Thursday, November 19, 2015

dmanet Digest, Vol 93, Issue 17

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Today's Topics:

1. Alan Turing Fellowships (Artur Czumaj)
2. Postdoc in Sublinear and Randomized Algorithms (2 years),
University of Warwick (Artur Czumaj)
3. AUTOMATA 2016 Call for Papers (Turlough Neary)
4. Faculty Positions in CS in NIIT University, Rajasthan, India
(Prosenjit Gupta)
5. 7th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and
Production Management (EPPM2016) (Erwin Pesch)
6. 10 PhD positions at University of Trier, Germany (Mirjam Dür)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 17:35:27 +0000
From: Artur Czumaj <>
Subject: [DMANET] Alan Turing Fellowships
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

Alan Turing Fellowships

This is a unique opportunity for early career researchers to join The Alan
Turing Institute. The Alan Turing Institute is the UKs new national data
science institute, established to bring together world-leading expertise
to provide leadership in the emerging field of data science. The Institute
has been founded by the universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh, Oxford, UCL
and Warwick and EPSRC.

Fellowships are available for 3 years with the potential for an additional
2 years of support following interim review. Fellows will pursue research
based at the Institute hub in the British Library, London. Fellowships
will be awarded to individual candidates and fellows will be employed by a
joint venture partner university (Cambridge, Edinburgh, Oxford, UCL or

Key requirements:
Successful candidates are expected to have i) a PhD in a data science (or
adjacent) subject (or to have submitted their doctorate before taking up
the post), ii) an excellent publication record and/or demonstrated
excellent research potential such as via preprints, iii) a novel and
challenging research agenda that will advance the strategic objectives of
the Institute, and iv) leadership potential. Fellowships are open to all
qualified applicants regardless of background.

Alan Turing Fellowship applications can be made in all data science
research areas. The Institutes research roadmap is available at . In addition to this open call, there
are two specific fellowship programmes:

Fellowships addressing data-centric engineering
The Lloyds Register Foundation (LRF) / Alan Turing Institute programme to
support data-centric engineering is a 5-year, 10M global programme,
delivered through a partnership between LRF and the Alan Turing Institute.
This programme will secure high technical standards (for example the
next-generation algorithms and analytics) to enhance the safety of life
and property around the major infrastructure upon which modern society
relies. For further information on data-centric engineering, see LRFs
Foresight Review of Big Data. Applications for Fellowships under this
call, which address the aims of the LRF/Turing programme, may also be
considered for funding under the data-centric engineering programme.
Fellowships awarded under this programme may vary from the conditions
given above; for more details contact

Fellowships addressing data analytics and high-performance computing
Intel and the Alan Turing Institute will be supporting additional
Fellowships in data analytics and high-performance computing. Applications
for Fellowships under this call may also be considered for funding under
the joint Intel-Alan Turing Institute programme. Fellowships awarded under
this joint programme may vary from the conditions given above; for more
details contact

Download full information on the Turing fellowships:

Diversity and equality are promoted in all aspects of the recruitment and
career management of our researchers. In keeping with the principles of
the Institute, we especially encourage applications from female


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 17:35:39 +0000
From: Artur Czumaj <>
Subject: [DMANET] Postdoc in Sublinear and Randomized Algorithms (2
years), University of Warwick
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

Postdoc in Sublinear/Randomized Algorithms (2 years), Univ. Warwick

Applicants are sought for a postdoctoral position in connection with a
grant of Prof. Artur Czumaj (

We are looking for highly qualified candidates with a PhD degree (or
expecting to get one very soon) in combinatorics, discrete mathematics,
theoretical computer science, or related fields. The main focus of the
post is on the research in the broadly understood area of design and
mathematical analysis of sublinear and randomized algorithms, including
research in property testing and combinatorics, and sublinear-time
approximation algorithms for combinatorial and optimization problems.

The position is affiliated with the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and
its Applications, DIMAP ( and the
Foundations of Computer Science Research Group
( in the Department of
Computer Science at the University of Warwick.

The post is available for up to 2 years.

Closing date for receipt of applications: November 30, 2015.

Informal inquiries should be addressed to Artur Czumaj at

Formal applications, which include CV with a list of publications,, a
research statement, and a short statement highlighting your suitability
for this post, should be made following the link at

Closing date: November 30, 2015.

