Wednesday, October 2, 2013

dmanet Digest, Vol 68, Issue 3

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Today's Topics:

1. Junior Scientist (m/w) im Forschungsgebiet Transportlogistik
(Puchinger Jakob)
2. Call for Papers - PATAT 2014: The 10th International
Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated (Ender Ozcan)
3. Announcement and CfP --- IFORS 2014. Barcelona, Spain, July
13-18, 2014 (Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber)
4. 1st Competition on Applied Text Searching CATS'2014 - CALL
5. Graduate Studies in Combinatorics & Optimization (Waterloo)
(Alfred Menezes)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 13:49:32 +0000
From: Puchinger Jakob <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Junior Scientist (m/w) im Forschungsgebiet
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, the Austrian research institute with European format which focuses on the key infrastructure issues of the future, is looking to strengthen its team in the Mobility Department, Business Unit "Dynamic Transportation Systems" with the immediate appointment of a Junior Scientist in Transport Optimization and Logistics in Vienna.

A detailed description of the position and the required qualifications can be found at:

Best Regards,

Jakob Puchinger
Senior Scientist
Mobility Department
Dynamic Transportation Systems

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 2 | 1210 Vienna | Austria
T +43 50550-6461 | M +43 664 210 65 09 | F +43 50550-6439 |

FN: 115980 i HG Wien | UID: ATU14703506


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 15:32:38 +0100
From: Ender Ozcan <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for Papers - PATAT 2014: The 10th International
Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated
Message-ID: <003601cebeb3$1b91b380$52b51a80$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

[Please circulate to all those who might be interested, and accept our
apologies if you received multiple copies of this announcement]


The 10th International Conference on the
Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling -
PATAT 2014

York, United Kingdom

26-29 August, 2014

The International Series of Conferences on the Practice and Theory of
Automated Timetabling (PATAT) is held biennially as a forum for both
researchers and practitioners of timetabling to exchange ideas. PATAT 2014
which is the tenth in the conference series will be held in York, UK.

Whether it is sporting events, educational institutions, transportation or
employee management the construction of efficient timetables which provide
the maximum in way of flexibility for all constituent parts is as important
as it is challenging. An increasingly important aspect within organisations
is an automated approach which maximises all aspects of resource usage. In
doing so a number of quantitative and qualitative challenges must be dealt
with from both a technical and practical perspective.

An important aim of the conference is to align the needs of practitioners
and the objectives of researchers. This is achieved through the presentation
and application of leading edge research techniques. Practitioners and
Researchers alike are encouraged to present their work and experiences with
the overall goal of developing efficient and practical solutions. With this
goal in mind, at PATAT 2014, researchers and practitioners will be brought
together through a number of key presentations and workshops.

Topics of interest and themes of the conference include, but not limited to:

- Educational Timetabling - Artificial Intelligence
- Timetabling in Transport - Graph Colouring
- Employee Rostering - Resource Capacity Planning
- Sports Timetabling - Parallel/Distributed Computing
- Timetabling in Healthcare - Hybrid Methods (e.g., Memetic
- Mathematical Programming Computing, Matheuristics)
- Constraint-Based Methods - Machine Learning (e.g., Data
- Expert Systems Classifier Systems, Neural
- Knowledge Based Systems - Multi-objective Approaches
- Fuzzy Systems - Multi-criteria Decision Making
- Heuristic Search - Foundational Studies (e.g.,
- Metaheuristics (e.g., Evolutionary Complexity Issues)
Computation, Simulated Annealing, - Timetabling Tools and Applications
Tabu Search, Ant Colony Methods) (e.g., Interactive
- Systems to Build Systems (e.g., and Batch Systems,
Hyper-heuristics, Standard Data Formats,
Algorithm Portfolios) Ontologies, Experiences)

Authors are invited to submit their work in one of three categories:

1) Full papers: Authors should submit papers describing significant,
original and unpublished work.

2) Abstracts: People who wish to give a talk (e.g. practitioners,
researchers with preliminary or incomplete papers) but do not want to submit
a full paper can submit abstracts of up to 1000 words.

3) System demonstrations: Authors can also submit an abstract, describing
the major properties and contribution of implemented and/or commercial
timetabling systems.

All submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the
programme committee. Accepted papers will be invited for an oral
presentation at the event and included in the PATAT 2014 proceedings after
they are presented.

Authors will be invited to submit extended versions of their original work
as full papers for consideration to be published in a Special Issue of the
Annals of Operations Research.

Paper Submission Deadline: 10 February, 2014

Notification of Acceptance: 29 April, 2014

Early Registration Closes: 30 June, 2014

Ender ?zcan
University of Nottingham

Edmund Burke
University of Stirling

Barry McCollum
Queen's University Belfast

*[Replace (ATT) with @]

Tim Curtois, University of Nottingham

Mike Earl, Loughborough University

Bob John, University of Nottingham

Julie Lane, Sheffield Hallam University


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 18:15:18 +0300
From: Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber <>
Subject: [DMANET] Announcement and CfP --- IFORS 2014. Barcelona,
Spain, July 13-18, 2014
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";

Announcement and Call for Papers

IFORS 2014. Barcelona, Spain, July 13-18 2014 (

We invite you to participate in the IFORS 2014 Conference and to
submit an abstract.

