Tuesday, July 26, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 101, Issue 20

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Today's Topics:

1. Postdoctoral position at UBC Okanagan (Kelowna, Canada)
(Gao, Yong)
2. Postdoc position on network algorithms at TU Eindhoven
(Berg, M.T. de)
3. CFP in DMA for Business and Consumer Analytics (Pablo Moscato)
4. Post-doc / Research Fellow at Monash University in Constraint
Programming (Guido Tack)
5. Postdoctoral Research Position: Maintenance Optimization for
Rail Infrastructure Systems (Hamish Waterer)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 18:04:17 +0000
From: "Gao, Yong" <yong.gao@ubc.ca>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] Postdoctoral position at UBC Okanagan (Kelowna,
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

A Postdoctoral Fellowship position is available immediately with Dr Yong Gao's group(https://people.ok.ubc.ca/yongg/) at the University of British Columbia Okanagan, Canada. The successful candidate will join a curiosity-driven research project on the computational and algorithmic aspects of various problems arising in Artificial Intelligence and Network Science. We are mainly interested in graph-theoretic characterizations, probabilistic models, and algorithmic solutions for the identified problems, but applications of our approaches to problems in others areas such as brain science, computational biology, social media, and marketing research are also desirable. The initial appointment is for eight months and, depending on the progress of the project and availability of funds, can be extended for up to 18 months.

Candidates must have a recent Ph.D. in computer science (or relevant areas of mathematics) with a strong background and experience in one or more of the following areas: (1) algorithm design; (2) graph theory; or (3) network science/machine learning/data mining. Experience with software development and algorithm implementation is also an asset.

For further information, please contact Dr Yong Gao at yong.gao@ubc.ca<mailto:yong.gao@ubc.ca>. To apply for this position please visit — http://www.hr.ubc.ca/careers-postings/faculty.php (Job Opening ID# 23862)

Yong Gao (PhD, Professor)
Computer Science Department, UBC Okanagan, Canada


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 20:05:43 +0000
From: "Berg, M.T. de" <m.t.d.berg@tue.nl>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] Postdoc position on network algorithms at TU
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Postdoc position on network algorithms at TU Eindhoven

We are looking for a highly motivated, strong algorithms researcher with a PhD in computer science or mathematics, for a two-year postdoc position on network algorithms. Candidates should have a proven track record in algorithms research, preferably related to network problems. We welcome applications from candidates from a broad area within algorithms research, ranging from computational geometry to graph algorithms and FPT algorithms. Candidates working on algorithmic aspects of sensor networks, for instance, can also apply.

The project is part of the NETWORKS program (www.thenetworkcenter.nl<http://www.thenetworkcenter.nl>) and will take place in the Algorithms Group of the TU Eindhoven (TU/e), Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. The TU/e Algorithms Group performs research with a focus on computational geometry and FPT and graph algorithms. Currently the group consists of Mark de Berg, Kevin Buchin, Herman Haverkort, and Bart Jansen, and several PhD students. Hans Bodlaender (Utrecht University) is associated to the group as a part-time professor. Besides the Algorithms Group, the department has two more groups working on related areas, the Applied Geometric Algorithms group and the Combinatorial Optimization group. One of the goals of the NETWORKS program is to bring together researchers from algorithms and from stochastics, to jointly work on network problems. Thus we especially encourage algorithms researchers with an interest in stochastic aspects of network algorithms to apply.

We offer
We offer a postdoc position in a strong and stimulating environment: the Algorithms Group is among the largest and strongest groups world-wide in its research areas, and the embedding into the NETWORKS project offers great opportunities for workshops and other activities and for collaboration. This position will allow you to develop your own research agenda on network algorithms and to collaborate with top experts in the field. Gross salary is in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement of the Dutch Universities and depends on your experience. The TU Eindhoven offers a broad package of fringe benefits (e.g. excellent technical infrastructure, child daycare and excellent sports facilities).

Further information.
For more information about the position, please contact Mark de Berg (m.t.d.berg@tue.nl).

How to apply

Your application should contain, in a combined pdf:

* letter of motivation

* CV, including list of publications

* research statement

You can send your application by email to m.t.d.berg@tue.nl. In addition, please provide two reference letters. These letters should be sent directly (by the person providing the letter) to m.t.d.berg@tue.nl. The subject line of the email should be: "Letter of recommendation for ..." (with the name of the applicant inserted).

Closing Date: The opening closes on August 31, 2016.


