Tuesday, April 19, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 98, Issue 18

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Today's Topics:

1. Workshop on Recent Advances in Multi-objective Optimization
(Matthias Ehrgott)
2. Deadline April 24: GreeNets 2016, June 27-28, 2016 -
Valencia, Spain (Sandra Sendra)
3. [Deadline approaching] CFP: PSD 2016 (PRIVACY IN STATISTICAL
DATABASES), DEADLINE MAY 1, 2016; LNCS proceedings, Dubrovnik,
Croatia, Sep. 14-16, 2016 (Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro)
4. TAMC 2016 - Deadline Apr. 20, 2016 (Sun,Xiaoming)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 16:35:06 +0100
From: Matthias Ehrgott <m.ehrgott@lancaster.ac.uk>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Workshop on Recent Advances in Multi-objective
Message-ID: <5714FEAA.6000908@lancaster.ac.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Dear colleague,

On Friday, 24th June 2016, we will be hosting the third workshop on

* Recent advances in multi-objective optimization *
* moo.univie.ac.at *

In the tradition of the previous workshops, it will be a small,
single-day, single-stream meeting focusing on recent advances in exact
methods in multi-objective (mixed) integer and continuous optimization.
Keynote talks will be given by Gabriele Eichfelder (Technische
Universität Ilmenau, Germany) and Firdevs Ulus (Bilkent Üniversitesi,

We cordially invite you to participate in the workshop.

The scientific programme lasts from 9am to 6pm and takes place at
Lancaster University Management School. It comprises the two keynote
talks as well as 10 regular presentations. The registration is free of
charge in order to make a high level workshop available to the
interested public (academics, PhD students, master students). Coffee
breaks between sessions and lunch are provided. Please see the website
moo.univie.ac.at for more information on the programme, venue, travel
and accommodation.

Important Dates:

* 10 June 2016: Registration deadline
* 24 June 2016: Workshop

For catering purposes we ask you to please register online at
moo.univie.ac.at. We are very much looking forward to meeting you in
Lancaster. Please do not hesitate to contact us for additional information.

Best regards,
Matthias Ehrgott and Marc Goerigk


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 17:53:42 +0200
From: Sandra Sendra<sandra.sendra.upv@gmail.com>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Deadline April 24: GreeNets 2016, June 27-28, 2016 -
Valencia, Spain
Message-ID: <201604181553.u3IFrf6Y007007@smtp.upv.es>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

3rd EAI International Conference on Green Communications and Networking - GreeNets 2016
June 27-28, 2016
Valencia, Spain
Submission Deadline: April 24, 2016



Global warming and climate change have been a growing worldwide concern. Six sources, i.e., transportation, power, buildings, industry, agriculture and forestry, and land use, have been identified as major contributors to the rise of global carbon dioxide (CO2). The mobile industry is seen as a potential enabler to reduce greenhouse gases contributed by these six sources provided that appropriate measures are implemented. On the other hand, the mobile industry itself will also contribute to CO2 emission through network operations, mobile equipments, etc. To meet the requirement of low-carbon economy development, it is necessary to reduce the operation expenditure or energy consumption of mobile networks, while maintaining acceptable quality of service. This conference will explore and explain the scope and challenges of designing, building, and deploying GreeNets. In this regard, the conference aims to establish a forum to bring together research professionals from diverse f!
ields including green mobile networ
ks, system architectures, networking & communication protocols, applications, test-bed and prototype, traffic balance and energy-efficient cooperation transmission, system and application issues related to GreeNets.


The conference invites original technical papers that were not previously published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere. Topics include, but are not limited to:

- Communications and Networking:
Communication techniques and protocols for GreeNets
Energy-efficient transmission technologies based on the cooperation communication
Scalable and flexible energy efficiency mobile network architectures, deployments, and applications

- Energy-efficient network architecture & protocols:
Scalability and mobility issues in energy efficiency cross-layer design
MAC Protocols and QoS Designing for mobile networks

- Systems and Technology:
Transactions and workflows in green mobile networks
Adaptability and stability of green mobile networks
Mobile and multimedia supported green mobile networks
Experimental and test bed studies for energy efficiency mobile networks, simulation tools

- Energy-efficient management:
Energy-efficient traffic balance, cooperation and management
Distributed energy efficiency resource management techniques
Protocols for cooperative management and control


- Selected papers will be invited to a Special Issue on Green Communications and Networking 2016 in: International Journal ACM/Springer Mobile Networks & Applications (MONET): http://www.springer.com/engineering/signals/journal/11036

- Selected papers will be invited to publish in the EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web and in the special issue of EAI Transactions on Intelligent Communication Protocols and Algorithms (http://eai.eu/transaction/intelligent-communication-protocols-and-algorithms).

