Wednesday, December 10, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 82, Issue 12

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Today's Topics:

1. Research Engineer Permanent Position in Multi-Agent Systems
at CEA-LIST (Meritxell Vinyals Salgado)
2. TU Graz: One Postdoctoral Position in Combinatorics (Mihyun Kang)
3. FINAL CFP: ACM e-Energy 2015 (vincenzo mancuso)
4. Special issue of ITOR dedicated to Variable Neighborhood
Search Variants - Recent Applications (Angelo Sifaleras)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2014 19:03:42 +0100
From: Meritxell Vinyals Salgado <>
Subject: [DMANET] Research Engineer Permanent Position in Multi-Agent
Systems at CEA-LIST
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

The *CEA-LIST institute* ( invites applications
for a *research engineer permanent position in the area of multi-agent
systems*. The successful candidate will join a research team in multi-agent
systems at LADIS (Data Analysis and *Intelligent Systems* Lab) at CEA
Saclay campus (Paris area).

*Job qualification:* PhD in computer science, specialized in Multi-agent
Systems (or a related discipline) or engineer with a strong experience in

*Skills required:* Multi-agent architectures, parallel architectures,
agent-based simulation, programming skills (particularly java),
industrial/research project management.

*Job description: *CEA-LIST participates in a large number of projects
involving the management and simulation of energetic systems at different
scales (from the building level to the city). During the last four years,
the multi-agent team has developed a multi-agent platform for the energy
management. In this context, the successful candidate is expected to
contribute to:

- supervision of non-permanent staff (post-docs, phd students, ?)

- the evolution of the multi-agent system platform and its possible
generalization to other application domains (health systems, transport,
security, ?)

- the management/proposal R&D industrial/collaborative/research projects.

*Deadline for application:* Initial screening of the applications will
begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

*Duration:* permanent contract.

*Location & work environment:* The applicant will work at the LIST
institute, located at the heart of Saclay area (Paris region, France). The
CEA is the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission. A
leader in research, development and innovation, the CEA mission statement
has two main objectives: to become the leading technological research
organization in Europe and to ensure that the nuclear deterrent remains
effective in the future.

The CEA-LIST Institute focuses its research activities on developing
innovative technologies for smart and complex systems. Its R&D programs,
with potentially major economic and social implications, center on
interactive systems (ambient intelligence), embedded systems (architecture,
software and systems engineering), sensors and signal processing
(industrial control systems, health, security and metrology). Dedicated to
technological research, CEA LIST?s more than 700 researchers and
technicians strive to encourage innovation and technology transfer through
long-term industrial partnerships. The dynamism of the Institute's teams,
their project-based culture and their consistently high standard of
scientific excellence underpin this objective.

*How to apply:* Candidates are requested to submit a CV and a motivation
letter to Anthony Larue (, head of LADIS. Informal
requires to or are

Further description and contact information (in French) will be found in
the link below :



Message: 2
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 09:49:57 +0100
From: Mihyun Kang <>
Subject: [DMANET] TU Graz: One Postdoctoral Position in Combinatorics
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

TU Graz: One Postdoctoral Position in Combinatorics

We are seeking outstanding candidates with expertise and proficiency in
analytic and enumerative combinatorics, singularity analysis,
saddle-point methods, cycle index sums, Boltzmann sampler, probabilistic
and structural graph theory.

The successful candidate will be employed as a Postdoctoral Researcher
for one year with a possibility of extension for a further period of
maximum two years within the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Research Project on

"Asymptotic Properties of Graphs on a Surface"

at the Institute of Optimisation and Discrete Mathematics at Graz
University of Technology (TU Graz), Austria,

This is a research position and does not carry any teaching
responsibilities. There is however a possibility to teach if one wishes
to do so. The preferred starting date is 1 March 2015, but negotiable.

The basic salary is specified in the FWF standard personnel costs and
There are extra salary payments, the so-called 13th- and 14th-month
salaries which are favourably taxed.

