Tuesday, July 29, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 77, Issue 20

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Today's Topics:

1. Become a member of the Association for Constraint Programming
(Willem-Jan van Hoeve)
2. Postdoctoral Positions in Mathematics and quantitative
Economics at HCM (Bonn) (Daniela Schmidt)
3. W2-Professorships in Mathematics and quatitative Economics at
HCM (Bonn) (Daniela Schmidt)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 21:49:53 -0400
From: Willem-Jan van Hoeve <vanhoeve@andrew.cmu.edu>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Become a member of the Association for Constraint
Message-ID: <53D5AC41.3070304@andrew.cmu.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Don't miss out on the latest developments in Constraint Programming:
Become a member of the Association for Constraint Programming (ACP)

Please go to http://www.a4cp.org/user/register to join.
(Membership is free)

The Association for Constraint Programming aims at promoting constraint
programming in every aspect of the scientific world, by encouraging its
theoretical and practical developments, its teaching in the academic
institutions, its adoption in the industrial world, and its use in
application fields.

The ACP is led by an Executive Committee (EC), which takes all the
decisions necessary to achieve the goals of the association. This
includes the organization of the international annual conference
'Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming', the annual summer
school, and the sponsoring of other workshops and conferences related to
constraint programming.

As a member of the ACP you can stay informed via our quarterly
newsletter and mailinglist announcements. In addition, ACP members are
allowed to vote for the members of the Executive Committee. If you
become a member before July 31st, you can still vote in this year's
election to be held in August!

For more information visit http://www.a4cp.org/


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 15:10:15 +0200
From: Daniela Schmidt <daniela.schmidt@hcm.uni-bonn.de>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Postdoctoral Positions in Mathematics and
quantitative Economics at HCM (Bonn)
Message-ID: <53D64BB7.1070103@hcm.uni-bonn.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed

Postdoctoral Positions

The Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) at Bonn University offers
several postdoctoral positions in all fields of mathematics and
quantitative economics. The duration of these positions is 2 years.
Expected starting date is no later than October 2015. There may be an
option of extension by up to one year, depending on the availability of
funding. There are no teaching obligations but such opportunities are
provided if desired by the candidates.

Your application should contain your CV (with the grade for the
dissertation if applicable), a publication list and a research plan
relating to the research in HCM. Moreover, you have to choose one of the
ten HCM-Research-Areas as well as a potential local postdoctoral mentor
from among the professors in HCM listed as leaders and investigators of
the respective research area whom you are requested to contact regarding
the proposed research plan prior to submitting your application.
Applicants who have not yet completed their PhD are requested to include
a two page outline of their dissertation project comprising results up
to now as well as a detailed evaluation written by his/her supervisor.
In addition we need by the deadline at least two letters of
recommendation from scientists not associated with Bonn University. The
letters of recommendation are to be sent by e-mail to the Board of
Directors of the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, c/o Daniela Schmidt

The University of Bonn is an equal opportunity employer and is committed
to increasing the number of female researchers in disciplines where they
are underrepresented. Therefore, it is intended to fill at least one
third of the positions offered with women, and preference will be given
to suitably qualified female candidates, all other considerations being
equal. Women are strongly encouraged to apply.

Preference will be given to severely disabled applicants with equivalent
If you have any questions please contact Daniela Schmidt
Please apply using our online application form
The deadline for the current application round is 1st November 2014.

Daniela Schmidt

Administrative Assistant
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
Endenicher Allee 62, Villa Maria, Room 0.005
53115 Bonn
Tel: +49-228-73-4881, Fax: +49-228-73-62251
E-Mail: daniela.schmidt@hcm.uni-bonn.de


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 15:14:38 +0200
From: Daniela Schmidt <daniela.schmidt@hcm.uni-bonn.de>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] W2-Professorships in Mathematics and quatitative
Economics at HCM (Bonn)
Message-ID: <53D64CBE.4010802@hcm.uni-bonn.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

The Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) at the University of Bonn
brings together researchers in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, and
Mathematical Economics. In this framework, the center is looking forward
to filling up to four

(?Bonn Junior Fellows?)

within the next few years. These are temporary positions for a period of
five years. To some of these positions, a tenure-track option is
associated, and, in exceptional cases, a position may be tenured

The University of Bonn is an equal opportunity employer and is committed
to increase the number of female professors in disciplines where they
are underrepresented, in particular on tenured positions. It is
therefore intended to fill about half of the positions offered with
women. Women are strongly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given
to suitably qualified women or persons with disabilities, all other
considerations being equal.
The general conditions of employment are according to ? 36 of the Higher
Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Hochschulgesetz des Landes

The professorships.
The professorships intend to encourage independent research by
outstanding young researchers, in analogy to the research groups of the
?Max-Planck-Society? or the ?Emmy-Noether-Program? of the German
Research Foundation. The professorships are endowed with travel and
guest funds, and with a postdoc position during the initial period. Bonn
Junior Fellows also participate in the additional resources of the
Hausdorff Center. Professors are encouraged to supervise doctoral
students. For an initial period, teaching obligations amount to four
hours per week during semesters.

The candidates.
We are looking for young researchers holding a doctoral degree who are
about to develop their own research agenda and who have already
demonstrated their scientific independence by relevant publications.
Candidates should have some international research experience. German
language skills are not required.

Research focus.
We seek candidates who fit into the broad spectrum of the Cluster of

Depending on the respective research focus, candidates become members of
the ?Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences? or of the ?Faculty of
Law and Economics? at the University of Bonn.
Not all positions will be assigned at the same time; there will be
several separate selection rounds.

The deadline for the third application round is 11th October 2014.
Expected starting date is not later than 1st October 2015. Deadlines for
the following rounds and further details will be published at:

Applications should be sent, using our online application form
www.hcm.unibonn.de/bjf/application, to the joint hiring committee: Prof.
Dr. Karl-Theodor Sturm, Coordinator Hausdorff Center for Mathematics,
Endenicher Allee 62, D-53115 Bonn, Germany

Daniela Schmidt

Administrative Assistant
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
Endenicher Allee 62, Villa Maria, Room 0.005
53115 Bonn
Tel: +49-228-73-4881, Fax: +49-228-73-62251
E-Mail: daniela.schmidt@hcm.uni-bonn.de


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 77, Issue 20

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