Prof Artur Czumaj
Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
Department of Computer Science
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 24 7657 3796


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 21:55:35 +0100
From: Turlough Neary <>
Subject: [DMANET] AUTOMATA 2016 Call for Papers
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

AUTOMATA 2016 Call for Papers

The 22nd International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete
Complex Systems (AUTOMATA 2016) will be hosted at the University of
Zurich, Switzerland, June 15-17, 2016.

Submission deadline: February 13, 2016


Papers presenting original and unpublished research on all fundamental
aspects of cellular automata and related discrete complex systems are
sought. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): dynamics,
topological, ergodic and algebraic aspects, algorithmic and complexity
issues, emergent properties, formal language processing, symbolic
dynamics, models of parallelism and distributed systems, timing
schemes, phenomenological descriptions, scientific modeling and
practical applications.

Important dates

Submission deadline: February 13, 2016
Notification of acceptance: March 20, 2016
Final versions: March 30, 2016
Submission deadline for exploratory papers: May 1, 2016
Notification of acceptance for exploratory papers: May 10, 2016
AUTOMATA 2016: June 15-17

Invited speakers

Klaus Sutner (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Guillaume Theyssier (Université de Savoie, France)
Tommaso Toffoli (Boston University, USA)
Andrew Winslow (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)

Program committee

Matthew Cook (University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Nazim Fatès (Inria Nancy, France)
Paola Flocchini (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Enrico Formenti (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France)
Anahı́ Gajardo (University of Concepción, Chile)
Eric Goles (Adolfo Ibáñez University, Chile)
Jarkko Kari (University of Turku, Finland)
Martin Kutrib (Universität Gießen, Germany)
Andreas Malcher (Universität Gießen, Germany)
Genaro Martı́nez (University of West England, UK)
Kenichi Morita (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Turlough Neary (University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Pedro de Oliveira (Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil)
Nicolas Ollinger (Université d'Orléans, France)
Matthew Patitz (University of Arkansas, USA)
Ivan Rapaport (Universidad de Chile, Chile)
Damien Woods (Caltech, USA)
Thomas Worsch (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany)

Organizing committee

Matthew Cook
Turlough Neary

Paper categories

There are two categories of submission – full papers and exploratory
papers. Full papers should report more complete and denser research,
while the later submission deadline for exploratory papers allows quick
reporting of recent discoveries, work-in-progress and/or partial
results. Submissions in the full paper category are refereed and
selected by the program committee. Papers in the exploratory category
go through a less rigorous evaluation process.


Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of no more than 14
pages (for full papers) or 8 pages (for exploratory papers) via the
EasyChair system at

Submissions should contain original research that has not previously
been published. Concurrent submissions to other conferences/journals is
not permitted. Supplementary material that exceeds the above mentioned
page limits may be included as an appendix and will be considered at
the committee's discretion (note that appendices will not be published
in the proceedings). Submission must be formatted in LaTeX using the
LNCS format (see
and submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF). Papers authored or co
-authored by PC members are also welcome and will follow a specific
evaluation process.


Accepted full papers will appear in the proceedings published by
Springer in the LNCS series and will be available at the conference.
Exploratory papers will not be included in the LNCS proceedings;
however, they will be printed locally and given to conference


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 01:03:51 +0000
From: Prosenjit Gupta <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Faculty Positions in CS in NIIT University,
Rajasthan, India

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

NIIT University, India invites applications for tenure track faculty positions in all areas of Computer Science and Engineering. Candidates with specialization in the areas of Computer Security, Networking, Databases, Distributed Systems, High Performance Computing, Cloud Computing & Data Sciences, Information Security, Data Analytics will be given preference. Positions remain open until filled.

Candidates must have earned (or expect shortly) a Ph.D for Assistant Professor, Ph.D with 6 years of experience for Associate Professor, Ph.D with 10 years of experience for Professor in the above disciplines. Candidates must have a good publication record; proven ability to establish an independent research program; demonstrate flair for innovation; be open to participate in developing new interdisciplinary programs of study; have the commitment to excel both in research and teaching and establish strong linkages with industry. Industry experience and/or post-doctoral experience will be considered an asset.

NIIT University is located about 100 Kms from New Delhi Airport. The University provides an intellectual environment and is committed to academic excellence. The four core principles of NIIT University, namely, Industry-linked, Research-driven, Technology-based, and Seamless define the DNA of the University. For more information, please visit the university website
NIIT University offers a competitive compensation at par with the best academic institutions in India. In addition, NU provides a start up research grant at the time of joining, travel support for presenting papers in reputed International Conferences and Workshops. NU provides research incentives, such as monetary award for refereed Journal publications. In line with the Industry-linked as a core principle, the university will enable faculty to consult with industry in India and abroad.

