Thursday, January 23, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 71, Issue 24

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Today's Topics:

1. PhD positions in Algorithms for Sensor and embedded systems
(Rik Sarkar)
2. PhD student position in Discrete Optimization at TU Dortmund
(Dennis Michaels)
3. SLSP 2014: 1st call for papers (GRLMC - URV)
4. 6th AIMMS/MOPTA International Optimization Modeling
Competition (Luis Zuluaga)
5. First Call for Papers - Graph Drawing (Duncan, Christian A. Prof.)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 10:47:43 +0000
From: Rik Sarkar <>
Subject: [DMANET] PhD positions in Algorithms for Sensor and embedded
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

The University of Edinburgh invites applications for PhD studentships in
the EPSRC funded Center for Doctoral Training (CDT) on pervasive
parallelism for UK and EU students.

All aspects of parallel, distributed and network computing are of
interest. See the web page for information:

Students with interest in sensor networks, algorithms, computational
geometry, graph theory, distributed systems etc can contact Dr. Rik
Sarkar for more information.


Rik Sarkar
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) and Chancellor's Fellow
The University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 12:58:09 +0100
From: Dennis Michaels <>
Subject: [DMANET] PhD student position in Discrete Optimization at TU
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed

The department of Mathematics at TU Dortmund offers a PhD student
position to be filled at the next possible date. The initial appointment
will be for one year, with a possible extension to December 31, 2017.
The position is a full-time appointment with a salary according to E13
of the TV-L public-employee tariff or TV?-L, if applicable. The position
is in principle suitable for part-time employees.

The position will be funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
through subproject C3 within the Collaborative Research
Centre/Transregio 63 "InPROMPT". The goal of this project is, in
cooperation with the chair of Automation/Modeling at the University of
Magdeburg (Germany), to develop new mathematical methods for the global
optimization of integrated liquid multi-phase systems.
Candidates must hold a qualifying university degree in mathematics and
have profound knowledge in the field of discrete optimization and/or
mixed-integer global optimization. The official job announcement (in
German) including a detailed job description and a full list of required
qualifications can be found at

Please send applications, including the usual documentation and quoting
reference no 186-13 by February 05, 2014, to:

Technische Universitaet Dortmund
Fakultaet fuer Mathematik
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Dennis Michaels
Vogelpothsweg 87
44227 Dortmund

or applications in electronical form (pdf) at

For further information, please contact:
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Dennis Michaels
Tel. +49 231 755 7225


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 22:25:50 +0100
From: "GRLMC - URV" <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] SLSP 2014: 1st call for papers
Message-ID: <000001cf17b8$8f971be0$6400a8c0@GRLMC.local>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

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SLSP 2014

Grenoble, France

October 14-16, 2014

Organised by:

?quipe GETALP
Laboratoire d?Informatique de Grenoble

Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University



SLSP is a yearly conference series aimed at promoting and displaying
excellent research on the wide spectrum of statistical methods that are
currently in use in computational language or speech processing. It aims at
attracting contributions from both fields. Though there exist large,
well-known conferences and workshops hosting contributions to any of these
areas, SLSP is a more focused meeting where synergies between subdomains and
people will hopefully happen. In SLSP 2014, significant room will be
reserved to young scholars at the beginning of their career and particular
focus will be put on methodology.


SLSP 2014 will take place in Grenoble, at the foot of the French Alps.


The conference invites submissions discussing the employment of statistical
methods (including machine learning) within language and speech processing.
The list below is indicative and not exhaustive:

phonology, phonetics, prosody, morphology
syntax, semantics
discourse, dialogue, pragmatics
statistical models for natural language processing
supervised, unsupervised and semi-supervised machine learning methods
applied to natural language, including speech
statistical methods, including biologically-inspired methods
language resources
part-of-speech tagging
semantic role labelling
natural language generation
anaphora and coreference resolution
speech recognition
speaker identification/verification
speech transcription
speech synthesis
machine translation
translation technology
text summarisation
information retrieval
text categorisation
information extraction
term extraction
spelling correction
text and web mining
opinion mining and sentiment analysis
spoken dialogue systems
author identification, plagiarism and spam filtering


SLSP 2014 will consist of:

