Friday, July 25, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 77, Issue 18

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Today's Topics:

1. PostDoc Position in GraphDrawing (Andr? Schulz)
2. PhD studentship in Mathematics and Statistics, The Open
University (Robert Brignall)
3. ICDCN 2015: Extended submission deadline to Aug. 4, 2014
(St?phane Devismes)
4. CSoNet'14: Deadline Extended: July 31: Workshop on
Computational Social Networks, Hawaii, Dec. 2014 (Thang N. Dinh)
5. Research Associate, RWTH Aachen, Mathematical Optimization
6. Call for Papers STACS 2015 (Ernst W. Mayr)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 14:52:24 +0200
From: Andr? Schulz <>
Subject: [DMANET] PostDoc Position in GraphDrawing
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

We announce

ONE PostDoc Position for 18 months

at the Westf?lische Wilhelms-Universit?t M?nster, Germany, at the Institute of
Mathematical Logic, as part of the research project "Graph Drawing with Low Visual
Complexity" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The position is
for 18 months with the chance of an extension for another 18 month.
The project is supervised by Prof. Andr? Schulz ( ).

The aim of the project is to develop and to evaluate new algorithms for drawing graphs
in the plane while using a small ground set of geometric objects. The
developed algorithms will be evaluated with theoretical methods and also in
online user studies.

We expect that the candidate has (or is very close to) a PhD in Computer Science
or Mathematics and a solid background in discrete math and algorithms. Ideally, the
applicant has knowledge and interest in at least one of the following fields:

- graph drawing
- algorithms
- graph theory
- computational geometry

Good programming skills are mandatory. Experience in statistical analysis of
empirical data would be a plus.

Please send your applications consisting of

- a cover letter,
- curriculum vitae,
- the PhD thesis (preliminary version, if not finished),
- a letter of reference (to be directly sent to us),


Prof. Dr. Andr? Schulz
Institut f?r Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik der Universit?t M?nster
Einsteinstra?e 62
D-48149 M?nster, Germany

It is also possible to apply via email. In this case send your application as
one single pdf-file to andre.schulz[at] .

The deadline is September 30, but applications will be considered until the position
is filled.

If you have further questions about the position, please send an email
to andre.schulz[at] .


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 00:02:58 +0100
From: Robert Brignall <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] PhD studentship in Mathematics and Statistics, The
Open University
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics,
Computing and Technology, The Open University

We have one full-time PhD studentship available, to start 1st October 2014.

The studentship covers full-time fees, and includes a stipend
(currently ?13,726 per annum) and a ?1250 annual travel allocation.
Students are based on-campus in Milton Keynes, UK.

Research projects are available in applied mathematics, pure
mathematics, history of mathematics and statistics, and can be seen at
They include one project in discrete mathematics/combinatorics.

Interested persons are strongly encouraged to make informal enquiries to as soon as possible, and ideally
by 11th August 2014.

Overseas applicants are welcome but those from a non-European Economic
Area country that is not majority English-speaking must hold a Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) certificate for
English at B2 level or higher.


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 08:50:23 +0200
From: St?phane Devismes <>
Subject: [DMANET] ICDCN 2015: Extended submission deadline to Aug. 4,
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.]

16th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking
January 4-7 2015, Goa, India

Important Dates
Due date for submission: August 4th 2014 (extended)
Date for notification: September 26th 2014
Date for camera-ready submission: October 15th 2014

ICDCN is a premier international conference dedicated to addressing
advances in Distributed Computing and Communication Networks, which over
the years, has become a leading forum for disseminating the latest
research results in these fields. As in the past, ICDCN 2015 will be
organized in two tracks: Distributed Computing and Networking, and will
comprise a highly selective technical program consisting of refereed
concise papers, panel discussions as well as focused workshops on
emerging topics. Papers describing original research work and practical
experiences/experimental results are solicited on topics including, but
not limited to:

