Tuesday, October 1, 2013

dmanet Digest, Vol 68, Issue 2

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Today's Topics:

1. Max Planck Institute for Informatics: Group Leader Position
in Algorithms (Kurt Mehlhorn)
2. permanent faculty position in Discrete Mathematics at the
University of Birmingham (Daniela Kuhn)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 09:59:25 +0200
From: Kurt Mehlhorn <mehlhorn@mpi-inf.mpg.de>
To: DMANET@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Max Planck Institute for Informatics: Group Leader
Position in Algorithms
Message-ID: <524A80DD.3010405@mpi-inf.mpg.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

The Max Planck Institute for Informatics seeks a Group Leader for the Algorithms
and Complexity Department (directed by Kurt Mehlhorn). The department currently
conducts research in the areas foundations and discrete mathematics,
combinatorial optimization, bio-inspired computation, computational geometry,
computer algebra, algorithmic game theory, and software libraries. More
information can be found at http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/departments/d1.

This is a five-year appointment at the W2 level, which is roughly equivalent to
the assistant or associate professor level in the US system. All of our previous
Group Leaders have secured tenured professorships during their time at the
Institute. The primary criterion for selection is the ability to conduct
high-quality internationally recognized research in algorithms or complexity.

Please include your curriculum vitae, three selected publications, referee
contact details, and a 2500 word research statement. Applications should be sent
as a single pdf-file to d1-office@mpi-inf.mpg.de. The deadline for applications
is October 30th, 2013.

For further information regarding the position, please contact Kurt Mehlhorn


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 08:30:54 +0000
From: Daniela Kuhn <d.kuhn@bham.ac.uk>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] permanent faculty position in Discrete Mathematics
at the University of Birmingham
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

The University of Birmingham (UK) is seeking to recruit a researcher who has demonstrated excellent research achievement in any area of Discrete Mathematics.?????

This position is within the Birmingham fellowship scheme. Birmingham fellowships are prestigious permanent faculty positions, with a probationary period of three years. The positions are made especially attractive by the fact that the first 5 years come with (additional) protected time for high-quality research: there will be a significantly reduced teaching load for the first five years with almost no teaching in the first year, gradually going up to the full load. At the end of the five years the fellowship is transferred to a position at the appropriate level (Lecturer/Reader), which would be equivalent to an Associate Professorship within the US system.

Discrete Mathematics is one of the priority areas for the current call.

Applicants would be expected to have at least a year's postdoc or so, but they could also be (much) more senior.

The deadline for applications is 23 November 2013. The starting date is flexible - sometime in 2014.

Information about the fellowship call can be found here:


Information about the Birmingham Combinatorics group can be found here:


Informal enquiries about applications are very welcome and can be made to:
Daniela Kuhn (d.kuhn@bham.ac.uk) and Deryk Osthus (d.osthus@bham.ac.uk).


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 68, Issue 2

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