Monday, June 13, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 100, Issue 12

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Today's Topics:

1. 40ACCMCC: The 40th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial
Mathematics & Combinatorial Computing (Thomas Kalinowski)
2. SIROCCO 2016 accepted papers and call for participation
(Jukka Suomela)
3. PhD student position in stochastic combinatorial optimization
at IDSIA (USI/SUPSI), Switzerland (Montemanni Roberto)
4. CFP:: MATCOS 2016 (Andrej (Andy) Brodnik)
5. PhD position in Computational Geometry at Ruhr University
Bochum (Maike Buchin)
6. 2nd CfP: JSC Special Issue on Symbolic Computation in
Software Science (Temur Kutsia)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 09:12:13 +1000
From: Thomas Kalinowski <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] 40ACCMCC: The 40th Australasian Conference on
Combinatorial Mathematics & Combinatorial Computing
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

40ACCMCC: The 40th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial
Mathematics & Combinatorial Computing
Date: 12-16 December 2016
Venue: The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia

ACCMCC, the Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and
Combinatorial Computing, is the annual conference of the Combinatorial
Society of Australasia. This year it will be held at the University of
Newcastle, Australia.
The conference covers all areas of combinatorics in mathematics and
computer science.

Just after the conference, on the 16th and 17th of December, there
will be a workshop on
Applied Probability, Combinatorics and Optimisation at the same venue.

Registration for the conference and the workshop is open now.

The following people will be giving invited talks.

- Nathan Clisby, University of Melbourne
- Amy Glen, Murdoch University
- Bojan Mohar, Simon Fraser University
- Florian Pfender, University of Colorado Denver
- Dana Randall, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Bruce Reed, McGill University
- Benny Sudakov, ETH Zurich
- Geoff Whittle, University of Wellingtton

Attendees (especially students) are invited to give contributed talks.
Contributed talks are 20 minutes in length with an additional 5
minutes for questions.
The CMSA Student Prize will be awarded to the best student talk at the

Thomas Kalinowski
School of Mathematical & Physical Sciences
University of Newcastle
Callaghan, NSW 2308

Tel: +61 2 4921 6558
Fax: +61 2 4921 6898


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 23:25:42 +0300
From: Jukka Suomela <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] SIROCCO 2016 accepted papers and call for
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed

23rd International Colloquium on Structural Information and
Communication Complexity
19-21 July 2016, Helsinki, Finland
Twitter: @sirocco2016

The list of accepted papers with abstracts is now available:

Registration is now open — early registration deadline 30 June:

Local information - please note the hotel reservation deadlines:

See you in Helsinki!


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2016 13:58:29 +0200
From: "Montemanni Roberto" <>
Subject: [DMANET] PhD student position in stochastic combinatorial
optimization at IDSIA (USI/SUPSI), Switzerland
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1; format="flowed"

Ph.D. position in stochastic combinatorial optimization

The Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence
(; University of Lugano/SUPSI) opens a
full-time position as Ph.D. student in the area of
sampling-based algorithms for stochastic combinatorial
optimization problems in transportations and logistics.

- Design, analysis and implementation of algorithms and
data structures, with a special focus on sampling-based
algorithms for stochastic combinatorial optimization
problems, improving the state-of-the-art in the research
- Moderate teaching duties.

- Master Degree in Computer Science, Applied Mathematics
or related areas (obtained or close to be obtained).
- Background in Algorithms design
- Background in Operations Research
- Computer programming skills
- Proficiency in written and spoken English.

We offer
- Fixed-term position for 2 years, with possible extension
of further 2 year.
- Attractive salary, in line with Swiss standards (roughly
50000 CHF per year, low taxes).
- International working environment.
- Generous travel support to attend high quality
conferences and workshops.

Deadline: July 8th 2016

For application and questions please contact
Prof Roberto Montemanni,


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2016 16:35:43 +0200
From: "Andrej (Andy) Brodnik" <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP:: MATCOS 2016
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed

Call for Papers
Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science

Koper, Slovenia, October 12th and 13th, 2016.

Held in conjunction with the 19th Multi-Conference on Information
Society, October 10-14, 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (

Scope and Topics
During the past years, other fields have used several subjects,
methods and approaches of Theoretical Computer Science, and several
results have been integrated into practical applications. Solutions
for NP-hard problems, algorithmic-oriented AI and data mining
procedures, new models and methods in system biology and
bioinformatics, automata theory approaches in software and hardware
verification, prospective new models of computation and future
computer architecture are good examples to buttress the above

We set double aims as the scope of this conference: on one hand side
we expect ideas and solutions from the field of Theoretical Computer
Science which have been directly applied in real world
applications. On the other side we want to collect theoretical results
based on some fruitful idea that may be useful to adopt for practical

Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest include:
- Automata and formal languages, computability,
- Algorithms and data structures,
- Computational complexity,
- Artificial intelligence, machine learning,
- Optimization, approximation methods, NP-hard problems,
- Graph theory.

There is a special emphasis on use in applications such as simulation,
bioinformatics, digital signal and image processing, logistics etc.

