Tuesday, September 30, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 79, Issue 15

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Today's Topics:

1. [deadline approaching, September 30, 2014] SI on Critical
Systems Modeling and Security, Elsevier Computers & Electrical
Engineering (Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro)
2. NEO UBIMEDIA MINDTREK AWARD 2014 (the ubimedia competition) -
deadline extended till the 30th September (Artur Lugmayr)
3. Call for Full Book Chapters (30th October 2014): Information
Systems and Management in eMedia and Creative Industries:
Springer-Verlag (Artur Lugmayr)
4. Last Days Before IM 2015 Extended Deadline (September 30,
2014 Firm) (Giovane C. M. Moura)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 11:04:18 +0200
From: Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] [deadline approaching, September 30, 2014] SI on
Critical Systems Modeling and Security, Elsevier Computers &
Electrical Engineering
Message-ID: <54228912.6080200@telecom-sudparis.eu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Apologies for cross-posting

Special issue on Critical Systems Modeling and Security
Elsevier Computers & Electrical Engineering
Manuscript Due: September 30, 2014 (Hard deadline)

Aim and scope

Modeling is an essential tool for the study and analysis of
security and dependability of Critical Information
Infrastructures. It can be used to evaluate properties such as
disruption, disturbance and loss of information, and to
anticipate incidents that could lead to situations involving
economical, material and, even, human loss. This special issue is
intended to report the most recent research works related to
security threats, critical service malfunctioning or information
leakage targeting, among others, SCADA, Industrial Control
Systems and other Critical Scenarios, associated to both
government and industrial companies. It also seeks to report new
needs, approaches, methods and tools addressing this crucial

The objective is to bring together advances particularly in the
following fields:

- Attack and vulnerability analysis
- Benchmarking and statistical analysis tools
- Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
- Cybersecurity and cyberwarfare modeling
- Continuity of services
- Dependable communication models
- Early Warning Systems
- Embedded Technologies Security
- Intrusion detection and prevention in Critical Scenarios
- Fault tolerance and incident response
- Risk analysis and management
- SCADA/DCS and Control System Security
- Secure information sharing
- Security and dependability logistic models
- Self-management architectures
- Situation awareness and response optimization
- Trust and reputation management in Critical Scenarios

Submission Guidelines

Papers will be evaluated based on their originality,
presentation, relevance and contribution to the topic associated
to the special issue, and for their overall quality. The
submitted papers have to describe original research which has not
been published nor currently under review by other journals or
conferences. Guest editors will make an initial determination of
the suitability and scope of all submissions. Papers that either
lack originality, clarity in presentation or fall outside the
scope of the special issue will not be sent for review and
authors will be promptly informed in such cases.

Author guidelines for preparation of manuscript can be found at

Papers should be submitted via the EES application that can be found at

To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for
inclusion into the special issue, it is important that authors
select SI-sec4 when they reach the "Article Type" step in the
submission process.


Manuscript Due: September 30, 2014 (Extended deadline)
First Round of Reviews: November 31, 2014
Second Round of Reviews: January 15, 2015
Acceptance of Final papers: February 15, 2015
Final Manuscript Due: March 15, 2015
Publication Date: October 2015

Guest Editors

Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro
Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, France
Email: joaquin.garcia_alfaro@telecom-sudparis.eu

Francesco Longo
University of Calabria, Italy
Email: f.longo@unical.it

Gregorio Martinez Perez
University of Murcia, Spain
Email: gregorio@um.es


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 21:34:38 +0300 (EEST)
From: Artur Lugmayr <artur.lugmayr@tut.fi>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] NEO UBIMEDIA MINDTREK AWARD 2014 (the ubimedia
competition) - deadline extended till the 30th September
Message-ID: <1843289228.133.1411583678471.JavaMail.lugmayr@HLO-PC43>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii



THE award for the pervasive, ubiqutious, and ambient intelligent community
EXTENDED Award submission DEADLINE: 30th SEPTEMBER 2014

4th-6th November, Tampere Finland
http://www.numa.fi, http://www.mindtrek.org

Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/numa.award/
In cooperation with MindTrek Association, Internatinal Ambient Media Association (iAMEA),
and the AIS SIG-eMedia

