Tuesday, May 12, 2015

dmanet Digest, Vol 87, Issue 12

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Today's Topics:

1. [Deadline Extension till 15th May] CfP - 7th Workshop on
Theory of Transactional Memory (WTTM) - co-located with PODC 2015
(Shady Alaa)
2. CiE 2015 in Bucharest - Call for Participation (S B Cooper)
3. Ecole d'Ete / Summer School (jean-paul allouche)
4. INFORMS 2015: Final Call for Computing Society Tracks,
Sessions, Presentations and Posters (deadline May 15)
(Matthew Saltzman)
5. IEEE Cluster call for poster, student program and travel
awards (Francesco Silvestri)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 16:17:51 +0100
From: Shady Alaa <shadyalaa@gmail.com>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] [Deadline Extension till 15th May] CfP - 7th
Workshop on Theory of Transactional Memory (WTTM) - co-located with
PODC 2015
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

********** Call for papers ************

7th Workshop on the
Theory of Transactional Memory (WTTM)

July 20, 2015
Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain

co-located with the
ACM Symposium on Principles of
Distributed Computing (PODC) 2015


The 7th Workshop on the Theory of Transactional Memory (WTTM) is a forum to
foster exchanges, discussions, and disseminations among researchers on
theoretical challenges and recent achievements in the context of concurrent
computing, with an emphasis on transactional memory.

Transactional Memory (TM) aims at making parallel programming more
programmer friendly by providing an alternative synchronization mechanism
to traditional lock-based concurrency. TM research has led to hardware TM
implementations on both commodity and high performance computing
microprocessors, as well as to TM integration in mainstream programming
languages (like C, C++) and in the world's leading open source compiler.

>From a theoretical perspective, the TM abstraction raises several
challenges in the way we view synchronization as well as in the way we
implement it. A major goal of the workshop is to explore new directions and
approaches for reasoning about Transactional Memory.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Models and semantics for concurrent computing
* Safety and liveness properties
* Tradeoffs in TM and concurrent computing
* TM algorithms and architectures
* Impossibility results and lower bounds
* TM performance and parallelism
* Speculation-friendly and transaction-friendly data structures and their
* Formal methods, semantics and verification of TM and concurrent systems
* TM for cluster, cloud, grid and high-performance computing
* Concurrent computing, synchronization, and shared memory
* Concurrent data structures and their algorithms
* Multiprocessor and multi-core architectures and algorithms

The Workshop website is available at this URL:

Program Committee

* Hagit Attiya, Technion, Israel
* Panagiota Fatourou, FORTH & University of Crete, Greece (PC Co-Chair)
* Vincent Gramoli, NICTA & University of Sydney, Australia
* Rachid Guerraoui, EPFL, Switzerland
* Tim Harris, Oracle Labs, Cambridge, UK
* Maurice Herlihy, Brown University, US
* Victor Luchangco, Oracle Labs, Massachusetts, US
* Maged Michael, IBM Watson Research Center, US
* Alessia Milani, LABRI & Universite Bordeaux 1, France
* Paolo Romano, University of Lisbon/INESC-ID, Portugal (PC Co-Chair)
* Eric Ruppert, York University, Canada
* Nir Shavit, MIT, US & Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Important dates
Submission deadline: 15 May 2015 (anywhere on earth)
Acceptance notification: 1 June 2015
Workshop date: 20 July 2015


We solicit submissions describing research results and/or position papers
relevant to the theory of concurrent computing with an emphasis on
transactional memory.
Submissions should be written in English and in PDF format. Submissions
should include: a title, the authors' names and their affiliations, and the
contact author?s email. Each submission must not exceed four single-column
pages (excluding references) which will describe the results. Additional
necessary details may be included in an appendix which will be read at the
discretion of the program committee.

Papers are to be submitted electronically at:


The final version of the accepted papers will appear on the workshop?s web
site. These papers will be available to the participants in electronic
format during the workshop. WTTM does not publish proceedings, so accepted
papers may appear in other venues as well.


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 19:00:30 +0100 (BST)
From: S B Cooper <pmt6sbc@maths.leeds.ac.uk>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] CiE 2015 in Bucharest - Call for Participation
Message-ID: <201505111800.t4BI0UHI001281@maths.leeds.ac.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain

CiE 2015: Call for Participation and Registration

COMPUTABILITY IN EUROPE 2015: Evolving Computability
Bucharest, Romania
June 29 - July 3

Details on the registration:
Details on accommodation possibilities:
(please note the individual deadlines for each variant)

CiE 2015 is the 11-th conference organized by CiE (Computability
in Europe), a European association of mathematicians, logicians,
computer scientists, philosophers, physicists and others interested
in new developments in computability and their underlying
significance for the real world. Previous meetings have taken
place in Amsterdam (2005), Swansea (2006), Siena (2007), Athens
(2008), Heidelberg (2009), Ponta Delgada (2010), Sofia (2011),
Cambridge (2012), Milan (2013) and Budapest (2014)

Evolution of the universe, and us within it, invite a parallel
evolution in understanding. The CiE agenda - fundamental and
engaged - targets the extracting and developing of computational
models basic to current challenges. From the origins of life, to
the understanding of human mentality, to the characterising of
quantum randomness - computability theoretic questions arise in
many guises. The CiE community, meeting this year for the first
time in Bucharest, carries forward the search for coherence, depth
and new thinking across this rich and vital field of research.

