Wednesday, January 18, 2017

dmanet Digest, Vol 107, Issue 17

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Today's Topics:

1. Workshop on Algorithms and Structure for Sparse Graphs, Call
for Participation (Siebertz, Sebastian)
2. Invitation to submit abstract or organize session in
"Optimization for public transportation" stream at IFORS
(Marie Schmidt)
3. [Final CFP] IEEE CEC Special Session & Competition on:
Niching Methods for Multimodal Optimization (Michael Epitropakis)
4. ODS2017 CFP - Int. Conf. on Optimization and Decision Science
- Sorrento, 4-7 September (Claudio Sterle)
5. Doctoral Scholarships in Leipzig (Erwin Pesch)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 11:02:44 +0000
From: "Siebertz, Sebastian" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Workshop on Algorithms and Structure for Sparse
Graphs, Call for Participation
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"



Workshop on Algorithms and Structure for Sparse Graphs

July 14, 2017

University of Warsaw, Poland



The Workshop on Algorithms and Structure for Sparse Graphs

will take place on Friday, July 14, 2017 at University of Warsaw,

Poland as a satellite event of ICALP 2017 (July 10-13, 2017).

The goal of the workshop is to provide an opportunity to

present research, exchange ideas and foster collaboration

among researchers interested in algorithmic graph structure

theory, structure theory of sparse graphs and logic in

computer science.

The scientific program will consist of three invited lectures,

three contributed presentations and an open problem session.

Invited Lectures:

Dan Král', University of Warwick, England

Stephan Kreutzer, Technical University Berlin, Germany

Felix Reidl, North Carolina State University, USA

Registration is via the conference website of ICALP

The registration fee will be about 50Eur, and covers

lunch and coffee breaks.

The organizers,

MichaƂ Pilipczuk, University of Warsaw (

Sebastian Siebertz, University of Warsaw (


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 11:07:50 +0000
From: Marie Schmidt <>
Subject: [DMANET] Invitation to submit abstract or organize session in
"Optimization for public transportation" stream at IFORS
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1256"

Dear colleagues,
The deadline for abstract submission at IFORS is approaching (Feburary 10), but there is still time to submit an abstract, and even to organize a session on a public transportation optimization topic of your choice!

If you are interested in submitting an abstract or organizing a session in the stream "Optimization for public transportation", then please let us know, and we will send you an invitation code for the submission system. See also the attached call and the IFORS website for details!

Hope to see you at IFORS 2017!
Anita Schoebel and Marie Schmidt


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 13:09:15 +0000
From: Michael Epitropakis <>
Subject: [DMANET] [Final CFP] IEEE CEC Special Session & Competition
on: Niching Methods for Multimodal Optimization
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** FINAL DEADLINE: Paper Submission: 30 January 2017 **

Call for Papers

2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation Special Session and
Competition on: "Niching Methods for Multimodal Optimization"

June 5-8, 2017, at Donostia - San Sebastián, Spain

** FINAL DEADLINE: Paper Submission: 30 January 2017 **
In the Main research topics drop-down menu please select: *SS36:
Niching Methods for Multimodal Optimization*


Population or single solution search-based optimization algorithms (i.e.
{meta,hyper}-heuristics) in their original forms are usually designed for
locating a single global solution. Representative examples include among others
evolutionary and swarm intelligence algorithms. These search algorithms
typically converge to a single solution because of the global selection scheme
used. Nevertheless, many real-world problems are "multimodal" by nature, i.e.,
multiple satisfactory solutions exist. It may be desirable to locate many such
satisfactory solutions, or even all of them, so that a decision maker can
choose one that is most proper in his/her problem domain. Numerous techniques
have been developed in the past for locating multiple optima (global and/or
local). These techniques are commonly referred to as "niching" methods. A
niching method can be incorporated into a standard search-based optimization
algorithm, in a sequential or parallel way, with an aim to locate multiple
globally optimal or suboptimal solutions. Sequential approaches locate optimal
solutions progressively over time, while parallel approaches promote and
maintain formation of multiple stable subpopulations within a single
population. Many niching methods have been developed in the past, including
crowding, fitness sharing, derating, restricted tournament selection, clearing,
speciation, etc. In more recent times, niching methods have also been developed
for meta-heuristic algorithms such as Particle Swarm Optimization, Differential
Evolution and Evolution Strategies.

Most of existing niching methods, however, have difficulties that need to be
overcome before they can be applied successfully to real-world multimodal
problems. Some identified issues include: difficulties to pre-specify some
niching parameters; difficulties in maintaining found solutions in a run; extra
computational overhead; poor scalability when dimensionality and modality are
high. This special session aims to highlight the latest developments in niching
methods, bringing together researchers from academia and industries, and
exploring future research directions on this topic. We invite authors to submit
original and unpublished work on niching methods. Topics of interest include
but are not limited to:

- Theoretical developments in multimodal optimization
- Niching methods that incurs lower computational costs
- Handling the issue of niching parameters in niching methods
- Handling the scalability issue in niching methods
- Handling problems characterized by massive multi-modality
- Adaptive or parameter-less niching methods
- Multiobjective approaches to niching
- Multimodal optimization in dynamic environments
- Niching methods applied to discrete multimodal optimization problems
- Niching methods applied to constrained multimodal optimization problems
- Niching methods using parallel or distributed computing techniques
- Benchmarking niching methods, including test problem design and performance
- Comparative studies of various niching methods
- Niching methods applied to engineering and other real-world multimodal
optimization problems

Please note that we are NOT interested if the adopted task is to find
a single solution of a multimodal problem.