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 23:31:34 +0000
From: Pablo Moscato <pablo.moscato@newcastle.edu.au>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP in DMA for Business and Consumer Analytics

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

Subject: Call for papers to contribute to:

"Business and Consumer Analytics: New Directions" Volume 2
(Edited by Pablo Moscato & Natalie Jane de Vries, Publisher: Springer)

Dear distinguished researcher(s),

We are currently doing the first round of a call for papers for our contributed volume 2 of "Business and Consumer Analytics: New Directions". Volume 1 of this contributed book is well underway and will be published by Springer in 2017. We are seeking submission for Volume 2 with the first contributor draft deadline of March 31st 2017.

List of possible topic include (but are not limited to):

• Data mining methods for business analytics
o Text mining (incl. sentiment analysis)
o Pattern mining
o Mining graphs
o Feature selection methodologies
o Web mining
o Classification
o Clustering
o Online data stream mining
• Machine Learning (and/or Machine Teaching)
o Association rules
o Learning of semantics/sentiment/images
o Neural networks
o Consumer-related ethics and safety in machine learning
• Network analytics
o Complex network analytics
o Community detection
o Social network analysis
o Multiplex networks in business and marketing
• Predictive analytics
o Time-series prediction
o Churn prediction
o Recommender systems (E.g. cold-start problem, real-time/dynamic recommendations, etc.)
o Purchase prediction
• Evolutionary computation with business applications
o Business-related artificial intelligence
o Memetic algorithms for business applications
o Genetic programming
• Marketing Research
o Online consumer behavior analysis and prediction
o Market segmentation (clustering)
o Online advertising
o Social media research
o Social networking

• Logistics and Operations Research
o Topics in Urban Informatics
o Analytics for logistics and OR
o Decision support systems
o Analytics for 'greener' business practices

• New Optimization problems in Customer and Business Analytics
• Data and Information visualization
• Multi-objective optimization in business analytics
• Ranking with applications in business analytics

And any more related topics.

About the Volumes
These two volumes address the application of computer science, data mining, optimization and data-driven techniques to problems in the areas of business, marketing, consumer and social sciences. They aim to be an authoritative reference for these techniques in an area of science that is in essence a 'greenfield site'. An emphasis is on new personalised approaches.

Our aim is to present ideas that are thought-provoking and will motivate the readers to try more powerful analytic methods as well as introducing exciting new application domains to the 'hard-core' computer scientist.

The intended audience for these volumes includes highly advanced undergraduate students and mainly post-graduate level students and academic researchers. We also hope to generate interest from industry crowd with experience in computer and data science. Hence, contributions using 'real-life' datasets will be highly considered as these would be of great interest to an industry audience.

The list of topics is just a guideline that reflects the current development of the field. Not that any contribution using advanced analytics methods with a business/consumer focus will also be considered for acceptance in this volume.

Springer template guidelines will be followed for all contributions. We highly encourage contributors to prepare their work in Latex using the Author Springer template.

Please contact the Editors regarding any questions about the two volume series.

Pablo Moscato (Editor)
Natalie Jane de Vries (Editor)

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia
Phone: +61 (2) 49216056 (Prof. Moscato)
Emails: Pablo.Moscato@newcastle.edu.au; Natalie.deVries@newcastle.edu.au


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 09:46:53 +1000
From: Guido Tack <guido.tack@monash.edu>
To: DMANET@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Post-doc / Research Fellow at Monash University in
Constraint Programming
Message-ID: <5BF8C204-3EEC-48E5-A77A-29B7F2355EB9@monash.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

An exciting opportunity exists within the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. We are looking for a Research Fellow who will contribute to an existing grant by the Australian Research Council: "Effective profiling of large scale combinatorial optimisation problems".

The successful applicant will have demonstrated experience in constraint programming modelling and solving, C++ programming, and high quality verbal and written communication skills. You will join a great team to conduct high quality research, reporting to the Lead Investigator and working closely with all four chief investigators and associated PhD students and research fellows.

This role is a two-year fixed-term full-time position; however, flexible working arrangements may be negotiated. The remuneration will be $97,411 - $115,678 pa (including 9.50% employer superannuation).