NUMA 2014 - THE award for pervasive, ubiquitous, ambient technologies, media, services, user experience,
concepts, and applications. We refurbished the competition for 2014 after having received over 220
competition entries over the past seven years. We want to integrate all the latest trends in the world
of smart media, as we want to see incredible re-interpretations of the original notion of ubimedia,
pervasive media, and ambient media. Any new fresh idea is welcome in this area! The vision of ubimedia
today spreads in smart city concepts, smart cards, and smart phones - and starts to become mainstream -
there are still many more exciting, seamless, and unobtrusive experiences that need to be discovered.
We still seek for cutting edge tech innovations, and look for makers that single-handedly engineer
fascinating new ubimedia services and devices on a shoestring budget. We welcome all ubimedia masterminds,
pervasive computation enthusiasts, and ambient intelligent researchers to participate in writing the
next chapter for the most innovative, inspiring, and sometimes slightly mad competition in ubimedia's
history and seek projects, applications, services, technological solutions, concepts, or new media
environment as competition entry. Note, there will be also a price sum giving to the very best three

Possible themes, topics, and areas where your application could contribute to:
- smart environments (smart cars, smart houses, smart devices, smart cities)
- cyber, social, and physical computing
- human computer interaction in the era of ubiquitous computation
- smart robots, interaction with robots, and robotic applications
- new interaction devices (Google glasses, Pebble, ?)
- big data concepts for pervasive computation
- the ?quantified? self and the digital human
- sensor data, context awareness, and intelligence
- mobile phone applications, NFC technologies, and embedded systems (e.g. Arduino)
- wearable technologies, smart watches, smart glasses, and smart gadgets
- cyber physical systems (CPS)
- urban informatics and smart transportation
- security and safety of environments
- smart saving of energy, and sustainable environments
- production and industrial applications that are smart
- information systems and management in smart environments
- entertainment applications (e.g. pervasive games, ambient television, ...)
- artisic works, apps, and creative designs
- ergonomics, human-computer interaction designs, and consumer experience
- software, hardware, and middleware frameworks

NUMA is looking for your bold, irritating and mind-opening ideas, no matter if you are a student,
seasoned researcher, entrepreneur or artist. Whether thesis, project or product - our only condition
is: you must be able to demo it, otherwise you are out! You will have to prove your idea with a working
prototype, and if you are nominated you will need to demonstrate your work during MindTrek. As we are a
cross-disciplinary competition, we created the following categories, to cope with all the latest trends:

- ?NUMA-TEC? - You have been pushing the boundaries of sensors and ubiquitous computing or invented
some incredible new pervasive hardware? This award focuses on advances in ?Technology?.

- ?NUMA-KERS? - You have mastered the odds of physical computing and rapid prototyping and want to expose
your devices beyond the maker community? This award focuses on the community of ?Makers?.

- ?NUMA-UX? - You are an interaction, experience designer, or artist and have gone where no content
has been seen before? This award focuses on the ?Experience?.

- ?NUMA-CONTENT? - You are a content creator, application developer, designer, artist, game designer,
or new media developer? This award focuses on new ambient, ubiquitous, and pervasive content.

NUMA 2014 gives all of you the chance to show your work to an interdisciplinary international jury and
win a the award! Winners will also be invited to become part of the great MindTrek 2014 event and
community with travel costs covered.

To submit your entry, please go to http://www.numa.fi (http://www.numa.fi/call-open). If you would
like to get more information or have questions, please send your email to: chairs@lists.numa.fi.
Subscribe to our email list on: http://lists.numa.fi/mailman/listinfo/numa.

The competition is organized in cooperation with the MindTrek Association (http://www.mindtrek.org)
and the International Ambient Media Association (iAMEA) (http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org),
the AIS SIG-eMedia (http://aisnet.org/group/SIG-eMedia) and part of the MindTrek Festival.
The chairs of the competition are Artur Lugmayr, Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), FINLAND;
Bjoern Stockleben, Univ. of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal, GERMANY; and Timothy Merritt,
Aarhus School of Architecture, DENMARK.

