Neither short abstracts nor new extended abstracts submitted after
September 17 will be evaluated. Moreover, short abstracts not
replaced by their extended version before September 22, will neither be


Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Software Institute.
Ian Munro, University of Waterloo.
Gonzalo Navarro, Universidad de Chile.
Ronitt Rubinfeld, MIT.
Robert Sedgewick, Princeton University.


Short abstract submission: Sep. 17, 2013
Final Submission: Sep. 22, 2013
Notification: Dec. 2, 2013
Final version: Dec. 20, 2013


Starting in 2012, an award is given to the LATIN paper deemed to be most
influential among all those published at least ten years prior to the current
edition of the conference. Papers published in the LATIN proceedings up to
and including 2004 are eligible for the 2014 award.

---- CONTACT ----

Alfredo Viola

Joan Boyar Email:
Dept. of Math. and Comp. Sci. URL:
University of Southern Denmark
Campusvej 55 phone: +45 6550 2338
DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark fax: +45 6593 2325


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 17:04:59 +0200
From: "Andrej (Andy) Brodnik" <>
Subject: [DMANET] MATCOS - student session:: last CFP
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Call for Papers and Deadline Extension

Student session in the frame of Middle-European Conference on Applied
Theoretical Computer Science (MATCOS-13)
Koper, Slovenia, October 10th and 11th, 2013.

Held in conjunction with the 16th Multi-Conference on Information
Society, October 7-11, 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (

Scope and Topics
The Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science
(MATCOS-13) is
held in Koper at the Slovenian Adriatic Coast, 10th and 11th of October,
2013. During the MATCOS-13 conference, a student session is organized
for which we invite papers from distinguished MSc students and early
stage PhD students pursuing research under the guidance of a supervisor.
Preliminary research results and papers reporting ongoing research are
also being sought.
Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest include:
- algorithms and data structures
- computational complexity
- artificial intelligence, machine learning
- optimization, approximation methods, NP-hard problems
- graph theory
- automata and formal languages, computability
Special emphasis on use in applications such as simulation,
bioinformatics, digital signal and image processing, logistics etc.

Program Committee
Andrej Brodnik (Ljubljana, Koper, Slovenia), co-chair
G?bor Galambos (Szeged, Hungary), co-chair
Gabriel Istrate (Timisoara, Romania)
Hans Kellerer (Graz, Austria)
Mikl?s Kr?sz (Szeged, Hungary)
Silvano Martello (Bologna, Italy)
Andr?s Recski (Budapest, Hungary)
Gerhard Reinelt (Heidelberg, Germany)
Ji?i Sgall (Prag, Czech Republic)
Borut ?alik (Maribor, Slovenia)

Keynote speaker
Silvano Martello (Bologna, Italy)

Paper submission
Papers presenting student research in conference topics are being
sought. Papers must be in English and the supervisor should be also
represented. Submissions, as well as final versions, are limited to 4
pages sharp and will be published in an Information Society
multi-conference proceeding. Revised versions of selected full papers
will appear in post-conference proceedings published by the University
of Primorska Press. Instructions for preparing the papers can be
downloaded from Conference Website. Only electronic submissions will be
accepted (in pdf format), via

Important dates
Paper submission (extended): 9th of September, 2013.
Notification: 23rd of September, 2013.

Website and Contacts
More detailed on-line information is displayed at

Personal inquires should be sent to

Organized by Primorska Institute Andrej Maru?i?

Andrej (Andy) Brodnik

University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Computer and Information Science


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 11:44:18 +0200
From: Marceau Coupechoux <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for application PhD Distributed Learning and EE
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Call for Application for a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Distributed

Directors: Dominique Barth (University of Versailles) and Marceau
Coupechoux (Telecom ParisTech)

Title: Distributed Learning Algorithms for Interference Coordination in
LTE-A Networks

Short summary: The objective of the thesis is to propose new distributed
approaches for interference coordination in cellular LTE-A networks
(beyond 4G) based on two aspects not taken into account so far by the
literature: (1) an orchestration of a port-folio of existing algorithms
based on the approach 'learning with an expert advice', (2) the
possibility to learn in a stochastic environment (using stochastic
approximation for the convergence analysis).

Location: Paris, France

Contact (for applying or more information):

Marceau Coupechoux

Telecom ParisTech (ENST)
D?partement Informatique et R?seaux
23 Avenue d'Italie
CS 51327
75214 Paris cedex 13


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 14:18:28 +0200
From: Susanne Albers <>
Subject: [DMANET] Postdoc Position in Algorithms, Munich
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Postdoctoral Position in Algorithms
University of Technology, Munich

A postdoctoral position in the area of efficient algorithms is
available in the research group of Prof. Susanne Albers. Department
of Computer Science, Technische Universitaet Muenchen (University of
Technology, Munich).

The postdoc may pursue his/her own line of research but a research
interest in approximation and online algorithms, algorithmic game
theory or algorithm engineering is very welcome. Susanne Albers is
still affiliated with Humboldt University Berlin but will join the
University of Technology Munich (TUM), in fall 2013. Information about
her research and TUM can be found at:

The position is supported by a grant of the German Research Foundation
and provides a competitive 12 month salary with standard benefits. The
appointment is initially for one year and can be renewed for a second
year subject to satisfactory progress and mutual agreement. The
expected start date of the position is winter 2013/14.

The successful candidate should have a PhD degree in computer science
or mathematics. Furthermore, he/she should be interested in
collaborating with PhD students and participating in the teaching
activities of the group. The application material should include (1) a
cover letter describing the interest in the position, (2) a CV and list
of publications, (3) a short research summary, and (4) the names and
contact information of at least two references. The material should be
sent electronically to <>.

Applications will be reviewed starting from September 23, 2013 until
the position is filled.

Susanne Albers
Department of Computer Science
Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching Germany


Message: 7
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2013 08:41:11 -0400
From: Jose Soto <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8



The Department of Mathematical Engineering, DIM
( of the Universidad de Chile is offering a
tenure-track position in Mathematics, starting on March 1, 2014 or
soon thereafter.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in Mathematics or equivalent by
the date of appointment (but preferably not before January 2008); and
exhibit evidence of strong research potential and commitment to
excellence in teaching. Appointments are expected to be made at the
Assistant Professor level.

Applications in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
are encouraged (although applications are not limited to these areas).
Duties include teaching in Spanish five courses every two years at
undergraduate and graduate levels, and carrying out a strong research

Applications should be submitted electronically to and consist of the following
documents (in PDF): Curriculum Vitae, in English or Spanish; Research
Description, in English (approximately, 3-5 pages), including a
selection of the three (3) most relevant publications; Outline of
Research Project (1-2 pages) and Teaching Statement (1 page).
Reception of applicants will be acknowledged by email.

Applicants should arrange three (3) letters of recommendations which
should be sent by e-mail to,
mentioning as subject: Recommendation Letter for (name of the

The closing date for receipt of applications, including recommendation
letters, is October 31, 2013.



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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 67, Issue 7

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