Friday, August 29, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 78, Issue 18

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Today's Topics:

1. PhD student position (w/ teaching in German) FU Berlin
(Christian Haase)
2. ALGO 2014, Wroclaw, September 8-12. Final call for
participation (Jarek Byrka)
3. CFP LAGOS'2015 - VIII Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and
Optimization Symposium (Miguel Pizana)
4. ACM MobiCom 2014: Make Your Startup Elevator Pitch by Today
(Aug28)! (Aline Carneiro Viana)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 23:57:31 +0200
From: "Christian Haase" <>
Subject: [DMANET] PhD student position (w/ teaching in German) FU
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8

Dear Colleagues, please help spread the word!
Thanks, Christian

deadline: Sept. 8, 2014

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin / Wiss. Mitarbeiter (Praedoc)
in der Arbeitsgruppe Haase
mit 3/4-Teilzeitbesch?ftigung
befristet auf 4 Jahre
Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L FU

- Forschung zu diskreten Methoden in Algebra und
algebraischer Geometrie
- Administrative Aufgaben und
- Mitwirkung in der Lehre in der fachmathematischen
Ausbildung angehender Lehrer/Innen

- Abgeschlossenes wiss. Hochschulstudium (Diplom/Master)
in Mathematik oder vergleichbare Qualifikation

- Erfahrung auf einem oder mehreren der Gebiete: konvexe
Polytope, algebraische Geometrie torischer Variet?ten,
kombinatorische kommutative Algebra, tropische Geometrie,
algebraische Statistik
- Programmiererfahrung

Bewerbungen sind mit aussagekr?ftigen Unterlagen bis zum
08.09.2014 unter Angabe der Kennung WM 19-327 zu richten
an die

Freie Universit?t Berlin
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Institut f?r Mathematik
Frau Sabrina Nordt
Arnimallee 6
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)

Fragen? Christian Haase

Christian Haase
still Goethe-Universit?t
soon Freie Universit?t


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 15:27:15 +0200
From: Jarek Byrka <>
Subject: [DMANET] ALGO 2014, Wroclaw, September 8-12. Final call for
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

If you are still considering the participation in ALGO 2014,
please decide and register by Monday, the 1-st of September.

By now, there are more than 230 participants registered to ALGO,
not counting invited speakers and local organizers.
The list of registered people can be found at

Looking forward to see you in Wroclaw.

Best regards,
Jarek Byrka


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 10:19:24 -0500
From: Miguel Pizana <>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP LAGOS'2015 - VIII Latin-American Algorithms,
Graphs and Optimization Symposium
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

CALL FOR PAPERS LAGOS'15 - VIII Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and
Optimization Symposium

Praia das Fontes, Beberibe, Brazil
May 11-15, 2015 -

About the conference
LAGOS (the Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs, and Optimization Symposium),
is the merging of two Latin-American Conferences on these subjects: GRACO
(Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms, and Combinatorics) and LACGA
(Latin-American Conference on Combinatorics, Graphs, and Applications). The
previous editions were held in Fortaleza, Brazil (GRACO 2001), Santiago,
Chile (LAGCA 2004), Angra dos Reis, Brazil (GRACO 2005), Puerto Varas,
Chile (LAGOS 2007), Gramado, Brazil (LAGOS 2009), Bariloche, Argentina
(LAGOS 2011), and Playa del Carmen, Mexico (LAGOS 2013).

Important dates

Submissions deadline: November 10, 2014
Notification of acceptance/rejection: February 03, 2015
Registration openning: February 06, 2015
Conference dates: May 11-15, 2015
Conference themes

Themes include, but are not limited to, the following AMS classifications:

Algorithms: analysis of algorithms; approximation algorithms; randomized
algorithms; computational geometry.
Operations Research and Mathematical Programming: combinatorial
optimization; integer programming; polyhedral combinatorics; operations
research and management science.
Graph Theory: cliques, dominating and independent sets; coloring of graphs
and hypergraphs; covering and packing, factorization, matching; digraphs,
tournaments; graph algorithms; graphs and matrices; hypergraphs; perfect
graphs; random graphs; structural characterization of types of graphs.
Applications: mathematical programming, combinatorial optimization,
continuous optimization, heuristics, and metaheuristics, applied to
real-world problems.

LAGOS Steering Committee

Guilermo Dur?n (UBA, Argentina)
Celina Herrera de Figueiredo (UFRJ, Brazil)
Thomas Liebling (EPFL, Switzerland)
Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter (UFRJ, Brazil)

Invited speakers

B?la Bollob?s (Cambridge Univertsity, England, and Memphis University, USA)
Gerard Cornuejols (Carnegie Mellon, USA)
Fr?d?ric Havet (CNRS, INRIA, France)
Sulamita Klein (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Fr?d?ric Maffray (G-SCOP, France)
Miguel Piza?a (UAM, Mexico)
Bruce Reed (McGill University, Canada)
Ola Svensson (EPFL, Switzerland)

