Friday, July 11, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 77, Issue 9

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Today's Topics:

1. CfP ACADEMIC MINDTREK (EXTENDED 10/Aug): Academic MindTrek *
2. CfP SAME Workshop@NordiCHI - Pervasive & Smart & Media
Usability, Interaction, and Technologies (dealdine 15th Nov),
Helsinki (Artur Lugmayr)
3. Call for participation ACM MobiCom 2014 - Early Registration
Deadline August 9 (Aline Carneiro Viana)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 18:25:53 +0000 (UTC)
From: Artur Lugmayr <>
Message-ID: <681384962.123.1405016753080.JavaMail.lugmayr@HLO-PC43>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

4th to 6th November 2014
Tampere, Finland

In cooperation with ACM, ACM SIGMM, ACM SIGCHI, and iAMEA,

- 10th AUGUST 2014

- 30th September 2014

*** published within the ACM digital library

*** selected contributions will be published in high-level journals

*** thematic areas:

* Social Media
* Ambient/Ubiquitous Media & Open Source
* Business & Media
* Human-Computer Interaction
* Hybrid Media (new track!)
* Digital Games
* ICT & E-Government
* Information Systems & Management in Creativity Industry (new track!)

*** high level keynotes in the past and also this year:

Steve Wozniak (Co-Founder, Apple Computers), David S. Cohen (Editor, Variety),
Robert Neuman (Disney), Vili Lehdonvirta (University of Oxford), Keith Partridge,
Tomi T. Ahonen (Consultant), Latif Ladid (IPV6 Forum), Beat Schwegler (Microsoft),
Cinzia dal Zotto (Univ. of Neuchatel), Ari Ojansivu (Google), Ramine Darabiha (Rovio),
Molly R?nge (Crowdculture), Slava Kozlov (Philips Design), Dave Nielsen (CloudCamp),
Janne J?rvinen (F-Secure), Olavi Toivainen (Nokia), Herbert Snorrason (OpenLeaks),
Tuija Aalto (YLE), Juha Kaario (Varaani), among many others

*** stay Informed


*** supported by
MindTrek Association, City of Tampere, Tampere University of Technology (TUT),
Tampere University (UTA), Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK),
International Ambient Media Association (iAMEA)



Conference Themes

1. Social Media
- Business models, service models, and policies
- Social media in innovation and business
- Intra and inter organizational use of social media
- Questions related to identity, motivation and values
- Blogs, wikis, collaboration and social platform designs in practice
- Knowledge management and learning with social media
- Experience management with social media
- Crowdsourcing, user-created content and social networks
- Enterprise 2.0 and social computing in work organizations
- Evaluation and research methods of social media
- Social media and community design
- Benefits and limitations of social media applications

2. Ambient/Ubiquitous Media & Open Source
- Applications utilizing ubiquitous technology
- Ubicom in eLearning, leisure, storytelling, art works, advertising, and mixed reality contexts
- Next generation user interfaces, ergonomics, multimodality, and human-computer interaction
- Art works for smart public or indoor spaces, mobile phones, museums, or cultural applications
- Context awareness, sensor perception, context sensitive Internet, and smart daily objects
- Personalization, multimodal interaction, smart user interfaces, and ergonomics
- Ambient human computer interaction, experience design, usability, and audience research
- User positioning, location awareness
- Augmented reality in ubiquitous applications
- Device interoperability, remote user interfaces, inter-device connections
- Forms of openness: open source software, open standards, open content, open media, open
Source hardware, and open access.
- Establishment of an open source community
- Practices on developing open source systems
- Practices for maintaining a successful project
- Open source processes and techniques
- Differences on open source and closed source systems
- Using open source in commercial context
- Challenges of open source development
- Teaching open source in academia and industry

3. Media Business, Media Studies, and Media Management
- Media politics: policy, practices, conception, and media regulation
- Production technology: processes, and optimization
- Business models: value chain/value net, revenue models, and product architecture
- Strategic and operational Management of TIME Industries: Technology, Information, Media,
- Key data analytics: balanced scorecard, competition analysis, performance indicators, social
media monitoring, google analytics.
- Media use: patterns, engagement, and consumer experiences
- Customer relationship management: communities & engagement

4. Human-Computer Interaction
- User experience and experience design
- Interaction design techniques and methods
- User interaction and HCI design
- Creativity, practices and innovation in HCI
- Analysis, theories, and procedures in interaction design
- Methods, systems, and toolkits supporting HCI
- Human centered computing and understanding interaction
- Interactivity methods
- Designing for experience and interactivity
- Design, evaluation, and implementation of interactive systems
- Phenomena surrounding interactivity

