Monday, December 14, 2015

dmanet Digest, Vol 94, Issue 12

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Today's Topics:

1. W3-Professorship in Distributed Computing (Michael Juenger)
2. W3-Professorship in Algorithmic Data Analysis (Michael Juenger)
3. GAMES 2016 in Maastricht, 24-28 July - submission deadline 15
February (Bernhard von Stengel)
4. Postdoc positions in computational complexity at KTH Royal
Institute of Technology (Jakob Nordström)
5. Postdoc positions in SAT solving at KTH Royal Institute of
Technology (Jakob Nordström)
6. SPAA 2016 Date Change (Nodari Sitchinava)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 16:44:38 +0100
From: Michael Juenger <>
Subject: [DMANET] W3-Professorship in Distributed Computing
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

The Computer Science Institute at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Cologne invites applications for a

W3-Professorship in Distributed Computing

In the context of the establishment of the new focus on ìData Scienceî, we are looking for a scholar with a high international reputation in Distributed Computing. Candidates with an excellent scientific record in one or more of the following fields are encouraged to apply: parallel and distributed algorithms and their complexity, multi-processor and multi-core architectures and algorithms, distributed algorithmic game theory and mechanism design, complex networks, peer-to-peer systems and networks. We expect experience in the acquisition and execution of third-party funded projects. In addition to an active cooperation with existing research areas in Computer Science and Mathematics, applicants are expected to display a proven openness for interdisciplinary research and involvement in cooperative projects.

The successful candidate is expected to participate in the teaching and administrative duties of the Computer Science Institute. This includes in particular an active commitment to the programs in Mathematics, Business Mathematics, and Business Informatics.

Qualification requirements are in accordance with the North Rhine-Westphalia University Law and include an excellent track record in research and teaching. Women are strongly encouraged to apply. The University of Cologne is an equal opportunity employer in compliance with the German disability laws.

Applications should include a letter of motivation with a teaching and research statement and the usual documents (CV, complete publication list, information on external funding, academic achievements and honors) as well as a completed form provided at Applications should be submitted via e-mail in a single PDF file to

Professor Ansgar Büschges
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
University of Cologne
Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D-50923 Cologne, Germany

The deadline for application is January 22nd, 2016.


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 16:44:46 +0100
From: Michael Juenger <>
Subject: [DMANET] W3-Professorship in Algorithmic Data Analysis
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

The Computer Science Institute at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Cologne invites applications for a

W3-Professorship in Algorithmic Data Analysis

In the context of the establishment of the new focus on ìData Scienceî, we are looking for a scholar with a high international reputation in Algorithmic Data Analysis (e.g. randomised algorithms, machine learning, approximative algorithms, or smoothed analysis) and with experience in the acquisition and execution of third-party funded projects. In addition to an active cooperation with existing research areas in Computer Science and Mathematics, applicants are expected to display a proven openness for interdisciplinary research and involvement in cooperative projects.

The successful candidate is expected to participate in the teaching and administrative duties of the Computer Science Institute. This includes in particular an active commitment to the programs in Mathematics, Business Mathematics, and Business Informatics.

Qualification requirements are in accordance with the North Rhine-Westphalia University Law and include an excellent track record in research and teaching. Women are strongly encouraged to apply. The University of Cologne is an equal opportunity employer in compliance with the German disability laws.

Applications should include a letter of motivation with a teaching and research statement and the usual documents (CV, complete publication list, information on external funding, academic achievements and honors) as well as a completed form provided at Applications should be submitted via e-mail in a single PDF file to

Professor Ansgar Büschges
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
University of Cologne
Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D-50923 Cologne, Germany

The deadline for application is January 22nd, 2016.


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2015 16:43:50 +0000
From: Bernhard von Stengel <>
Subject: [DMANET] GAMES 2016 in Maastricht, 24-28 July - submission
deadline 15 February
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Call for Papers

Submission for GAMES 2016, the Fifth World Congress of the
Game Theory Society, is now open, and closes on February 15,

The Congress takes place Sunday-Thursday 24-28 July, 2016 in
Maastricht, the Netherlands. You can submit a paper
(including an abstract of up to 150 words), and revise it
until submission closes, after registering free of charge
with the EasyChair conference system, as described in the
submission instructions at

Each participant can submit only one paper.
Accepted papers will be selected for a contributed talk of
25 minutes (including discussion/questions) in a parallel
session, or else a poster presentation (entered into a queue
in case talk slots become available).

