Tuesday, January 21, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 71, Issue 22

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Today's Topics:

1. Approx 2014 and Random 2014: Call for Papers (Stefan Kraft)
2. Workshop on Algebraic Complexity Theory (WACT 2014)
(Markus Bl?ser)
3. [AOC 2014] CFP - IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Autonomic and
Opportunistic Communications (AOC 2014) (Davide Mascitti)
4. QPlib2014: call for instances (Andrea Lodi)
5. CFP - IEEE Systems Journal Special Issue on System Safety and
Safety Critical Systems (Michael J. Hirsch)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 16:19:07 +0100
From: Stefan Kraft <stkr@informatik.uni-kiel.de>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Approx 2014 and Random 2014: Call for Papers
Message-ID: <52DD3E6B.1050901@informatik.uni-kiel.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

APPROX 2014 and RANDOM 2014

17th Intl. Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial
Optimization Problems - APPROX 2014
18th Intl. Workshop on Randomization and Computation - RANDOM 2014


Sep. 4-6, 2014
UPC, Barcelona

Call for papers


The 17th. International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for
Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX'2014), and the 18th.
International Workshop on Randomization and Computation (RANDOM'2014)
will be held on 4-6 September 2014 in Barcelona.
APPROX'2014 focuses on algorithmic and complexity theoretic issues
relevant to the development of efficient approximate solutions to
computationally difficult problems, while RANDOM'2014 focuses on
applications of randomness to computational and combinatorial problems.
RANDOM'2014 is the eighteenth workshop in the series; APPROX'2014 is
the seventeenth in the series.


Papers are solicited in all research areas related to randomization and
approximation, including, but not limited to:


- design and analysis of approximation algorithms
- hardness of approximation
- small space, sub-linear time and streaming algorithms
- embeddings and metric space methods
- mathematical programming methods
- combinatorial problems in graphs and networks
- algorithmic game theory and economics
- computational geometric problems
- approximate learning
- online algorithms
- approaches that go beyond worst case analysis
- other applications


- design and analysis of randomized algorithms
- randomized complexity theory
- pseudorandomness and derandomization
- random combinatorial structures
- random walks/Markov chains
- expander graphs and randomness extractors
- probabilistic proof systems
- random projections and embeddings
- error-correcting codes
- average-case analysis
- property testing
- computational learning theory


Abstract Format: Electronic submissions are solicited. Please consult
the following servers:

For submission of APPROX papers:
For submission of RANDOM papers:

Note: You will be asked to login using an EasyChair account. Directions
on how to register for such an account are available at the submission
servers (you may also have an old account from a previous conference
The submission must be received by 17:00pm (PDT) of April 17 for your
submission to be considered.
Submission Format: Submissions should start with the title of the
paper, each author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address, followed by
a one-paragraph summary of the results to be presented. This should
then be followed by a technical exposition on single-spaced pages on
letter-size paper, using reasonable margins and at least 11-point
font. The first 10 pages should contain the main ideas and techniques
used to achieve the results including motivation and a clear comparison
with related work (not including the references). There is no page
limit but any material beyond the first 10 pages will be read at the
sole discretion of the program committee.

Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings
is not allowed.

Accepted papers will be published in the online proceedings of the
conference in the Leibniz International Proceedings in
Informatics (LIPIcs) series, based at Schloss Dagstuhl. This guarantees
perennial, free and easy electronic access, while the authors retain
the rights over their work. Further detail will be available early
January at the conference website.

Previous proceedings of APPROX appeared as LNCS 1444, 1671, 1913, 2129,
2462, 2764, 3122, 3624, 4110 and 4627 while previous proceedings of
RANDOM appeared as LNCS 1269, 1518, 1671, 2129, 2483, 2764, 3122, 3624,
4110, 4627 and as Proceedings in Informatics 8.