I. Distributed Computing Track
- Distributed algorithms : design, analysis, and complexity
- Local algorithms and Congestion aware algorithms
- Distributed biological algorithms and bio-inspired distributed
- Concurrent data structures
- Concurrent, Synchronization, and transactional memory
- Distributed operating systems and distributed database systems
- Embedded distributed systems
- Experiments and performance evaluation of distributed systems
- Fault-tolerance, reliability, and availability
- Multiprocessor & multi-core architectures & algorithms
- Self-organization, self-stabilization, & autonomic computing
- High performance computing, grid/cluster/cloud computing
- Security, cryptography, & game theory in distributed systems
- Distributed computing issues in large scale systems such as the

II. Networking Track
- Ad hoc, sensor and mesh networks
- BANs, PANs and home networks
- Cellular networks (4G/LTE/WiMax)
- Vehicular area networks
- Integration of heterogeneous networks
- Network virtualization
- Data center and cloud networking
- Software defined and cognitive radio networks
- Future Internet design
- Next generation & converged network architectures
- Overlay & peer-to-peer networks and services
- Internetworking protocols & Internet applications
- Network security & privacy
- Energy-efficient networking
- Networking for the smart grid
- Pricing and network economics

Sajal K. Das (Co-chair), Missouri University of Science and Technology,
Dilip Krishnaswamy (Co-chair), IBM Research, Bangalore, India,
Santonu Sarkar (Vice-chair), Infosys Labs, Bangalore, India

Amos Korman, CNRS, Univ of Paris, France,
Srikanth Sastry, Google, New York, USA,

Mohan Kumar, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA,
Marius Portmann, University of Queensland, Australia,

Bharat Deshpande (Chair), BITS-Goa campus, India,
Sanjay Kumar Sahay, BITS-Goa campus, India,

Kishore Kothapalli, IIIT Hyderabad, India,
Sathya Peri, IIT Patna, India,

Sajal K. Das (Co-chair), Missouri University of Science and Technology,
Sukumar Ghosh (Co-chair), University of Iowa, USA.
Vijay Garg, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Dilip Krishnaswamy, IBM Research, Bangalore, India
Sanjoy Paul, Accenture, India
David Peleg, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Michel Raynal, IRISA, France

Submisson Instructions
Papers should not exceed 10 pages double column including figures,
tables, and references in standard ACM format. Additional details may be
included in a clearly-marked appendix, not exceeding one page that will
be read at the discretion of the program committee. Papers must be
submitted electronically in printable pdf form via the EasyChair
submission management system at
Templates for the standard ACM format can be found at Both strict
and alternate styles are acceptable for submission. No changes to
margins, spacing, or font sizes are allowed from those specified by the
style files. Papers violating the formatting guidelines will be returned
without review. The proceedings will be published through ACM and will
be available in ACM Digital library. Some papers not accepted as regular
papers may be accepted as "Concise papers" with 4 ACM pages in the
proceedings while full papers will be allowed 10 ACM pages.
Warning: It is ACM policy not to allow double submissions, where the
same paper is submitted to more than one conference/journal
concurrently. Any double submissions detected will be immediately
rejected from all conferences/journals involved. At least one author of
each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper.


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 06:29:52 -0400
From: "Thang N. Dinh" <>
Subject: [DMANET] CSoNet'14: Deadline Extended: July 31: Workshop on
Computational Social Networks, Hawaii, Dec. 2014
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Our apology if you receive multiple copies of this
CFP: 3rd Workshop on Computational Social Networks
CSoNet 2014 -
Dec. 21, 2014, Maui, Hawaii, In conjunction with COCOA '14

Computing in social network science has recently become one of the
central themes across mathematical science, information and
communication technology, which attracts a significant interest from
researchers in mathematics, computer science, system science, and
social science. The objective of this workshop is to advance and
promote the theoretical foundation, mathematical aspects as well as
applications of social computing.

The topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* Mathematical modelling and analysis
* Real-world complex systems
* Information retrieval in social contexts, political analysts
* Network structure analysis
* Network dynamics optimization
* Complex network robustness and vulnerability
* Information diffusion models and analysis
* Security and privacy
* Searching in complex networks
* Efficient algorithms

* Paper submission due: ***July 31, 2014***
* Notification of Acceptance: August 21, 2014
* Camera-ready: September 04, 2014

Accepted papers will be published in LNCS - Springer along with main
papers of COCOA 2014. Extended version of selected papers will be
published in a special issue of Computational Social Networks journal
by Springer.

Authors who are interested in the above topics can submit their
unpublished work to this workshop via Easychair using LNCS style. The
maximum length of paper (including references) is 10 pages.

Steering Committee
My T. Thai, University of Florida, USA
Zhi-Li Zhang, University of Minnesota, USA
Weili Wu, University of Texas - Dallas, USA

PC Chairs
My T. Thai, University of Florida, USA
Thang Dinh, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Publicity Chair
Nam P. Nguyen, Towson University, USA

Technical Program Committee
Nitin Agarwal, (University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA)
Thang Dinh, (Virginia Commonwealth University, USA) (Co-Chair)
Carol Fung, (Virginia Commonwealth University, USA)
Konstantinos Georgiou, (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Donghyun Kim, (North Carolina Central University, USA)
Sang-Wook Kim, (Hanyang University, South Korea)
Ee-Peng Lim, (Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Ramasuri Narayanam, (IBM Research, India)
Nam Nguyen, (Towson University, USA)
Vinh Nguyen, (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Georgios Piliouras, (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Panos Pardalos, (University of Florida, USA)
Yang Song, (IBM Research, USA)
My Thai, (University of Florida, USA) (Co-Chair)
Mario Ventresca, (Purdue University, USA)
Anil Kumar Vullikanti, (Virginia Tech, USA)
Ying Zhao, (Tsinghua University, China)


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:39:39 +0000
From: L?bbecke, Marco <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Research Associate, RWTH Aachen, Mathematical
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

RWTH Aachen University, Operations Research,

research associate in
mathematics, computer science, operations research

We invite applications for a position as the scientific and technical team lead in the RWTH Aachen university course timetabling project "carpe diem!". The position as research associate is paid according to German TV-L E13 100%, and should be filled as soon as possible. The project duration is 1.5 years, to be extended by 2.5 more years.

Our team of nine research staff is interested in integer programming, computational optimization, algorithm engineering, scheduling, and graph and network algorithms, both in theory and practical applications thereof. The "carpe diem!" project is a joint effort together with many university members, in collaboration with the TU Berlin, with the aim of providing course timetables which are most beneficial for students and teaching staff. It is a challenging task in many ways.

The successful candidate is responsible for the further development of mathematical optimization models and algorithms, to research in practically relevant directions, such as robust timetabling and mechanism design for gathering teaching preferences. We expect a profound knowledge in mathematical (in paticular discrete and integer) optimization. A talent in producing theoretical results is as desired as a determination to successfully solve real-world optimization problems. The existing software needs to be maintained and extended. Therefore, very good computer skills in general and experience with software development are a must. The post requires strong communication skills, creativity, curiosity, and commitment. There is no teaching obligation. Fluency in the German language is indispensable.

We provide the opportunity to work towards a doctoral degree. It is natural to pick a research topic related to the practical project, but this is not a requirement.

For more information on formal requirements and how to apply please follow the link to the German official opening:

Application deadline is August 15, 2014.


