Friday, June 12, 2015

dmanet Digest, Vol 88, Issue 9

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Today's Topics:

1. New conference replacing RTA-TLCA (Sophie Tison)
2. Ph.D. Summer Course on Geometric Network Design - Copenhagen,
August 24-28, 2015 (Pawel Winter)
3. 34th Colloquium on Combinatorics (Matthias Kriesell)
4. EXTENDED DEADLINE: SI of Elsevier Computer Communications on
the Internet of Things: Research challenges and Solutions
(Eleonora Borgia)
5. ISAAC 2015 - Final Call for Papers (Khaled Elbassioni)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2015 17:45:11 +0200
From: Sophie Tison <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] New conference replacing RTA-TLCA
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Dear Everyone,

As requested by the participants of the RTA-TLCA conference
in Vienna 2014, the united Steering Committees of Rewriting
Techniques and Applications (RTA) and Typed Lambda Calculi and
Applications (TLCA) have prepared the attached proposal to replace
our existing two conferences by a new one of a broader scope.

As we embark on this exciting journey, we invite all members of the
computer science community to provide comments, remarks, and
suggestions for the new conference. All input will be passed on to the
steering committee of the new conference after its constitutional
general meeting on July 1st, 2015.


Kristoffer Rose and Pawel Urzyczyn
for the unanimous steering committees of RTA and TLCA.


It is our thesis that formal elegance is
a prerequisite to efficient implementation.
-- Gérard Huet[4]

We, the communities behind the RTA[1] and TLCA[2] conferences, believe
that our field has evolved and developed richer connections with many
both practical and theoretical aspects of computer science and logic
research since the inception of RTA in 1983 and TLCA in 1993. In
particular, the scope of the two original conferences widened to include a
significant overlap, and in fact the conferences have already collaborated
by having most of our meetings since 2003 as the joint RDP[3] conference.

We have therefore decided to propose a new conference,

Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD)

which not only combines our scope but further extends it to cover all
the inter-related formal areas that researchers in formal structures
for computation and deduction engage in.

The name of the new conference comes from an unpublished but important
book by Gérard Huet[4] that was a strong influence on many researchers
in our area. We are grateful to Gérard for allowing us to reuse the name.

The extended scope of the conference will include all research related
to formal structures for computation and deduction, in particular all
areas/categories included in the attached non-exhaustive list of topics.

We look very much forward to serve the scientific community with this
new conference, which inherits as well as updates and modernizes the
scope of the conferences it replaces.


FSCD initial non-exhaustive list of topics (intended to extend the
current RTA and TLCA scope, and expected to evolve over time):

1. Calculi
a. Lambda-calculus
b. Rewriting formats (string, term, higher-order, graph, conditional, ...)
c. Proof theory (natural deduction, sequent calculi, proof nets, ...)
d. Strategies in computation and deduction

2. Type Theory and Logical Frameworks
a. Type systems (recursive, intersection types, polymorphism, ...)
b. Dependent types and homotopy type theory
c. Linear logic and other constructive logics
d. Implicit complexity

3. Fundamentals of Functional and Declarative Programming
a. Unification and narrowing
b. Tree automata
c. Continuations and control operators
d. Coinduction and infinitary systems

4. Semantics
a. Abstract machines
b. Categorical semantics
c. Denotational and game semantics
d. Quantitative models (timing, probabilities)

5. Algorithmic Analysis of Formal Systems
a. Type inference and type checking
b. Complexity analysis
c. Checking termination, confluence, and related properties
d. Formalisation and certification

6. Tools and Applications
a. Proof assistants and interactive theorem proving
b. Automated deduction (completion, constraints, equational logic...)
c. Symbolic computation
d. Implementation techniques for formal systems
e. Case studies and applications based on formal systems


Sophie Tison, University of Lille, RTA publicity chair


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2015 20:37:21 +0000
From: Pawel Winter <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Ph.D. Summer Course on Geometric Network Design -
Copenhagen, August 24-28, 2015

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Ph.D. Summer School on Geometric Network Design

Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark

August 24-28, 2015

Summer Ph.D. course on Geometric Network Design will be offered
at the Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Copenhagen in the last
week of August 2015. The course will have special emphasis on
Steiner trees and spanners, see
for the description, registration and other details.

Please pass this information to your Ph.D. students and colleagues
that could be interested in this course.

Early registration until June 21. Since several lectures come from
overseas and need to book flights, we need sufficient number of
early registrations. Otherwise we will have to cancel. Should this
happen, your registration will of course be returned in full.

Pawel Winter, Professor, Ph.D. phone: +45 23 80 77 99
Dept. of Computer Science office: 01-0-023
University of Copenhagen fax: +45 35 32 14 01
Universitetsparken 5
DK-2100 Copenhagen O mail:<>


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2015 12:13:21 +0200
From: Matthias Kriesell <>
Subject: [DMANET] 34th Colloquium on Combinatorics
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Dear colleagues,

we cordially invite you to participate at the

34th Colloquium on Combinatorics,

hosted by the Institute of Mathematics at Ilmenau University of Technology, 6th and 7th of November 2015.

The Colloquium on Combinatorics is an annual forum that brings together young researchers and established scientists. It covers all parts of combinatorics and discrete mathematics, including combinatorial aspects in algebra, geometry, optimization, and computer science.

Keynote speakers are

Ekkehard Köhler, Brandenburgische Technische Hochschule Cottbus-Senftenberg;
Dieter Rautenbach, Universität Ulm;
Annegret Wagler, Universitaire des Cézeaux, Aubière;
Wolfgang Woess, Technische Universität Graz.