Submissions: April 17th, Thursday
Notifications: June 6th, Friday
Camera ready: June 20th, Friday



Niv Buchbinder - Tel-Aviv University
Deeparnab Chakrabarty - Microsoft Research, India
Siu On Chan - Microsoft Research, New England
Shuchi Chawla - University of Wisconsin
Eden Chlamtac - Ben Gurion University
Nikhil Devanur (Chair) - Microsoft Research, Redmond
Alina Ene - Princeton University
Konstantinos Georgiou - University of Waterloo
Telikepalli Kavitha - Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Ken Ichi Kawarabayashi - National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo
Amit Kumar - Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
Konstantin Makarychev - Microsoft Research, Redmond
Debmalya Panigrahi - Duke University
Thomas Rothvoss - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Barna Saha - AT&T Shannon Research Laboratory, New Jersey
Bruce Shepherd - MCGill University
Aravind Srinivasan - University of Maryland
David Williamson - Cornell University


Louigi Addario-Berry - MCGill University, Canada
Nayantara Bhatnagar - University of Delaware
Amin Coja-Oghlan - Goethe University, Germany
David Galvin - University of Notre Dame, Indiana
Valentine Kabanets - Simon Fraser University, Canada
Michael Molloy - University of Toronto
Cris Moore (Chair) - Santa Fe Institute
Assaf Naor - New York University
Krzysztof Onak - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Dana Ron - Tel-Aviv University
Alex Russell - University of Connecticut
Dominik Scheder - Aarhus University
Devavrat Shah - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Perla Sousi - University of Cambridge
Mario Szegedy - Rutgers University
Amnon Ta-Shma - Tel-Aviv University
Thomas Vidick - Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK

Program Chairs

Nikhil Devanur - Microsoft Research, Redmond
email: nikdev@microsoft.com

Cris Moore - Santa Fe Institute
email: mmore@santafe.edu

Workshop Chairs
Jos? Rolim, U. of Geneva
e-mail: jose.rolim@unige.ch
Klaus Jansen, U. of Kiel
e-mail: kj@informatik.uni-kiel.de

Organizing Commitee Chair
Carme Alvarez - Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
email: alvarez@lsi.upc.edu



Message: 2
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 23:48:50 +0100
From: Markus Bl?ser <mblaeser@cs.uni-saarland.de>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Workshop on Algebraic Complexity Theory (WACT 2014)
Message-ID: <52DDA7D2.8020901@cs.uni-saarland.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

Workshop on Algebraic Complexity Theory - WACT 2014

Saarland University, Saarbr?cken, Germany
March 24-28, 2014

On 24-28 March 2014, Saarland University hosts the Workshop on Algebraic
Complexity Theory - WACT 2014.
WACT 2013 was held in Aarhus, Denmark.

Algebraic Complexity Theory is a classical subfield of computational
complexity theory.
In recent years, the field has been the subject of an intense revival.
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together world leading experts
within algebraic complexity with
the aim of discussing the current state of the art and setting the
directions for the future.

Confirmed invited speakers are:

V. Arvind ? The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
Peter Bro Miltersen - Aarhus University
Neeraj Kayal - Microsoft Research India
Pascal Koiran ? ENS Lyon
Meena Mahajan - The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
Chandan Saha - Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Nitin Saxena - IIT Kanpur
Amir Sphilka ? Technion
Thomas Thierauf - Aalen University
Chris Umans - Caltech

For further information, see the website:


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 12:23:01 +0100
From: Davide Mascitti<d.mascitti@iit.cnr.it>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] [AOC 2014] CFP - IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Autonomic
and Opportunistic Communications (AOC 2014)
Message-ID: <52de5895.CirEslIsM+ITSXo5%d.mascitti@iit.cnr.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Eighth IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on
Autonomic and Opportunistic Communications (AOC 2014)
June 16, 2014 - Sydney, Australia
Fast Track on Computer Communication Journal
**** Submission Deadline --- March 7, 2014 ****

The recent proliferation of sensor-rich portable devices is enabling
novel communication paradigms for users and contributing to the
implementation of the ubiquitous computing and networking vision.
Opportunistic networking represents a key communication paradigm for
this vision. Either as a standalone communication mode or as a
complement to infrastructure-based communication, opportunistic
networking leverages the mobility of end users to enhance their ability
to communicate in the absence of reliable end-to-end connectivity.
Opportunistic networking opens up many possibilities but also poses
countless new challenges. The goal of the AOC 2014 workshop is to serve
as a forum for researchers, professionals, application developers, and
other experts from both academia and industry to exchange new ideas,
discuss new solutions, and share their experiences. As with previous
editions, this year's workshop is particularly interested in novel
research directions, such as service composition techniques,
co-existence with infrastructure networks, and insights from game
theory, social networking analysis, and cognitive psychology. The
workshop will solicit original papers addressing theoretical and
practical aspects of autonomic and opportunistic communications as well
as papers describing prototype implementations and deployments.