Furthermore, a companion competition on Niching Methods for Multimodal
Optimization will also be organized in conjunction with our special
session. See further information at:

The aim of the competition is to provide a common platform that encourages fair
and easy comparisons across different niching algorithms. The competition
allows participants to run their own niching algorithms on 20 benchmark
multimodal functions with different characteristics and levels of difficulty.
Researchers are welcome to evaluate their niching algorithms using this
benchmark suite, and report the results by submitting a paper to the associated
niching special session (i.e., submitting via the on-line submission system of
CEC'2017). In case it is too late to submit the paper (i.e., passing the
CEC'2017 submission deadline), author may submit their results in a report
directly to the special session organizers, in order to be counted in the

These events are supported by the newly established IEEE CIS Task Force on
Multi-modal Optimization (

Important Dates

- Paper Submission: 30 January 2017
- Notification of Acceptance: 6 March 2017

Paper Submission:

Manuscripts should be prepared according to the standard format and
page limit of regular papers specified in CEC'2017 and submitted
through the CEC'2017 website: CEC 2017 submissions. Special session
papers will be treated in the same way as regular papers and included
in the conference proceedings.

In the Main research topics drop-down menu please select:
*SS36: Niching Methods for Multimodal Optimization*


Michael G. Epitropakis, Lancaster University, UK.
Xiaodong Li, RMIT University, Australia
Andries Engelbrecht, University of Pretoria, South Africa


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 15:00:57 +0100
From: Claudio Sterle <>
Subject: [DMANET] ODS2017 CFP - Int. Conf. on Optimization and
Decision Science - Sorrento, 4-7 September
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

ODS2017 – International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science
XLVII Annual Meeting of AIRO – Italian Operations Research Society
Hilton Conference Center, Sorrento, Italy
September 4-7, 2017[1]
Dear colleague,

ODS2017, international conference on Optimization and Decision Science, is organized by AIRO, Italian Operations Research Society, in cooperation with DIETI (Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering) of University "Federico II" of Naples.

It will be held at Hilton Conference Center, September 4-7, 2017, in Sorrento, one of the beautiful places in the Gulf of Naples, strategically placed to visit Amalfi, Positano and Capri, and the historical sites of Pompei and Ercolano.

The scope of the conference is presenting ideas and experiences, sharing knowledge and creating a point of contact among researchers and practitioners from various sectors (applied mathematics, computer science, engineering, economics), private and public companies, industries and policy makers. The theme is open in the wide field of optimization, decisions science and problem solving methods, and their application in industrial and territorial systems.

All researchers, academics, phd students and practitioners working on the conference themes are invited to participate to ODS2017 submitting a short paper or an abstract, and organizing sessions.

Please find below the first announcement and call for papers, and visit the conference website for further information.


We look forward to working with you to make ODS2017 a great success.

Antonio Sforza (Programme Committee Chair)
Claudio Sterle (Organizing Committee Chair)


ODS2017 participants will have two ways of submission, (a) short paper, (b) abstract:

Short papers will undergo a review process by anonymous referees. Accepted papers will be included in a special volume of the Springer Conference Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (PROMS), indexed in main scientific databases (Scopus, Thomson Reuters, Google Scholar, etc.). They should be prepared in LaTeX or Word using the PROMS template and submitted via Springer's Online Conference Service, OCS, (

Abstracts will be selected by Programme Committee to be included in the conference e-book of abstracts.
They should be prepared using the ODS2017 Word template which is available on the conference website (



Session proposals are welcome and have to be sent to at the earliest convenience of the proponent, but in any case within January 28th. Proposals have to report:

/ Title of the session and first attempt title, authors, and kind (short paper or abstract) of each contribution. /


Information about post-conference special issues on indexed international journals will be given in the following announcements.


For deadlines and detailed information about the conference and the venue, please, visit the Conference website:[2] , or send an email to



Message: 5
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 16:05:24 +0100
From: Erwin Pesch <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] Doctoral Scholarships in Leipzig
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed

Two Doctoral Scholarships

at the Center for Advanced Studies in Management (CASiM, HHL Leipzig)

The Center for Advanced Studies in Management (CASiM), the international
and interdisciplinary research center of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of
Management for business administration in the 21st century invites
applications for competitive doctoral scholarships. The scholarships are
founded by the Friede Springer Foundation that continues supporting
excellence in research at the CASiM Graduate School since 2013.

The successful candidate addresses innovative research in the fields of Management Science, Logistics, Operations Management
and/or (Algorithmic) Game Theory. Applicants hold a MSc degree (or equivalent) with a quantitative economic or managerial focus,
e.g., in Operations Research, Industrial Engineering, Business Mathematics, Economics, Management Information Science, or
in Mathematics or Computer Science with a profound knowledge in business administration. Fluency in English and excellent
programming skills as well as experience in using OR standard solvers (CPLEX or Gurobi) are of advantage.

We offer the unique opportunity to pursue a doctoral project under the
guidance of internationally renowned scholars and to be part of our
dynamic team.

The scholarship is open to applicants of any nationality and provides a
monthly grant of € 1,750, a yearly budget for visiting international
conferences as well as a waiver of the tuition fee for the doctoral
program. The maximum length of the scholarship is two years.

Applications include a completed application form, CV, motivation
letter, copies of certificates, a recommendation letter from a previous
academic advisor, and the names and contact information of at least two
additional referees. A short research proposal is welcome but not
required. Please send all application material as PDF by email to
<> and to the director of CASiM, Prof. Dr. Erwin Pesch,
<>. The scholarships are expected to start in Spring/
Summer 2017. For further information on the application process and the
application form, go to


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 107, Issue 17

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