Thursday, October 17, 2013

dmanet Digest, Vol 68, Issue 15

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Today's Topics:

2. Representing Streams II, Jan 2014, Lorentz Center, Leiden
(Helle Hvid Hansen)
3. Teaching Associate, Dept. of Management Science, Strathclyde
Business School (Glasgow, UK) (Kerem Akartunali)
4. Simons-Berkeley Research Fellowships (Alistair Sinclair)
5. University of Birmingham, Research Fellow in Graph Theory
(Deryk Osthus)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 09:28:51 +0000
From: Laura Marmor <>
To: "" <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

INSTRUCTIONS: Please note: all nominees and nominators must be EATCS Members.

Submit by December 31 of the current year for Fellow consideration by email to the EATCS Secretary ( The subject line of the email should read "EATCS Fellow Nomination - <surname of candidate>".


The EATCS Fellows Program is established by the Association to recognize outstanding EATCS Members for their scientific achievements in the field of Theoretical Computer Science. The Fellow status is conferred by the EATCS Fellows-Selection Committee upon a person having a track record of intellectual and organizational leadership within the EATCS community. Fellows are expected to be "model citizens" of the TCS community, helping to develop the standing of TCS beyond the frontiers of the community.

In order to be considered by the EATCS Fellows-Selection Committee, candidates must be nominated by at least four EATCS Members. Please verify your membership at

The EATCS Fellows-Selection Committee consists of

- Rocco De Nicola (IMT Lucca, Italy)
- Paul Goldberg (Oxford, UK)
- Anca Muscholl (Bordeaux, France, chair)
- Dorothea Wagner (Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Roger Wattenhofer (ETH Zurich, CH)


A nomination should consist of answers to the questions below. It can be co-signed by several EATCS members. At least two nomination letters per candidate are recommended. If you are supporting the nomination from within the candidate's field of expertise, it is expected that you will be specific about the individual's technical contributions.

To be considered, nominations for 2014 must be received by December 31, 2013.

1. Name of candidate
Candidate's current affiliation and position
Candidate's email address, postal address and phone number
Nominator(s) relationship to the candidate

2. Short summary of candidate's accomplishments (citation -- 25 words or less)

3. Candidate's accomplishments: Identify the most important contributions that qualify the candidate for the rank of EATCS Fellow according to the following two categories:

A) Technical achievements
B) Outstanding service to the TCS community

Please limit your comments to at most three pages.

4. Nominator(s):
Name(s) Affiliation(s), email and postal address(es), phone number(s).


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 11:42:58 +0200
From: Helle Hvid Hansen <>
Subject: [DMANET] Representing Streams II, Jan 2014, Lorentz Center,
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

** Apologies for multiple copies due to cross-posting **
** Please forward to colleagues and students who might be interested **

Call for Participation: Representing Streams II

* Tutorial week: 20-24 Jan 2014
* Workshop week: 27-31 Jan 2014
* Registration deadline: 30 Oct 2013

Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands:

Streams are infinite sequences of symbols that are studied by both
mathematicians and computer scientists. Mathematicians are motivated by
combinatorial problems that arise from number theory or probability.
Computer scientists are motivated by specifying and reasoning about
infinite data types and ongoing computations.
The workshop will bring together researchers from both disciplines
with the aim to learn from each other, exchange ideas and establish
Representing Streams II will consist of a tutorial week and a
workshop week. In the tutorial week, experts will provide introductory
lectures to various topics and is not only aimed at PhD students, but
all researchers who are interested in broadening their horizon, and
making connections with other areas. In the workshop week, keynote
speakers and participants will be invited to present results and open
questions from their field. There will be ample time for participants to
cooperate on these open problems. The goal is not necessarily to solve
all of them, but rather learning from each other's approach to these

Tutorials during the first week will consist of 3x45min lectures plus

* Automatic Sequences (Narad Rampersad, Winnipeg)
* Ergodic Theory (Michael Keane, TU Delft)
* From p-Adic Numbers to p-Adic Words (Jean-Eric Pin, Paris/CNRS)
* Streams and Coalgebra (Jan Rutten, CWI Amsterdam & Helle Hvid Hansen,
RU Nijmegen)
* Tilings and Symbolic Dynamics (Anne Siegel, Rennes/CNRS)

The second, workshop week will consist of keynote talks, contributed
talks and work sessions.