Topics of interest for AOC 2014 include, but are not limited to:
* Routing, transport, and reliability issues
* Techniques for data dissemination and replication
* Applications and middleware support, mobile social networking
* Mobility models and statistical analysis of mobility traces
* Context and social awareness mechanisms and algorithms
* Co-existence of opportunistic networks with infrastructure mobile
wireless networks
* Service composition in autonomic and opportunistic networks
* Cognition-driven information processing and decision making
* Performance modelling, scaling laws, and fundamental limits for
autonomic and opportunistic communications
* Game-theoretical insights to the operation of autonomic and
opportunistic networks
* Participatory and urban sensing in autonomic and opportunistic
* Trust, security, and reputation
* Autonomic and opportunistic communication testbeds and prototypes,
measurement data from real experiments
* Socio-economic models for autonomic and opportunistic communications
* Mobile Social networks


Papers should neither have been published elsewhere nor being currently
under review by another conference or journal. Manuscripts are limited
to 6 pages, single spacing, double column, and must strictly adhere to
the template format.

Accepted papers will appear in the symposium proceedings published by
IEEE. There will be no separate workshop registration, as one single
registration will cover both conference and workshops participation. At
least one author of each accepted

paper is required and present his/her work at the workshop. We will use
a free submission system for processing the submissions and reviews.
Extended versions of the selected workshop papers will be considered for
possible fast track publication on the Computer Communications Journal


* Full papers due: March 7, 2014
* Notification: April 15, 2014
* Workshop: June 16, 2014


Workshop Chairs
* Mohan Kumar, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
* Peizhao Hu, NICTA, Australia

Steering Committee
* Marco Conti, IIT-CNR, Italy
* Silvia Giordano, SUPSI, Switzerland
* Ioannis Stavrakakis, University of Athens, Greece

Publicity Chair
* Olivier Mehani, NICTA, Australia
* Davide Mascitti, IIT-CNR, Italy

* Christoph Dwertmann, NICTA, Australia

Program Committee (tentative)

* Nils Aschenbruck University of Osnabruck, Germany
* Chiara Boldrini IIT-CNR, Italy
* Eleonora Borgia IIT-CNR, Italy
* Vania Conan Thales, France
* Serge Fdida UPMC, Paris VI, France
* Laura Galluccio University of Catania, Italy
* Tristan Henderson University of St. Andrews, UK
* Kyunghan Lee North Carolina State University, USA
* Franck Legendre ETH Zurich, Switzerland
* Daniele Miorandi Create-net, Italy
* Refik Molva Eurecom, France
* Valtteri Niemi Nokia, Switzerland
* Katia Obraczka University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
* Konstantinos Oikonomou Ionian University, Greece
* Joerg Ott HUT, Finland
* Elena Pagani Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy
* Andrea Passarella IIT-CNR, Italy
* Daniele Puccinelli SUPSI, Switzerland
* Christian Rohner Uppsala University, Sweden
* Abdullatif Shikfa Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs, France
* Weisheng Si University of Western Sydney, Australia
* Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos EURECOM, France
* Roger Whitaker Cardiff University, UK
* Hongyi Wu University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
* Eiko Yoneki University of Cambridge, UK
* Franco Zambonelli University of Modena-Reggio, Italy
* Sebastian Zander Swinburne University of Technology, Australia


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 12:59:50 +0100
From: Andrea Lodi <andrea.lodi@unibo.it>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] QPlib2014: call for instances
Message-ID: <C38F6192-7831-4903-B882-5E7EF95D1A4D@unibo.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Quadratic programming problems have received an increasing amount of
attention in recent years, both from theoretical and practical points
of view. However, a library specifically conceived for this class of
problems does not exist yet. For this reason we feel the need to
define a standard test set to compare the performance of different
generic quadratic optimization software and to evaluate the
computational performance of newly developed algorithms and solution
techniques. We are looking for interesting and challenging problems
from all fields of Global Optimization, Operations Research and
Combinatorial Optimization, ideally those which have been built to
model real life problems.

We are interested in benchmarking instances with the following characteristics:

* Generic Quadratic objective function.
* Binary, integer and continuous variables.
* Generic Quadratic and/or linear constraints.

Please submit by email to the following address: QPlib2014@gmail.com

The submitted instances must be in one of the following formats:
GAMS/AMPL/LP/MPS. The submission of instances should be accompanied by a
few lines of description with the following information:

* authors/institution/company providing the instance
* references (optional)
* optimum value or upper and lower bounds (optional)
* any additional relevant information (optional)

Please find the QPlib2014 web page here:

The submission deadline is: 1st March 2014.