- Proceedings are submitted for inclusion to the leading indexing services: DBLP, Google Scholar, Thomson Scientific ISI Proceedings, EI Elsevier Engineering Index, CrossRef, Scopus, as well as ICST's own EU Digital Library (EUDL).

- All accepted papers will be submitted for publication in Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library, one of the world's largest scientific libraries.

- All participants are invited to enjoy walking tour "Emblematic Valencia" which is organized on 27th June. The tour starts at 5pm!

[Paper submission]

- Papers should be in English.

- Regular papers should be up to 8 pages in length.

- Previously published work may not be submitted, nor may the work be concurrently submitted to any other conference or journal. Such papers will be rejected without review.

- The paper submissions must follow the SPRINGER formatting guidelines: http://greenets.org/2016/show/authors-kit

- All the papers formatted according with the instructions have to be submitted through the conference online system at: http://greenets.org/2016/show/initial-submission


GreeNets 2016 also seeks proposals for posters and live demonstrations describing novel work on green mobile networks, system architectures, networking and communication protocols, applications, test-bed and prototype, traffic balance and energy-efficient cooperation transmission, system and application issues related to GreeNets. Posters and demonstrations will be presented during a reception at the conference. The poster/demo session is meant to introduce new and ongoing work and provide opportunities for authors to interact directly with conference attendees. Posters sessions provide a forum for researchers to present their work in progress that can generate discussion or promising new ideas from experts. On the other hand, live demos session will offer a unique opportunity to showcase real prototypes, tools, and systems to the conference attendees.

The areas of interest for both poster and demo abstracts are the same as for full research papers.

[Demo/Poster submission]

- Demo and poster abstracts must not exceed 3 pages. Titles should start with "Poster: ..." or "Demo: ..." depending on the case. The page limits include figures, tables, and references. Submissions may not be anonymous.

- Please use the main GreeNets conference paper style (http://greenets.org/2016/show/authors-kit) and submission guidelines.

- Poster and demo abstracts will be reviewed by at least three members of the poster/demo committee to ensure quality and matching to the goals of the poster/demo session as well as to the conference?s topics. Accepted poster and demo abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings.

Demo and poster proposals should include the following:

- The purpose and goals of the work.

- Any background and motivation needed to understand the work.

- Any critical hypotheses and assumptions that underlie the work.

- A clear summary of the contribution and/or results, in sufficient detail for a (re)viewer to understand the work and its relevance. If the work is at an initial stage, it is especially important to state clearly the anticipated contributions and any early results towards them.

- The relationship to other related efforts, where appropriate. Authors of accepted posters may be asked to point out relationships to work represented by other accepted posters.

- Where to find additional information (a web site where viewers can go to find additional information about the work how to contact the authors, including email addresses citations for any papers, books, or other materials that provide additional information)

If selected, authors shall prepare a final, camera ready version of the extended abstract, taking into account all feedback from reviewers, and formatted according to the GreeNets conference.

[Presentation at the conference]

In addition to space given to every accepted abstract during the poster/demo session, one author of the abstract will be given a slot in a further "10-minute madness" session within the main program. In this session, authors will have the opportunity to describe their work to the entire conference audience with a single slide and a 10-minute speech.


[Important dates]

Full Paper Deadline: April 24, 2016
Notification of Acceptance: May 10 2016
Camera-ready Deadline: May 29, 2016
Conference dates: 27th - 28th June 2016

[Conference organising committees]

General Chair:
Jaime Lloret, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

TPC Chair:
Elsa Macias-L�pez, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University, Spain

Publicity and Social Media Chair / Co-Chairs:
Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor, Koya University, Iraq

Workshops Chair:
Sabu M. Thampi, Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management- Kerala (IIITM-K), India

Sponsorship & Exhibits Chair:
Raquel Lacuesta, University of Zaragoza

Publications Chair:
Jose Miguel Jimenez, Integrated Management Coastal Research Institute, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia,Spain
Lorena Parra, Integrated Management Coastal Research Institute, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia,Spain