The Congress is the main event of the Game Theory Society,
which takes place every four years.

Participation at the Congress requires membership in the
Game Theory Society in 2016 (which is inexpensive, see 2015
membership options including journal subscriptions and
concessionary rates at

GAMES 2016 conference fee: Early 390 Euros, late (from May
16, 2016) 490 Euros. The fee includes access to all talks,
refreshments and lunches, a conference dinner, and free
local public transport. Students get a 50 percent discount.
Inexpensive dormitory rooms will be available.

The Congress is co-located with the 17th ACM Conference on
Economics and Computation (EC'16) which participants at
GAMES 2016 are allowed to attend (as are EC participants at
the Congress).

Maastricht is a beautiful medieval city in the heart of
Europe. The Congress takes place in a single location at the
university in the town center. Maastricht is in easy reach
from airports at Brussels BRU, Cologne/Bonn CGN, Duesseldorf
DUS, or Amsterdam AMS. Information on public transportation
and shuttle services (in particular to BRU and DUS) will be
provided on the conference website.

Important dates:
Submission deadline papers: February 15, 2016
Notification of decisions: March 15, 2016
Deadline for Early registrations: May 15, 2016


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2015 19:08:29 +0000
From: Jakob Nordström <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Postdoc positions in computational complexity at KTH
Royal Institute of Technology
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

The Theory Group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology invites applications for postdoctoral positions in computational complexity.

KTH is the leading technical university in Sweden. The Theory Group at KTH ( offers a strong research environment covering a wide range of research topics such as complexity theory and approximation algorithms, computer and network security, cryptography, formal methods and natural language processing. The group has a consistent track record of publishing in the leading theoretical computer science conferences and journals worldwide, and the research conducted here has attracted numerous international awards and grants in recent years.

The postdoctoral researchers will be working in the research group of Jakob Nordstrom ( Much of the activities of this research group revolve around the themes of proof complexity and SAT solving. On the theoretical side, proof complexity has turned out to have deep, and sometimes surprising, connections to other topics such as, e.g., circuit complexity, communication complexity, and hardness of approximation, and therefore researchers in these or other related areas are more than welcome to apply.

This is a full-time employed position for one year with a possible one-year extension. The successful candidate is expected to start in August-September 2016, although this is to some extent negotiable.

The application deadline is January 24, 2016. More information and instructions how to apply can be found at . Informal enquiries are welcome and may be sent to Jakob Nordstrom.


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2015 21:37:24 +0000
From: Jakob Nordström <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Postdoc positions in SAT solving at KTH Royal
Institute of Technology
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

The Theory Group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology invites applications for postdoctoral positions in SAT solving.

KTH is the leading technical university in Sweden. The Theory Group at KTH ( offers a strong research environment covering a wide range of research topics such as complexity theory and approximation algorithms, computer and network security, cryptography, formal methods and natural language processing. The group has a consistent track record of publishing in the leading theoretical computer science conferences and journals worldwide, and the research conducted here has attracted numerous international awards and grants in recent years.

The postdoctoral researchers will be working in the research group of Jakob Nordstrom ( Much of the activities of this research group revolve around the themes of proof complexity and SAT solving. On the practical side, some interesting problems are to gain a better understanding of the performance of current state-of-the-art SAT solvers - in particular, solvers using conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) - and to explore techniques that would go beyond CDCL, such as approaches based on algebraic or geometric reasoning.

These are full-time employed positions for one year with a possible one-year extension. The expected start date is August-September 2016, although this is to some extent negotiable.

The application deadline is January 24, 2016. More information and instructions how to apply can be found at . Informal enquiries are welcome and may be sent to Jakob Nordstrom.


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2015 17:22:15 -1000
From: Nodari Sitchinava <>
Subject: [DMANET] SPAA 2016 Date Change
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Due to scheduling issues at Asilomar Conference Grounds, the date of the
SPAA 2016 conference has been changed to July 11-13, 2016. The
submission deadlines remain the same.

Updated call for papers is below.

