Thursday, July 14, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 101, Issue 11

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Today's Topics:

1. Call for participation: WRAWN 2016, July 29, co-located with
PODC (Magnús M. Halldórsson)
2. Post-doc in Operations Research at the University of Angers
in France (Evgeny Gurevsky)
3. FSTTCS 2016 --- Final call for Papers [deadline: July 15]
(Akshay S.)
4. NEO Cities 2016 - Call for Partecipation (Annalisa Riccardi)
5. Open Probem Session of IWOCA 2016 (Oliver Schaudt)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 14:29:24 +0000
From: Magnús M. Halldórsson <>
Subject: [DMANET] Call for participation: WRAWN 2016, July 29,
co-located with PODC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Seventh Workshop on Realistic models for Algorithms in Wireless Networks (WRAWN)
29 July 2016, Chicago, Illinois, co-located with PODC 2016

Computation using wireless connections is becoming more common and
more important. The need for smart algorithms that efficiently solve
useful problems in this setting, therefore, has never been more

As a result, in recent years there has been a rapid growth of the
number and type of abstractions for describing wireless communication.
Some abstractions capture the properties of signal fading, topology
changes, and message reliability; some are synchronous while others
capture timing uncertainty; some are tightly intertwined with the
physics of electromagnetic radiation while others hide all such

This year's WRAWN workshop focuses on organizing and better
understanding these abstractions. Featuring a combination of invited
theory and systems talks, both from within and outside the distributed
algorithms community, its goal is to survey the current state of the
art in wireless network modeling, while also seeking to understand the
next big opportunities in this line of research.


9:00 - 9:50 R. Srikant, UIUC
9:50 - 10:40 Seth Gilbert, NUS
Coffee break
11:10 - 12:00 Ouri Wolfson, UIC
13:30 - 14:20 Nancy Lynch, MIT
14:20 - 15:10 Nitin Vaidya, UIUC
Coffee break
15:40 - 16:30 Calvin Newport, Georgetown
16:30 - 17:30 Open-ended discussion & brief announcements

Workshop Organizers:
Magnus M. Halldorsson, Reykjavik University
Calvin Newport, Georgetown University


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 16:44:44 +0200
From: Evgeny Gurevsky <>
Subject: [DMANET] Post-doc in Operations Research at the University of
Angers in France
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Post-doc in Operations Research at the University of Angers

"Combinatorial problems of production systems optimization under uncertainty"

Supervisors: Pr. André Rossi, Pr. Alexandre Dolgui and Dr. Evgeny Gurevsky

This postdoctoral fellowship is a part of the ADLACI project, funded
by the "RFI AtlanSTIC 2020" program of the french region "Pays de la
Loire", and dedicated to the optimal design of production systems
under uncertainty.

The design of production systems is an important industrial challenge
that includes several issues dealing with optimization aspects, named
in the literature as balancing problems. In general (see, for example,
the survey Scholl and Becker, 2006), they consist in a partition of
the set of all necessary production tasks among machines (or
workstations) with respect to a given production goal and subject to
some technological restrictions such as precedence, cycle time,
exclusion, inclusion or space constraints. One of the important goals
at the production systems design stage is the anticipation of the
task time variability in order to construct a robust system
configuration for a long term usage.

Since 2012 (see Gurevsky et al., 2012, 2013; Rossi et al. 2016), we
study and popularize an alternative robust approach for evaluating
production systems in such a situation. This approach is based on a
specific indicator, called as the stability radius. Given a feasible
production system configuration with already assigned tasks, it is
calculated as the maximal amplitude of the deviations of the uncertain
task times from their nominal values
for which the system admissibility remains respected. The most
practical advantage of using this indicator comparing with stochastic
and fuzzy approaches consists in the fact that there is no need to
possess reliable historical data on the variability of processing task

Design a production system configuration with the greatest stability
radius is a new difficult combinatorial optimization problem that has
been recently introduced and studied in our work Rossi et al. (2016)
for simple assembly lines and represents an important object of study
from both practical and algorithmic points of view. One of the goals
of the
ADLACI project enrolls the perspectives of that paper and will be
dedicated to the optimal design of assembly lines with extra large
task time variations that can even be greater than the cycle time. In
response, the only technological solution, but still very expensive,
is the installation of parallel workstations with duplicated tasks
that conducts us to consider new complex industrial optimization
problems aiming to minimize the number of
parallel workstations and seeking the trade-off between the
corresponding stability radius to be maximized.