Important dates

Abstract submissions opens: 1 November 2013
Abstract submissions closes: 31 January 2014
Early Registration: 1 November 2013- 28 February 2014
Regular Registration: 1 March - 30 April 2014
Late and on-site registration: 1 May - 13 July 2014

The IFORS 2014 Triennial Conference will be held in Barcelona, Spain,
July 13-18 2014. It will bring operational researchers from around the
globe together.

Barcelona is a dynamic, open, and inviting city, in the Mediterranean
coast of Spain, which displays the characteristics of major
Mediterranean cities and inherits a millenarian tradition in science,
art and commerce. The venue is Barcelona International Convention
Center, which was built for Barcelona?s International Cultural Forum
in 2002 and counts with all the facilities to host major conferences.

The Conference Organizing and Program Committees together represent
many countries from all five continents, bringing the research,
applications and perspectives of their areas to this international
forum. We are working to prepare an attractive scientific program
covering the full spectrum of topics in our field, with a diverse and
high quality number of participants sharing their knowledge and
experience of operational research.

All attendees, including speakers and session chairs, must register
and pay the registration fee. If you need an early confirmation for
visa or budgetary reasons, please contact For all
other aspects, please contact the conference secretariat

Learn, enjoy, and be part of the great IFORS community by
participating in IFORS 2014. Organize a session, give a talk and
experience this great city!

Elena Fern?ndez. Organizing Committee Chair
Stefan Nickel. Program Committee Chair

See more at


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2013 08:46:11 +0300 (EEST)
From: O?uzhan K?LEKC? (MAM-GMBE) <>
Subject: [DMANET] 1st Competition on Applied Text Searching CATS'2014
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


The CATS committee cordially invites proposals for tasks to be run as part of the "Competition on Applied Text Searching 2014 (CATS'14)", which is intended to be an ongoing series of evaluations of text searching algorithms. The main goal of the CATS series is to explore the potentialities of the most recent advances in text searching on real world problems. We particularly aim to provide a fruitful platform, where the practical demands would be better sensed by the academia, and the advances in algorithm design and engineering would be more apparent to the industry.


Tasks are typically focused on the design and implementation of efficient, correct algorithms, in the field of text searching, including exact, approximate, single and multiple strings. Any problem definitions extending these fundamental topics as well as introducing new concepts or dimensions are surely very welcome. We especiallyencourage tasks on diverse data sets that are relevant in (but not restricted to) searching biological/DNA sequences, musical sequences, binary data, encrypted texts, natural language texts, compressed data, numerical sequences, dictionaries, images, specialized texts, etc. Tasks based on purely theoretical or open-ended problems, i.e., tasks that do not necessarily have a known efficient or optimal solution may also be considered. In typical setting, the tasks are expected to evaluate solutions in terms of correctness and speed (CPU running times). However, tasks with alternative measures of solution effectiveness other than CPU time consumption w!
ill be also taken into account. It will help us a lot if tasks are designed in such a way that they can be run and scored automatically from a central website or from a freely available tool. We will be happy to help with task design, data formatting, and so on. Task proposals must be submitted in English and must include an email address and information on the task author(s) including name, affiliation, and country.
To ensure a fair and interesting competition for all participants, proposed tasks should ideally contain:

1. Abstract
The abstract will contain a short description of the task and of the data which will be used for the evaluation.

2. Introduction and Motivation
This section will present an introduction to the problem containing some historical informations and the most significant references. It will include also applications and motivations of the problem proposed in the task.

3. Task Description
This section will present a detailed description and a formal definition of the problem involved in the proposed task. It will include technical details about input and output data.

4. Evaluation Procedure and Environment
This section will describe very clearly the procedure to evaluate the submitted solutions. It is expected that all submissions for the task will be checked for correctness and then compared in terms of speed via an automatic system. The proposers may consider to use the smart research tool (, which is a platform to automatically score and compare string matching algorithms. It might be also possible, and we will be happy, to extent and tune the smart tool according to the needs of the tasks. However, the proposers are surely free to offer their own evaluation procedure with their own tools according to their specific needs. It is also vital to announce the details of the computing device that will be used throughout the evaluation, such as the CPU information, memory, operating system, or any other task specific properties.

5. Data Format
This section will explain the data format which will beused for the evaluation, and the description of the textand of the set of patterns.

6. Basic Solution
While not strictly required, it is strongly preferred that the submission also includes at least one implementation of the desired solution, attached as a separate file. It will be considered as the basic solution to be outperformed in the final evaluations process.

7. Reward Proposal
Although not mandatory, we strongly suggest the task authors to offer a reward for the winner, which will help to receive more attention to the specific task. In this case description of the reward and the constraint to complywith the reward must be given. The rewards may be considered in the form of cash money, grant for attending the conference or even a job contract. However, the reward proposal is at author's complete discretion.