Interested applicants who are keen to re-locate to India are invited to submit their curriculum vitae including employment history, a statement outlining research and teaching interests, list of consultancies and projects undertaken and names of at least three referees.

Applications may be sent electronically in PDF format to
HR Manager,<> or the

Phone: +91-9251083130

Prosenjit Gupta, Professor,
NIIT University
NH-8, Delhi-Jaipur Highway,
Neemrana, District Alwar,
Rajasthan - 301705, India

Visit us at:
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Message: 5
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 12:26:08 +0100
From: Erwin Pesch <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] 7th International Conference on Engineering,
Project, and Production Management (EPPM2016)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed

We are pleased to announce that the *7th International Conference on
Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM2016)* will be
organized by the Faculty of Management, *Bialystok University of
Technology (Poland) on September 21-23, 2016.*

The primary objective of the Conference*is to provide forums for
scientists, engineers, managers, students, and practitioners to present
and discuss current and emerging research issues, questions, problems,
findings and new developments in engineering management, project
management and production management, with particular attention to the
construction, transportation, logistics, automobile and manufacturing
sectors. It is a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary research and
industrial networking at local and international levels. Conference
themes include:

* Industrial Engineering
* Project and Process Management
* Operational Management and Decision Support Systems
* Logistics and Supply Chain Management
* Quality Management
* Sustainable technologies
* Service Science and Engineering
* Technology Management

Previous EPPM conferences were held in Taiwan, Singapore, United
Kingdom, Thailand, South Africa and Australia. The EPPM2016 conference
is hosted by the Faculty of Management, *Bialystok University of
Technology* in cooperation with the *Association of Engineering,
Project, and Production Management*, the *Polish Academy of Sciences'
Committee on Production Engineering* and the *International Society for
Manufacturing, Service and Management Engineering.
For more information, please visit the conference website:

Many thanks,

*Dr Kassim Gidado*

/Built Environment and Civil Engineering/

/School of Environment & Technology/

/College of Life, Health and Physical Sciences/

/University of Brighton/


/Cockcroft Building, Lewes Road/

/Brighton BN2 4GJ/

/United Kingdom/


/Tel: +44 (0)1273 64 2394/

/Fax: +44 (0)1273 64 2285/



Message: 6
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 14:56:52 +0100
From: Mirjam Dür <>
Subject: [DMANET] 10 PhD positions at University of Trier, Germany
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

RTG 2126 (Graduiertenkolleg) Algorithmic Optimization

The Research Training Group (RTG) "Algorithmic Optimization", funded by
the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), is accepting applications for

10 doctoral research positions (TVL 13, 75%)
at the University of Trier
for the period of 3 years, starting 1st April 2016

The research topics are devoted to all mathematical aspects of
algorithmic optimization with an emphasis on applications, in particular
in large and big data as well as systems models from
economics. The doctoral research positions do not involve teaching

Applicants must hold a MSc degree (or equivalent) in mathematics or a
strongly related field at the time of hiring. They should be able to
communicate in English and should document their interest in the
scientific goals of the research program of the research training group
(Graduiertenkolleg). Excellent programming skills are a plus.

Applications should include:

* letter of motivation (no longer than 2 pages)
* curriculum vitae
* a recent letter of reference (in English or German) to be sent
directly to the address given below
* contact information of at least one additional reference
* copies of earned degrees (in German or English translation)
* a mathematical writing sample (preferably the master's thesis)

We welcome applications from researchers of all nationalities. Trier
University strives to increase the share of women in research and
strongly encourages women to apply. Trier University is a certified
family-friendly employer. Applicants with disabilities who are equally
qualified will be favoured.

Please include all application material in one pdf or zip-file and send
it via e-mail to:

Graduiertenkolleg ALOP
Mathematik - FB IV
Universtitaet Trier
54286 Trier, Germany
Subject: RTG ALOP

For full consideration, applications must be received by January 15,
2016, however, late applications will be considered until the positions
are filled.

For more information see:

Prof. Dr. Mirjam Dür
Department of Mathematics
University of Trier
54286 Trier, Germany

T: +49 651 201 3481


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 93, Issue 17

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