Best regards,

Nodari Sitchinava
SPAA Publicity Chair

SPAA 2016 Call for Papers

28th ACM Symposium on
Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2016)
July 11-13, 2016
Asilomar State Beach, California, USA


Important Dates:

Submission deadlines:
- Regular papers: February 5, 11:59pm HAST
- Brief announcements: February 26, 11:59pm HAST

Rebuttal period: March 22-25
Notification: April 11


Submissions are sought in all areas of parallel algorithms and
architectures, broadly construed, including both theoretical and
experimental perspectives. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:

- Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
- Parallel and Distributed Data Structures
- Parallel Complexity Theory
- Scheduling in Parallel Systems
- Specification and Verification of Concurrent Systems
- Parallel and Distributed Architectures
- Multiprocessor and Multicore Architectures
- Transactional Memory Hardware and Software
- Instruction Level Parallelism and VLSI
- Compilers and Tools for Concurrent Programming
- Algorithms for GPUs and Other Alternative Parallel Architectures
- High-Performance Parallel Computing and Architectures
- Green & Power-Efficient Algorithms and Architectures
- Algorithms for Social Networks
- Biological Distributed Algorithms
- Network Algorithms
- Algorithms for Routing and Information Dissemination
- Peer-to-Peer Systems
- Mobile, Ad-Hoc, Wireless and Sensor Networks
- Fault-tolerance and Reliability
- Self-stabilization and Self-organization
- Security and Privacy in Distributed and Parallel Systems
- Parallel/Distributed Computational Learning
- Game Theory and Collaborative Learning
- Parallel/Distributed issues in Big Data
- Resource Management and Awareness

Regular papers:

Regular papers should report on original research, submitted exclusively
to this conference. Submissions may not exceed ten (10) single-spaced
double-column pages. (Papers will be judged based on their quality and
not their length---short papers are welcome.) The title page,
bibliography and designated figure pages (containing only figures) are
not counted toward the ten pages. (Illustrative figures are encouraged.)
All necessary details to substantiate the main claims of the paper
should be included in a clearly marked appendix. Regular papers will be
allotted up to 10 pages in the proceedings.

Brief announcements:

SPAA also solicits brief announcements that raise issues of interest to
the SPAA community. Brief announcements may not exceed two pages.
Examples of good brief announcements include: (i) papers previously
published elsewhere of interest to SPAA, (ii) work in progress, (iii)
announcement of tools/libraries, (iv) challenge problems posed to the
community, (v) corrections to earlier results. Brief announcements may
also include smaller results of interest.

Authors may request that a regular paper be considered as a brief
announcement. As far as possible, the program committee will remain
blind to this request until status as a regular paper has been resolved.
Such a request will not affect the chances of the manuscript to be
accepted as a regular paper.

Submission details:

Papers should be submitted in standard ACM format, i.e., 9-point font on
8.5x11 inch pages. For detailed submission instructions and formatting,
please see


Every regular paper is eligible for the best paper award.


Program Committee:

Dan Alistarh (Microsoft Research)
Yossi Azar (Tel Aviv Univ.)
Michael Bender (Stony Brook Univ.)
Costas Busch (Louisiana State Univ.)
Yuval Emek (Technion)
Antonio Fernández Anta (IMDEA)
Jeremy Fineman (Georgetown Univ.)
Phil Gibbons (CMU)
Seth Gilbert (NUS)
Magnús M. Halldórsson (Reykjavík University)
Stephan Holzer (MIT)
Fabian Kuhn (Univ. of Freiburg)
Yossi Lev (Oracle)
Ishai Menache (Microsoft Research)
Ben Mosely (Wash. Univ. in St. Louis)
Calvin Newport (Georgetown Univ.)
Merav Parter (MIT)
Boaz Patt-Shamir (Tel Aviv Univ.)
Seth Pettie (Univ. of Michigan)
Cynthia Phillips (Sandia Natl. Lab.)
Kirk Pruhs (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Peter Robinson (Queen's Univ. Belfast)
Thomas Sauerwald (Cambridge)
Stefan Schmid (Aalborg Univ.)
Michael Scott (Univ. of Rochester)
Julian Shun (UC Berkeley)
Aravind Srinivasan (Univ. of Maryland)
Maxwell Young (Mississippi State Univ.)


Conference Committee:

Program Chair: Seth Gilbert (NUS)
General Chair: Christian Scheideler (Univ. of Paderborn)
Local Arrangements: Bradley Kuszmaul (MIT)
Treasurer: David Bunde (Knox College)
Publicity Chair: Nodari Sitchinava (Univ. of Hawaii, Manoa)
Secretary: Jeremy Fineman (Georgetown Univ.)


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 94, Issue 12

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