Wednesday, June 29, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 100, Issue 26

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Today's Topics:

1. Bordeaux Graph Workshop BGW2016 - Submissions: One-Week
Remaining Reminder - Registrations open - Young Author Prize
(Eric Sopena)
2. ICNAAM 2016 - symposium "GRAPHS" (Vojislav Petrovic)
3. MASSIVE 2016 Call for Papers (Ke Yi)
4. ALGO 2016 - Call for participation (Gerth Stølting Brodal)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 17:34:51 +0200
From: Eric Sopena <>
Subject: [DMANET] Bordeaux Graph Workshop BGW2016 - Submissions:
One-Week Remaining Reminder - Registrations open - Young Author Prize
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed



*BGW 2016 - November 7-10, 2016*

BGW 2016 is the fourth edition of an international workshop on graph
theory, organized by the LaBRI team Graphes et optimisation.

The aim of this workshop is to gather renowned researchers from the
international graph community for a scientific meeting in a friendly
atmosphere. Its scope includes every field of graph theory.

The scientific program includes invited talks (50 min) and contributed
talks (20 min), selected on the basis of an extended abstract of at most
four pages. To submit an extended abstract, please follow the
instructions to authors:

Registrations are now open:

Young Author Prize:
A prize of 1500 euros will be awarded at the conference for the best
contribution of an author (authors) younger than 35 years.

Invited speakers:
Maria Axenovich (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe,
Csilla Bujtás (University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary)
Kathie Cameron (Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada)
Pavol Hell (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada)
Alexandr Kostochka (University of Illinois, Urbana, USA)
Daniel Kráľ (University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom)
Carsten Thomassen (Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen,

Important dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: *July 3, 2016*
Notification of acceptance: September 7, 2016
Final version: September 25, 2016
Conference: November 7-10, 2016

Eric Sopena
on behalf of the organizing committee.

Eric Sopena.
LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux
351 crs de la Libération, CS 10004, F-33405 Talence cedex, France
Tél. +33 5 40 00 38 71 - Fax. +33 5 40 00 66 69
IUT de Bordeaux, Département Informatique
15, rue Naudet, CS 10207
Tél. +33 5 56 84 57 85 - Fax. +33 5 56 84 58 86


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2016 14:35:43 +0200
From: "Vojislav Petrovic" <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] ICNAAM 2016 - symposium "GRAPHS"
Message-ID: <001401d1d139$969e41b0$c3dac510$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"


Symposium GRAPHS, ICNAAM 2016 (International Conference of Numerical
Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2016),
19-25 September 2016, Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece

Organizer: Vojislav Petrovic (DMI Novi Sad)


- scores in graphs and digraphs

- Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs and digraphs

- planar graphs

- graph factors and decompositions

- graph colorings

- extremal graphs

- graph spectra

- digraphs, tournaments and generalizations

- graph algorithms

Email to or to announce registration.

For further information or

or visit

Vojislav Petrovic


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2016 22:03:32 +0800
From: Ke Yi <>
Subject: [DMANET] MASSIVE 2016 Call for Papers
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

MASSIVE 2016 Call for Papers

The Eighth Workshop on Massive Data Algorithmics (MASSIVE 2016) will
take place on August 23, 2016 in Aarhus, Denmark as part of ALGO 2016.

The workshop has no formal proceedings, so work presented at the
workshop can also be (or have been) presented at other conferences.


Important Dates:

Submission deadlines:
- Paper submission: July 15, 2016 11:00pm GMT
- Author Notification: July 25, 2016
- Camera-ready version: August 10, 2016


Aim and scope:

Tremendous advances in our ability to acquire, store and process data,
as well as the pervasive use of computers in general, have resulted in
a spectacular increase in the amount of data being collected. This
availability of high-quality data has led to major advances in both
science and industry. In general, society is becoming increasingly
data driven, and this trend is likely to continue in the coming years.