Website: http://www.numa.fi (http://www.numa.fi/call-open)
Contact Email: chairs@lists.numa.fi
EMAIL List: http://lists.numa.fi/mailman/listinfo/numa
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/numa.award/


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 22:43:14 +0300 (EEST)
From: Artur Lugmayr <artur.lugmayr@tut.fi>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Call for Full Book Chapters (30th October 2014):
Information Systems and Management in eMedia and Creative Industries:
Message-ID: <731260860.133.1411587794093.JavaMail.lugmayr@HLO-PC43>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Call for Book Chapters
Information Systems and Management in eMedia and Creative Industries:

Artur Lugmayr, Emilija Stojmenova, Katarina Stanoevska, and Robert Wellington (Eds.)

Special Focus on NEW Approaches in the eMedia Industries, or Approaches HOW eMedia Support Information Systems:
Strategic Importance of IT ans IS&M in Media, Big Data, Crowd, Open Data, Linked Data, Cloud Application,
New Business Analytics, Information Visualization, Workflow Management, IS&M as Basis of New Business Models of
New Media Products, and Global Digital Production Pipelines.


Upcoming Deadline: 30th October (manuscript), 20th Dec. (reviews)
Book Website: http://www.tut.fi/emmi/WWW/ameamain/ismemedia
Email List: https://listmail.tut.fi/mailman/listinfo/ism-emedia
Submission System: http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org/Submissions/2014ISMEMEDIA/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ismemedia/
Contact us: lartur@acm.org or emilija.stojmenova@ltfe.org


In the context of eMedia and creative industry: information systems, information management, knowledge management,
decision management, workflow management, electronic media, IT systems, human factors of IT systems, management
technology, digital services, big data, open data, linked data

According to Gartner published in Techcrunch, communications media and services are the 3rd largest IT systems spenders with
a yearly growth rate of 4.4% with a share of approx. $4 billion in 2011, after banking & securities and manufacturing &
natural resources [1]. For example, the TV industry was faced with tremendous change in technologies during the past decade,
such as the digital switchover, the introduction of HDTV, or the provision of 3D content. Large scale asset repositories
and different workflows in the content production process had to be introduced. Other media industries faced similar
challenges, as the emergence of digital publishing, digital content distribution, or advancement of in-house customer
relationship management infrastructures, and the digitalization of workflows.

This change towards digital implies a more holistic view of information systems and management in media industries to provide
optimal system solutions, and eventually cut costs. Where other industries are well researched in terms of their IT system
solutions, in media industries the discussion around content repositories, media management solutions, and digital workflows
seems to be predominant. Within the context of this publication, a more holistic view towards information systems and
management in media industries shall be introduced, and emphasize the importance of research of business information
management and systems in media industries.

The media and entertainment industry is the third largest industry segment for investments in information systems. And this
particular industry segment is faced with tremendous challenges in terms of organizational, transformational, leadership,
customer behaviour, and technological changes. One particular challenge is the transformation of the analogue media world
into its digital counterpart. As of today, the successive research of business information management and systems focusing on
media and entertainment industries is rather fragmented and stretches over a wide area of research islands such as social
media, eCommerce, or eBusiness.

To face this challenge, this book focuses on information management and systems for media and entertainment industries and
highlighting their particular needs in production, distribution, and consumption. The book shall gather a scientific community
around the theme of business information management and systems in the larger context of media and entertainment

Special Focus on the Notion NEW approaches of Content and Media in Information Systems & Management Applications in
Particular in Application Areas as: Big Data, Crowd, Open Data, Linked Data, Cloud Application, New Business Analytics,
Information Visualization, Workflow Management, and Global Digital Production Pipelines.