Instructions for Submissions

Extended abstracts. Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract in
English (up to 6 pages), containing original research results. The authors
are fully responsible of convincing the referees of the correctness and
interest of their results using only those six pages. Authors can add an
optional appendix with proofs, sketches of proofs, or additional material.
If included, the appendix will be read at the discretion of the Scientific
Committee and it is expected that it will only be used to reach a decision
for very unusual cases. The appendix has no page limit, and since it will
not be published, it cannot be referenced in the extended abstract.
Submission of a paper implies that the work described has not been
previously published (except in the form of a short abstract or as part of
a lecture or academic thesis), that it is not simultaneously submitted
elsewhere, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the
same form. A special volume of Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
(ENDM) will be dedicated to accepted extended abstracts. The extended
abstracts must comply with the ENDM LaTeX style and are limited to 6 pages,
including the front matter, text, and references. Instructions for
submission preparation may be obtained in the ENDM web page ( Once prepared, the paper should be
submitted by means of the Easy Chair system (

Posters. Submissions of posters on all areas related to the symposium are
also solicited. Posters must also be submitted for review in the form of an
extended abstract formatted in the ENDM style (, and must not exceed 2 pages in
length. Posters should also be submitted via the Easy Chair System ( Accepted posters
will NOT appear in the ENDM special volume, but they will appear in the
symposium's booklet. Posters will be presented at the symposium in a
separate session.

Following the tradition of LAGOS, a special issue of Discrete Applied
Mathematics will be prepared after LAGOS'15. All authors of accepted papers
at the symposium are invited to contribute to this special volume. The
topics should relate to the central themes of the symposium, but are not
necessarily restricted to the presentations at LAGOS'15. All articles will
be refereed according to the standards of Discrete Applied Mathematics.

Scientific Committee

Flavia Bonomo (UBA, Argentina)
Luciana Buriol (UFRGS, Brazil)
Manoel Camp?lo (UFC, Brazil) (co-chair)
Ricardo Corr?a (UFC, Brazil) (co-chair)
Mitre Dourado (UFRJ, Brazil)
Daniel Espinoza (Univ. Chile, Chile)
Lu?rbio Faria (UERJ, Brazil)
Carlos Ferreira (USP, Brazil)
Sylvain Gravier (Univ. Joseph Fourier, France)
Marisa Guti?rrez (UNLP, Argentina)
Carlos Hoppen (UFRGS, Brazil)
Marcos Kiwi (Univ. Chile, Chile)
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa (USP, Brazil)
Min Chih Lin (UBA, Argentina)
Vadim Lozin (Univ. Warwick, England)
Javier Marenco (UNGS, Argentina)
Daniel Martin (UFABC, Brazil)
Mart?n Matamala (Univ. Chile, Chile)
Ross McConnell (Colorado State Univ., USA)
Rob Morris (IMPA, Brazil)
Nicolas Nisse (CNRS/INRIA, France)
Daniel Panario (Carleton Univ. Canada)
F?bio Protti (UFF, Brazil)
Ivan Rapaport (Univ. Chile, Chile)
Dieter Rautenbach (Universit?t Ulm, Germany)
Cl?udia Sales (UFC, Brazil) (co-chair)
Rudini Sampaio (UFC, Brazil) (co-chair)
Mario Valencia-Pabon (Univ. Paris 13, France)
Alfredo Viola (Univ. Republica, Uruguay)
Annegret Wagler (Universit? Blaise Pascal, France)
Yoshiko Wakabayashi (USP, Brazil)


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 11:47:42 +0200
From: Aline Carneiro Viana <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] ACM MobiCom 2014: Make Your Startup Elevator Pitch
by Today (Aug28)!
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

ACM MobiCom 2014 Startup Pitch Contest

The 20th Annual International Conference on
Mobile Computing and Networking

Sept 7-11, 2014 - Maui, Hawaii

Is your dream to start a company with your cool idea? Do you feel you
have what it takes to change the world, but doesn't know how and where
to start? Here's your chance to make a pitch to Silicon Valley Venture
Capitalists and entrepreneurs at MobiCom! You will follow a similar
pitch process as recommended by the VCs. The finalists will make a pitch
at MobiCom in front of the judges and MobiCom attendees and get
constructive feedback from the VCs and entrepreneurs. The winning team
will get invited to a Silicon Valley Venture Capital office to make a
formal pitch. Consider this contest as a free training session! Any
MobiCom 2014 attendees are eligible. You can pitch any "good" ideas,
including those from your papers, demos, posters, apps, or your daydream!

- Elevator Pitch Submission: Due August 28th, 11:59pm PDT.
Write your elevator pitch in one paragraph (max 250 words). Please
indicate whether you will have a demo or video of your idea, although
it's not required. Send the PDF to mobicom14pitch "at"

- Finalists Announcement: September 2nd.

- Finalist Pitch: September 8th 6:30-8pm. Pitch in front of the judges
and your fellow attendees. Your pitch will be for 5 minutes (strict) and
5 minutes of Q&A with the judges. Your pitch will be evaluated on
technology, product readiness, market opportunity, business model,
competitive environment, team, and presentation quality.

The winner will be invited to the office of Artiman Ventures to make a
formal pitch. Some of runner ups may also get the invitation.