Program Committee

Jacek Blazevicz (Poznan, Poland)
Andrej Brodnik (Koper, Ljubljana, Slovenia) co-chair
Angel Corberan (Valencia, Spain)
Elena Fernandez (Barcelona, Spain)
Gábor Galambos (Szeged, Hungary) co-chair
Gabriel Istrate (Timisoara, Romania)
Miklós Krész (Szeged, Hungary)
Silvano Martello (Bologna, Italy)
Benedek Nagy (Famagusta, Cyprus, Turkey)
Gerhard Reinelt (Heidelberg, Germany)
Giovanni Rinaldini (Rome, Italy)
Borut Žalik (Maribor, Slovenia)

Keynote speaker

Sándor Fekete, Braunschweig University of Technical, Germany

Paper submission

Papers presenting original research in conference topics are being
sought. Papers must be in English and provide sufficient details to
allow the program committee to assess their merits. Submissions, as
well as final versions, are limited to 4 pages sharp and will be
published in an Information Society multicon-ference proceeding.
Revised versions of full papers will appear in post-conference
proceedings published by the University of Primorska Press.
Instructions for preparing the papers can be downloaded from
Conference Website.

Only electronic submissions will be accepted (in pdf format), via

Important dates
Paper submission: August 15th, 2016.
Notification: September 15th, 2016.

Website and Contacts

More detailed on-line information is at
Personal inquires should be sent to

Organized by University of Primorska, Institute Andrej Marušič, and
Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies.

Andrej (Andy) Brodnik

University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Computer and Information Science


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2016 12:50:36 +0200
From: Maike Buchin <>
Subject: [DMANET] PhD position in Computational Geometry at Ruhr
University Bochum
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

The workgroup Algorithms and Complexity at Ruhr University Bochum is
offering a PhD position in Computational Geometry. The position is
funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for 3 years. The topic of
the project is "Efficient Algorithms for Analysing the Movement of
Groups". The project aims to develop efficient algorithms and data
structures for fundamental analysis tasks on movement data of groups.
Specifically, we will consider algorithms for representing, segmenting,
and determining similarity. The project is headed by Jun.-Prof. Maike
Buchin at Ruhr University Bochum. Dr. Andrea Koelzsch at the Max-Planck
Institut for Ornithology is a partner in the project, and will
contribute data for evaluating the algorithms. The position can be
filled from September 1, 2016, or later.

The successful candidate must hold a MSc in Computer Science or
Mathematics. Preferably, she/he should have expertise in Computational
Geometry, experience in programming and an interest in working

Please send your application until July 4, 2016, by email to Inquiries can be send to the same address.

Jun.-Prof. Maike Buchin
Faculty of Mathematics
Ruhr University Bochum


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2016 16:09:43 +0200
From: Temur Kutsia <>
Subject: [DMANET] 2nd CfP: JSC Special Issue on Symbolic Computation
in Software Science
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Second Call for Papers

Special issue of the




Abstract submission: June 27, 2016
Paper submission: July 11, 2016
Notification: October 17, 2016
Publication: 2017

Symbolic Computation is the science of computing with symbolic objects
(terms, formulae, programs, representations of algebraic objects etc.).
Powerful symbolic algorithms and methods have been developed during the
past decades like computer algebra, theorem proving, automated
reasoning, software verification, model checking, rewriting,
formalization of mathematics, Groebner bases, characteristic sets,
telescoping for recurrence relations, cylindric algebraic decomposition
and other quantifier elimination techniques, etc.

The purpose of this special issue is to promote research on theoretical
and practical aspects of symbolic computation in software science. The
special issue is related to the topics of the International Symposium on
Symbolic Computation in Software Science: SCSS 2014 and SCSS 2016. It
will be published by Elsevier within the Journal of Symbolic Computation.

Participants of the SCSS 2014 and SCSS 2016 symposia, as well as other
authors are invited to submit contributions.

This special issue solicits papers on all aspects of symbolic
computation and their applications in software sciences. The topics
include, but are not limited to the following:

- automated reasoning
- algorithm (program) synthesis and/or verification
- formal methods for the analysis of network and system security
- termination analysis and complexity analysis of algorithms (programs)
- extraction of specifications from algorithms (programs)
- related theorem proving methods and techniques
- proof carrying code
- generation of inductive assertion for algorithm (programs)
- algorithm (program) transformations
- formalization and computerization of knowledge (maths, medicine,
economy, etc.)
- component-based programming
- computational origami
- query languages (in particular for XML documents)
- semantic web and cloud computing

This special issue welcomes original high-quality contributions that
have been neither published in nor simultaneously submitted to any
journals or refereed conferences. Submissions will be peer-reviewed
using the standard refereeing procedure of the Journal of Symbolic

Authors of papers presented at the SCSS 2014 and SCSS 2016 symposia are
welcome and encouraged to submit extended and revised versions of their
papers. Furthermore, submissions of papers that are in the scope of
SCSS, but did not appear in SCSS 2014 and SCSS 2016 are welcome as well.

Submitted papers must be in English and include a well written
introduction explicitly addressing the following questions in succinct
and informal manner:

- What is the problem?
- Why is the problem important?
- What has been done so far on the problem?
- What is the main contribution of the paper on the problem?
- Why is the contribution original? (Clarification: The results,
already appeared in the conference paper, will be still counted as an
original result for JSC refereeing process.)
- Why is the contribution non-trivial?
- How is the journal paper different from the conference paper? (For
submissions originated from the papers presented at the symposium.)

The submissions should be complete (since there is no rigid page limit):

- All the related works and issues must be completely and carefully
- All the previous relevant JSC papers must be properly cited and
- All the theorem must be rigorously proved (no sketch allowed).
- All the important definitions/theorems/algorithms must be illustrated
by well chosen examples.

Submissions originated from the papers presented at the symposium should
address all the feedback from the symposium's referee process and Q/A.

Please prepare your submission in LaTeX using the JSC document format
(link to the submission template:

Submission is via the EasyChair submission site at

James H. Davenport (University of Bath, UK)
Temur Kutsia (RISC, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 100, Issue 12

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