Topics of Interest

Management, Marketing, Business Aspects and Strategic
Importance of IT and IS&M in Creative eMedia Industries
o IS as basis of new business models/new media products
o business process modelling
o customer intelligence either in real-time / non-real-time
o enterprise systems and project management
o subscriber management & marketing
o business model innovations and analytics
o personalized and individualized offerings to increase consumer loyalty
o increase revenue from intellectual property (IP) rights and royalties
o financial performance management
o marketing and targeted marketing for media services and consumer feedback management
o subscriber management & marketing
o target niche groups and create new revenue streams
o increase revenue from intellectual property (IP) rights and royalties
o financial performance management

Consumer, Audience, Human-Computer-Interaction, and
User Viewpoints
* perception of media content in systems
* understanding audiences, advertisement statistics, audience trends, and audience preferences
* social media analysis and marketing
* collaborative productions
* customer intelligence either in real-time / non- real-time
* marketing and targeted marketing for media services and consumer feedback management
* target niche groups and create new revenue streams
* personalized and individualized offerings to increase consumer loyalty
* the behavioural, cognitive, motivational and affective aspects of human and technology interaction in media
and content production
* digital documents/genres; human information seeking and web navigation behaviours; human information
interaction; information visualization in media industries
* behavioural information security and information assurance; privacy and trust in human technology
* user interface design and evaluation for various applications in business, managerial, organizational
domains in media
* integrated and/or innovative approaches, guidelines, and standards or metrics for human centred analysis,
design, construction, evaluation, and use of interactive devices and information systems
* information systems usability engineering; universal usability
* the impact of interfaces/information technology on people's attitude, behaviour, performance, perception,
and productivity
* the elderly, the young, and special needs populations for new applications, modalities, and multimedia
interaction in content/media industry
* user-centred/participatory/informed design and evaluation for different types of applications in a
variety of contexts in the media and content industries.

Technology Perspective of the Usage of Media in IS&M in Media Industry and the Application of Media in IS&M
across Domains: Technology, Processes, Workflows, Infrastructures and Global Production Pipelines
o digital content End-to-End
o data warehousing; digital archiving & asset management
o data warehousing
o digital archiving & asset management
o digital workflows and workflow management
o workflow management applications
o process automation
o IT supporting new services: cloud, big data, crowd, linked data, and open data
o Decision making systems using media content
o ?

Methods, Approaches, and Importance of IT and
Information Systems and Management in Media - Media
and Content as Part of IS&M across Application Domains
o impact of media in IS&M (e.g. business case calculation)
o information systems research methods
o system analysis and design
o design methods and approaches, including visual design
o methods in human-computer-interaction and IS&M
o information quality and measurement
o evaluation of the impact of IS in media
o methods for performance management, business model innovations, and analytics
o ?

Content, Service, Application, and Artistic Viewpoint on IS&M in Media and Creativity Industries

o IS & media services targeted to the end consumer
o open data and linked data applications
o Big Data related to media industry and for vertical industries (government, healthcare, ?)
o crowd-funding and crowd-sourcing applications and for market research and innovation
o media for/media industry and cloud applications
o digital production management applications
o knowledge visualization & management
o digital storytelling (serious and entertainment contexts)
o ?

We strongly welcome other topic suggestions dealing with the topic matter. Please feel free to submit. However, we
do NOT want chapters outside the information systems & management context.

30th October 2014
submission of full book chapters

* please follow the manuscript formatting guidelines below, and only submit the original version (in Microsoft Word)
* each final manuscript should be 15-17 pages long (depending on the number of submissions longer manuscripts will also be
accepted) and follow the guidelines on http://www.springer.com/authors/book+authors?SGWID=0-154102-12-417900-0
* Manuscript submission website: http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org/Submissions/2014ISMEMEDIA/


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 12:32:14 +0200
From: "Giovane C. M. Moura" <g.c.moreiramoura@tudelft.nl>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Last Days Before IM 2015 Extended Deadline
(September 30, 2014 Firm)
Message-ID: <5423EF2E.40808@tudelft.nl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

[We apologize if you've received multiple copies of this message.]

[In addition to the full paper track (8 pages), IM 2015 also offers a
great short paper track (4 pages) that is perfect for reporting



The 14th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 11-15 May 2015


Paper Submission Date: September 30, 2014 (Extended)

"Integrated Management in the Age of Big Data"


