Tuesday, March 22, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 97, Issue 24

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Today's Topics:

1. Call for applications: Graduate-Level Research in Industrial
Projects for Students (G-RIPS) Berlin (Stanley Schade)
2. Juniorprofessor position in Theory of Algorithms at TU
Dortmund (Christian Sohler)
3. Deadline extended--CFP: CoWPER In conjunction with SECON 2016
(Valeria Loscri)
4. MSc Operational Research 50th Anniversary Scholarships (and
more) at Strathclyde Business School (Glasgow, UK) (Kerem Akartunali)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 13:48:40 +0100
From: Stanley Schade <schade@zib.de>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Call for applications: Graduate-Level Research in
Industrial Projects for Students (G-RIPS) Berlin
Message-ID: <56EFEDA8.9080401@zib.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

Dear Colleagues,

We cordially invite applications for the 2016 G-RIPS program, jointly
organized by Zuse Institut Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Institute
for Pure and Applied Mathematics (LA, USA), and the Research Campus
MODAL Berlin.

Deadline for application is 15 April 2016.

We would be grateful if you could forward this email and/or display our
poster ([1]) at a prominent location to attract the attention of
interested Master and Ph.D. students.

For more information and application, please see below ([2]) and visit
the project website:

Students with a background in combinatorial optimization, linear and
integer programming may be particularly interested in the RailLab
project with the project partner Deutsche Bahn [3].


* Prof. Dr. Christof Schütte (ZIB, FU Berlin)
* Prof. Dr. Thorsten Koch (ZIB, TU Berlin)
* Prof. Dr. Ralf Borndörfer (ZIB, FU Berlin)
* Dr. Stefan Zachow (ZIB)
* Prof. Dr. Tim Conrad (ZIB, FU Berlin)
* Prof. Dr. Christian Ratsch (IPAM, UCLA)

Thank you for your support and kind regards,
Stanley Schade (on behalf of the organizing team)

[1]: http://www.forschungscampus-modal.de/images/grips-2016_poster.pdf

[2]: The Graduate-Level Research in Industrial Projects (G-RIPS) Program
provides an opportunity for high-achieving graduate-level students to
work in teams on a real-world research project proposed by a sponsor
from industry or the public sector. Each G-RIPS team is comprised of
four international students (two from the US and two from European
universities), an academic mentor, and an industrial sponsor. The
research problem is always a real problem of serious interest to the
sponsor and that offers a stimulating challenge to students.

Most of these projects involve both analytic and computational work. The
students, with direction from their academic mentor and industrial
sponsor, will learn about the problem, master the latest analytical and
computational approaches and techniques to solve it. At the end of the
program, the teams will present the results of their work and prepare a
final report. English is the only language required for participation.



Message: 2
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 14:28:21 +0100
From: Christian Sohler <christian.sohler@tu-dortmund.de>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Juniorprofessor position in Theory of Algorithms at
TU Dortmund
Message-ID: <56EFF6F5.20107@tu-dortmund.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed

Juniorprofessor Position (W1) for "Theory of Algorithms" in the Computer
Science Department at TU Dortmund University

We are searching for an enthusiastic candidate with an outstanding
doctoral thesis and exceptional track record of publications in leading
international journals and/or conference proceedings in the area of
Theory of Algorithms (for example, streaming algorithms, approximation
algorithms, graph algorithms, randomized algorithms, distributed
algorithms or algorithmic game theory).

The position is initially for three years with the possibility of
extension for another three years after a positive evaluation. The
candidate must be fluent in German or English.

Closing Date: 28.4.2016

Official Announcement (in

Applications should be sent to:

Dekan der Fakultät Informatik
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gernot Fink
Technische Universität Dortmund
D-44221 Dortmund

E-Mail: gernot.fink@tu-dortmund.de


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 14:51:45 +0100
From: Valeria Loscri <valeria.loscri@inria.fr>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Deadline extended--CFP: CoWPER In conjunction with
SECON 2016
Message-ID: <3902961B-9277-4A70-BE06-6EDF1225C4A3@inria.fr>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

