Friday, November 7, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 81, Issue 6

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Today's Topics:

1. Two Research Fellowships in Graph Theory at the University of
Birmingham (Deryk Osthus)
2. SPAA 2015 - call for papers (Jeremy Fineman)
3. PODC 2015 Call for Workshop Proposals (Jukka Suomela)
4. CFP-McM'2015+Special issue: Multi/Many-core computing for
parallel Metaheuristics (Mohand MEZMAZ)
5. Faculty positions in Math Sciences at Clemson University
(Matthew Saltzman)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2014 20:20:29 +0000
From: Deryk Osthus <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Two Research Fellowships in Graph Theory at the
University of Birmingham
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Two Research Fellowships in Graph Theory at the University of Birmingham (UK)

Applications are invited for two Research Fellow positions in Extremal and Probabilistic Graph Theory.

One position is funded by the ERC project APgraph (PI: D Osthus) and the other is funded by an EPSRC project (PI: D K?hn, co-I: D Osthus). The posts are available for a period of 2 years from 1st March 2015 or later by mutual agreement.

The successful candidate will join the Combinatorics Group in the School of Mathematics at the University of Birmingham. This will soon consist of eight permanent staff members, and about 20 researchers altogether. The profile and research interests of this group may be found at:

Informal enquiries about applications are very welcome and can be made to:

Daniela Kuhn ( and Deryk Osthus (

Further details of the post, together with information on application procedures, can be found via:

Closing date: 4th December 2014, Reference: 52585


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2014 14:10:25 -0500
From: Jeremy Fineman <>
Subject: [DMANET] SPAA 2015 - call for papers
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

SPAA 2015 Call for Papers

27th ACM Symposium on
Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2015)
June 13-15, 2015
Portland, Oregon, USA

This year, SPAA will be part of the Federated Computing Research Conference (FCRC)
General FCRC information is available at


Important Dates:

Submission deadlines:
- Abstract: January 14, 11:59pm EST
- Full versions: January 16, 11:59pm EST

Rebuttal period: March 4-5
Notification: March 23

Camera-ready: April 21


Contributed papers are sought in all areas of parallel algorithms and
architectures, encompassing any computation system that can perform multiple
operations or tasks simultaneously. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:

- parallel and distributed algorithms
- parallel and distributed data structures
- green computing & power-efficient architectures
- management of massive data sets
- parallel complexity theory
- parallel and distributed architectures
- multi-core architectures
- instruction level parallelism and VLSI
- compilers and tools for concurrent programming
- supercomputing architecture and computing
- transactional memory hardware and software
- game theory and collaborative learning
- routing and information dissemination
- resource management and awareness
- peer-to-peer systems
- mobile, ad-hoc, and sensor networks
- robustness, self-stabilization, and security
- synergy of parallelism in algorithms, programming, and architecture

Conference presentations will have two formats:

Regular presentations will be allotted a 25-minute talk and up to 10
pages in the proceedings. This format is intended for contributions
reporting original research, submitted exclusively to this conference.

Brief announcements will be allotted a 10-minute talk and a 2-page
abstract in the proceedings. This format is a forum for brief
communications, which may be published later in other conferences.

Every regular paper is eligible for the best paper award. The program
committee may decline to make this award or may split the award among
multiple papers.


Authors of contributed papers are encouraged to submit their manuscript
electronically. To submit electronically, visit
for instructions. This is the preferred method of submission. Authors unable
to submit electronically should contact the program chair Kunal Agrawal at to receive instructions on how to proceed.

Submissions for regular presentations should include an introduction
understandable to a nonspecialist including motivation and previous work, and
a technical exposition directed to a specialist. A submission should not
exceed 10 double-column pages in 9-point font, including figures, tables, and
references. More details may be supplied in a clearly marked appendix to
be read at the discretion of the program committee. A submission for brief
announcements should be no longer than two double-column pages in 9-point

Rebuttal Period:

There will be a rebuttal period in which the authors can point out
misunderstandings or comment on critical questions that PC members may have.
The rebuttal period will take place on March 4-5.