The increasing number of applications processing massive data means
that in general focus on algorithm efficiency is increasing. However,
the large size of the data, and/or the small size of many modern
computing devices, also means that issues such as memory hierarchy
architecture often play a crucial role in algorithm efficiency. Thus
the availability of massive data also means many new challenges for
algorithm designers.

The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum for researchers from
both academia and industry interested in algorithms for massive
dataset problems. The scope of the workshop includes both fundamental
algorithmic problems involving massive data, as well as algorithms for
more specialized problems in, e.g., graphics, databases, statistics
and bioinformatics. Topics of interest include, but are not limited

- I/O-efficient algorithms
- Cache-oblivious algorithms
- Memory hierarchy efficient algorithms
- Streaming algorithms
- Sublinear algorithms
- Parallel and distributed algorithms for massive data problems
- Engineering massive data algorithms


Paper submission:

We invite submissions of extended abstracts of original research. The
submission should begin with the title of the paper, each author's
name, affiliation, and e-mail address, followed by a succinct
statement of the problems considered, the main results, an explanation
of their significance, and a comparison to past research, all of which
should be easily understood by non-specialists. More technical
developments follow as appropriate. Use 11-point or larger font in
single column format, with one-inch or wider margins all around. You
may include a clearly marked appendix, which will be read at the
discretion of the committee. The submission, excluding title page,
bibliography and appendix, must not exceed 10 pages (authors should
feel free to send submissions that are significantly shorter than 10

Extended abstract should be submitted through the EasyChair website by
July 15th. The submission page can be found at Authors will be
notified about acceptance by July 25th. There will be no formal
proceedings, so work presented at the workshop can also be (or have
been) presented at other conferences. An informal collection of the
extended abstracts will be provided to the workshop participants. An
author of each accepted abstract is expected to give a presentation of
the abstract at the workshop.


Program committee:

Peyman Afshani (Aarhus University)
Alexandr Andoni (MIT)
Vladimir Braverman (John Hopkins University)
Raphael Clifford (Bristol University)
Graham Cormode (University of Warwick)
Jeremy Fineman (Georgetown University)
Michael Goodrich (University of California at Irvine)
John Iacono (NYU)
Riko Jacob (IT University of Copenhagen)
Paris Koutris (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Kasper Green Larsen (MADALGO, Aarhus University)
Ulrich Meyer (Goethe University)
Ian Munro (University of Waterloo)
Jelani Nelson (Harvard University)
Jeff M. Phillips (University of Utah)
Ely Porat (Bar-Ilan University)
Nodari Sitchinava (University of Hawaii)
Jeffrey Ullman (Stanford)
Norbert Zeh (Dalhousie University)
Qin Zhang (Indiana University)

Chair: Ke Yi (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Organizing committee:

Lars Arge (Aarhus and MADALGO)
Gerth Stølting Brodal (Aarhus and MADALGO)
Peyman Afshani (Aarhus and MADALGO)
Kasper Green Larsen (Aarhus and MADALGO)
Trine Ji Holmgaard (Aarhus and MADALGO)


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2016 14:18:19 +0000
From: Gerth Stølting Brodal <>
To: "" <>,
Subject: [DMANET] ALGO 2016 - Call for participation
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Call for participation

ALGO 2016
22 - 26 August 2016
Aarhus, Denmark

ALGO is the annual event combining the premier algorithmic conference European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) with a number of specialized conferences and workshops all related to algorithms and their applications, making ALGO the major European event for researchers, students and practitioners in algorithms. ALGO 2016 will consist of the following conferences and workshops:

· ESA - 24th European Symposium on Algorithms

· ALGOCLOUD - 2nd International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing

· ALGOSENSORS - 12th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Sensor Networks

· ATMOS - 16th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems

· IPEC - 11th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation

· MASSIVE -8th Workshop on Massive Data Algorithmics

· WAOA - 14th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms

· WABI - 16th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics

ALGO 2016 will be held during 22-26 August 2016 at Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark. The event is hosted by the national research center MADALGO affiliated with the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University and is organized in corporation with the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EACTS).

More information on the participating conferences are available at


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 100, Issue 26

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