The 14th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network
(IM 2015) will be held 11-15 May 2015 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and
hosted by
the Ottawa Convention Centre. Held in odd-numbered years since 1989,
IM 2015
follows the 27 years tradition of NOMS and IM as the primary IEEE
Society's forum for technical exchange on management of
information and
communication technology focusing on research, development,
standards, service provisioning, and user communities. IM 2015 will
focus on the
theme "Integrated Management in the Age of Big Data"
presenting recent,
emerging approaches and technical solutions for dealing with Big Data
as well as
using it for management solutions. IM 2015 will offer five types
of sessions:
technical, experience, poster, panel and dissertation. High quality
will be assured
through a well qualified Technical Program Committee and stringent
peer review
of paper submissions. A special call for demonstrations is
organized to allow
industry partners and researchers to demonstrate early products and


We would like to highlight the four Keynote Addresses confirmed so far:
- Alberto Leon Garcia (University of Toronto, Canada)
- Dinesh Verma (IBM, USA)
- Ibrahim Gideon (Telus, Canada)
- Rich Friedrich (HP, USA)


Technical Papers (extended deadline: September 30, 2014)

Experience Papers (extended deadline: September 30, 2014)

Dissertation Papers (deadline: October 30, 2014)

Tutorials (deadline: October 17, 2014)

Panels (deadline: October 31, 2014)

Exhibits and Demos (deadline: January 30, 2015)

More Information on Workshops


Authors are invited to submit papers that fall into or are related to
the topic areas
that are listed below. In addition, we invite submissions of
proposals for
demonstrations, exhibits, technical panels, tutorials and workshops.
Papers can be
submitted as technical session full papers, technical session
short papers,
experience session papers and dissertation papers.

Network Management & Operational Experience
- Software Defined Networks (SDN)
- Smart Cities, Smart Grids
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Future Internet
- Content Distribution Networks (P2P, CDN, ICN)
- Virtual and Overlay Networks
- Data Centers, Storage Area Networks
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- Wireless and Mobile Networks (Ad-Hoc, Mesh, Sensor, Vehicular)
- Smart Devices and Home Networks
- Broadband Access Networks
- Cognitive Radio Networks
- IP/MPLS Networks
- Optical Networks
- Heterogeneous Networks

Service Management
- Cloud Services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)
- IT Service Management
- Multimedia and Data Services
- QoE-Centric Management
- Service Discovery, Migration and Orchestration
- Resource Provisioning and Management
- Hosting and Virtualized Infrastructures
- OTT Service Management
- Management as a Service

Business Management
- Legal and Ethical Issues
- Process Management

Functional Areas
- Deployment
- Fault Management
- Diagnostics, Tracing, Troubleshooting
- Configuration Management
- Accounting and Billing Management
- Performance Management
- Service Level Management
- Security Management, IDS, IPS

Management Approaches
- Centralized management
- Distributed management
- Autonomic and self-management
- Policy-based management
- Federated Management
- Pro-Active Management
- Energy-Aware Management
- Management Architectures

Management Enablers & Technologies
- Network Programmability
- Cloud Computing
- Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Service Chaining
- (Big) Data, Information and Semantic Modeling
- Protocols and Languages
- Message and Software Buses
- Middleware, Grids
- Mobile Agents
- Social Networking
- Human-Machine Interactions
- Operations and Business Support Systems (OSS/BSS)

Methodologies for Network Operations and Management
- (Big) Data Analytics and Data Mining
- Monitoring and Measurements
- Control Theories
- Optimization Theories
- Economic Theories
- Machine learning and Genetic Algorithms
- Probability, Stochastic Processes, and Queuing Theory
- Design and Simulation
- Experimental Studies
- Visualization


- Raouf Boutaba, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Wahab Almuhtadi, Algonquin College, Canada


- Shingo Ata, Osaka City University, Japan
- Remi Badonnel, TELECOM Nancy - LORIA/INRIA, France
- Jin Xiao, IBM T.J. Watson, USA


- Raouf Boutaba, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Marcus Brunner, Swisscom, Switzerland
- Alex Clemm, Cisco, USA
- Olivier Festor, Telecom Nancy, France
- Nobuo Fujii, NTT, Japan
- Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville, UFRGS, Brazil
- Aiko Pras, University of Twente, Netherlands
- Doug Zuckerman, Applied Communication Sciences, USA

A PDF version of this call is available for download on:

For more information, please feel free to contact the TPC chairs
at im2015tpcchairs@gmail.com or visit http://www.ieee-im.org


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 79, Issue 15

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