For more details and registration, please visit the conference web page

or contact the conference office via email:

The registration deadline is 18th of September, the deadline for abstract submission is 5th of October.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Ilmenau!

Jochen Harant - Matthias Kriesell - Michael Stiebitz


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2015 13:55:01 +0200
From: Eleonora Borgia<>
Subject: [DMANET] EXTENDED DEADLINE: SI of Elsevier Computer
Communications on the Internet of Things: Research challenges and
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dear all,

please note that the deadline for abstracts and full paper submissions have been extended as follows:


Call for Papers
Special Issue of Elsevier Computer Communications on the
Internet of Things: Research challenges and Solutions


o Title and abstract due date (by email to comcomsi_iot at
June 17, 2015
o Full paper submission deadline: July 1, 2015


The new schedule is available at:

Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email.

Best regards,
Eleonora Borgia


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2015 16:02:25 +0400
From: "Khaled Elbassioni" <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] ISAAC 2015 - Final Call for Papers
Message-ID: <000001d0a43e$7d3be7f0$77b3b7d0$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

ISAAC 2015

The 26th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation

December 9-11, 2015, Nagoya, Japan


Submission deadline: June 19, 2015




The 26th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2015)

will be held in Nagoya, Japan during December 9-11, 2015. The symposium is

intended to provide a forum for researchers working in algorithms and theory

of computation. Papers presenting original research in the areas of

and theory of computation are sought. Papers in relevant applied areas are


TOPICS OF INTEREST include (but are not limited to):


Algorithmic game theory

Algorithms and Data structures

Approximation algorithms

Combinatorial optimization

Computational biology

Computational complexity

Computational geometry


Experimental algorithms

Graph drawing and Graph algorithms

Internet algorithms

Online algorithms

Quantum computing

Randomized algorithms

Parallel and Distributed algorithms



Constantinos Daskalakis (MIT)
Ravindran Kannan (Microsoft Research India)
Thomas Rothvoss (University of Washington)



Conference Co-Chairs:

Tomio Hirata (Nagoya University, Japan)

Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi (NII, Japan)

Program Committee:

Sang Won Bae (Kyonggi U, Korea)

Mark de Berg (TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands)

Hubert Chan (HKU, Hong Kong)

Kai-Min Chung (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

Adrian Dumitrescu (U Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA)

Khaled Elbassioni (Masdar Institute, UAE, co-chair)

Amr Elmasry (Alexandria U, Egypt)

Xin Han (Dalian U Technology, China)

Seok-Hee Hong (U Sydney, Australia)

Tsan-Sheng Hsu (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

Zhiyi Huang (HKU, Hong Kong)

Naonori Kakimura (U Tokyo, Japan)

Shuji Kijima (Kyushu U, Japan)

Tamas Kiraly (Eotvos U, Hungary)

Yusuke Kobayashi(U Tokyo, Japan)

Michal Koucky (Charles U, Czech Republic)

Michael Lampis (U Paris Dauphine, France)

Meena Mahajan (IMS, India)

Kazuhisa Makino (Kyoto U, Japan, co-chair)

Julian Mestre (U Sydney, Australia)

Danupon Nanongkai (KTH Royal Ins. Tech, Sweden)

Konstantinos Panagiotou (U. Munich, Germany)

Periklis Papakonstantinou (Tsinghua U, China)

Seth Pettie (U Michigan, USA)

Saurabh Ray (NYUAD, UAE)

Thomas Sauerwald (U Cambridge, UK)

Saket Saurabh (IMS, India)

Jeong Seop Sim (Inha U, Korea)

Rahul Shah (Louisiana State U, USA)

Rene Sitters (VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

Rob van Stee (U Leicester, UK)

Chaitanaya Swamy (U Waterloo, Canada)

Hing-Fung Ting (HKU, Hong Kong)

Yuichi Yoshida (NII, Japan)

Guochuan Zhang (Zhejiang U, China)



Submission due / June 19, 2015

Notification / August 31, 2015

Final version / September 21, 2015



The submission should contain a scholarly exposition of ideas, techniques,
and results,

including motivation and a comparison with related work. The main text,
including title,

abstract, and references, should not exceed 11 pages in LNCS style. An
optional appendix

should be used to provide proof details that do not fit in the main text.
Submitted papers

must describe unpublished work. Authors should not submit papers with the
same results or

essentially the same results that are accepted or published or under review
by a conference

with refereed proceedings or a journal. Only electronic submission will be
allowed and only

pdf files will be accepted. It will be done via Easychair:

At least one author of an accepted paper is expected to present the paper at
the conference

as a registered participant.



The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series.
Selected papers

will be invited to special issues of Algorithmica and International Journal
of Computational

Geometry and Applications.



A Best Paper and a Best Student Paper may be awarded. A paper is eligible
for the Best Student

Paper Award if all authors are full-time students at the time of submission.
To indicate that

a submission is eligible, please add the phrase "Eligible for the Best
Student Paper Award" in

the abstract.



This conference is sponsored by Kayamori Foundation of Information Science
Advancement, Nagoya

University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
"Exploring the limits of

computation (ELC)", "JST ERATO Kawarabayashi Large Graph Project and "JST
CREST Foundations

of Innovative Algorithms for Big Data".

Additional details can be found in the conference web page:


Khaled Elbassioni,

Masdar Institute


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 88, Issue 9

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