Panels Chair:
Milos Stojmenovic, Singidunum University,Belgrade, Serbia

Tutorials Chair:
Jose Maria Alcaraz, University of the West of Scotland, Scotland,UK

Demos, Posters and PhD Track Chair:
Gregorio Martinez, University of Murcia, Spain

Local Chair:
Sandra Sendra, Integrated Management Coastal Research Institute, Universidad Polit�cnica de Valencia, Spain

Web Chair:
Alejandro Canovas, Integrated Management Coastal Research Institute, Universidad Polit�cnica de Valencia,Spain

The European Alliance for Innovation is a dynamic eco-system for fostering ICT enabled innovation to improve European competitiveness and to benefit society. EAI uses open e-platforms to inspire grassroots collaboration among all relevant actors, from organizations to individuals, to stimulate community driven innovation to its institutional and individual members worldwide. Through EAI, organizations find ideas and talent, and individual innovators find organizations for their ingenuity and craft. Join the innovation community at www.eai.eu


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 19:33:23 +0200
From: Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] [Deadline approaching] CFP: PSD 2016 (PRIVACY IN
Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sep. 14-16, 2016
Message-ID: <57151A63.5080903@telecom-sudparis.eu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed



Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sep. 14-16, 2016



Privacy in statistical databases is about finding tradeoffs to
the tension between the increasing societal and economical demand
for accurate information and the legal and ethical obligation to
protect the privacy of individuals and enterprises which are the
respondents providing the statistical data. In the case of
statistical databases, the motivation for respondent privacy is
one of survival: statistical agencies or survey institutes cannot
expect to collect accurate information from individual or
corporate respondents unless these feel the privacy of their
responses is guaranteed.

Beyond respondent privacy, there are two additional privacy dimensions
to be considered: privacy for the data owners (organizations owning or
gathering the data, who would not like to share the data they have
collected at great expense) and privacy for the users (those who
submit queries to the database and would like their analyses to stay
private). Co-utility has shown to provide sustainable solutions to
user privacy.

"Privacy in Statistical Databases 2016" (PSD 2016) is a conference
sponsored and organized by the UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy
(http://unescoprivacychair.urv.cat) with proceedings published by
Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Generous support
by the Templeton World Charity Foundation is acknowledged. The purpose
of PSD 2016 is to attract world-wide, high-level research in
statistical database privacy.

PSD 2016 is a successor to PSD 2014 (Eivissa, Sep. 17-19, 2014,
http://unescoprivacychair.urv.cat/psd2014/), PSD 2012 (Palermo, Sep.
26-28, 2012, http://unescoprivacychair.urv.cat/psd2012), PSD 2010
(Corfu, Sep. 22-24, 2010, http://unescoprivacychair.urv.cat/psd2010),
PSD 2008 (Istanbul, Sep. 24-26, 2008,
http://unescoprivacychair.urv.cat/psd2008), PSD 2006 (Rome, Dec.
13-15, 2006, http://crises-deim.urv.cat/psd2006) and PSD 2004
(Barcelona, June 9-11, 2004, http://crises-deim.urv.cat/psd2004), all
with proceedings published by Springer in LNCS 8744, LNCS 7556, LNCS
6344, LNCS 5262, LNCS 4302 and LNCS 3050, respectively. Those seven
PSD conferences follow a tradition of high-quality technical
conferences on SDC which started with "Statistical Data
Protection-SDP'98", held in Lisbon in 1998 and with proceedings
published by OPOCE, and continued with the AMRADS project SDC
Workshop, held in Luxemburg in 2001 and with proceedings published in
Springer LNCS 2316.

Like the aforementioned preceding conferences, PSD 2016 originates in
Europe, but wishes to stay a worldwide event in database privacy and
SDC. Thus, contributions and attendees from overseas are welcome.