The object of this Post-Doc proposal is to develop efficient heuristic
and exact methods for the resolution of this new problem as well as to
study the computational complexity of some combinatorial optimization
sub-problems that can be appeared in. It will be achieved by studying
its particular structure in order to investigate, inter alia, good
quality upper/lower bounds on optima, efficient dominance properties
and appropriate branching techniques.

The successful candidate will be located in LERIA (Laboratory of
Computer Science) of the University of Angers (France) and is expected
to have good operational research and
multi-objective optimization skills as well as excellent programming
background in C/C++.
A previous experience with CPLEX or Gurobi, and knowledge of assembly
lines balancing or mono-dimensional bin-packing problems would be
appreciated as well.

Compensation: Between 1850 and 2100 euros net per month (depending on
the candidate experience).

Contract duration: 10 months from October 2016 to July 2017 (or from
November 2016 to August 2017).

Please send your CV, motivation letter and two references to,,


Gurevsky, E., Battaïa, O., Dolgui, A., 2012. Balancing of simple
assembly lines under variations of task processing times. Annals of
Operations Research 201 (1), 265-286.

Gurevsky, E., Battaïa, O., Dolgui, A., 2013. Stability measure for a
generalized assembly line balancing problem. Discrete Applied
Mathematics 161 (3), 377-394.

Rossi, A., Gurevsky, E., Battaïa, O., Dolgui, A., 2016. Maximizing the
robustness for simple assembly lines with fixed cycle time and limited
number of workstations. Discrete Applied Mathematics 208, 123-136.

Scholl, A., Becker, C., 2006. State-of-the-art exact and heuristic
solution procedures for simple assembly line balancing. European
Journal of Operational Research 168 (3), 666-693.


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 23:46:27 +0200
From: "Akshay S." <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] FSTTCS 2016 --- Final call for Papers [deadline:
July 15]
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed


IARCS, the Indian Association for Research in Computing Science,
announces the 36th Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical
Computer Science (FSTTCS) conference at Chennai Mathematical Institute,
Chennai, India.

December 13--15, 2016, Chennai, India

The FSTTCS conference is a forum for presenting original results in
foundational aspects of Computer Science and Software Technology.


Representative areas include, but are not limited to, the following.

* Algorithms & data structures * Automata & formal languages
* Algorithmic graph theory * Models of concurrent, distributed
& combinatorics & mobile systems
* Approximation algorithms * Cryptography & security
* Combinatorial optimization * Game theory & mechanism design
* Communication complexity * Logic in computer science
* Computational complexity * Model theory & temporal logics
* Computational geometry * Computational biology
* Computational learning theory * Models of timed, reactive,
hybrid & stochastics systems
* Parallel, distributed * Principles & semantics of
& online algorithms programming languages
* Parameterized complexity * Program analysis & transformation
* Proof complexity * Specification, verification
& synthesis
* Quantum computing * Theorem proving & model checking
* Randomness in computing * Type systems, type theory & calculi


Submissions will be in electronic form via EasyChair. Submissions must
not exceed 12 pages (including the title page, but excluding
bibliography). The authors may include a clearly marked appendix
containing extra material, which will be read at the discretion of the
program committee. The submission must be formatted in the LIPIcs style
(see the conference website for more details). Simultaneous submissions
to journals or other conferences with published
proceedings are disallowed.

Submissions must be uploaded via

Accepted papers will be published as proceedings of the conference in
the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs).

Important Dates (All dates are Anywhere on Earth)

Paper submission: July 15, 2016
Notification to authors: September 15, 2016
Camera-ready version due: October 15, 2016
Conference: December 13-15, 2016

Invited Speakers

Tevfik Bultan (UCSB)
Holger Hermanns (Saarland Univ.)
Mooly Sagiv (Tel Aviv Univ.)
Mikkel Thorup (Univ. Copenhagen)
(more to be added)

Program Committee Chairs

Akash Lal (MSR India)
S. Akshay (IIT Bombay)
Saket Saurabh (IMSc)
Sandeep Sen (IIT Delhi)

Program Committee

Olaf Beyersdorff (University of Leeds)
Umang Bhaskar (TIFR)
Parinya Chalermsook (MPI)
Arkadev Chattopadhyay (TIFR)
Ajit Diwan (IIT Bombay)
Samir Datta (CMI)
Fabrizio Grandoni (IDSIA)
Daniel Lokshtanov (University of Bergen)
M. S. Ramanujan (TU Wien)
Chandan Saha (IISc Bangalore)
Saket Saurabh (IMSc)
Sandeep Sen (IIT Delhi)
Mohit Singh (MSR, Redmond)
Chaitanya Swamy (University of Waterloo)
Kasturi R. Varadarajan (The University of Iowa)
Neal Young (University of California, Riverside)

