Friday, January 24, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 71, Issue 26

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Today's Topics:

1. Post-doc positions at Aalto University (
2. 15th Annual Winter Combinatorics Meeting, Open University,
29th January (Robert Brignall)
3. Master's degree scholarships -- ENS de Lyon (Stehle Damien)
4. IPCO 2014 Call for Posters (Stephan Held)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 13:03:00 +0200
From: <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] Post-doc positions at Aalto University
Message-ID: <alpine.DEB.2.00.1401231247520.13674@tlvpc070>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-15"

There are now several post-doc positions open at Aalto
University, Department of Communications and Networking.
For detailed information, see

A broad range of subfields of ICT are represented in
the department. For example, my own team does research in
information and communications theory, combinatorial
algorithms, and discrete mathematics in general.

The deadline is February 28.

Patric ?sterg?rd

Dept. of Communications & Networking
Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering
P.O. Box 13000, 00076 Aalto, FINLAND
Tel: +358 50 344 3610
Fax: +358 9 470 22474


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 13:59:26 +0000
From: Robert Brignall <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] 15th Annual Winter Combinatorics Meeting, Open
University, 29th January
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

15th Annual Winter Combinatorics Meeting
Wednesday 29 January 2014
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Talks will take place in Room 15, Christodoulou Meeting Rooms at
Walton Hall Campus.
Refreshments will be served in the Mathematics and Statistics Common
Room, Alan Turing Building.
Anyone attending the Meeting is welcome to join the group going to a
restaurant afterwards. For details see the 'Dinner' page of the

All welcome -- no registration is necessary.

We gratefully acknowledge support from the British Combinatorial
Committee and the London Mathematical Society.

Further details and abstracts:
Provisional schedule:

10:15 - 11:00 Tea/Co?ee
11:00 - 11:40 Dan Kral (University of Warwick, UK)
11:45 - 12:25 Alex Scott (University of Oxford, UK)

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 14:40 Pinar Heggernes (University of Bergen, Norway)
14:45 - 15.25 Brett Stevens (Carleton University, Canada)

15:30 - 16:00 Tea/Co?ee

16:00 - 16:40 Misha Rudnev (University of Bristol, UK)


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 09:52:09 +0100
From: Stehle Damien <>
Subject: [DMANET] Master's degree scholarships -- ENS de Lyon
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

The Ecole Normale Sup?rieure de Lyon offers scholarships
for its "Foundations of Computer Science" Master.

This two year program provides a wide choice of high quality
courses in computer science ranging from the most theoretical
aspects to applications.

We are looking for talented International students who wish to
deepen their understanding of Computer Science. We encourage
students with a taste for theoretical computer science to apply.
Mathematics students with some knowledge in computer science
are also welcome. Candidates can apply either in Master 1
(4th year degree) or Master 2 (5th year degree). Please visit
our websites here:
(Master 1)
(Master 2 year 2013 - 2014)
(Master 2 year 2014 - 2015)

We also propose a Complex Networks Master 2 specialization,
which is described here here:

Courses and materials are provided in English to encourage
International students to join our program. Academic tutoring is
provided to every student for finding internships, choosing courses,

The typical scholarship is around (1000 euros/month) for a 10
month period basically covering tuition and living costs in Lyon.
We also provide administrative help for critical issues like visas,
registration, housing, etc.

The application deadline is 4th February on the following website:

St?phan Thomass?, Head of the Master program,
Paulo Gon?alves, International coordinator of the department,

Best regards,
Damien Stehl?, Professor
Ecole Normale Sup?rieure de Lyon
Head of the Computer Science teaching department
Tel.: +33 4 3728 7644


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 09:52:44 +0100
From: Stephan Held <>
Subject: [DMANET] IPCO 2014 Call for Posters
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed

Call for Posters for the
17th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
Bonn, Germany,
June 23-25, 2014

The 17th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial
Optimization will hold a poster session.
The poster session is meant to be a platform for young members of the
community to promote their research.
We thus particularly welcome posters from PhD students and Postdocs on
research in any of the IPCO topics.

**Important Dates:
Short abstract submission deadline:**March 31, 2014
Poster confirmation:**April 4, 2014*
*IPCO early registration deadline: April 20, 2014
*Further Information & Registration:*


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 71, Issue 26

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