Friday, December 4, 2015

dmanet Digest, Vol 94, Issue 5

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Today's Topics:

1. Call for Papers: Diagrams 2016 (9th Int'l Conference on the
Theory and Application of Diagrams) (Stephanie Schwartz)
2. IWOBIP16 (Mexico, March 7 - 11, 2016) (Leo Liberti)
3. Holiday competition by Kaggle and FICO (Timo Berthold)
4. NEW DEADLINE 31st DECEMBER: SI of Elsevier Pervasive and
Mobile Computing on Pervasive Social Computing (Andrea Passarella)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2015 19:43:21 +0000
From: Stephanie Schwartz <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for Papers: Diagrams 2016 (9th Int'l Conference
on the Theory and Application of Diagrams)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Call for Papers: Diagrams 2016

Ninth International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams<>

7th to 10th August, 2016
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


Diagrams is an international interdisciplinary conference series, covering all aspects of research on the theory and application of diagrams. In 2016 it will be held near Philadelphia at the ACE Conference Center in Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania, USA. Diagrams 2016 will run from 7th of August 2016 to the 10th of August 2016. It will be co-located with Spatial Cognition 2016<> (2-5 August) and Cognitive Science 2016<> (10-13 August).

Diagrams is the only conference series that provides a united forum for all areas that are concerned with the study of diagrams, including architecture, artificial intelligence, biology, cartography, cognitive science, computer science, education, graphic design, history of science, human-computer interaction, linguistics, logic, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, and software modelling. The conference attracts a large number of researchers from almost all these related fields, positioning Diagrams as the major international event in the area. Diagrams 2016 is the ninth conference in the bi-annual series that started in 2000.

Diagrams 2016 will include presentations of refereed papers, posters, tutorials, workshop sessions, and a graduate symposium. We invite submissions that focus on any aspect of diagrams research, as follows:

- long research papers (15 pages)

- short research papers (7 pages)

- posters (3 pages)

- tutorial proposals (2 pages; see the conference web page for full details)

- workshop proposals (2 pages; see the conference web page for full details)

- graduate symposium submissions (3 pages; see the conference web page for full details)

All submissions will be fully peer reviewed. The proceedings, which will include accepted long and short papers and posters, will be published by Springer in their Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, Submissions will be administered via Easychair with details following on the conference web site. Full details on the preparation of submissions can be found on the conference web site.

Conference topics include, but are not limited to:
- applications of diagrams
- computational models of reasoning with, and interpretation of, diagrams
- design of diagrammatic notations
- diagram understanding by humans or machines
- diagram aesthetics and layout
- educational uses of diagrams
- evaluation of diagrammatic notations
- graphical communication and literacy
- heterogeneous notations involving diagrams
- history of diagrammatic notations
- information visualization using diagrams
- nature of diagrams and diagramming
- novel technologies for diagram use
- psychological issues pertaining to perception, comprehension or production of diagrams
- software to support the use of diagrams
- usability and human-computer interaction issues concerning diagrams

* Submission Dates *

Abstract submissions: 4 January 2016
Paper and poster submissions: 11 January 2016
Workshop proposal submissions: 18 January 2016
Tutorial proposal submissions: 18 January 2016

Initial Paper Notification (for rebuttal): 19 February 2016
Final Paper Notification: 14 March 2016

Graduate symposium submissions: 21 March 2016

Conference dates: 7 to 10 August 2016

* Organising Committee *

General Chair: Stephanie Schwartz (Millersville University, USA)
Program Chairs: Mateja Jamnik (The University of Cambridge, UK),
Yuri Uesaka (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Local Chair: Richard Burns (West Chester University, USA)
Workshops and Tutorials Chair: Aidan Delaney (The University of Brighton, UK)
Graduate Symposium Chair: Luana Micallef (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Finland)


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2015 10:08:07 +0100
From: Leo Liberti <>
Subject: [DMANET] IWOBIP16 (Mexico, March 7 - 11, 2016)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Dear all, the organizer of this workshop on bilevel programming asked
me to relay this to the list. Please contact him
<> for any questions, not me.
Leo Liberti


1st International Workshop on Bi-level Programming (IWOBIP'16)

The IWOBIP'16 will be held in Nuevo Leon, Mexico; from March 7th to 11th, 2016.

Extended deadline for registration: December, 17th.