5. Hybrid Media
- Combining traditional media and new media
- Enhancing printed material with digital and vice versa
- Bridging digital and physical media
- Interactive media with material components
- Hybrid Experiences (combining digital & material etc.)
- Connected toys and social objects
- Role of traditional media within an internet of things
- New methods of media personalization
- Perceptive media
- Interactive/smart packaging
- Paper interfaces, sensitive paper and paper as a display
- Interactive reading experiences
- Touch enabled material

6. Digital Games
- Theoretical and analytical approaches on games and play
- Analysis of player experience
- Game design research
- Economy and business models in the game industry
- Innovation in and around games
- Digital distribution of games
- Online, mobile and cross-platform games
- Social and casual games
- Pervasive and ubiquitous games
- augmented and altered reality games
- Mobile and cross-media games
- Gamification, fun ware and playful design
- Player-created content

7. ICT & E-Government
- M-government
- Web 2.0 and e-government social network
- E-government obstacles and challenges
- E-government project failure
- Future of e-government
- Improving the public service efficiency and effectiveness
- E-government in developing countries
- Citizen?s technological limitations
- ICT and democracy (e-Democracy agenda at e-government level)
- Citizens' education and accessibility to ICT
- exploiting the learning and communicative potential of emerging online tools
- new media forms (games, blogs, wiki, G3 mobile communications

8. Information Systems & Management in Creativity Industry
- Management, Marketing, Business Aspects and Strategic Importance of IT and IS&M in
Creative eMedia Industries
- New business models/new media products
- Customer intelligence either in real-time / non-real-time
- Consumer, Audience, Human-Computer-Interaction, and User Viewpoints: perception of media
Content in systems
- Understanding audiences, advertisement statistics, audience trends, and audience
- Strategic Importance of IT and IS&M in Media, Big Data, Crowd, Open Data, Linked Data,
Cloud Application, New Business Analytics, Information Visualization, Workflow Management.
- IS&M as Basis of New Business Models of New Media Products, and Global Digital Production

Organizing Committee

General Chair
Artur Lugmayr, Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), FIN

Program Chairs
Helj? Franssila, Tampere Univ. (UTA), FIN

Track chair: Social Media
Mike Friedrichsen, Humboldt School of Digital Management, GER

Track chair: Ambient Media & Open Source
Moyen Mustaquim, Uppsala University, SE

Track chair: Media Business, Media Studies, and Media Management
Johanna Gr?blbauer, St. P?lten University of Applied Sciences (FH), AT

Track chair: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Pauliina Tuomi, University of Turku, FIN

Track chair: Digital Games
Janne Paavilainen, University of Tampere (UTA), FIN

Track chair: ICT & E-Government
Fatemeh Ahmadi Zeleti, Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), FIN

Track chair: Hybrid Media
Timo Nummenmaa, University of Tampere (UTA), FIN

Track chair: Information Systems & Management in Creativity Industry
Artur Lugmayr, Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), FIN

Panel Chair
Jari Jussila, Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), FIN

Demonstrations & Poster Chair
Paul Coulton, Lancaster University, UK

Workshop & Tutorial Chair
Paul Coulton, Lancaster University, UK

Conference Manager and Local Arrangements
Lester Lasrado, Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), FIN


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 18:43:58 +0000 (UTC)
From: Artur Lugmayr <>
Subject: [DMANET] CfP SAME Workshop@NordiCHI - Pervasive & Smart &
Media Usability, Interaction, and Technologies (dealdine 15th Nov),
Message-ID: <1262822392.123.1405017838723.JavaMail.lugmayr@HLO-PC43>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


NordiCHI 2014 Workshop
Ambient & Smart Media Usability, Interaction, and Media Technologies
6th International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences (SAME 2014)


NordiCHI Website:

Workshop Website:

Submission System:

The Workshop proceedings will be published in the International Series on
Information Systems & Management in Creative eMedia (indexed by Scopus!):
The workshop is in-corporated with the AIS SIG-eMedia (
and iAMEA ? The International Association for Ambient Media (

Workshop Chairs
Estefan?a Serral Asensio, KU Leuven, Belgium,
Thomas Risse, L3S Research Center, University of Hanover, Germany,
Artur Lugmayr, University of Technology (TUT) & lugYmedia Inc, Finland,
Bjoern Stockleben, Univ. of Applied Sciences Magdeburg, Germany,
Emilija Stojmenova, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia,


1 Motivation and Objectives of the Workshop

Ambient (aka pervasive, ubiquitous) media environments offer a plethora of context data as
well as opportunities for context-related content production and consumption. They are the
perfect environments for providing users with highly contextualized data-driven services
and data-driven visual and additive content.

To build such ambient media environments, semantics play an essential role to deal with a
seamless integration of the urban context as well as the digital services to be provided.
The application areas range from smart cars, urban informatics, smart homes, ambient
assisted living, smart media environments, and new interaction devices.
We aim to bring together communities involved in different semantic applications needed
for the creation of ambient media environments, like: digital services, media
interoperability, open data, user interfaces, human-computer interaction, user-centred
and interaction design, user experience, business modelling, knowledge management, etc.