> Call For Papers
> CoWPER, Toward A City-Wide Pervasive EnviRonment
> 27 - 30 June 2016, LONDON - UK
> -------------------In conjunction with SECON 2016--------------------
> ===============================================================
> Web link: www.ieee-secon.org/cowper <http://www.ieee-secon.org/cowper>
> EDAS submissions: https://edas.info/N22207 <https://edas.info/N22207>
> Important dates
> Abstract Registration: March 20th, 2016 (extended to March 27th, 2016)
> Submission deadline: March 27th, 2016 (extended to April 3rd, 2016)
> Notification of acceptance: April 20th, 2016
> Camera Ready: May 11th, 2016
> Program: June 1st, 2016
> Accepted papers will be published on IEEE Xplore
> Scope
> The increasing availability of smart objects will radically change our cities. It is in fact a common opinion that, in the near future, our cities will be populated by a potentially higher number of devices that actively participate to the execution of pervasive and advanced services. Being massively distributed into the environment, such devices may generate, collect, exchange and process big data, provide distributed services, offer computational resources, and cooperate to perform some tasks locally, as well as to delegate the their execution to more powerful nodes in the infrastructure or at the network edge.
> At the same time, end-user mobile devices are becoming more and more pervasive. In many countries, the number of mobile cellular subscriptions greatly overcomes the current population (even more than +150%). Furthermore today's smartphones/devices are provided with increasing sensing/communication/computation capabilities and they are capable to produce fine-grained context-information by properly analysing/mining the data produced by embedded sensors, such as accelerometer, gyroscope, microphone, etc.
> In this futuristic scenario the citizens with their smartphones, tablets and portable devices, will assume the very special role of information prosumers (PROducers and conSUMERS). In fact, they will be constantly connected with whatever surroundings them and they will be formidable information consumers. At the same time, citizens roaming around the city may be considered as mobile probes that, by making uses of cyber and physical data accessible by smartphones, will analyze the situation and will produce reports to the community. Furthermore the citizen's smartphones will actively contribute in creating the communication infrastructure by forwarding data coming from surrounding devices thus partially relieving the communication infrastructure from the heavy burden of the huge amount of data produced in the envisioned scenario.
> All in all, cities are going to become a new complex ecosystem which has the potentiality to offer many amazing features and support innovative application. Unfortunately, fully exploiting, managing and accessing that ecosystem are still far to be fully viable and their fulfillment surely poses a formidable challenge.
> The CoWPER workshop aims to solicit contributions on novel algorithms, methodological studies and experimentations on how to enable the formerly described ecosystem. Specifically, on how devise a city-wide networking infrastructure capable to efficiently guarantee communication in the new envisaged ecosystem, to manage the complexity of heterogeneous devices and access technologies, and to guarantee robust, ubiquitous, and secure connectivity over the urban environments.
> In line with such objectives, original contributions are solicited in topics of interest including, but not limited to, the following:
> • Models of network components' interactions on a smart-city
> • Self-organizing wireless networks for pervasive urban access;
> • Distributed Sensing and Control in Smart Cities;
> • Mobile-aware cloud computing models, infrastructures, and approaches for smart cities
> • Smartphone-based sensing systems, tools, applications in Smart City environments;
> • Smartphone and mobile systems and applications;
> • Cyber-physical interactions with smartphones;
> • Crowd sourcing in smart cities;
> • IoT architectures and middleware for smart cities;
> • Novel communication protocols for M2M Communications;
> • Device-2-Device Communications (D2D);
> • Dynamic trust management models for Smartphone based networks and applications;
> • Cooperation incentive models for Smartphone based networks and applications;
> • Reliability, Security, Privacy and Trust in smart cities ecosystems;
> • Business model to promote users collaboration and resources sharing in smart cities ecosystems;
> • Testbed demonstrating the feasibility of Smartphone based networks and interaction with Cyber physical Systems;
> • Applications, Business, Standards, and Social Issue;
> • Cooperative Smart Objects supporting Wireless Networks Interoperability and Management
> All accepted papers will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services and IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
> Submission Instructions:
> Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical paper by the deadline of 27th March 2016. Submissions will be accepted through EDAS (https://edas.info/N22207 <https://edas.info/N22207>). All submissions must be written in English and be at most six (6) printed pages in length, including figures.
> For full details, please visit the following website: http:www.ieee-secon.org/cowper <http://www.ieee-secon.org/cowper>
> TPC Co-Chairs
> Valeria LOSCRI', Inria Lille-Nord Europe, FUN, France
> Giuseppe RUGGERI, Universityof Reggio Calabria, Italy
> Zhengguo SHENG, University of Sussex, UK.
> Athanasios, VASILAKOS, Lulea University of Technology Sweden
> (Potential) TPC Members:
> DavideAdami - CNIT-University of Pisa, Italy
> Jesus Alonso-Zarate - CTTC: Centre TecnològicTelecomunicacions Catalunya, Spain
> Luca Bedogni - Univesity of Bologna – Italy
> Orazio Briante - Universityof Reggio Calabria, Italy
> Marcos FagundesCaetano - Universityof Brasilia, Brasil
> Claudia Campolo - Universityof Reggio Calabria, Italy
> Marco Di Felice - University of Bologna,Italy
> Yaser P. Fallah - West Virginia University (WVU), USA
> HassanGhasemzadeh - Washington State University, USA
> Stefano Giordano - Universityof Pisa, Italy
> XipingHu - The university of British Columbia, Canada
> Antonio Iera - Universityof Reggio Calabria, Italy
> Hao Liang - University of Alberta, Canada
> Annamaria Mandalari - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Spain
> Pietro Manzoni - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
> Liang Ma - IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, NY, USA
> NathalieMitton - Inria Lille-Nord Europe / FUN, France
> Antonella Molinaro - Universityof Reggio Calabria, Italy
> Enrico Natalizio - Compiegne Technology University, France
> SemaOktug -Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
> Al-Sakib Khan Pathan -International Islamic University (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
> TahiryRazafindralambo - Inria Lille-Nord Europe / FUN, France
> Pratap Kumar Sahu - University of Montreal, Canada
> Anna Maria Vegni - Universityof Roma Tre, Italy
> RangaRaoVenkatesha Prasad - EWI – TUDelft, The Netherlands