In line with other conferences in this series, CiE 2015 has a broad
scope and provides a forum for the discussion of theoretical and
practical issues in Computability with an emphasis on new paradigms
of computation and the development of their mathematical theory.

We invite everyone who is interested in the topics and program of
CiE 2015 to register for the conference. Details on the program of
the conference are given below. The details regarding the registration
procedure are given at:


The papers accepted for CiE 2015 can be seen here:

The CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS will be published by LNCS, Springer
Verlag, and there will be a best student paper award presented to
the best paper written solely by students, sponsored by Springer.


* John Reif (Duke Unversity)
* Steve Simpson (Pennsylvania State University)


* Ann Copestake (University of Cambridge)
* Mircea Dumitru (University of Bucharest, Public Lecture)
* Pawel Gawrychowski (University of Warsaw)
* Julia Knight (University of Notre Dame)
* Anca Muscholl (Universite Bordeaux)
* Gheorghe Paun (Romanian Academy)
* Alexander Razborov (University of Chicago and Steklov Mathematical
* Vlatko Vedral (University of Oxford)


* Representing streams (Organizers: Joerg Endrullis and Dimtri Hendriks)
* Automata, logic and infinite games (Organizers: Dietmar Berwanger
and Ioana Leustean)
* Reverse mathematics (Organizers: Damir Dzhafarov and Alberto Marcone)
* Classical computability theory (Organizers: Marat Arslanov and
Steffen Lempp)
* Bio-inspired computation (Organizers: Andrei Paun and Petr Sosik)
* History and philosophy of computing (Organizers: Christine Proust
and Marco Benini)

The speakers of the special sessions are listed at


While computer science conferences usually host formal presentations
based on papers published in a proceedings volume, mathematics
conferences allow for informal presentations that are prepared very
shortly before the conference and inform the participants about
current research and work in progress. So, continuing the tradition
of past CiE conferences, CiE 2015 hosts a series of informal
presentations, in addition to the presentations based on the papers
in the LNCS proceedings volume. These will be soon published on the
CiE 2015 website.



The Turing Centenary Research Project: Mind, Mechanism and
Mathematics (MMM 2015), 3rd Workshop - joint with
Workshop on Computability Theory (WCT 2015),
June 27-28, 2015 (free registration)

Days of Computer Science (DACS 2015), 2nd Workshop,
June 26-27, 2015


CiE 2015 has received funding from EATCS (European Association for
Theoretical Computer Science) that allows students who are members
of EATCS and want to attend CiE 2015 to apply for travel funds or a
reduction of the early registration fee. Applications for EATCS
travel grants have to be sent to <cie2015@fmi.unibuc.ro> prior to
the early registration deadline.

The CONFERENCE POSTER can be downloaded from


CiE 2015 http://fmi.unibuc.ro/CiE2015/
ASSOCIATION COMPUTABILITY IN EUROPE http://www.computability.org.uk
CiE Conference Series http://www.illc.uva.nl/CiE
CiE Membership Application Form http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/CIE
Computability (Journal of CiE) http://www.computability.de/journal/
CiE on FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/AssnCiE
Association CiE on Twitter https://twitter.com/AssociationCiE


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 21:02:33 +0200
From: jean-paul allouche <jean-paul.allouche@imj-prg.fr>
To: <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] Ecole d'Ete / Summer School
Message-ID: <5550FCC9.4010902@imj-prg.fr>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed

Chers tous [English Version follows]

Eric Balandraud et moi-meme organisons une Ecole d'Ete
intitulee "CombinatoireS" du 29 juin au 3 juillet 2015 `a
Paris (Jussieu/UPMC).

Les premiers details sont donnes `a l'URL

Cette Ecole s'adresse aux jeunes chercheurs, doctorants
et pre-doctorants. Il y aura trois cours principaux et des

Nous esperons pouvoir subventionner l'hebergement et
les repas de midi pour une cinquantaine de participants.

Si vous etes interesses merci d'envoyer un courriel ainsi
qu'une lettre de recommandation `a l'adresse :

Si vous connaissez des gens susceptibles d'etre interesses
merci de leur transmettre cette annonce

`A bientot


Dear all

Eric Balandraud and I are organizing a Summer School entitled
"CombinatoricS". This School will take place in Paris (Jussieu/UPMC)
from June 29 to July 3, 2015.