invited talks
invited tutorials
peer-reviewed contributions


to be announced


Sophia Ananiadou (Manchester, UK)
Srinivas Bangalore (Florham Park, US)
Patrick Blackburn (Roskilde, DK)
Herv? Bourlard (Martigny, CH)
Bill Byrne (Cambridge, UK)
Nick Campbell (Dublin, IE)
David Chiang (Marina del Rey, US)
Kenneth W. Church (Yorktown Heights, US)
Walter Daelemans (Antwerpen, BE)
Thierry Dutoit (Mons, BE)
Alexander Gelbukh (Mexico City, MX)
Ralph Grishman (New York, US)
Sanda Harabagiu (Dallas, US)
Xiaodong He (Redmond, US)
Hynek Hermansky (Baltimore, US)
Hitoshi Isahara (Toyohashi, JP)
Lori Lamel (Orsay, FR)
Gary Geunbae Lee (Pohang, KR)
Haizhou Li (Singapore, SG)
Daniel Marcu (Los Angeles, US)
Carlos Mart?n-Vide (Tarragona, ES, chair)
Manuel Montes-y-G?mez (Puebla, MX)
Satoshi Nakamura (Nara, JP)
Shrikanth S. Narayanan (Los Angeles, US)
Vincent Ng (Dallas, US)
Joakim Nivre (Uppsala, SE)
Elmar N?th (Erlangen, DE)
Maurizio Omologo (Trento, IT)
Mari Ostendorf (Seattle, US)
Barbara H. Partee (Amherst, US)
Gerald Penn (Toronto, CA)
Massimo Poesio (Colchester, UK)
James Pustejovsky (Waltham, US)
Ga?l Richard (Paris, FR)
German Rigau (San Sebasti?n, ES)
Paolo Rosso (Valencia, ES)
Yoshinori Sagisaka (Tokyo, JP)
Bj?rn W. Schuller (London, UK)
Satoshi Sekine (New York, US)
Richard Sproat (New York, US)
Mark Steedman (Edinburgh, UK)
Jian Su (Singapore, SG)
Marc Swerts (Tilburg, NL)
Jun'ichi Tsujii (Beijing, CN)
Gertjan van Noord (Groningen, NL)
Renata Vieira (Porto Alegre, BR)
Dekai Wu (Hong Kong, HK)
Feiyu Xu (Berlin, DE)
Roman Yangarber (Helsinki, FI)
Geoffrey Zweig (Redmond, US)


Laurent Besacier (Grenoble, co-chair)
Adrian Horia Dediu (Tarragona)
Benjamin Lecouteux (Grenoble)
Carlos Mart?n-Vide (Tarragona, co-chair)
Florentina Lilica Voicu (Tarragona)


Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting
original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced
pages (including eventual appendices) and should be prepared according to
the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNAI/LNCS series (see

Submissions have to be uploaded to:


A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNAI/LNCS series will
be available by the time of the conference.

A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing
peer-reviewed extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the
conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.


The period for registration is open from January 16, 2014 to October 14,
2014. The registration form can be found at:


Paper submission: May 7, 2014 (23:59h, CET)
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: June 18, 2014
Final version of the paper for the LNAI/LNCS proceedings: June 25, 2014
Early registration: July 2, 2014
Late registration: September 30, 2014
Submission to the post-conference journal special issue: January 16, 2015



SLSP 2014
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University
Av. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona, Spain

Phone: +34 977 559 543
Fax: +34 977 558 386


Departament d?Economia i Coneixement, Generalitat de Catalunya
Laboratoire d?Informatique de Grenoble
Universitat Rovira i Virgili


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 19:55:28 -0500
From: Luis Zuluaga <>
Subject: [DMANET] 6th AIMMS/MOPTA International Optimization Modeling
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

6th AIMMS/MOPTA International Optimization Modeling Competition

Dear Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that we announce the sixth AIMMS/MOPTA
Optimization Modeling Competition. The competition is jointly organized
by the conference organizers of MOPTA (
and AIMMS ( Finalists are expected to attend and
present their results at the 2014 MOPTA Conference to be held August 13-15,
2014 at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA.

Teams of at most three students can participate. The team leader has to
be a graduate student, though the other members of the team can be
advanced undergraduate students. Each member of the team must be
registered as a full-time student at a recognized educational institution
during the Spring term of the 2013-2014 academic year. Students with a
background in optimization, regardless of their actual field of study, are
eligible. Collaboration between students from different departments is
strongly encouraged. Each team must declare a team advisor with which
the team may consult about the problem and their solution. It is the team
advisor?s responsibility to ensure that the students have appropriate
knowledge for the competition. The team advisor should not be involved
as a participant in the solution process.

As the conference is international, so is the competition. Teams from all
over the world can participate, as long as at least one team member can
come to the conference, should the team make it to the final round. The
official language of the competition is English.

The competition problem has been posted; please visit:

for a description of the problem and further details.

All teams must *register* for the competition in order to participate.

Important Dates:
Registration Due: 13 June 2014 (but please register as soon
as you start
work on the problem)
Solutions Due: 13 June 2014
Finalists Chosen: 4 July 2014
Conference Begins: 13 August 2014

For questions, please contact Luis F. Zuluaga,
and Alberto J. Lamadrid,


Luis F. Zuluaga,
Assistant Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lehigh University


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 07:34:02 +0000
From: "Duncan, Christian A. Prof." <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] First Call for Papers - Graph Drawing
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

First Call for Papers ? Graph Drawing 2014
22nd International Symposium on Graph Drawing
September 24-26, 2014 ? W?rzburg, Germany

Graph Drawing is concerned with the geometric representation of graphs
and networks and the algorithmic methods for visualizing them. It is
motivated by applications where it is crucial to visually analyze and
interact with relational datasets. Examples of such application areas
include social sciences, Internet and Web computing, information
systems, computational biology, networking, VLSI circuit design, and
software engineering.

