Thursday, November 26, 2015

dmanet Digest, Vol 93, Issue 23

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Today's Topics:

1. Open PostDoc position, Theoretical Computer Science,
University of Siegen (Lohrey, Markus)
2. New Book: Economics and Computation. An Introduction to
Algorithmic Game Theory, Computational Social Choice, and Fair
Division (Jörg Rothe)
3. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: WINE 2015 - The 11th Conference on
Web and Internet Economics (Guido Schaefer)
4. SPAA 2016 - call for papers (Nodari Sitchinava)
5. Call for chapters - Springer Volume - "Modelling, Computing
and Data Handling Methodologies for Maritime Transportation"
(Charalampos Konstantopoulos)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 04:55:19 +0000
From: "Lohrey, Markus" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Open PostDoc position, Theoretical Computer Science,
University of Siegen
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

***please distribute to potential applicants***

Open PostDoc position at the research group Theoretical Computer Science at University of Siegen, Germany

The Chair for Theoretical Computer Science, Department for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Faculty IV at University of Siegen is
accepting applications for one doctoral post (salary category TV-L 13, full position) for a duration of 3 years.

* Job description:

This position will enable a student to complete his/her doctoral degree.

We expect:
- Development of models and algorithms for diagnosis of distributed embedded real-time systems
- Development of specific algorithms for data compression of diagnosis data streams and theoretical analysis of these algorithms
- Documentation of results and preparation of project reports
- Supervising students for seminar/Bachlor thesis/Master thesis projects
- Completion of PhD

* Your profile:
- Master's degree or a Diploma in computer science, mathematics or electrical engineering
- Solid knowledge in Theoretical Computer Science and very good mathematical skills
- Specific knowledge in data compression, information theory, algorithmics, and embedded systems are advantageous
- Programming skills in C, C++ are advantageous as well
- Very good English language skills

* University of Siegen:

With 20,000 students, 1,900 employees, including 1,200 academic positions, the University of Siegen is an innovative institution
emphasizing interdisciplinary orientation. Consisting in a broad spectrum of departments, from liberal arts, social sciences, and
economics to natural sciences and engineering, the University of Siegen provides an outstanding teaching and research environment
with numerous inter/transdisciplinary research projects.

Information on the University of Siegen is available online:

The University of Siegen is an equal opportunity employer. In accordance with its policy of increasing the proportion of women in
this type of employment, the University actively encourages applications from women. The University facilitates viable combination
of professional and family needs. For candidates with equal qualification, preference will be given to people with physical disabilities.

* Contact for further information: Prof. Markus Lohrey, Tel. 0271/740-2826, email:

Please send your application documents (resume, copies of diplomas and certificates) in duplicate till December 17, 2015 with
reference number 2015/IV/ETI/WM/219 to the following address: Prof. Dr. Markus Lohrey, Universität Siegen, Hölderlinstr. 3, 57076 Siegen, Germany.


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 11:28:06 +0100
From: Jörg Rothe <>
Subject: [DMANET] New Book: Economics and Computation. An Introduction
to Algorithmic Game Theory, Computational Social Choice, and Fair
Message-ID: <2315058.sTkZIzvL1g@thomas>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Dear Colleagues,

it is my pleasure to announce that a new book has just been
published by Springer:

Economics and Computation
An Introduction to Algorithmic Game Theory,
Computational Social Choice, and Fair Division

Jörg Rothe (Editor)

This textbook connects three vibrant areas at the interface
between economics and computer science: algorithmic game theory,
computational social choice, and fair division. It thus offers an
interdisciplinary treatment of collective decision making from an
economic and computational perspective. Part I introduces to
algorithmic game theory, focusing on both noncooperative and
cooperative game theory. Part II introduces to computational
social choice, focusing on both preference aggregation (voting)
and judgment aggregation. Part III introduces to fair division,
focusing on the division of both a single divisible resource
("cake-cutting") and multiple indivisible and unshareable resources
("multiagent resource allocation"). In all these parts, much weight
is given to the algorithmic and complexity-theoretic aspects of
problems arising in these areas, and the interconnections between
the three parts are of central interest.

- First textbook on computational social choice
- Connects economic and computational dimensions of collective
- Explores the interrelations between algorithmic game theory,
computational social choice and fair division
- First book focusing on the algorithmic and complexity-theoretic
aspects of fair division


Foreword by Matthew O. Jackson and Yoav Shoham. . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Preface by the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vi
Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

Chapter 1:
Playing, Voting, and Dividing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
J. Rothe

Chapter 2:
Noncooperative Game Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
P. Faliszewski, I. Rothe, and J. Rothe

Chapter 3:
Cooperative Game Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
E. Elkind and J. Rothe

Chapter 4:
Preference Aggregation by Voting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
D. Baumeister and J. Rothe

Chapter 5:
The Complexity of Manipulative Actions in Single-Peaked Societies . . 327
E. Hemaspaandra, L.A. Hemaspaandra, and J. Rothe