The main motivation for hosting the IWOBIP'16 is to bring together a
group of academicians, practitioners and students working on this
topic. Also, to attract young researchers and graduated students
(master and PhD students) who are specializing in Bi-level

The workshop will take place at the main campus of the Universidad
Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (UANL) located in the city of San Nicolas de
los Garza in the state of Nuevo León, México from Monday 7th to
Friday 11th, March 2016. The city of San Nicolas de los Garza is in
the metropolitan area of Monterrey (state's capital), making it easy
and accessible for commuting within the area. The metropolitan area
hosts more than four million people and offers a wide variety of
tourist, recreational and cultural sites, which undoubtedly will make
the stay more attractive during the workshop.

IWOBIP'16 will consist of plenary lectures and mini-courses, both
given by world-renowned researchers. Furthermore, research lectures
presented by attendees of the event will be offered. There will also
be a tour organized by the local committee for the integration and
interaction of the participants to the event. It is important to
mention that there will not be parallel sessions; only one daily main
session will be scheduled because of the degree of specialization of
the workshop. Among the topics of interest of the IWOBIP'16 are:
theory, exact methods, heuristic algorithms and interesting
applications modeled as bi-level programming problems.

The Confirmed Plenary Speakers

- Martine Labbé (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Stackelberg games and bilevel bilinear optimization problem

- Boris Mordukhovich (Wayne State University, USA)
Bilevel programming via generalized convexity and variational analysis

- Vyacheslav Kalashnikov (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico)
A Heuristic Algorithm to Solve Bilevel Toll Optimization Problems

- Leo Liberti (École Polytechnique, France)
Measuring Smart Grids: Optimal Placement of Sensors in Power Grids

Confirmed Mini-courses

- Stephan Dempe (TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany)
Solution approaches for optimistic bilevel optimization problems

- Ankur Sinha (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India)
Evolutionary Bilevel Optimization: Applications and Methodologies

- Jakub Mareček (IBM Research, Ireland)
Probabilistic analyses in bi-level optimisation under uncertainty

- Carmen Galé (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
Theoretical and algorithmic approaches to Bilevel programming

The workshop official languages are English and Spanish. The plenary
lectures and the mini-courses will be in English or Spanish. In the
case they are in Spanish, the slides will be in English.


There are three types of registration: full scholarship, regular
scholarship and regular application. Registers must select one of the
three categories just mentioned.

- We will have around 35 full scholarships for the workshop
participants (only students), the scholarship includes 6 nights in
shared room during the event, meals during the day in the event and
the registration fee. Transportation to the event is paid by the

- The regular scholarship only covers the registration fee. It is
basically for local students or foreign students who do not achieve
the full scholarship.

- For the regular application, the submission will only consist on the
abstract of the presentation (without recommendation letter and
curriculum vitae). The applicant must cover his/her registration fee
in the indicated dates to be included in the event.

Those interested in participating in the IWOBIP'16 must submit the
following documents in PDF format to the following email address :

- The submission form posted in the workshop's webpage.
- An abstract of the research work to expose (between 250 and 500
words) with three keywords in the appropriate format (available on the
event's webpage).
- A recommendation letter (preferably from your advisor –in case of students-).
- Short curriculum vitae.

The results of the Scientific Committee will be decisive and will be
posted on the workshop's webpage. Those who will participate in the
workshop (regardless the registration type) must complete a form with
personal information.

Registration fees:
before 31/1/16: students 100 USD, researchers 200 USD.
after 01/02/2016: students 200 USD, researchers 250 USD.


10/09/2015 Beginning for applications
17/12/2015 Deadline for applications
21/12/2015 Notification of acceptation/rejection and the type of scholarship
22/01/2016 Deadline for covering the registration fee
27/01/2016 Final confirmation of the attendees with scholarship
12/02/2016 Publication of the complete program
05/03/2016 Beginning of the 1st International Workshop on Bi-level Programming

IWOBIP'16 is organized by José-Fernando Camacho-Vallejo


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2015 12:07:38 +0100
From: "Timo Berthold" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Holiday competition by Kaggle and FICO
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1

Dear colleagues,

For the second time in a row, FICO is sponsoring Kaggle's Holiday

There are prices in three categories and you can win up to $20000.

This is an opportunity for OR practitioners to compete with data
scientists on an unusual and difficult vehicle routing problem.

Researchers, professionals and students are invited to participate. You
are free to use the tools of your choice; there is a special prize for
submissions using the FICO Xpress Optimization Suite.
For more information, see also:

Have fun, good luck and happy holidays!