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 15:12:39 +0200
From: "Ernst W. Mayr" <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for Papers STACS 2015
Message-ID: <00b001cfa80a$1cfdad00$56f90700$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

(apologies for duplicates)



32nd International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science

March 4 - 7, 2015, Garching near Munich, Germany

Submission Deadline: Sep 21, 2014 (23:59:59 GMT/UTC)


Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished
research on theoretical aspects of computer science. Typical areas include
(but are not limited to):

- algorithms and data structures, including: parallel, distributed,
approximation, and randomized algorithms, computational geometry,
cryptography, algorithmic learning theory, algorithmic game theory,
analysis of algorithms;
- automata and formal languages;
- computational complexity, parameterized complexity, randomness in
- logic in computer science, including: semantics, specification
and verification, rewriting and deduction;
- current challenges, for example: natural computing, quantum computing,
mobile and net computing.

Andris Ambainis, FPM, U Riga
Hagit Attiya, CS, Technion, Haifa
Johannes Bl?mer, CS, U Paderborn
Mikolaj Bojanczyk, II, U Warsaw
Tom?s Br?zdil, Masaryk U, Brno
Niv Buchbinder, SOR, Tel Aviv U
Anuj Dawar, CL, U Cambridge
Adrian Dumitrescu, CS, U Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Matthias Englert, DIMAP/DCS, U Warwick
Funda Ergun, SoIC, Indiana U
Fedor Fomin, IN, U Bergen
Tobias Friedrich, FMI, FSU Jena
Christian Gla?er, I1, U W?rzburg
Etienne Grandjean, GREYC, Caen
Tomasz Jurdzinski, U Wrozlaw
Manfred Kufleitner, FMI, U Stuttgart
Jerome Leroux, CNRS, LaBRI, Bordeaux
Ernst W. Mayr, TUM, M?nchen (co-chair)
Peter Bro Miltersen, CS, U Aarhus
Nicolas Ollinger, LIFO, Orl?ans (co-chair)
Sylvain Perifel, LIAFA, Paris 7
Jayalal Sarma, IIT, Madras
Nicolas Schabanel, CNRS, LIAFA, Paris 7
Lutz Schr?der, FAU Erlangen-N?rnberg
Dimitrios M. Thilikos, CNRS, LIRMM, Montpellier
Gerhard Woeginger, TUE, Eindhoven

Sanjeev Arora, CS, Princeton
Manuel Bodirsky, CNRS, LIX, Palaiseau
Peter Sanders, KIT, Karlsruhe

Felix Brandt, TUM, Munich: Computational Social Choice
tba: Algorithmic Game Theory

Submission website opens: Jun 22, 2014
Submission deadline: Sep 21, 2014 (23:59:59 GMT/UTC)
Rebuttal period: Nov 15 - 17, 2014
Notification: Dec 5, 2014
Final version due: Jan 7, 2015
Symposium: Mar 4 - 7, 2015

Authors are invited to submit a draft of a full paper with at most 12 pages
(excluding the references section). The usage of pdflatex and the LIPIcs
style file (see below) are mandatory; no changes to font size, page geometry
etc. are permitted. Submissions not in the correct format or submitted
after the deadline will not be considered.

The paper should contain a succinct statement of the issues and of their
motivation, a summary of the main results, and a brief explanation of their
significance, accessible to non-specialist readers. Proofs omitted due to
space constraints must be put into an appendix, to be read by the program
committee members at their discretion.

Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings or
to journals is not allowed. PC members are excluded from submitting. As a
novelty for STACS, there will also be a rebuttal period for authors. Authors
will receive the reviews of their submissions (via EasyChair) on Nov 14/15
and have three days (Nov 15 - 17) to submit rebuttals (via EasyChair). These
rebuttals become part of the PC meeting, but entail no specific responses.

The submission site, which opens on Jun 22, 2014, is

LIPIcs homepage:
tar ball:

******************* (for general information) (for information regarding paper

Prof. Ernst W. Mayr Tel.: +49-89-289-17704
Lehrstuhl f?r Effiziente Algorithmen Sekr.: +49-89-289-17706
Fakult?t f?r Informatik, I14 Fax: +49-89-289-17707
TU M?nchen E-Mail:
Boltzmannstra?e 3
85748 Garching Raum: MI 03.09.052
Germany URL:


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 77, Issue 18

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