The International Symposium on Graph Drawing is the main annual event
in this area and will be hosted by the University of W?rzburg from
September 24 to 26, 2014, in W?rzburg, Germany. Researchers and
practitioners working on any aspect of graph drawing and network
visualization are invited to contribute papers and posters and to
participate in the symposium and the graph drawing contest.


All deadlines are 23:59 GMT and fixed. There will be no extensions.

Paper submission deadline: June 13, 2014
Notification of paper acceptance: July 23
Poster submission deadline: August 19
Notification of poster acceptance: August 29
Final versions due: September 3
Contest submission deadline: September 22
Symposium on Graph Drawing: September 24-26


Oswin Aichholzer, TU Graz
Jean-Daniel Fekete, INRIA, Paris


Submitted papers must describe original research of theoretical or
practical significance to graph drawing and network visualization.
Each paper must be submitted explicitly to one of two distinct tracks.
Papers submitted to one track will not compete with papers submitted
to the other track.

Track 1: Combinatorial and algorithmic aspects

This track is mainly devoted to fundamental graph drawing advances,
such as combinatorial aspects and algorithm design. The range of
topics for this track includes (but is not limited to) the following:
- Design and analysis of graph drawing algorithms
- Theory of geometric graphs
- Geometric computing
- Geometric and topological graph theory
- Optimization on graphs

Track 2: Experimental, applied, and network visualization aspects

This track is mainly devoted to the practical aspects of graph
drawing, such as the development of network visualization systems and
interfaces in different application areas. The range of topics for
this track includes (but is not limited to) the following:
- Visualization of graphs and networks in application areas (e.g.,
social sciences, biology, cartography, software engineering,
circuit design, business intelligence)
- Software systems for graph visualization
- The engineering of visualization systems and algorithms
- Experimental results in graph theory and graph algorithms
- Benchmarks and experimental analysis for graph visualization
systems and user interfaces
- Cognitive studies on graph drawing readability and user interaction
- Interfaces for interacting with graphs

All submissions must be formatted using the LATEX style file for the
conference series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) provided by
Springer-Verlag. The margins and font size must not be
modified. Submissions that do not comply with this format risk being
rejected. Each submission may be up to 12 pages in length. The
claims of the paper should be fully substantiated, including full
proofs or appropriate experimental data. If this information does not
fit within the page limits, the authors should include it in a clearly
marked appendix, whose length is not constrained and which the
reviewers may read at their own discretion.


Submissions of posters on graph drawing and related areas are also
solicited. The poster session will provide a forum for the
communication of late-breaking research results (which may also appear
elsewhere) to the graph drawing community. Posters should be
accompanied by an abstract (up to two pages in the single-spaced LNCS
style). The abstract and poster must be submitted as a single pdf


The graph drawing contest held in conjunction with the conference
traditionally begins after the initial paper submission deadline has
passed. Further details will be available on the conference website.


Accepted papers and abstracts of accepted posters will appear in the
conference proceedings, published by Springer-Verlag in the series
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Selected papers will be invited
for submission to a special issue of the Journal of Graph Algorithms
and Applications.


To recognize the effort of participants to present their work in a
clear and elegant way, a best-presentation award will once again be
given this year.


Patrizio Angelini, Univ. Roma Tre
Daniel Archambault, Swansea Univ.
David Auber, LaBRI, Univ. Bordeaux
Michael Bekos, Nat. Tech. Univ. Athens
Anastasia Bezerianos, LRI-Univ. Paris-Sud
Franz Brandenburg, Univ. Passau
Erin Chambers, St. Louis Univ.
Stephan Diehl, Univ. Trier
Christian Duncan (co-chair), Quinnipiac Univ.
Tim Dwyer, Monash Univ.
David Eppstein, Univ. of California, Irvine
Emden Gansner, AT&T Research Labs
Michael Kaufmann, Univ. Tuebingen
Stephen Kobourov, Univ. of Arizona
Jan Kratochv?l, Charles Univ. Prague
Giuseppe Liotta, Univ. of Perugia
Maarten L?ffler, Utrecht Univ.
Anna Lubiw, Univ. of Waterloo
Petra Mutzel, Univ. Dortmund
Lev Nachmanson, Microsoft Research
Antonios Symvonis (co-chair), Nat. Tech. Univ. Athens
Ioannis Tollis, Univ. of Crete
Dorothea Wagner, Karlsruhe Inst. Tech.
Hsu-Chun Yen, Nat. Taiwan Univ.


Krzysztof Fleszar, Univ. of W?rzburg
Philipp Kindermann, Univ. of W?rzburg
Joachim Spoerhase, Univ. of W?rzburg
Alexander Wolff (chair), Univ. of W?rzburg


Carsten Gutwenger (chair), TU Dortmund
Maarten L?ffler, Utrecht Univ.
Lev Nachmanson, Microsoft Research
Ignaz Rutter, Karlsruhe Inst. Tech.


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 71, Issue 24

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