Saturday, June 25, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 100, Issue 23

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Today's Topics:

1. ICDIM 2016 (Sidda Chandrappa)
2. Ph. D. position in Discrete Optimization at TU Darmstadt
(Marc Pfetsch)
3. Computing Society : Reminder: ICS Paper Deadline July 1
(Matthew Saltzman)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 22:15:19 +0530
From: Sidda Chandrappa <>
Subject: [DMANET] ICDIM 2016
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Eleventh International Conference on Digital Information Management
(ICDIM 2016)
Porto, Portugal
September 19-21, 2016
Technically and financially co-sponsored by IEEE Technology Engineering
Management Society
Proceedings will be indexed in IEEE Xplore

Following the successful earlier conferences at Bangalore (2006), Lyon
(2007), London (2008), Michigan (2009) , Thunder Bay (2010), Melbourne
(2011), Macau (2012), Islamabad (2013) Thailand (2014) and Jeju (2015)
the eleventh event is being organized at Porto in Portugal in 2016. The
International Conference on Digital Information Management is a
multi-subdomain conference on digital information management, science
and technology. The principal aim of this conference is to bring people
in academia, research laboratories and industry together, and offer a
collaborative platform to address the emerging issues and solutions in
digital information science and technology. The ICDIM intends to bridge
the gap between different areas of digital information management,
science and technology. This forum will address a large number of themes
and issues. The conference will feature original research and industrial
papers on the theory, design and implementation of digital information
systems, as well as demonstrations, tutorials, workshops and industrial

The 11th International Conference on Digital Information Management will
be held during September 19-21, 2016 at Porto in Portugal.

The topics in ICDIM 2016 include but are not confined to the following

Information Retrieval
Data Grids, Data and Information Quality
Big Data Management
Temporal and Spatial Databases
Data Warehouses and Data Mining
Web Mining including Web Intelligence and Web 3.0
E-Learning, eCommerce, e-Business and e-Government
Natural Language Processing
XML and other extensible languages
Web Metrics and its applications
Enterprise Computing
Semantic Web, Ontologies and Rules
Human-Computer Interaction
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Knowledge Management
Ubiquitous Systems
Peer to Peer Data Management
Mobile Data Management
Data Models for Production Systems and Services
Data Exchange issues and Supply Chain
Data Life Cycle in Products and Processes
Case Studies on Data Management, Monitoring and Analysis
Security and Access Control
Information Content Security
Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Security
Distributed information systems
Information visualization
Web services
Quality of Service Issues
Multimedia and Interactive Multimedia
Image Analysis and Image Processing
Video Search and Video Mining
Cloud Computing


ICDIM 2016 has the following co-located workshops

Fifth Workshop on Emerging Problem- specific Crowdsourcing Technologies
Fifth Workshop on Advanced Techniques on Data Analytics and Data
Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Data Management
Second Workshop on Internet of Things
Second Workshop on Big Data Mining
Second Workshop on Cluster Computing
Second Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems


- All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by
- All papers will be fully indexed by IEEE Xplore.
- All the ICDIM papers are indexed by DBLP.

Modified version of the selected papers will appear in the special
issues of the following peer reviewed journals.

1. Journal of Digital Information Management (SCOPUs/EI)
2. Journal of Electrical Systems
3. Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
4. International Journal of Web Applications (IJWA)
5. International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering
6. International Journal of Emerging Sciences (IJES)
7. International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC)
(Scopus and EI Indexed)
8. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering
(Scopus and EI Indexed)
9. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence
10. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences (Scopus/EI)
11. International Journal of Management and Decision Making (Scopus/EI)
12 International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences
13. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (Scopus/EI

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission July 10, 2016
Notification of Authors August 1, 2016
Registration Due September 1, 2016
Camera Ready Due September 1, 2016
Workshops/Tutorials/Demos September 20, 2016
Main conference September 19-21, 2016



General Chair

Ramiro Sámano Robles, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Rua,

Program Chairs

Arun Pujari, Central University of Rajasthan, India
Antonio J. Tallón-Ballesteros, University of Seville, Spain


