Monday, January 20, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 71, Issue 20

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Today's Topics:

1. SEA 2014:CFP (Joachim Gudmundsson)
2. postdoctoral fellowship available in algorithms and
optimization (
3. Ph.D. positions in parallel algorithms and algorithms
engineering at University of Hawaii (Nodari Sitchinava)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 00:02:06 +1100
From: Joachim Gudmundsson <>
Subject: [DMANET] SEA 2014:CFP
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


13th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms
June 29-July 1, 2014
Copenhagen, Denmark

Call for Papers



Submission deadline: February 7, 2014
Author notification: March 14, 2014
Camera-ready submission: April 4, 2014


SEA, previously known as WEA (Workshop on Experimental Algorithms),
is an international forum for researchers in the area of design,
analysis, and experimental evaluation and engineering of algorithms,
as well as in various aspects of computational optimization and
its applications. The preceding symposia were held in Riga, Monte
Verita, Rio de Janeiro, Santorini, Menorca Island, Rome, Cape Cod,
Dortmund, Ischia Island, Crete, Bordeaux, and Rome.

The main theme of the symposium is the role of experimentation and
of algorithm engineering techniques in the design and evaluation of
algorithms and data structures. Submissions should present
significant contributions supported by experimental evaluation,
methodological issues in the design and interpretation of
experiments, the use of (meta-)heuristics, or application-driven
case studies that deepen the understanding of a problem's

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Algorithm Engineering
- Algorithmic Libraries
- Algorithmic Mechanism Design
- Analysis of Algorithms
- Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies
- Approximation Techniques
- Bioinformatics
- Branch and Bound Algorithms
- Combinatorial and Irregular Problems
- Combinatorial Structures and Graphs
- Communication Networks
- Complex Networks
- Computational Geometry
- Computational Learning Theory
- Computational Optimization
- Computer Systems
- Cryptography and Security
- Data Streams
- Data Structures
- Distributed and Parallel Algorithms
- Evaluation of Algorithms for Realistic Environments
- Experimental Techniques and Statistics
- Graph Drawing
- Heuristics for Combinatorial Optimization
- Implementation, Testing, Evaluation and Fine-tuning
- Information Retrieval
- Integer Programming
- Logistics and Operations Management
- Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Mathematical Programming
- Metaheuristic Methodologies
- Multiple Criteria Decision Making
- Network Analysis
- Novel Applications of Algorithms in Other Disciplines
- On-line Problems
- Parallel Algorithms and Computing
- Railway Optimization using Algorithmic Methods
- Randomized Techniques
- Robotics
- Semidefinite Programming
- Simulation
- Software Repositories and Platforms for using Algorithms
- Telecommunications and Networking
- World Wide Web Algorithms


Benjamin Doerr, Max-Planck Institut f?r Informatik
Camil Demetrescu, Sapienza University of Rome
David G Andersen, Carnegie Mellon University
David Mount, University of Maryland
Erwin Pesch, University of Siegen
Gerhard J. Woeginger, Technical University of Eindhoven
Joachim Gudmundsson (chair), University of Sydney and NICTA
Jyrki Katajainen, University of Copenhagen
Maike Buchin, Ruhr-University of Bochum
Martin Skutella, Technical University of Berlin
Matt Stallmann, North Carolina State University
Peter Sanders, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Petra Mutzel, Technical University of Dortmund
Philippas Tsigas, Chalmers University of Technology
Rolf Niedermeier, Technical University of Berlin
Simon Puglisi, University of Helsinki
Suresh Venkatasubramanian, University of Utah
Toby Walsh, NICTA and University of New South Wales
Yusu Wang, Ohio State University

Jon Bentley, Avaya Labs Research
Robert Bixby, Rice University
Rasmus Pagh, IT University of Copenhagen


Authors are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts reporting
original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics
related to the symposium. Simultaneous submission to other
conferences or workshops with published proceedings is not allowed.

Submissions must not exceed 12 pages formatted according to LNCS
style plus an optional, clearly marked appendix of reasonable
length (to be read at the program committee's discretion). All papers
will be peer reviewed and comments will be provided to the authors.


Accepted papers will appear in the SEA 2014 proceedings published
by Springer in the LNCS series.


Jyrki Katajainen, University of Copenhagen
Susan Nasirumbi Ipsen, University of Copenhagen


For further information, please send an e-mail to


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 22:33:52 -0700
From: <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] postdoctoral fellowship available in algorithms and
Message-ID: <alpine.DEB.2.02.1401182231370.5195@poppy>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="US-ASCII"

Applications from outstanding candidates are invited for a
postdoctoral fellowship in algorithm design and optimization at the
University of Lethbridge. The research will broadly target the
development of advanced algorithms to solve challenging problems in
communication networks, facility location and discrete optimization.
The position is for one year, but may be extended for up to a second
year, subject to the availability of funds. The preferred start date
for the fellowship is on or before April 1, 2014.

The fellow will join the Optimization Research Group in the
Mathematics and Computer Science Department. The group consists of
faculty and graduate students at the masters and PhD level whose
research areas include telecommunication, transportation and
logistics, scientific computation, and bioinformatics. The group
members work in a relaxed and collegial atmosphere and maintain strong
research collaborations within the group, across Canada and

Applicants should have a PhD degree in Computer Science or a related
field, obtained in the last five years. Extensions are considered in
case of maternity leave or other special circumstances. Proof of
degree completion must be provided prior to the start date of the

To apply, please submit a letter of intention, a CV, a research
statement, the contact information for three referees, and a sample of
your publications, to the e-mail address below. Please use the subject
"PDF application" in your e-mail. Applications are accepted until the
position is filled. Applications received by January 31, 2014 will
receive full consideration.

Lethbridge is located in Southern Alberta, Canada, close to the border
with the province of British Columbia. It is only 1.5 hours drive from
the Rockies and the Waterton Lakes National Park, a UNESCO World
Heritage site.

E-mail address for the submission of your application:

Robert Benkoczi, PhD,
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
University of Lethbridge
4401 University Dr
Lethbridge AB T1K3M4, Canada



Message: 3
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 12:47:44 -1000
From: Nodari Sitchinava <>
Subject: [DMANET] Ph.D. positions in parallel algorithms and
algorithms engineering at University of Hawaii
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Funding for multiple PhD positions in the area of theoretical computer
science is available at the department of Information and Computer
Sciences at the University of Hawaii, Manoa.

A successful candidate will work under the supervision of Prof. Nodari
Sitchinava on the topics of parallel and distributed algorithms and data
structures for modern architectures and programming environments, such
as manycores, GPGPUs, MapReduce. For more practically inclined
candidates projects which involve implementing these algorithms and data
structures on the modern architectures (algorithms engineering) are also
available, especially in the area of GPU programming. Exceptional
candidates in the general area of algorithms and data structures will
also be considered.

The applicants should apply through the Univeristy of Hawaii's central
admissions process. Information on how to apply can be found here:

The deadline for Fall 2014 admission is February 1, 2014. Students who
do not have a Master's degree are encouraged to apply directly to the
Ph.D. program (and will obtain a Master's degree in the course of the
Ph.D. program).

The department of Information and Computer Sciences is located in the
Manoa neighborhood of Honolulu, Hawaii. Honolulu is a vibrant city of
population 900,000 on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. The temperatures in
Honolulu vary very little throughout the year and average 75-90F
(24-32C) year round. In addition to city activities, the island offers
many outdoor activities, such as hiking, surfing, snorkeling, scuba diving.


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 71, Issue 20

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