- Eugene Lee (Chair)
Eugene Lee is an Entrepreneur In Residence at Artiman Ventures. He is a
seasoned leader and entrepreneur with a track record of founding,
building, growing and selling transformational companies at the
intersection of people, software and networks. He is currently an
Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Artiman Ventures, an early-stage venture
capital fund, where he is investigating and incubating "white space"
opportunities. Previously, he joined Socialtext as "CEO 2.0" and member
of the Board of Directors in November 2007, leading the company's growth
to cash flow positive and SaaS profitability. Lee led the company to a
successful exit in April 2012, when Socialtext was acquired by Bedford
Funding, a $1.4 billion private equity firm.

After graduating from the MIT Sloan School of Business, Lee co-founded
Beyond, Inc., the developer of the award-winning BeyondMail product.
After Banyan Systems' acquisition of Beyond, Lee was named General
Manager of Messaging Business Unit, growing it from $5 million to $32
million in revenue in 18 months, and earned four patents in messaging,
workflow and privacy technologies. He also launched, the
leading white and yellow pages directory.

Lee was recruited by Cisco Systems in 1997 as Vice President of
Worldwide SMB Marketing, and then held the role of Vice President
Marketing for Cisco's Internet Communications Software Group,
andeventually Vice President of Worldwide Enterprise Marketing. From
2004 to 2007 Lee was at Adobe Systems as Vice President of Product
Marketing for the Intelligent Documents Business Unit and then as Vice
President of Vertical and Solutions Marketing.

Lee is passionate about entrepreneurship and leadership, and actively
advises and mentors several CEOs, startups, and non-profit
organizations. He serves on the Board of Directors for and for
the Peninsula Symphony Orchestra.

Lee holds a B.A. in Physics and B.S. in Engineering and Computer Science
from Harvard College, and a MBA from M.I.T Sloan School of Management.
He is an accomplished pianist and a passionate chamber musician,
voracious reader, budding photographer and foodie, and enthusiastic
skier and golfer.

- Claire Chang
Claire Chang is a Co-Founder and Managing Director of igniteXL, a
Silicon Valley based accelerator/seed fund focusing on Korean startups
and entrepreneurs. For over 20 years, Claire has brought her global
marketing expertise to both established and startup companies in Silicon
Valley and Korea. Claire formulates and executes global marketing
strategies for her clients with a personal understanding of the unique
challenges entrepreneurs face as they bring new ideas, products, and
services to the global market. Claire???s accelerator experience dates
back to 2005, at which time she was a principal member of Korea???s
premier international business incubator, iPark Silicon Valley. With her
extensive personal and professional network in Silicon Valley and Korea,
Claire is a highly regarded connector and conduit.

- Professor Leonard Kleinrock
Professor Leonard Kleinrock is Distinguished Professor of Computer
Science at UCLA. He developed the mathematical theory of packet
networks, the technology underpinning the Internet, while a graduate
student at MIT in the period from 1960-1962. The birth of the Internet
occurred in his UCLA laboratory (3420 Boelter Hall) when his Host
computer became the first node of the Internet in September 1969 and it
was from there that he directed the transmission of the first message to
pass over the Internet on October 29, 1969.

Dr. Kleinrock received his Ph.D. from MIT in 1963. He has served as a
Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Los
Angeles since then, serving as Chairman of the department from
1991-1995. He received his BEE degree from CCNY in 1957. and his MS
degree from MIT in 1959. He is also the recipient of a number of
Honorary Doctorates. He was the first President and Co-founder of
Linkabit Corporation, the co-founder of Nomadix, Inc., and Founder and
Chairman of TTI/Vanguard, an advanced technology forum organization. He
has published over 250 papers and authored six books on a wide array of
subjects, including packet switching networks, packet radio networks,
local area networks, broadband networks, gigabit networks, nomadic
computing, intelligent software agents, performance evaluation, and
peer-to-peer networks. During his tenure at UCLA, Dr. Kleinrock has
supervised the research for 47 Ph.D. students and numerous M.S.
students. These former students now form a core group of the world's
most advanced networking experts.

Dr. Kleinrock is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a
member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, an IEEE fellow, an
ACM fellow, an INFORMS fellow, an IEC fellow a Guggenheim fellow, and a
founding member of the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board of
the National Research Council. He is recipient of the 2007 National
Medal of Science, the L.M. Ericsson Prize, the NAE Charles Stark Draper
Prize, the Marconi International Fellowship Award, the Dan David Prize,
the Okawa Prize, the IEEE Internet Millennium Award, the ORSA Lanchester
Prize, the ACM SIGCOMM Award, the NEC Computer and Communications Award,
the Sigma Xi Monie A. Ferst Award, the CCNY Townsend Harris Medal, the
CCNY Electrical Engineering Award, the UCLA Outstanding Faculty Member
Award, the UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award, the UCLA Faculty Research
Lecturer, the INFORMS President's Award, the ICC Prize Paper Award, the
IEEE Leonard G. Abraham Prize Paper Award, and the IEEE Harry M. Goode


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 78, Issue 18

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