S. Akshay (IIT Bombay)
Patricia Bouyer (LSV Cachan)
Krishnendu Chatterjee (IST Austria)
Pedro D'Argenio (Univ. Nac. Cordoba)
Alastair Donaldson (Imperial College, London)
Pranav Garg (Amazon India)
Aditya Kanade (IISc Bangalore)
Steve Kremer (LORIA, Nancy)
Shuvendu Lahiri (MSR)
Akash Lal (MSR India)
Slawomir Lasota (University of Warsaw)
Madhavan Mukund (CMI)
Sophie Pinchinat (University of Rennes 1)
M Praveen (CMI)
Ashish Tiwari (SRI)
James Worrell (University of Oxford)

Organizing Committee

Computer Science Group, CMI


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 13:31:50 +0000
From: Annalisa Riccardi <>
Subject: [DMANET] NEO Cities 2016 - Call for Partecipation
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

(we apologize for possible multiple copies of this message )

Dear Colleague,

You are kindly invited to submit a proposal for participation to the International Workshop on Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization for the Cities of the Future (NEO Cities), that will take place in Tlalnepantla, Mexico, on the 22-24 September 2016.

*Scope and Motivation*
In a world where information and communication technologies are pervading the perception and the experience of human living, cities are evolving towards a more functional scope, where the quality of life of their citizens and the quality of the services provided play a central role in their design and planning.
Cities are very dynamic environments, breeding place for innovation, opportunities and research but also sources of great challenges. Some of the open questions are for example: how can cities become more resilient? How can you guarantee privacy ethic and security to their citizens? How can cities become more energy sustainable? How can the existing urban fabric be made smarter for the future?
Numerical techniques from optimisation and data analytics can help addressing some of the open questions and shaping the cities of the future.
This workshop intends to collect many different efforts made for developing a new understanding of their cities and systems, and how these interact more widely with regions, economies, communities, businesses and individuals. How cities can be used as living labs for real time feedback and data gathering, to see how the city responds to new systems, identify optimal solutions and uncover future possibilities.

*Session Topics*
NEO Cities is interested in receiving scientific contributions related to optimisation and data analytics methods or applications in city design, management and planning, including but not limited to

* Optimisation for health outcomes and health systems
* Optimisation for resilience in critical city systems (energy, communications, transport, water)
* Optimisation for crime prediction and crime reduction
* Prediction of change in cities
* Living labs for city optimisation
* Data and social mining
* Data mining techniques for environmental monitoring
* Big data for smart cities
* Intelligent solutions for smart buildings
* Decision making for intelligent urban planning

*Call for Participation*
Interested authors at the R2 (recognised researcher, PhD holders or equivalent), or at the beginning of R3 level (established researcher), are invited to submit their contributions following the guidelines on the website

*Important Dates*

* Proposal submission: (extended deadline) July 22 15, 2016
* Notification of acceptance: August 01, 2016
* Paper submission for the post proceedings: December 2016

Best regards,
Special Session Organisers

Oliver Schütze (Cinvestav-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico)
Massimiliano Vasile (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK)
Annalisa Riccardi (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK)


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 11:16:14 +0200
From: Oliver Schaudt <>
Subject: [DMANET] Open Probem Session of IWOCA 2016
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed; DelSp=Yes

27th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2016)
Helsinki, Finland, August 17–19, 2016
Call for open problem suggestions for the IWOCA open problems section
Since its earliest gatherings, the International Workshop on Combinatorial
Algorithms (IWOCA) has had collaborative problem solving as an
essential part of
its meetings. During and after the conference, open problems are collected and
documented on the IWOCA homepage:

This time we'd like to invite also colleagues who cannot attend the IWOCA
workshop to suggest open problems. If you have a problem you are willing
to share with the community, and that fits into the scope of IWOCA, you are
welcome to send it to us, the two chairs of the open problem section

Gabriele Fici (gabriele.fici _AT_
Oliver Schaudt (schaudto _AT_

Our aim is to publish each problem in the form of 1-2 page PDFs, that also
provide some background information and references for the problems, like

Please be ready to put your problem into this format if we ask you to.
We are looking forward to your suggestions,

Gabriele Fici & Oliver Schaudt


Dr. Oliver Schaudt

Institut für Informatik
Universität zu Köln
Weyertal 80
50931 Köln
Tel: 0049221-470-6029


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 101, Issue 11

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