Saturday, December 20, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 82, Issue 21

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Today's Topics:

1. 2nd CFP Multi/Many-core computing for parallel Metaheuristics
(Mohand MEZMAZ)
2. Call for Papers WG'2015 (Ernst W. Mayr)
3. PhD position in QBF solving at Vienna University of
Technology, Austria (Stefan Szeider)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 15:26:28 +0100
From: Mohand MEZMAZ <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] 2nd CFP Multi/Many-core computing for parallel
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.

*Multi/Many-core computing for parallel Metaheuristics(McM'2015)
*In conjunction with
*The 11th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC'2015)
June, 2015
*Agadir, Morocco

Submission Deadline: Feb 6, 2015
Selected best papers of McM'2015 will be considered for publication in
a special issue of the Wiley's journal of Concurrency and Computation:
Practice and Experience (CC-PE).

Plenty of hard problems in a wide range of application areas,
including engineering design, telecommunications, logistics, etc. have
been modelled and tackled successfully with metaheuristics
(evolutionary algorithms, scatter or swarm search, simulated
annealing, Tabu search, etc.).
Nowadays, optimization problems become increasingly large and complex,
forcing the use of parallel computing for their efficient and
effective resolution. On the other hand, parallel computing has
recently undergone a significant evolution in terms of performance and
energy consumption with the emergence of multi-core and many-core
computing technologies (GPU, MIC, etc.). Indeed, accelerators and
coprocessors have powered many parallel and/or distributed
environements including high-performance workstations, hybrid clusters
among them the top ranked Top500 and Green500 ones, and computational
grids and clouds.
The design and implementation of parallel metaheuristics for the above
environments raise several issues related in the same time to the
characteristics of these hardware execution machines and those of the
parallel models of metaheuristics. This workshop seeks to provide an
opportunity for the researchers to present their original
contributions on the joint use of advanced (discrete or continuous,
single or multi-objective, static or dynamic, deterministic or
stochastic, hybrid) optimization methods and distributed and/or
parallel multi/many-core computing, and any related issues.

Parallel models (island, master-worker, multi-start, etc.) for
metaheuristics revisited for multi-core and/or many-core (MMC)
Parallel mechanisms for hybridization of metaheuristics on MMC environments.
Implementation of parallel metaheuristics on MMC workstations, MMC
clusters, MMC grids/clouds, etc.
Software frameworks for the design and implementation of parallel
and/or distributed MMC metaheuristics.
Computational/theoretical studies reporting results on solving
challenging problems using MMC computing.
Performance metrics for MMC parallel and/or distributed metaheuristics.
Energy-aware optimization for/with MMC parallel and/or distributed

Authors are invited to submit papers to the McM'2015 workshop. During
submission authors will be required to specify which track they are
submitting their paper to. Submitted papers to McM'2015 must be
formatted according to MIC 2015 guidelines and submitted
electronically through the MIC 2015 paper submission site. Full
instructions including formatting guidelines and electronic templates
(both LaTeX and Microsoft Word) are available on the MIC 2015 website.
Submission is only electronic, in PDF format, using the easychair
At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the
workshop to present the work. Authors will be required to agree to
this requirement at the time of submission.
All papers are due electronically by the deadline reported above.
Submissions that do not meet the length or formatting requirements
will not be accepted for review. No email or fax submissions will be
accepted. Notification of receipt of an electronically submitted paper
will be emailed to the designated contact author soon after receipt.
If there are problems with the electronic submission, the program
chairs will contact the designated author by email.
If you have any questions about paper submission or the workshop,
please feel free to contact the workshop organizers.

In addition, a special issue of an appropriate journal (to be
announced later) is planned to be published. Participants will be
invited to submit extended versions of their work for consideration.

Submission deadline: Feb 6, 2015
Notification of acceptance: March 20, 2015
Camera ready copy: April 10, 2015
Early registration: April 10, 2015
Conference: June 7-10, 2015

Nouredine Melab
Universit? Lille 1 / INRIA Lille - Nord Europe / CNRS LIFL
Phone: +33 3 59 57 78 86
Fax: +33 3 28 77 85 37

Mohand Mezmaz
University of Mons
Phone: +32 65 37 46 91
Fax: +32 65 37 46 45

International Program Committee (To be extended)
Ahc?ne Bendjoudi, CERIST, Algeria
Didier El Baz, LAAS-CNRS, France
Bertrand Le Cun, Universit? de Paris-Ouest-Nanterre-La D?fense, France
Andrew Lewis, Griffith University, Australia
Pierre Manneback, University of Mons, Belgium
Malika Mehdi, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algeria
Nouredine Melab, Universit? Lille 1, France
Mohand Mezmaz, University of Mons, Belgium
Sanaz Mostagim, Universit?t Karlsruhe, Germany
Celso C. Ribeiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil
Catherine Roucairol, Universit? de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France
Franciszek Seredynski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
El-Ghazali Talbi, Universit? Lille 1, France
Daniel Tuyttens, University of Mons, Belgium


