Friday, January 30, 2015

dmanet Digest, Vol 83, Issue 33

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Today's Topics:

1. Special Track on ?Distributed Computing with Mobile Agents?
as part of ADHOC-NOW 2015 (Call for Papers) (Euripides Markou)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2015 18:41:21 +0200
From: Euripides Markou <>
Subject: [DMANET] Special Track on ?Distributed Computing with Mobile
Agents? as part of ADHOC-NOW 2015 (Call for Papers)
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Dear Colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce a special track on ??Distributed Algorithms with Mobile Agents?? as part
of ??Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks?? (ADHOC-NOW 2015), June 29 - July 2, 2015, Athens, Greece.


Special Track on ??Distributed Computing with Mobile Agents??
Part of ??Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks?? (ADHOC-NOW 2015)
June 29 ? July 02, 2015, Athens, Greece


The concept of Mobile Agents in Distributed Computing has been studied a lot, especially during the last 15 years. A mobile agent is an autonomous, goal-oriented software entity that can migrate from one host to the next, while executing its orders and interacting with the environment. Mobile agents have proved to be a powerful tool for designing and analyzing distributed algorithms for applications in network maintenance, electronic commerce, robotic exploration, wireless mobile ad-hoc networks, and networks of mobile sensors. Although many applications one has in mind for mobile agents can generally be solved by more traditional distributed computing approaches (i.e., message passing), often the use of mobile agents offers a number of advantages including efficiency, fault-tolerance, flexibility and ease of use. Many algorithmic models for the agents (usually modelled as automata) and their working environment have appeared in the literature in an effort to study and evalu!
ate theoretically and also practically the above claims in the exploration of an unknown and possibly hostile environment. The complexity and computability of more basic tasks have also been studied, like the gathering of agents at a point, the discovering of harmful nodes or agents, building a map or verifying some global property of the environment etc.

The goal of this session is to bring together researchers working in this area in order to present their work and exchange new ideas and results, to identify new outstanding open problems and to foster new collaborations. Apart from regular submissions and presentations we plan to have a couple of invited talks on current research topics and open problems. We encourage the participation of PhD students and post-doctoral fellows willing to be exposed to important problems in this growing field.


The topics of the session focus on the algorithmic aspects in mobile agent computing and include (but are not limited to):

- Distributed algorithms, computability and complexity
- Fault tolerance, reliability and security
- Game-theoretic approaches to distributed computing
- Cryptographic techniques in distributed computing
- Distributed computing issues in social networks
- Autonomous robots in terrains
- Graph searching


- Evangelos Bampas, LaBRI, Univ. of Bordeaux, France
- Shantanu Das, LIF, Aix-Marseille Univ., France
- Stefan Dobrev, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
- Panagiota Fatourou, FORTH, Univ. of Crete, Greece
- Loukas Georgiadis, Univ. of Ioannina, Greece
- David Ilcinkas, CNRS & Univ. of Bordeaux, France
- Ralf Klasing, LaBRI, Univ. of Bordeaux, France
- Rastislav Kralovic, Comenius Univ., Slovakia
- Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton Univ., Canada
- Danny Krizanc, Wesleyan Univ., USA
- Arnaud Labourel, LIF, Aix-Marseille Univ., France
- Flaminia Luccio, Univ. Ca Foscari Venezia, Italy
- Euripides Markou, Univ. of Thessaly, Greece (co-chair)
- Nicolas Nisse, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France
- Katerina Potika, Santa Clara Univ., USA
- Peter Widmayer, ETHZ, Switzerland (co-chair)


- Evangelos Bampas, LaBRI, Univ. of Bordeaux, France
- Euripides Markou, Univ. of Thessaly, Greece
- Katerina Potika, Santa Clara Univ., USA


- Paper submission deadline: February 20, 2015
- Notification of acceptance: March 23, 2015
- Camera-ready due: April 10, 2015


The proceedings of the special track will be published by Springer-Verlag, as part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. High?quality articles may be invited for submission to a special issue of Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks at the International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems.

Submission will be through the OCS system used for the main workshop, in a separate track. Upon submission the authors should choose the appropriate track label for their papers. For more information please contact Dr. Euripides Markou ( More details on the submission guidelines and the electronic submission can be found here:


Euripides Markou

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science & Biomedical Informatics
University of Thessaly
2-4, Papasiopoulou str., 35100, Lamia, Greece

Tel / Fax: +30-22310-66718 / 66939




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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 83, Issue 33

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