Keynote speakers:
* Valerie Berthe (Paris/CNRS)
* Joerg Endrullis (VU Amsterdam)
* Herman Geuvers (RU Nijmegen)
* Neil Ghani (U Strathclyde, Glasgow)
* Michel Rigo (UL Liege)

Participation and costs:
Participation is free, and includes a workshop dinner.
For PhD students, we have a number of student grants available.
For more information, including registration, please visit the workshop

Joerg Endrullis (VU Amsterdam)
Helle Hvid Hansen (RU Nijmegen & CWI Amsterdam)
Dimitri Hendriks (VU Amsterdam)
Charlene Kalle (U Leiden)
Evgeny Verbitskiy (U Leiden)

Scientific Council:
Jean-Paul Allouche (Paris/CNRS)
Valerie Berthe (Paris/CNRS)
Robbert Fokkink (TU Delft)
Michael Keane (TU Delft)
Jan Willem Klop (VU Amsterdam)
Jean-Eric Pin (Paris/CNRS)
Michel Rigo (UL Liege)
Jan Rutten (CWI Amsterdam & RU Nijmegen)


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 16:39:03 +0000
From: Kerem Akartunali <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Teaching Associate, Dept. of Management Science,
Strathclyde Business School (Glasgow, UK)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

*Apologies for cross-posting*

TEACHING ASSOCIATE (2 year fixed term)

The Department of Management Science at the University of Strathclyde is seeking a Teaching Associate with expertise and experience in Management Science/Operational Research. For this opportunity within a lively and hardworking group, you will be suitably qualified and keen to contribute fully to the department's teaching and learning activities. The appointed person should be able to contribute to the development and delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate modules offered within the Strathclyde Business School.

In the post, you will have the opportunity to: make an immediate contribution to the development and delivery of our modules and programmes; develop your own portfolio of learning activities individually and in collaboration with experienced lecturers; undertake professional development activities.

The department has a reputation for innovative and collaborative approaches to learning. Its education portfolio includes an undergraduate principal subject in the area of Business Analysis and Technology which is offered as part of the BA in the Strathclyde Business School as well as our flagship MSc in Operational Research and MSc Business Analysis and Consulting. These MSc programmes are offered on full-time, part-time and distance learning basis. We also make major contributions to other Business School programmes such as the MBA.

Informal enquiries can be made to Professor Susan Howick (Head of Department). Telephone +44 141 548 3798; email:

Online applications can be found at and should be submitted by the closing date of 14th November 2013. Further information about the department is available at


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 11:26:36 -0700
From: Alistair Sinclair <>
Cc: Alistair Sinclair <sinclair@EECS.berkeley.EDU>
Subject: [DMANET] Simons-Berkeley Research Fellowships
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes

The Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at UC Berkeley
invites applications for Research Fellowships for academic year 2014-15.

Simons-Berkeley Research Fellowships are an opportunity for
outstanding junior scientists (at most 6 years from PhD by Fall 2014)
to spend one or two semesters at the Institute in connection with one
or more of its programs. The programs for 2014-15 are as follows:

* Algorithmic Spectral Graph Theory (Fall 2014)
* Algorithms and Complexity in Algebraic Geometry (Fall 2014)
* Information Theory (Spring 2015)

Applicants who already hold junior faculty or postdoctoral positions
are welcome to apply. In particular, applicants who hold, or expect to
hold, postdoctoral appointments at other institutions are encouraged
to apply to spend one semester as a Simons-Berkeley Fellow subject to
the approval of the postdoctoral institution.

Further details and application instructions can be found at
. Information about the Institute and the above programs can be found

Deadline for applications: 15 December, 2013.

Alistair Sinclair
Associate Director, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 19:27:05 +0000
From: Deryk Osthus <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] University of Birmingham, Research Fellow in Graph
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

The University invites applications for a Research fellow to work on an ERC-funded project in Extremal and Probabilistic Graph Theory.

The post is available for a period of 2 years from 1st March 2014 or later by mutual agreement. Applicants will be expected to have a PhD in Combinatorics (or a related field) or are about to complete a PhD.

Informal enquiries about this position may be made to Prof Deryk Osthus via email: d.osthus at

Salary from ?27,854 to ?36,298 a year

Closing date: 6th December 2013, Reference: 52122

Further information about the Combinatorics group in Birmingham is available on

Further information about the School is available on

Further details of the post, together with information on application procedures, can be found via:


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 68, Issue 15

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