There are very active research groups working on Discrete Mathematics
and Combinatorics at TU Graz. For example, TU Graz hosts a doctoral
school "Discrete Mathematics" (funded by FWF)

Further information about the mathematical institutes at TU Graz is
available at

Condition of employment:
- Qualified candidates must hold a PhD degree in mathematics or
theoretical computer science before the time of appointment

Application documents:
- Cover letter of application
- Curriculum vitae including the list of publications
- A short statement of research interests
- A list of full contact information of two references who can submit
letters of recommendation

All application documents with reference number P27290 should be
electronically submitted in a PDF file by

15 December 2014
to Ms Sandra Wissler,

For further details concerning the content of the research project or to
make an informal inquiry, please contact

Mihyun Kang or Philipp Spr?ssel
Graz University of Technology
Institute of Optimization and Discrete Mathematics (Math B)
Steyrergasse 30
8010 Graz, Austria


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 10:46:37 +0100
From: vincenzo mancuso <>
Subject: [DMANET] FINAL CFP: ACM e-Energy 2015
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS (Abstract due in less than one month)

ACM e-Energy 2015

The Sixth International Conference on Future Energy Systems

July 14-17, 2015, Bangalore, India

Computing and communication technologies impact energy systems in two
distinct ways. The exponential growth in deployment of these
technologies has made them large-scale energy consumers. Therefore,
new architectures, technologies and systems are being developed and
deployed to make computing and networked system more energy efficient.
Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, these technologies are at
the center of the on-going revolution in next generation ?smart? and
sustainable energy systems. They measure, monitor and control energy
systems such as the smart grid; inform and shape human demand; aid in
the prediction, deployment, storage and control of energy resources;
and determine how utilities, generators, regulators, and consumers
measure, analyze, and collectively control system elements.

The sixth International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM
e-Energy), to be held in Bangalore, India in July 2015 aims to be the
premier venue for researchers working in the broad areas of computing
and communication for smart energy systems (including the smart grid),
and in energy-efficient computing and communication systems. By
bringing together researchers in a high-quality single-track
conference with significant opportunities for individual and small
group interactions, it will serve as a major forum for presentations
and discussions that will shape the future of this area.

We solicit high-quality papers in the area of computing and
communication for the Smart Grid and energy-efficient computing and
communications. We welcome submissions describing theoretical advances
as well as system design, implementation and experimentation. ACM
eEnergy is committed to a fair, timely, and thorough review process
providing authors of submitted papers with sound and detailed

Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited to the

- Advances in monitoring and control of smart homes and buildings

- Sensing, monitoring, control, and management of energy systems

- Energy-efficient computing and communication, including
energy-efficient data centers

- The impact of storage integration on the smart grid

- Electric Vehicle monitoring and control

- Distribution and transmission network control techniques

- Microgrid and distributed generation management and control

- Modeling, control, and architectures for renewable energy generation resources

- Smart grid communication architectures and protocols

- Privacy and security of smart grid infrastructure

- Innovative pricing and incentives for demand-side management

- Novel technologies to enhance reliability and robustness of energy systems

- HCI for energy monitoring, management, and awareness

- User studies and behavioral change enabled by computing and
communication technologies

- Data analytics for the smart grid and energy-efficient systems

- Modeling, management and control of variability and uncertainty in
energy supply and demand


Three types of contributions are solicited:

- Regular papers, up to 10 pages in ACM double-column format, should
present original theoretical and/or experimental research in any of
the areas listed above that has not been previously published,
accepted for publication, or is not currently under review by another
conference or journal. Regular papers are intended to describe high
quality research work based on novel ideas that have been thoroughly
evaluated. The 10 pages limit is intended to be an upper bound and we
encourage the authors to take fewer pages if appropriate. The review
process for regular papers will include a thorough evaluation by the
program committee, opportunity for authors to respond to reviews, and
a shepherding process to ensure compliance with review comments before
the paper acceptance is finalized.

- Challenge Papers, up to 6 pages in ACM double-column format, should
present revolutionary new ideas that challenge existing assumptions
prevalent among the e-Energy research community. Challenge papers
should provide stimulating ideas or visions that may open up exciting
avenues and/or influence the direction of future research.
Descriptions of new products or evolution of existing work are not
appropriate topics for papers in this category. While an exhaustive
evaluation of the proposed ideas is not necessary, insight into and
in-depth understanding of the issues is expected. Challenges papers
will be reviewed by the program committee and will be part of the
technical program and published in the proceedings. The title of these
papers must start with the prefix "Challenge:" i.e., "Challenge: Rest
of the Title."