Program Committee:

Umut Acar, Carnegie Mellon University
Grey Ballard, Sandia National Labs
Petra Berenbrink, Simon Fraser University
Dave Dice, Oracle Labs
Jeremy Fineman, Georgetown University
Pierre Fraigniaud, University of Paris 7
Seth Gilbert, National University of Singapore
Rachid Guerraoui, EPFL
MohammadTaghi HajiAghayi, University of Maryland
Maurice Herlihy, Brown University
Martin Hoefer, MPI Saarbruecken
Peter Kling, University of Pittsburgh
Bradley Kuzsmaul, MIT
Angelina Lee, Washington University in St. Louis
Ryan Newton, Indiana University
Gopal Pandurangan, University of Houston
Michael Spear, Lehigh University
Cliff Stein, Columbia University
Kanat Tangwongsan, Mahidol University
Sivan Toledo, Tel Aviv University
Uzi Vishkin, University of Maryland


Conference Committee:

Program Chair
Kunal Agrawal, Washington University in St. Louis

General Chair
Guy Blelloch, Carnegie Mellon University

Christian Scheideler, University of Paderborn

David Bunde, Knox College

Publicity Chair
Jeremy Fineman, Georgetown University


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2014 17:14:59 +0200
From: Jukka Suomela <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] PODC 2015 Call for Workshop Proposals
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed

PODC 2015 Call for Workshop Proposals

34th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
July 21-23, 2015
Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain


The 34th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of
Distributed Computing (PODC 2015) invites proposals for up to 1.5 day
workshops that are closely related to the current scope of the
conference or are new emerging research fields complementing or
extending it, including but not restricted to:

- algorithms for distributed systems and their complexity
- cluster, cloud, grid and high-performance computing
- communication networks: protocols, architectures, services,
- sensor, mobile, ad-hoc, robot and peer-to-peer networks
- concurrent programming, synchronization, shared and transactional
- cryptographic protocols and system security
- distributed operating systems, databases and programming languages
- dynamic, adaptive and machine learning based distributed algorithms
- self-stabilizing, self-organizing and autonomic systems
- formal methods, semantics and verification of concurrent systems
- fault tolerance, reliability, availability of distributed systems
- game-theoretic approaches to distributed computing
- information theory, codes and reliable communication
- Internet applications, social networks and complex networks
- multiprocessor and multi-core architectures and algorithms
- nanonetworks and biological distributed algorithms
- quantum and optics based distributed algorithms
- energy issues of parallel and distributed algorithms

Workshops will be held in conjunction with PODC on Monday 20 July 2015,
or, in exceptional cases, after the main PODC conference program.
Interested members of the community are invited to send proposals for
workshops by email to the workshop chair:

Elad Michael Schiller <>

The following are required in a workshop proposal:

- Title of the workshop;

- An abstract describing the main focus of the workshop and why it
would be of interest to the PODC community;

- Names and contact information of the organizers;

- Estimated number of submitted and accepted papers, duration of the
workshop, and a brief description of the review process.

Although PODC will provide organizational and administrative support
for the co-located workshops, they must be prepared to bear their own
expenses (e.g., those associated with the meeting rooms and catering).
The budget of PODC and the workshops could be integrated in case of
ACM-based workshops, but the details will need to be worked out.

The proposals should be submitted to the workshop chair as soon as
possible, but no later than

January 6, 2015.

Notification of acceptance will be sent shortly after the deadline.



Message: 4
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2014 14:01:02 +0100
From: Mohand MEZMAZ <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP-McM'2015+Special issue: Multi/Many-core
computing for parallel Metaheuristics
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.

*Multi/Many-core computing for parallel Metaheuristics(McM'2015)
*In conjunction with
*The 11th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC'2015)
June, 2015
*Agadir, Morocco

Submission Deadline: Feb 6, 2015

Plenty of hard problems in a wide range of application areas,
including engineering design, telecommunications, logistics, etc. have
been modelled and tackled successfully with metaheuristics
(evolutionary algorithms, scatter or swarm search, simulated
annealing, Tabu search, etc.).
Nowadays, optimization problems become increasingly large and complex,
forcing the use of parallel computing for their efficient and
effective resolution. On the other hand, parallel computing has
recently undergone a significant evolution in terms of performance and
energy consumption with the emergence of multi-core and many-core
computing technologies (GPU, MIC, etc.). Indeed, accelerators and
coprocessors have powered many parallel and/or distributed
environements including high-performance workstations, hybrid clusters
among them the top ranked Top500 and Green500 ones, and computational
grids and clouds.
The design and implementation of parallel metaheuristics for the above
environments raise several issues related in the same time to the
characteristics of these hardware execution machines and those of the
parallel models of metaheuristics. This workshop seeks to provide an
opportunity for the researchers to present their original
contributions on the joint use of advanced (discrete or continuous,
single or multi-objective, static or dynamic, deterministic or
stochastic, hybrid) optimization methods and distributed and/or
parallel multi/many-core computing, and any related issues.