Timo Berthold, Sr. Engineer, Fair Isaac Germany GmbH,


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 03 Dec 2015 17:32:01 +0100
From: Andrea Passarella<>
Subject: [DMANET] NEW DEADLINE 31st DECEMBER: SI of Elsevier Pervasive
and Mobile Computing on Pervasive Social Computing
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii



Elsevier - Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Special Issue on
Pervasive Social Computing

NEW Submission Deadline: 31 December 2015

Pervasive Social Computing represents a new paradigm resulting from
the convergence of Pervasive Mobile Computing with Social Networking;
it aims to take advantage of human social relationships to enable the
attainment of users' tasks in different domains. On the one hand, the
impressive diffusion of Online Social Networking platforms is making
OSNs a pervasive tool for maintaining social relationships between
people. On the other hand, the diffusion of mobile personal devices
with rich networking and computing capabilities is fostering novel
patterns of users interactions through social networks, also depending
on the dynamic context and locations of the users. Last but not least,
pervasive mobile technologies enable completely novel types of social
networking applications and services, such as Mobile Social Networks.
The enormous potential of Pervasive Social Computing is leading
scientific communities in different disciplines, from computer science
to social science, communication science and economy, to analyze,
study and provide new theories, models, methods, technological
solutions and case studies. Interestingly, more and more Pervasive
Mobile Computing technologies are designed using inter-disciplinary
approaches, that exploit models of the users personal and social
behavior to design algorithms, protocols, services and applications.

The special issue aims to encourage the multidisciplinary discussion
involving academics, researchers and professionals on theories,
approaches, analysis, design and evaluation of services and networking
solutions for Pervasive Social Computing. Researchers are increasingly
interested in addressing a wide range of Pervasive Social Computing
challenges residing in Social networks and Social Computing systems
including: their architecture, algorithms and protocols for social
networking services, the creation of new analysis models, the
monitoring of emerging trends, studies on trust, privacy and security
issues and their potential applications.

The list of topics includes, but is not limited to:
- Security, privacy and trust in Pervasive Social Computing systems
- Innovative Pervasive Social Computing services and applications
- Architectures, algorithms and protocols for Pervasive Social
Computing systems
- Mobile networking solutions for Pervasive Social Computing
- Context modeling, reasoning and context awareness in Pervasive
Social Computing
- Pervasive sensing technologies applied to Pervasive Social Computing
- Opportunistic networking for Pervasive Social Computing
- Innovative Mobile Social Networking technologies and services
- Inter-disciplinary approaches to the design of Pervasive Social
Computing systems
- Analysis of users social interactions in mobile and pervasive social
- Novel Online Social Networking services and users' behaviors enabled
by pervasive mobile networks
- Real experiences and experiments with Pervasive Social Computing
systems and applications
- Opportunistic and transient social interactions in Pervasive Social
Computing systems
- Social and economic models for Pervasive Social Computing systems
- Pervasive and social collaboration tools
- Impacts of Pervasive Social Computing on users' behaviour in
different domains (e.g. e-business, e-market, e-learning, e-health)

NEW Submission deadline: December 31st, 2015
Initial feedback to authors: March 31st, 2016
Revised papers due: May 15th, 2016
Final authors notification: June 30th, 2016
Expected Publication of the Special Issue: 4th Quarter 2016

Guest Editors
Patrizia Grifoni, IRPPS-CNR, Italy
Fernando Ferri, IRPPS-CNR, Italy
Alessia D'Andrea, IRPPS-CNR, Italy
Tiziana Guzzo, IRPPS-CNR, Italy
Andrea Passarella, IIT-CNR, Italy

Instructions for submission
All submissions have to be prepared according to the Guide for Authors
as published in the Journal website at
Authors should select "SI: PSC", from the "Choose Article Type"
pull-down menu during the submission process. All contributions must
not have been previously published or be under consideration for
publication elsewhere. A submission based on one or more papers that
appeared elsewhere has to comprise major value-added extensions over
what appeared previously (at least 30% new and significant material).
Authors are requested to attach to the submitted paper their relevant,
previously published articles and a summary document explaining the
enhancements made in the journal version. In addition, such papers
must be referenced, and the difference clearly explained, in the
submitted paper.

For further information, please contact the guest editors at pmc-psc at


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 94, Issue 5

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