Jane Bambauer (University of Arizona, USA)
Bettina Berendt (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Elisa Bertino (CERIAS, Purdue University, USA)
Aleksandra Bujnowska (EUROSTAT, European Union)
Jordi Castro (Polytechnical University of Catalonia)
Ann Cavoukian (Ryerson University, Canada)
Lawrence Cox (NISS, USA)
Josep Domingo-Ferrer (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia)
Joerg Drechsler (IAB, Germany)
Khaled El Emam (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Mark Elliot (Manchester University, UK)
Stephen Fienberg (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Sarah Giessing (Destatis, Germany)
Sara Hajian (Eurecat Technology Center, Catalonia)
Alan Karr (CoDA, RTI, USA)
Julia Lane (New York University, USA)
Bradley Malin (Vanderbilt University, USA)
Oliver Mason (National University of Ireland-Maynooth, Ireland)
Laura McKenna (Census Bureau, USA)
Gerome Miklau (University of Massachusetts-Amherst, USA)
Krish Muralidhar (The University of Oklahoma, USA)
Anna Oganyan (National Center for Health Statistics, USA)
Christine O'Keefe (CSIRO, Australia)
Jerry Reiter (Duke University, USA)
Yosef Rinott (Hebrew University, Israel)
Juan Jose Salazar (University of La Laguna, Spain)
Pierangela Samarati (University of Milan, Italy)
David Sanchez (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia)
Eric Schulte-Nordholt (Statistics Netherlands)
Natalie Shlomo (University of Manchester, UK)
Aleksandra Slavkovic (Penn State University, USA)
Jordi Soria-Comas (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia)
Tamir Tassa (The Open University, Israel)
Vicenc Torra (Skovde University, Sweden)
Vassilios Verykios (Hellenic Open University, Greece)
William E. Winkler (Census Bureau, USA)
Peter-Paul de Wolf (Statistics Netherlands)


Josep Domingo-Ferrer (UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy, Universitat Rovira i
Virgili, Catalonia)


Mirjana Pejic-Bach (Faculty of Business & Economics, University of
Zagreb, Croatia)


Ksenija Dumicic (Faculty of Business & Economics, University of Zagreb,
Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro (Telecom SudParis, France)
Goran Lesaja (Georgia Southern University, USA)
Jesus Manjon (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia)
Tamar Molina (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia)


Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- New anonymization methods for tabular data
- New anonymization methods for microdata
(including non-conventional microdata types such as trajectories,
graphs, etc.)
- Best anonymization practices for tabular data
- Best anonymization practices for microdata
- Co-utility for privacy preservation
- Big data anonymization
- Streaming data anonymization
- Decentralized anonymization
- Balancing data quality and data confidentiality in SDC
- Differential privacy and other privacy models
- SDC transparency issues
- Onsite access centers - Remote access facilities - SDC software
- Estimating disclosure risk in SDC
- Record linkage methods
- Real-life disclosure scenarios in EU-member states and abroad
- Privacy preserving data mining (both cryptographic and non-cryptographic)
- Private information retrieval
- Privacy in web-based e-commerce
- Privacy in healthcare
- Privacy in official and corporate statistics
- Other data anonymization issues


Full papers containing either original technical contributions or
high-quality surveys on the above topics or on related topics are

A submission should be clearly marked either as an original paper or a
survey. Submissions should contain a cover letter indicating:

1) whether the submission is a survey or an original contribution;
2) the title of the submission;
3) keywords classifying the paper topic;
4) the names and affiliations of authors;
5) the e-mail, telephone and facsimile numbers of the contact author.

The submission itself should be sent as an attached PDF file.
Submission and their cover letters should be sent to: psd2016@urv.cat

Camera-ready versions of accepted papers should be prepared using the
LaTeX2e style or the Word template of Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. For LaTeX2e, a macro package llncs.zip and an
example file typeinst.zip can be downloaded from
http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0 For
Microsoft Word, a template word.zip can be downloaded from the same
page above.

We encourage authors to use the above formats already for their


Using the above format with 11 point font, the paper should be at most
12 pages excluding bibliography and appendices, and at most 16 pages
total. Committee members are not required to read appendices; the
paper should be intelligible without them. Submissions not meeting
these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.


Among PSD 2016 accepted papers, a selection will be made based on
quality and coverage and the selected papers will be published in the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series by Springer. This
follows the tradition of the previous PSD conferences.

The remaining accepted papers will be published in a CD with an ISBN.
It is possible to submit a paper directly for the CD, which benefits
from a later submission deadline (see CD-only dates below).

The form of publication of an accepted paper will be clearly specified
in the acceptance message. Both the LNCS volume and the CD will be
*available at the conference*.


Submission deadline: **MAY 1, 2016**
Acceptance notification: June 16, 2016
Proceedings version due: June 26, 2016
Conference: Sep. 14-16, 2016

CD-only submission deadline: June 26, 2016 CD-only acceptance
notification: July 15, 2016 CD-only proceedings version due: July 28,


The conference will take place at the Centre for Advanced
Academic Studies of the University of Zagreb
Don Frana Bulica 4
20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia

Further venue, travel and accommodation information will be posted in
due course at http://unescoprivacychair.urv.cat/psd2016

A number of travel grants are made available by the UNESCO Chair in
Data Privacy, especially for authors and delegates from transition
countries. Information on grants is posted in the conference web site.