Parallel models (island, master-worker, multi-start, etc.) for
metaheuristics revisited for multi-core and/or many-core (MMC)
Parallel mechanisms for hybridization of metaheuristics on MMC environments.
Implementation of parallel metaheuristics on MMC workstations, MMC
clusters, MMC grids/clouds, etc.
Software frameworks for the design and implementation of parallel
and/or distributed MMC metaheuristics.
Computational/theoretical studies reporting results on solving
challenging problems using MMC computing.
Performance metrics for MMC parallel and/or distributed metaheuristics.
Energy-aware optimization for/with MMC parallel and/or distributed

Authors are invited to submit papers to the McM'2015 workshop. During
submission authors will be required to specify which track they are
submitting their paper to. Submitted papers to McM'2015 must be
formatted according to MIC 2015 guidelines and submitted
electronically through the MIC 2015 paper submission site. Full
instructions including formatting guidelines and electronic templates
(both LaTeX and Microsoft Word) are available on the MIC 2015 website.
Submission is only electronic, in PDF format, using the easychair
At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the
workshop to present the work. Authors will be required to agree to
this requirement at the time of submission.
All papers are due electronically by the deadline reported above.
Submissions that do not meet the length or formatting requirements
will not be accepted for review. No email or fax submissions will be
accepted. Notification of receipt of an electronically submitted paper
will be emailed to the designated contact author soon after receipt.
If there are problems with the electronic submission, the program
chairs will contact the designated author by email.
If you have any questions about paper submission or the workshop,
please feel free to contact the workshop organizers.

In addition, a special issue of an appropriate journal (to be
announced later) is planned to be published. Participants will be
invited to submit extended versions of their work for consideration.

Submission deadline: Feb 6, 2015
Notification of acceptance: March 20, 2015
Camera ready copy: April 10, 2015
Early registration: April 10, 2015
Conference: June 7-10, 2015

Nouredine Melab
Universit? Lille 1 / INRIA Lille - Nord Europe / CNRS LIFL
Phone: +33 3 59 57 78 86
Fax: +33 3 28 77 85 37

Mohand Mezmaz
University of Mons
Phone: +32 65 37 46 91
Fax: +32 65 37 46 45

International Program Committee (To be extended)
Ahc?ne Bendjoudi, CERIST, Algeria
Didier El Baz, LAAS-CNRS, France
Bertrand Le Cun, Universit? de Paris-Ouest-Nanterre-La D?fense, France
Andrew Lewis, Griffith University, Australia
Pierre Manneback, University of Mons, Belgium
Malika Mehdi, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algeria
Nouredine Melab, Universit? Lille 1, France
Mohand Mezmaz, University of Mons, Belgium
Sanaz Mostagim, Universit?t Karlsruhe, Germany
Celso C. Ribeiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil
Catherine Roucairol, Universit? de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France
Franciszek Seredynski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
El-Ghazali Talbi, Universit? Lille 1, France
Daniel Tuyttens, University of Mons, Belgium


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2014 13:05:00 +0000
From: Matthew Saltzman <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Faculty positions in Math Sciences at Clemson
Message-ID: <1415279100.17890.18.camel@paladin.localdomain>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Dear colleagues,

Apologies for multiple postings.

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Clemson University
anticipates tenure-track faculty positions starting Fall 2015 in our
Operations Research group. The job advertisement (as posted on MathJobs)
is included below. Several faculty members of the OR group will be
attending the INFORMS Annual Meeting in San Francisco next week and can
be contacted via email or the message board.

????????? Faculty Position at Clemson University, Clemson, SC The
Department of Mathematical Sciences ( anticipates
tenure-track faculty positions beginning August 2015. Position
Description The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Clemson
University invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions
starting with the Fall 2015 semester. Targeted recruiting is for the
assistant or associate professor rank with areas of specialization
including operations research and statistics/applied statistics.
Applicants at all ranks will be considered; however, all positions are
subject to funding availability. Desirable attributes for candidates
include an interdisciplinary research orientation in the mathematical
sciences; post-doctoral, industrial, or practical experience;
collaborative possibilities with faculty members in the Department and
related disciplines; and an interest in innovative applications.
Candidates should have strong potential or demonstrated capability for
effective research and teaching in the mathematical sciences. The
Department includes the areas of algebra and discrete mathematics;
operations research; analysis; bioinformatics, computational
mathematics; mathematical statistics and probability; and applied
statistics. For further information regarding the department and its
programs, please visit the web site An
earned doctorate or equivalent is required for the tenure track
positions. Review of applications will begin on October 10 and will
continue until the positions are filled. Full consideration will be
given to applications submitted by November 15, 2014. Applicants should
indicate their research specialties and interests in their cover letter.
Vita, statements on teaching and research, and three reference letters
should be electronically filed at Clemson
University is an AA/EEO employer and does not discriminate against any
person or group on the basis of age, color, disability, gender,
pregnancy, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran
status or genetic information. Clemson University is building a
culturally diverse faculty committed to working in a multicultural
environment and encourages applications from minorities and women.

Matthew Saltzman
Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 81, Issue 6

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