More details are available at the URL

The School is aimed at doctoral students and other young researchers,
as well as some pre-doctoral students. There will be three principal
courses and a certain number of talks.

We hope to support lodging and lunches for about 50 participants.

If you are interested please send an email and a recommandation letter
at combinatoires@imj-prg.fr.

If you happen to know of potentially interested people please forward
this announcement

Looking forward to seeing you


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 02:27:35 +0000
From: Matthew Saltzman <mjs@clemson.edu>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>,
Subject: [DMANET] INFORMS 2015: Final Call for Computing Society
Tracks, Sessions, Presentations and Posters (deadline May 15)
Message-ID: <1431397655.18312.22.camel@clemson.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I'm organizing the Computing Society cluster for the 2015 INFORMS
Annual Meeting in historic Philadelphia. If you are interested in
organizing a short track (two or three sessions) or a session or
contributing a presentation or poster, please let me know by email
<mjs AT clemson DOT edu> as soon as you can. The abstract deadline
is May 15 and the poster deadline is June 15.

This year, we are planning to include sponsored poster collections as
part of the poster sessions and competition. More information about
posters is at
If you are interested in contributing a poster to the Computing Society
sponsored collection, please contact me directly.

If you have research, practice experience, software, discussion
topics, or you know people who do that should be invited, let me know.

The conference is November 1-4, 2015 at the Pennsylvania
Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Conference information
is available at http://meetings2.informs.org/wordpress/philadelphia/.

Matthew Saltzman
Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 08:52:57 +0200
From: Francesco Silvestri <silvest1@dei.unipd.it>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] IEEE Cluster call for poster, student program and
travel awards
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

May 12, 2015 Release

IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing
September 8-11, 2015
Chicago, IL, USA


The IEEE Cluster 2015 provides a forum for both academia and industry
professionals to present their latest research findings in all aspects
of cluster, cloud, and grid technologies in the form of a posters,
which will be included in the conference proceedings. Posters will be
presented during the same session, during the conference.
Additionally, authors may submit posters for publication on the web.

Participants submitting proceedings-published posters are required to
submit a short paper (2 pages) describing the poster content, the
research supporting it, and the relevance and importance to the
cluster, cloud, and grid computing community. If accepted, this short
paper will be published in the proceedings of the conference.

Participants submitting web-published posters are required to submit a
short 1-page extended abstract. These abstracts will not be included
in the conference proceedings. Both proceedings-published and web-published
posters will be displayed during the conference. We encourage accepted
authors of demos to prepare a poster to accompany their demo. All
accepted posters (including posters prepared for demos) will be posted on the
conference website.


The Student Mentoring Program is not just another publication venue but
an opportunity to meet peers and network with senior colleagues.
Interested students can apply through a simple, non-competitive procedure,
by providing a 2-page description of their person vision for their career,
i.e., where they come from, what they are interested in, what their
career objectives are, and most importantly, what their research vision is.
For example, PhD students might wish to describe their PhD proposal and
explain why their contributions are relevant for the scientific community.
Students' applications should be endorsed by the student's advisers.

All 2-page submissions is reviewed for review by the Program
Committee, with a friendly
feedback returned to the students. The objective is to host as many
motivated students as
possible in the program. Note that there is no scientific endorsement
of the scientific
contents by the conference, so that this application cannot be
considered as a scientific

Selected students will participate in fun activities as well as in the
regular conference.


Several travel awards are sponsored by the National Science Foundation
for students enrolled in American institutions who participates in the
Student Mentoring Program
(http://www.mcs.anl.gov/ieeecluster2015/student-program/). Students
with accepted posters or papers must also apply to and participate in
the Student Mentoring Program to be eligible for the travel award. The
deadlines for the Student Mentoring Program application are at
Notice of travel awards will be made prior to the conference. The
travel awards will be distributed post-conference in the form of
reimbursements against actual travel, registration, and accommodation
expenses submitted by the student. The travel award will be contingent
on the participating of the awarded student in the Student Mentoring
Program at Cluster 2015.


Please submit your posters via the EasyChair submission system:

Please submit your student program application via
the EasyChair submission system:


May 25, 2015 (extended) Posters Submission Deadline
June 1, 2015 Student Mentoring Program Notification (Round 1)
June 15, 2015 Student Mentoring Program Notification (Round 2)
June 29, 2015 Student Mentoring Program Notification (Round 3)
July 15, 2015 Student Mentoring Program Notification (Round 4)

...Follow us on Facebook athttps://www.facebook.com/ieee.cluster
...Follow us on Twitter athttps://twitter.com/IEEECluster
...Follow us on Linkedin at
...Follow us on RenRen athttp://page.renren.com/601871401


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 87, Issue 12

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