Chapter 6:
Judgment Aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
D. Baumeister, G. Erdélyi, and J. Rothe

Chapter 7:
Cake-Cutting: Fair Division of Divisible Goods . . . . . . . . . . . 395
C. Lindner and J. Rothe

Chapter 8:
Fair DivisionofIndivisible Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
J. Lang and J. Rothe

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587

Best regards,
Jörg Rothe

Prof. Dr. Jörg Rothe
Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für Informatik
Department Chair
Universitätsstr. 1, 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany
Phone: +49 211 81 12188, Fax: +49 211 81 11667


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 23:34:52 +0100
From: Guido Schaefer <>
Conference on Web and Internet Economics
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


WINE 2015: The 11th Conference on Web and Internet Economics

Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
December 9-12, 2015, with tutorial program on December 9, 2015 <>

Please register here: <>

The detailed conference program is available here: <>

The scientific program of WINE 2015 will include four invited talks by
- Michal Feldman, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
- Paul Goldberg, University of Oxford, UK
- Ramesh Johari, Stanford University, USA
- Paul Milgrom, Stanford University, USA

The detailed conference program is available here: <>

There will be a (non-archival) poster session with lightning talks on December 10, 2015 to give PhD students, postdocs and also researchers who are on the job market the opportunity to present their work to the WINE community.

WINE 2015 will host a tutorial day on December 9, 2015. The tutorials will be given by
- Vincent Conitzer, Duke University, USA
- Tobias Harks, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
- Rahul Savani, University of Liverpool, UK

For more information see: <>

Early registration for WINE ends on November 15, 2015.

You can register here: <>

December is a busy period and hotels in Amsterdam fill up quickly. We recommend that you make your hotel arrangements as soon as possible.

For hotel booking: <>

We look forward to seeing you at WINE 2015 in Amsterdam.



Message: 4
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 13:04:08 -1000
From: Nodari Sitchinava <>
Subject: [DMANET] SPAA 2016 - call for papers
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

SPAA 2016 Call for Papers

28th ACM Symposium on
Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2016)
June 27-29, 2016
Asilomar State Beach, California, USA


Important Dates:

Submission deadlines:
- Regular papers: February 5, 11:59pm HAST
- Brief announcements: February 26, 11:59pm HAST

Rebuttal period: March 22-25
Notification: April 11


Submissions are sought in all areas of parallel algorithms and
architectures, broadly construed, including both theoretical and
experimental perspectives. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:

- Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
- Parallel and Distributed Data Structures
- Parallel Complexity Theory
- Scheduling in Parallel Systems
- Specification and Verification of Concurrent Systems
- Parallel and Distributed Architectures
- Multiprocessor and Multicore Architectures
- Transactional Memory Hardware and Software
- Instruction Level Parallelism and VLSI
- Compilers and Tools for Concurrent Programming
- Algorithms for GPUs and Other Alternative Parallel Architectures
- High-Performance Parallel Computing and Architectures
- Green & Power-Efficient Algorithms and Architectures
- Algorithms for Social Networks
- Biological Distributed Algorithms
- Network Algorithms
- Algorithms for Routing and Information Dissemination
- Peer-to-Peer Systems
- Mobile, Ad-Hoc, Wireless and Sensor Networks
- Fault-tolerance and Reliability
- Self-stabilization and Self-organization
- Security and Privacy in Distributed and Parallel Systems
- Parallel/Distributed Computational Learning
- Game Theory and Collaborative Learning
- Parallel/Distributed issues in Big Data
- Resource Management and Awareness

Regular papers:

Regular papers should report on original research, submitted exclusively
to this conference. Submissions may not exceed ten (10) single-spaced
double-column pages. (Papers will be judged based on their quality and
not their length---short papers are welcome.) The title page,
bibliography and designated figure pages (containing only figures) are
not counted toward the ten pages. (Illustrative figures are
encouraged.) All necessary details to substantiate the main claims of
the paper should be included in a clearly marked appendix. Regular
papers will be allotted up to 10 pages in the proceedings.

Brief announcements:

SPAA also solicits brief announcements that raise issues of interest to
the SPAA community. Brief announcements may not exceed two pages.
Examples of good brief announcements include: (i) papers previously
published elsewhere of interest to SPAA, (ii) work in progress, (iii)
announcement of tools/libraries, (iv) challenge problems posed to the
community, (v) corrections to earlier results. Brief announcements may
also include smaller results of interest.

Authors may request that a regular paper be considered as a brief
announcement. As far as possible, the program committee will remain
blind to this request until status as a regular paper has been resolved.
Such a request will not affect the chances of the manuscript to be
accepted as a regular paper.

Submission details:

Papers should be submitted in standard ACM format, i.e., 9-point font on
8.5x11 inch pages. For detailed submission instructions and formatting,
please see


Every regular paper is eligible for the best paper award.