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:59:18 +0100
From: "Ernst W. Mayr" <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for Papers WG'2015
Message-ID: <031a01d01b40$370adca0$a52095e0$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

** (apologies for duplicates) **


41st International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science

June 17 - 19, 2015, Garching near Munich, Germany

Submission Deadline: Feb 28, 2015 (23:59:59 GMT/UTC)


The WG 2015 conference is the 41st edition of the WG series. It will take
place on the Garching campus of Technische Universit?t M?nchen (about
15km north of the city of Munich). The
conference will be from Wednesday, the 17th, to Friday, the 19th of June
with participants expected to arrive in Garching/Munich on the 16th of June.

WG conferences aim to connect theory and applications by demonstrating how
graph-theoretic concepts can be applied in various areas of computer
The goal is to present recent results and to identify and explore directions
for future research. Submitted papers should describe original results in
aspects of graph theory related to computer science, including but not
restricted to:

- design and analysis of sequential, parallel, randomized, parameterized and
distributed graph and network algorithms,
- structural graph theory with algorithmic or complexity applications,
- computational complexity of graph and network problems,
- graph grammars, graph rewriting systems and graph modeling,
- graph drawing and layouts,
- computational geometry,
- random graphs and models of the web and scale-free networks, and
- support of these concepts by suitable implementations and applications.

Contributors are invited to submit an extended abstract of at most 12 pages
Springer LNCS format including title, abstract and references. Proofs
due to space restrictions must be placed in an appendix, to be read by
committee members at their discretion. Simultaneous submission of papers to
any other conference with proceedings published or made publicly available,
submitting papers previously accepted for journal publication is not
Authors are encouraged to post full versions of their submissions in a
accessible repository such as the arXiv or ECCC.

Invited papers and accepted contributions will be published in the
proceedings in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series of

WG 2015 offers an award for the best paper written by students only. Three
papers selected by the PC will be invited to contribute to a special section
in Algorithmica.

Submission of papers: February 28, 2015 via EasyChair:
Acceptance notification: April 28, 2015
Conference: June 17-19, 2015

- Rolf Niedermeier (TU Berlin)
- Daniel Paulusma (U Durham)
- Shmuel Zaks (Technion, Haifa)


Hajo Broersma (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
L. Sunil Chandran (IIS, Bangalore, India)
Jianer Chen (Texas A\&M University, College Station, USA)
Victor Chepoi (Universit? de la Mediterran?e, Marseille, France)
Pinar Heggerness (University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway)
Juraj Hromkovic (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)
Klaus Jansen (Universit?t zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany)
Michael Kaufmann (Universit?t T?bingen, T?bingen, Germany)
Jan Kratochvil (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
Dieter Kratsch (Universit? de Metz, Metz, France)
Van Bang Le (Universit?t Rostock, Rostock, Germanu)
Ernst W. Mayr (TU M?nchen, M?nchen, Germany)
Ross McConnell (Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA)
Bojan Mohar (Simon Fraser University, Burnay, Canada)
Haiko M?ller (University of Leeds, Leeds, UK)
Christophe Paul (LIRMM, Montpellier, France)
Dieter Rautenbach (Universit?t Ulm, Ulm, Germany)
Dimitrios Thilikos (LIRMM, Montpellier, France)
Oren Weimann (University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel)

Ernst W. Mayr (chair)
Christine Lissner
Ernst Bayer

******************* (for general information) (for information regarding paper submission)

Prof. Ernst W. Mayr Tel.: +49-89-289-17704
Lehrstuhl f?r Effiziente Algorithmen Sekr.: +49-89-289-17706
Fakult?t f?r Informatik, I14 Fax: +49-89-289-17707
TU M?nchen E-Mail:
Boltzmannstra?e 3
85748 Garching Raum: MI 03.09.052
Germany URL:


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 16:36:35 +0100
From: Stefan Szeider <>
Subject: [DMANET] PhD position in QBF solving at Vienna University of
Technology, Austria
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

There is an opening for a funded PhD position in Quantified Boolean Formula (QBF) solving at the Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria.

The PhD student will join Stefan Szeider's research group to develop and implement new methods for leveraging variable independence in QBF solvers, as part of a new research project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Applicants are expected to have solid programming skills and a strong interest in theory. A background in QBF or SAT solving is of advantage.

The position is for a duration of three years (the expected duration for completing the PhD). The successful applicant is expected to start in 2015. The salary is according to standard FWF contracts for PhD candidates (approx. EUR 27,500 gross, p.a.), which allows for a convenient living in Vienna close to the city center.

The application should include the candidate's CV, an abstract of their diploma/masters thesis, a short motivation letter, and two letters of recommendation (all five items in a single pdf file). The application should also mention possible starting dates and should be sent to by February 15, 2015.


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 82, Issue 21

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