This will allow identifying common themes between the participant's current work and
research agenda, and, eventually, leading to the discovery of new insights and opportunities.
The primary research goal is to assess new trends for applying semantics in digital
services for urban contexts and the disciplines involved in the creation of these services.
The workshop organizers have extensive experiences in organizing high level workshops
through the non-profit International Ambient Media Association (AMEA) they founded.
The organizers have also established an own free open access series and journal within
the association, attracted large audiences, and disseminated the results through
high level journal special issues as e.g. Springer-Verlag?s Multimedia Tools &

2 Topics of the Workshop

In line with the above, contributions to the workshop should propose applications of
applications and services in the domain of ubiquitous media centering on usability,
interaction, and intelligent interaction focused on, but not limited to ubiquitous/ambient usability:
- Ambient Intelligent Semantics & Technologies
o Vocabularies, ontologies & linked data for urban environments
o Context-data aggregation and context awareness
o Semantics of usage contexts and sensor data
o Context adaptive services
o Service interoperability
o Implementation and evaluation of urban services
o Ambient and ubiquitous devices
- Ambient Intelligent Presentation and Interaction
o Service interoperability
o Usage of ambient media for increasing application usability
o Methods and best practices for urban service design
o Usability in ubiquitous smart systems
o Ubiquitous human-computer interaction
o User experience, needs and user studies
o New smart media based user interfaces
- Emerging Ambient Services & Applications
o Smart cars, smart cities, smart urban environments
o Big data, opened data, and linked data applications
o New smart media based interfaces
o User-driven content and semantic data generation
o Smart media environments
o Unobtrusive mobile applications
o Non-screen based user interfaces
o Trust and security

3 Target Audience
The target audiences to be addressed by this workshop are communities involved
in the creation of ambient intelligence systems for urban environments,
digital services, media interoperability, open data, user interaction design,
business modelling, knowledge management, etc.

As the workshop organizers are from different institutions and research perspectives,
and from academic and from industry, a high number of attendees is expected.
We expect approx. 15-25 attendees to allow a reasonable number of
working groups (see Section 4 ?Workshop Format?).

4 Workshop Format and Activities

The workshop is part of a larger set of initiatives and is supported and incorporated with:
* iAMEA ? International Association of Ambient Media Ry (
* the Association of Information Systems (AIS) Special Interest Group (SIG) SIG-eMedia
* iAMEA established an open access journal and series (indexed in Scopus, and within the
Finnish publication ranking system)
o International Journal on Information Systems and Management in Creative eMedia
o International Series on Information Systems and Management in Creative eMedia

The workshop will be a full-day workshop grouped into several sessions. We allow the
submission of papers up to 10 pages which will be peer-reviewed by members of the
program committee.

We expect a submission volume of 30 papers, with an approximate acceptance rate of 40%.
The workshop will start with a keynote talk followed by short presentations of the papers.
Afterwards in a ?Theme Matching? phase common topics will be identified as a starting point
for the sub-sequent group work. The workshop participants will be clustered into groups
around the identified topics. In an intense exchange phase within the groups, the topics will
be further developed. The workshop ends with final presentations by the groups.

The format of the workshop intends to open new perspectives to each participant's
individual research work, as well as to assess common problems and trends in the design
of urban media environments.

After the workshop, it is planned that the results of the group work are consolidated in a
journal paper to be published in the special issue of the Springer journal on
?Multimedia Tools and Applications?. Also the authors of the best accepted papers of
SAME workshop will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to the
special issue. Respective arrangements with Springer are on the way for the
proposed workshop.

5 Submission Guidlines

Please follow the submission guidlines for NordiCHI papers on:
Workshop papers can be 5-10 pages long, however, they need to fulfill the submission guidelines of NordiCHI.
Please submit your papers on:


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 09:52:04 +0200
From: Aline Carneiro Viana <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for participation ACM MobiCom 2014 - Early
Registration Deadline August 9
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this Call
for Participation (CFP).]

ACM MobiCom 2014

The 20th Annual International Conference on
Mobile Computing and Networking

Sept 7-11, 2014 - Maui, Hawaii

Discounted hotel reservation deadline August 9, 2014
Early registration deadline August 9, 2014
Conference dates September 7-11, 2014
Workshops dates September 7/September 11, 2014

Conference Registration:
Hotel Registration:

* SCOPE: ACM MobiCom 2014, the Annual International Conference on Mobile
Computing and Networking, is the twentieth in a series of annual
conferences sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE dedicated to addressing the
challenges in the areas of mobile computing and wireless and mobile
networking. The MobiCom conference series serves as a highly selective,
premier international forum addressing networks, systems, algorithms,
and applications that support mobile computers and wireless networks. In
addition to the regular conference program, MobiCom 2014 will include a
set of workshops, panels, research demonstrations, and a poster session
that includes the ACM Student Research Competition. This year, MobiCom
will be featuring the mobile app competition successfully introduced
last year. The conference will be held in Maui, Hawaii. The registration
is open and can be performed on-line at the conference web page:

* KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: This year, the MobiCom technical program will
include four keynote speakers: Leonard Kleinrock (Distinguished
Professor of Computer Science at UCLA, and Outstanding Contributions
Award Winner), Sanjit Biswas (CEO of Meraki and VP/GM of the Cisco Cloud
Networking Group), Jeff Gelhlaar (VP of Technology for Qualcomm
Technologies, Inc.), and Kit Colbert (CTO of End-User Computing at VMware)

* TECHNICAL PROGRAM: 36 papers have been accepted for presentation
and for publication in the conference proceedings. The
complete list of accepted papers can be found on-line at the conference
web page:

* PANEL: This year, the MobiCom technical program will include two
panels: (1) Tackling Societal Grand Challenges with Mobile Computing
(Moderated by Lakshminarayanan Subramanian, NYU) and (2) Applying the
lessons learnt for navigating the future - a conversation with the
pioneers (Moderated by Victor Bahl, Microsoft Research).

* Workshops: MobiCom 2014 will hold four workshops on Sunday (September
7th, 2014) and three on Thursday (September 11th, 2014) of the
conference week in Maui, Hawaii, USA. The details of accepted workshop
can be found on-line at the conference web page:

- Scheduled Workshops: Sunday, September 7:
+6th Annual Wireless of the Students, by the Students, for the
Students Workshop (S3 2014)
+1st ACM Workshop on Visible Light Communication Systems (VLCS 2014)
+9th ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS 2014)
+9th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds,
Experimental Evaluation and Characterization (WiNTECH 2014)

- Scheduled Workshops: Thursday, September 11:
+9th ACM Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture
(MobiArch 2014)
+ACM Workshop on Security and Privacy in Mobile Environments (SPME
+1st ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Wireless (HotWireless 2014).

Poster Session providing an excellent opportunity for initial feedback
on early research results and for gaining early visibility of ongoing
projects. This year, each accepted poster will have the opportunity to
deliver a fast elevator pitch and to have a webpage, which will be
linked from the MobiCom Posters & SRC program page. ACM MobiCom 2014
also hosts an ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) along side the
Posters Program. Selected competitors will receive up to $500 USD for
their conference travel, depending on need, and will earn a chance to
compete in the SRC Grand Finals. The winners will be recognized at the
Annual ACM Awards Banquet.

* DEMOS: MobiCom 2014 also includes a Demo Session, providing innovative
research prototypes, platforms and applications that are related to the
practice of mobile computing or wireless and mobile networking. Demos
this year include a software defined radio on a smartphone, long-range
network on the whitespace television channels available in Maui,
millimeter real-time tracking of RFIDs, and breathe monitoring using
ultra-wideband radar signals.

* MOBILE APP COMPETITION: MobiCom 2014 is pleased to organize the second
Mobile App competition in conjunction with the main conference. The
competition is for novel and innovative mobile applications utilizing
any computing architecture (stand-alone, client/server,
client/proxy/server, peer-to-peer/ad-hoc, cloud/mobile, others). It is
intended as a platform-neutral Contest. More details can be found
on-line at the conference web page:

* STUDENT TRAVEL GRANTS: MobiCom 2014 organizing committee is pleased
to announce travel grants for students to attend the conference and its
co-located workshops. Grants are available only for full-time students
attending US colleges and universities (not necessarily US citizens or
permanent residents). Minority and women students from diverse
institutions are particularly encouraged to apply. See more information

* SPONSORS: MobiCom 2014 organizing committee is pleased to announce it
has a Platinum patron (National Science Foundation), Gold patrons
(Cisco/Meraki and Microsoft Research), Silver patrons (Facebook, Google,
IBM Research, INRIA, and Qualcomm Research), and Bronze Patrons (HP Labs
and NEC Labs). See more information at

* VENUE: The venue for MobiCom 2014 will be the Westin Maui Resort and
Spa. A special hotel rate of $200 plus tax and resort fee has been
negotiated and is valid for the period between September 4th and
September 14th. The cutoff date for this rate is August 9th. The hotel
is situated along a spectacular stretch of the famed Ka'anapali Beach.
This oceanfront resort blends an endless array of activities and
amenities with gracious aloha spirit. Located beachfront with
spectacular views of Lana'i and Moloka'i, The Westin Maui Resort and Spa
is just minutes from Maui's many attractions. The special hotel rate is
applicable for a fixed block of rooms. To guarantee this rate, make your
hotel reservation as early as possible. Reservations can be made on-line


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 77, Issue 9

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