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 14:58:31 +0000
From: Kerem Akartunali <kerem.akartunali@strath.ac.uk>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] MSc Operational Research 50th Anniversary
Scholarships (and more) at Strathclyde Business School (Glasgow, UK)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Dept. of Management Science
Strathclyde Business School
Glasgow, UK

MSc Operational Research 50th Anniversary Scholarship

In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of starting our MSc Operational Research programme, Department of Management Science are delighted to offer 2 scholarships towards tuition fees for the MSc Operational Research 2016 entry (full-time only). Each of these scholarships will be worth £9500, and applications are open to all nationalities (UK, EU or international). Please note that this amount will cover the full tuition fee of a UK or EU student. The application deadline is 31 May 2016. Further details below.

MSc Business Analysis and Consulting Scholarship

The Department of Management Science are delighted to offer 2 scholarships of £7000 towards tuition fees for the MSc Business Analysis and Consulting for 2016 entry (full-time only). Applications are open to all nationalities (UK, EU or international). The application deadline is 31 May 2016. Further details below.


For either scholarship, the applicants are expected to have (or near completion of) a First Class Honours (undergraduate) degree, or equivalent (a minimum 3.5 GPA in a 4.0 GPA system, or a minimum 90% average, or a minimum average of A- in a letter system). Final year undergraduate students are eligible to apply.

Candidates interested in applying for these prestigious scholarships are required to demonstrate through their ideas, experience and achievements that they are an excellent team player, with a strong vision for the future. Overall quality of the application and financial need will also be considered. The award will be judged on a 1000 word statement which should clearly articulate how you meet the scholarship criteria and outline your reasons for applying for the scholarship.

Applicants must have an offer of a place on the programme.


For more information about the courses, please refer to:
MSc OR: http://www.strath.ac.uk/courses/postgraduatetaught/operationalresearch/
MSc BAC: http://www.strath.ac.uk/courses/postgraduatetaught/businessanalysisconsulting/

For scholarship applications, please visit the following page and click "How to Apply": http://www.strath.ac.uk/studywithus/scholarships/strathclydebusinessschoolscholarships/managementsciencescholarships/

For admissions into the programmes, please visit: http://www.strath.ac.uk/studywithus/

For further information or any questions, please contact: sbs.admissions@strath.ac.uk


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 97, Issue 24

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