Program Committee:

Dan Alistarh (Microsoft Research)
Yossi Azar (Tel Aviv Univ.)
Michael Bender (Stony Brook Univ.)
Costas Busch (Louisiana State Univ.)
Yuval Emek (Technion)
Antonio Fernández Anta (IMDEA)
Jeremy Fineman (Georgetown Univ.)
Phil Gibbons (CMU)
Seth Gilbert (NUS)
Magnús M. Halldórsson (Reykjavík University)
Stephan Holzer (MIT)
Fabian Kuhn (Univ. of Freiburg)
Yossi Lev (Oracle)
Ishai Menache (Microsoft Research)
Ben Mosely (Wash. Univ. in St. Louis)
Calvin Newport (Georgetown Univ.)
Merav Parter (MIT)
Boaz Patt-Shamir (Tel Aviv Univ.)
Seth Pettie (Univ. of Michigan)
Cynthia Phillips (Sandia Natl. Lab.)
Kirk Pruhs (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Peter Robinson (Queen's Univ. Belfast)
Thomas Sauerwald (Cambridge)
Stefan Schmid (Aalborg Univ.)
Michael Scott (Univ. of Rochester)
Julian Shun (UC Berkeley)
Aravind Srinivasan (Univ. of Maryland)
Maxwell Young (Mississippi State Univ.)


Conference Committee:

Program Chair: Seth Gilbert (NUS)
General Chair: Christian Scheideler (Univ. of Paderborn)
Local Arrangements: Bradley Kuszmaul (MIT)
Treasurer: David Bunde (Knox College)
Publicity Chair: Nodari Sitchinava (Univ. of Hawaii, Manoa)
Secretary: Jeremy Fineman (Georgetown Univ.)

Nodari Sitchinava
Assistant Professor
Department of ICS
University of Hawaii, Manoa


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2015 09:03:54 +0200
From: "Charalampos Konstantopoulos" <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for chapters - Springer Volume - "Modelling,
Computing and Data Handling Methodologies for Maritime Transportation"
Message-ID: <005001d12818$9da70570$d8f51050$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Call for Volume Chapters in Series

"Advances on Learning, Analytics and Intelligent Computing Systems"

published by Springer

Volume Title:

"Modelling, Computing and Data Handling Methodologies for Maritime


Maritime transportation is the major conduit of international trade. In
terms of cost, maritime transport is very competitive against land and
airborne transport, increasing only by a few percent the total product cost.
On the other hand, maritime transportation takes longer or may cause harbor
congestion which further increase the voyage time. Furthermore, there are
difficulties in integrating this transportation mode efficiently with other
transport or distribution options. On top of that, the safety and the
environmental impact of maritime transportation, in particular, in the case
of sea accidents, are always two challenging issues.

As recent advances on maritime transportation require the synergy of both
computer science and maritime science, the main focus in this edited volume
will be upon the latest developments on IT methodologies for maritime
transportation. Computational intelligence, data mining and knowledge
discovery/representation, risk assessment methodologies as well as
combinatorial optimization are the IT fields that have gain importance in
maritime studies because of their potential in giving solutions for
effective sea transportation.

Book chapters on timely topics, state-of-the-art reviews providing a
comprehensive survey and evaluation of a subject area are welcomed for
submission. The main emphasis should be on the presentation of research
aiming for more effective and safer sea transportation, targeting complex
and large-scale optimization problems with conflicting criteria, requiring
innovative solution techniques and ideas from mathematical optimization,
theoretical computer science, massive data analysis and operations research.
Specifically, topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Graph and Network algorithms for Maritime Transportation

* Combinatorial optimization techniques for Maritime Transportation

* Environmentally Safe Shipping

* Safety and Security of Maritime Shipping

* GIS in Maritime Applications

* Spatiotemporal and Maritime Data Handling

* Route Planning and Monitoring

* Piracy Protection

* Risk Analysis, Assessment and Prediction

* Maritime Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Applications: surveillance,
maritime traffic control, anomaly detection, emergency management, situation
recognition, etc.

* Decision Support Tools for Maritime Transportation

* Integration of Heterogeneous Maritime Data Sources

Submission Information

The volume will be published by Springer in Series "Advances on Learning,
Analytics and Intelligent Computing Systems". First a chapter proposal of
1500 words should be sent to Volume Editors for evaluation. Upon proposal
acceptance, the authors will be called to submit the full manuscript before
a certain deadline. Then, the submissions will be double-blind reviewed for
deciding the chapters that will be included in the volume.

Important dates

Submission of chapter proposals: December 11, 2015

Notification for proposal acceptance: January 11, 2016

Submission of full chapters: April 11, 2016

Notification for chapter acceptance: May 31, 2016

Submission of the camera-ready chapters: July 1, 2016

Volume Editors

Dr. Charalampos Konstantopoulos

Department of Informatics

University of Piraeus


Prof. Grammati Pantziou

Department of Informatics

Technological Institution of Athens




Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 93, Issue 23

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