Robert Bierwolf, IEEE TEMS, Netherlands
Imran Bajwa, The Islamia University of Bahwalpur, Pakistan
Feliz Lustenberger, Espros Photonics Corporation, Switzerland
Francesco Piccialli, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy

Workshop Chair

Simon Fong, University of Macau, Macau

Email: conference at


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 22:02:24 +0200
From: Marc Pfetsch <>
Subject: [DMANET] Ph. D. position in Discrete Optimization at TU
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

A Ph. D. (teaching assistant) position is available in Discrete
Optimization at TU Darmstadt beginning October 2016. Please find the
call in German below.


Am Fachbereich Mathematik der TU Darmstadt ist zum 1. Oktober 2016 eine
Stelle als

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiter

für die Dauer von 3 Jahren mit der Möglichkeit der Verlängerung
(WissZeitVG, § 77 HHG) zu besetzen.

Die Bewerbungsfrist ist der 24.7.2016.


- Mathematische Forschung im Gebiet der Diskreten Optimierung,
- Unterstützung bei den Lehrtätigkeiten des Fachbereichs.


Überdurchschnittlicher Masterabschluss in Mathematik oder einem
verwandten Fach; Interesse an mathematischer Forschung sowie Freude an

Die Stelle ist dem Fachgebiet Diskrete Optimierung, geleitet von Prof.
Marc Pfetsch zugeordnet. Beispiele von Themen des Fachgebiets sind:
ganzzahlige Optimierungsverfahren, Symmetrie in ganzzahligen
Optimierungsproblemen und ganzzahlige nichtlineare Optimierung z.B. für
Gasnetzoptimierung. Ziel der Anstellung ist, sich im Gebiet der
Diskreten Optimierung wissenschaftlich mit dem Ziel der Promotion zu
qualifizieren. Bei Vorliegen einer überdurchschnittlichen Promotion ist
auch die wissenschaftliche Qualifizierung zur Habilitation möglich.

Die Technische Universität Darmstadt strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils
der Frauen am Personal an und fordert deshalb besonders Frauen auf, sich
zu bewerben. Bewerberinnen oder Bewerber mit einem Grad der Behinderung
von mindestens 50 oder diesen Gleichgestellte werden bei gleicher
Eignung bevorzugt. Die Vergütung erfolgt nach dem Tarifvertrag für die
Technische Universität Darmstadt (TV - TU Darmstadt).
Teilzeitbeschäftigung ist grundsätzlich möglich.

Bewerbungen bitte mit den üblichen Unterlagen unter Angabe der
Kenn-Nummer 280 elektronisch an
bewerbung [at]
(bitte in einer .pdf-Datei, max. 5 MB) schicken.

Die allgemeine Ausschreibung finden Sie unter

Informationen über die Arbeitsgruppe finden sich unter:

Fachliche Fragen können Sie gerne an Prof. Pfetsch stellen (06151 163394
oder Für allgemeine Rückfragen
steht Ihnen der Fachbereichskoordinator, Herr Dr. Andreas Mars, Tel.
06151 16-21431,, gerne zur Verfügung.


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 23:57:48 +0000
From: Matthew Saltzman <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] Computing Society : Reminder: ICS Paper Deadline
July 1
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Just a reminder that the full manuscript deadline for the INFORMS
Computing Society (ICS) conference volume is July 1, 2016.  Find out
more on submitting an original research manuscript to the conference
volume at the conference website:

You may also submit a regular INFORMS style abstracts and
presentations. The presentation submission deadline is August 1, 2016.

The conference itself will take place in Austin, Texas, from January 15
to 17th, 2017. We especially encourage submissions targeting this years
conference theme: Computing for Healthcare Analytics.


Ned Dimitrov and Burak Eksioglu


Matthew Saltzman
Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu


Subject: Digest Footer

dmanet mailing list


End of dmanet Digest, Vol 100, Issue 23

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