- Poster and Demo Abstracts, up to 2 pages in ACM double-column format
showcasing works-in-progress; accepted posters/demos will be presented
at the conference. Topics of interest are the same as research topics
listed above. Preference will be given to posters/demos where the
primary contribution is from one or more students. Additionally, the
demo abstracts should be accompanied by a third page (which will not
be published) describing the script of the demo to be presented as
well as any special resource requirements (space, networking,
electricity etc.). The title for the abstracts must have the prefix
?Poster Abstract:? or ?Demo Abstract:? as appropriate.

The submission must be in PDF format with all fonts embedded, and be
formatted according to the official ACM Proceedings format. Papers
that do not meet the size and formatting requirements will not be
reviewed. Word and LaTeX templates are available at Please
note that you must use the ?Strict Adherence to SIGS style? template

Submissions are to be made via the Easychair website at:

Important Dates

Abstract Registration (Regular Papers): January 5, 2015

Manuscript Submission (Regular Papers): January 12, 2015

Manuscript Submission (Challenge Papers): January 31, 2015

Author Rebuttals Solicited (Regular Papers): February 20, 2015

Author Rebuttals Due (Regular Papers): March 1, 2015

Decision Notification (Regular Papers): April 1, 2015

Manuscript Submission (Poster/Demo): April 10, 2015

Decision Notification (Poster/Demo): April 30, 2015

ACM e-Energy conference, Bangalore, India: July 14-17, 2015

Organizing Committee

General Chairs

- Shivkumar Kalyanaraman - IBM, Australia

- Deva P. Seetharam - Independent Researcher, India

- Rajeev Shorey - IT Research Academy, DEITY, India

TPC Chairs

- Mani Srivastava - UCLA, USA

- Sarvapali D. (Gopal) Ramchurn - University of Southampton, UK

Poster/Demo Track Chairs

- Matteo Vasirani - EPFL, Switzerland

- Sid Chi-Kin Chau - Masdar Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE

- Niranth Amogh - Huawei, India

For more details, please check the e-Energy 2015 website


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:41:24 +0200
From: Angelo Sifaleras <>
Subject: [DMANET] Special issue of ITOR dedicated to Variable
Neighborhood Search Variants - Recent Applications
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Call for Papers: special issue of ITOR on Variable Neighborhood Search
Variants - Recent Applications

Guest Editors:
Angelo Sifaleras, University of Macedonia, Greece
Abraham Duarte, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Nenad Mladenovic, University of Valenciennes, France
Kenneth Sorensen, University of Antwerp, Belgium

The Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) metaheuristic is based on systematic
changes in the neighborhood structure within a search, and has been
succesfully applied for solving various combinatorial, global optimization
problems, and related tasks. This Call for Papers addresses the recently
growing interest of the research community working on the VNS methodology.

The aim of this special issue of the International Transactions in
Operational Research (ITOR) is to gather not only recent algorithmic,
theoretical, and methodological developments in the field of Variable
Neighborhood Search, but also to publish surveys and recent applications in
this area. This special issue is also linked to the 3rd International
Conference dedicated to Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS?14), which was
held in Djerba, Tunisia, October 8-11, 2014.

The deadline for submission is February 28, 2015. Although we strongly
encourage authors who attended VNS?14 conference to submit their
manuscripts, this Call for Papers is also open to the entire community of
academics and practitioners. Contributions solicited cover a variety of
topics, including but not limited to:

- Supply chain optimization;
- Job shop scheduling problems;
- Multiobjective VNS;
- VNS hybrids; and
- Real world problems and innovative applications of VNS.

Each paper will be peer-reviewed according to the editorial policy of ITOR (, published by
the International Federation of Operational Research Societies ? IFORS.
Papers should be original, unpublished, and not currently under
consideration for publication elsewhere. They should be prepared according
to the instructions to authors that can be found in the journal homepage.
Authors should upload their contributions using the submission site, indicating in their cover letter that
the paper is intended for this special issue. Other inquiries should be
sent directly to any of the Guest Editors in charge of this issue: Angelo
Sifaleras (, Abraham Duarte (, Nenad
Mladenovic (, and Kenneth Sorensen (


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 82, Issue 12

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