Registration information will be posted no later than June 2016 at:



Message: 4
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2016 06:44:52 +0800
From: "Sun,Xiaoming" <sunxiaoming@ict.ac.cn>
To: <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] TAMC 2016 - Deadline Apr. 20, 2016
Message-ID: <001501d199c3$ed26a3e0$c773eba0$@ac.cn>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

*** Apologies for multiple messages ***

The 13th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of


Xi'an, China July 20-22, 2016

Welcome to The 13th annual conference on Theory and Applications of Models
of Computation (TAMC), which will take place at Xi'an, China from 20th to
22nd, July, 2016. The event is supported by School of Computer Science and
Technology and School of Cyber Engineering, Xidian University.


Tangcheng Hotel

South Hanguang Road #229

Xi'an, China

All major events take place in this building. There is a fully equipped
lecture hall with a capacity for 200 attendees as well as a series of
lecture rooms, each of which can support 50 attendees. Of course, all
participants of TAMC-16 will have free internet access during the

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 11:59 pm EST April 20, 2016

Notification of authors: May 31, 2016

Final versions deadline: June 15, 2016

Post Conference Publications

A special issue of the Journal of Computer and System Sciences devoted to a
select set of accepted papers of the conference is planned.

Submission of Papers

Authors should submit an extended abstract (not a full paper). The
submission should contain a scholarly exposition of ideas, techniques, and
results, including motivation and a clear comparison with related work.The
length of the extended abstract should not exceed ten (10) letter-sized
pages (not including bibliography and appendices.) Submitted papers must
describe work not previously published. They must not be submitted
simultaneously to another conference with refereed proceedings.

Please be advised that TAMC will consider submissions by the PC members
(those submissions will be assigned to another PC member to be reviewed).

The submission server is now available at

Conference Chair

Jianfeng Ma (Xidian University)

Zhiyong Liu (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Programme Committee Chair

Jin-Yi Cai (University of Wisconsin)

Programme Committee Co-Chairs

Jiangtao Cui (Xidian University)

Xiaoming Sun (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of

Steering Committee

Manindra Agrawal

Jin-Yi Cai

Barry Cooper

John Hopcroft

Angsheng Li

Zhiyong Liu

Local Organising Committee

Jianfeng Ma http://web.xidian.edu.cn/jfma/

Jiangtao Cui http://web.xidian.edu.cn/cuijt/

Hui Li http://web.xidian.edu.cn/hli/

Aims and Scope

TAMC 2016 aims at bringing together a wide range of researchers with
interests in computational theory and applications. The main themes of the
conference are computability, complexity, algorithms, models of computation
and systems theory. Typical but not exclusive topics of interest include:

Algebraic computation

Algorithmic coding theory

Algorithmic number theory

Approximation algorithms

Automata theory

Circuit complexity

Combinatorial algorithms computability

Computational biology, and biological computing

Computational complexity [including circuits, communication,
derandomization, PCPs, proof complexity, structural complexity]

Computational game theory

Computational logic

Computational geometry

Continuous and real computation


Data structures

Design and analysis of algorithms

Distributed algorithms

Domain models [Assets, Price of Abstraction, frameworks]

Fixed parameter tractability

Geometric algorithms

Graph algorithms

Information and communication complexity

Learning theory

Memory hierarchy tradeoffs

Model theory for computing [modal and temporal logics, specification,
verification, synthesis or automated software construction, aesthetics,
software behavior, transformation of models]

Natural computation

Nature inspired computing

Networks in nature and society

Network algorithms optimization

Online algorithms

Parallel algorithms

Philosophy of computing [emerging paradigms, morality, intentionality]

Privacy and security

Property testing

Proof complexity

Process models [for software construction, validating software under
construction, supply-chain]

Quantum computing

Randomness pseudorandomness

Randomized algorithms

Space - time tradeoffs

Streaming algorithms

Systems theory [Concurrent, Timed, Hybrid and Secure systems]

VLSI Models of Computation [Models for Hardware - Software Co-design]


Subject: Digest Footer

dmanet mailing list


End of dmanet Digest, Vol 98, Issue 18

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