Submitted tasks must be kept strictly confidential until the end of CATS 2014. After this time, authors are free to do whatever they wish with the tasks. A set of task proposals will be selected by the CATS Committee on the basis of their interest to the community, peculiarity and novelty.
The set of final selected tasks will be announced by December10, 2013.
All authors will be acknowledged at the close of CATS 2014.

Please submit proposals as soon as possible, preferably in a pdf file. Task materials must be placed together in a single file (use .zip or .tgz for multiple les) and submitted via email to the address:
Task proposals must be submitted by December 1, 2013

Receipt of submissions will be confirmed via email.The CATS Scientific Committee will carefully review allsubmissions and will select a list of tasks to be run at the CATS 2014 competition. The authors of the tasks selected for competition will be invited to attend the CATS 2014 as Invited Guests. Following the announcement of the selected tasks, the CATS Committee will publish corresponding Call for Participationto invite solutions for the selected tasks.The authors of the selected tasks will be asked to provide training data to competitors in order to test and evaluatetheir own solutions. Training data will be released tocompetitors by December 25 2013.At the end of the Call for Participation a set of evaluationdata will be provided to the CATS committee by the task authors. This data will be similar (but not equal) totraining data provided in the first phase of the process.Task authors could eventually ask to keep confidential theevaluation data and/or to participate duri!
ng the testingprocess of the submitted solutions. In this case authorsshould explicitly state their interest in keeping confidentialthe evaluation data. In any case training data mustbe released to the participants.Solutions will be checked first for correctness, and will beevaluated in terms of running times or in terms of someother measures of effectiveness. The authors of tasks included in the actual competitionwill also be recognized by listing their name, affiliationand country in the official CATS 2014 proceedings (unless they specifically decline this).

1 December 2013 : Task submission deadline
1 January 2014 : Call for solutions
May 2014 : Registration deadline
June 2014 : Winners announcement
September 2014 : CATS Workshop

Simone Faro
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, University of Catania, Italy

M. Oguzhan Kulekci
TUBITAK, National Research Institute of Electronics and Cryptology, Turkey


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 13:08:46 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alfred Menezes <>
Subject: [DMANET] Graduate Studies in Combinatorics & Optimization
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

University of Waterloo

The Department of Combinatorics and Optimization (C&O) is the
only department of its kind in the world. It has 30 professors
and approximately 60 graduate students. Among the faculty are one
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, one member of the National
Academy of Engineering, two Canada Research Chairs, three University
Research Chairs, two Fulkerson Prize winners, one Sloan Fellow,
and one recipient of a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award.
Recent faculty appointments include Bill Cook and Luke Postle.

We are intensely research oriented and hold a strong international
reputation in each of our six major research areas:
* Algebraic combinatorics
* Continuous optimization
* Cryptography
* Discrete Optimization
* Graph Theory
* Quantum Computing
C&O faculty members also do research in algorithmic game theory,
approximation algorithms, combinatorial algebraic geometry, matroid
theory, network optimization, numerical analysis, and operations
research. The C&O department is affiliated with the Centre for
Applied Cryptographic Research (CACR), the Institute for Quantum
Computing (IQC), Perimeter Institute (PI), and the Waterloo Research
Institute in Insurance, Securities & Quantitative Finance (WatRISQ).

Our PhD graduates include Vasek Chvatal, Bill Cook, Bill Cunningham,
Jim Geelen, Bill Pulleyblank, Neil Robertson, Bruce Shepherd,
Doug Stinson, and Carsten Thomassen.

We have a PhD program and several Master's programs (thesis-based,
course-based, co-op, quantum information). Our graduate students
come from all around the world. All students are given full
financial aid comprising research assistantships, teaching
assistantships, and scholarships. Teaching assistants have light
teaching and grading responsibilities of at most five hours per week.

We accept applications for graduate studies throughout the year.
The deadline for admission for the Fall term (starting in September)
is February 1. Application procedures are available on our web site:

The C&O department is one of five departments in the Faculty of
Mathematics, the other four being Applied Mathematics, Pure
Mathematics, Statistics & Actuarial Science, and the David R.
Cheriton School of Computer Science. Altogether, there are more
than 7,000 graduate and undergraduate students and 200 professors
in the Faculty of Mathematics, offering a stimulating environment
for research in all branches of the mathematical sciences.

Waterloo, and its twin city Kitchener, are located in Southern
Ontario, Canada. This thriving area, notable for its technology
industry, has the advantages of city living and yet is conveniently
close to natural attractions such as camping and hiking along the
Grand River. The City of Waterloo has a city-wide network of
trails and bike paths along with a comprehensive public
transportation system. Waterloo is an easy 90-minute drive or
bus ride to downtown Toronto, Canada's largest city.

Melissa Cambridge
Administrative Coordinator, Graduate Studies
Phone: 1-519-888-4567 x34027


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 68, Issue 3

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