Please feel free to contact us for any questions, doubts or additional

We are looking forward to your contribution!

The QPlib2014 Committee:

* Alper Atamturk
* Pietro Belotti
* Samuel Burer
* Sourour Elloumi
* Antonio Frangioni
* Fabio Furini
* Nick Gould
* Leo Liberti
* Andrea Lodi
* Ruth Misener
* Frederic Roupin
Prof. Andrea Lodi
DEI, University of Bologna
Viale Risorgimento 2
40136 Bologna, Italy
phone: +39 051 2093029
fax: +39 051 2093073
e-mail: andrea.lodi@unibo.it


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 07:46:53 -0500
From: "Michael J. Hirsch" <mjh8787@ufl.edu>
To: <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP - IEEE Systems Journal Special Issue on System
Safety and Safety Critical Systems
Message-ID: <000201cf16a6$dcf5eb40$96e1c1c0$@edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

IEEE Systems Journal Special Issue on ?System Safety and Safety-Critical


Shrisha Rao, IIIT-BANGALORE, India, shrao@ieee.org
Paul C. Hershey, RAYTHEON, USA, Paul_C_Hershey@raytheon.com
Michael J. Hirsch, ISEA TEK, USA, mjh8787@ufl.edu

Safety, ?The condition of being safe; freedom from danger, risk or injury,?
is a concern for life in general, and an important issue in the design of
complex systems in particular.? While the precise nature of safety in
relation to security is a matter of some debate, it may be said that safety
is the property of a system not to misbehave (in some defined way) on its
own, whilst security is its resistance to malicious actions. It is also
accepted that safety is an emergent system property that must be ?baked into
the cake? in the design and construction of complex systems, and that it
cannot be bolted on to an unsafe system later.? Likewise, standards and
practices for system operation that are framed for other objectives such as
profitability or operational readiness do not necessarily ensure system
safety, and safety may be in conflict with such other objectives, requiring
a compromise approach.? In particular, ?safety-critical? systems are those
where safety is considered as? the paramount concern, where every design or
operational conflict between safety and another objective such as
availability, must be decided in favor of safety. The range of systems where
safety is a concern is vast, and includes such diverse domains as aviation,
oil and gas installations, power systems, medical devices and services,
maritime, and military, along with many others.? While every such domain has
certain important features that call for a unique approach, it is quite
fruitful to look for common threads in reasoning about safety in complex
systems, and gain insights that are useful in a range of systems.
The IEEE Systems Journal will publish a special issue dedicated to system
safety and safety-critical systems. The aim of this special issue is to
present a collection of high-quality archival research papers that address
theoretical and practical perspectives of the entire system life cycle, to
help create safer systems.? Papers that integrate multiple perspectives to
take a larger system-level view, and papers that offer insights valid across
different domains, will be preferred over papers that deal with specific
technologies, theoretical concepts, and local perspectives.? The topics of
interest include, but are not restricted to:
? Functional safety
? Formal methods for safety in complex systems
? Hazard identification and assessment
? Software safety
? Human factors
? Man-machine interfaces and ergonomics
? Safety and systems engineering
? Safety standards and their evolution
? Safety audits and certification for critical systems
? Design innovations for safety
? Mitigation of natural and man-made disasters
? Safety cultures, policies, and practices
? Corporate governance for safety
? Safety in complex systems with legacy technologies
Authors are invited to submit original research contributions by following
the detailed instructions given in the ?Information for Authors? at
http://www.ieeesystemsjournal.org.? In the cover letter, authors should
explicitly state that the paper is submitted to the ?Special Issue on System
Safety and Safety-Critical Systems.?? Questions about the special issue may
be directed to the Guest Editors.?

Paper submission deadline:????????? June 30, 2014
Notification of first decisions:??????? October 15, 2014
Revised paper submission:?????????? December 1, 2014
Notification of second reviews:???? February 1, 2015
Minor revision deadline: ??? ??????????? March 1, 2015
Final notification:???????????????? ??????????? April 1, 2015
Final manuscript:???????????????? ??????????? May 1, 2015
Expected publication:???????? ??????????? 2015/2016


Subject: Digest Footer

dmanet mailing list


End of dmanet Digest, Vol 71, Issue 22

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