For more information visit
http://www.jobs-monash.jxt.net.au/academic-jobs/research-fellow-in-constraint-programming/748054 <http://www.jobs-monash.jxt.net.au/academic-jobs/research-fellow-in-constraint-programming/748054>

For any enquiries contact Guido Tack, +61 (3) 9903 1214, guido.tack@monash.edu <mailto:guido.tack@monash.edu>

Senior Lecturer

Information Technology
Monash University
Level 6, Room 6.40, Building H, Caulfield Campus
900 Dandenong Road
Caulfield East VIC 3145

T: +61 3 9903 1214
E: guido.tack@monash.edu <mailto:guido.tack@monash.edu>
http://www.csse.monash.edu/~guidot/ <http://www.csse.monash.edu/~guidot/>


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 12:01:03 +1000
From: Hamish Waterer <hamish.waterer@newcastle.edu.au>
To: <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] Postdoctoral Research Position: Maintenance
Optimization for Rail Infrastructure Systems
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

The University of Newcastle, Australia, invites expressions of
interest for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the area of theory
and algorithms for the optimization of maintenance of rail
infrastructure systems for coal and iron exports, starting late 2016,
or as soon as possible thereafter subject to applicant availability.

The fellowship is available for 1 year, with a possible 1-year
extension. The salary will be in the range of AU$81,928-$87,943 per
annum, depending on the skills and experience of the applicant. There
is also provision for a relocation allowance, and for additional funds
to support travel to conferences both overseas and within Australia
during the period of the fellowship.

The successful applicant will hold a PhD in operations research,
engineering, mathematics, computer science, or a related discipline.
Strong optimization and computer programming skills are essential. A
knowledge of mixed integer programming and/or metaheuristics would be
an asset. Additionally candidates are encouraged to highlight broad
experience with modelling or assessment of complex networks,
infrastructure asset management or resource management.

Expressions of interest are preferred before September 1, 2016,
however later interest will be considered until the position is
filled. To express your interest in a fellowship please send your CV,
together with an academic transcript showing details of all courses
you have taken, the grades you were awarded, an interpretation of
those grades, and the names and contact details of at least two people
who can provide confidential references, to the contact person at the
address shown below. If your transcript is not in English, please
provide an English translation. Please feel free to include a link to
your PhD thesis, and/or include other publications in your email.
Include details of your computer programming skills and experience,
your optimization training and background, and any experience you have
with modelling and solving industrial problems. Please also indicate
your possible start dates.

The project will be funded under an Australia Research Council (ARC)
Linkage Grant with industry support from Aurizon
(http://www.aurizon.com.au), Australia's largest rail freight
operator. Coal and iron ore export supply chains critically depend on
the transport capacity provided by Australia's rail infrastructure.
Increasingly so, because coal and iron ore export supply chains are
literally getting longer: mineral bodies closer to ports have been
exploited first, and as these become exhausted, supply chains are
stretching further to reach harder-to-get-at resources. Combined with
increasing export volumes, this makes intelligent, efficient, and
effective management of this critical piece of infrastructure vitally
important. Maintenance plays a crucial role in the management of rail
infrastructure as it ensures that infrastructure components, e.g.,
track, signals, and rail crossings, are in a condition that allows
safe, reliable, and efficient transport. This project will
investigate the key planning activities in preventive maintenance of
rail infrastructure systems, and seek to develop effective
optimization algorithms for their solution.

The postdoctoral fellow will join a research team of faculty, research
fellows and PhD students working on this project. The project also
involves international research collaborations with Professors
Natashia Boland and Martin Savelsbergh (Georgia Tech) and Yanfeng
Ouyang (University of Illinois).

The University of Newcastle is a major research university in
Australia, increasingly recognized internationally as a rapidly
emerging educational institution. The main campus is located in the
city of Newcastle: on the coast about two hours drive north from
Sydney. The School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences provides a
stimulating and supportive environment for research and teaching, with
ample opportunities for collaborative research partnerships both
within the university and with industry. Although well known for its
beautiful beaches and pleasant climate, Newcastle is home to
Australia's (and the world's) largest coal exporting port. Newcastle
is also at the gateway of one of Australia's largest wine-growing
regions, the Hunter Valley. Thus opportunities for research in
shipping, transportation, and mineral resources abound.

The School includes a strong group in Operations Research, with a
number of faculty, research fellows, and current PhD students working
in areas such as mixed integer programming, mixed integer nonlinear
programming, supply chain logistics, and transportation optimization.
The group has strong collaborations with colleagues in computer
science working with evolutionary algorithms. It also has close
research links with first-class international institutions and
excellent support from industry and government research funding.

For further information on the School and the University, go to
http://www.newcastle.edu.au/school/mathematical-physical-sciences/ or
http://www.newcastle.edu.au/. For further information about Newcastle,
Australia, visit http://www.visitnewcastle.com.au/. Further
information can be obtained from the contact person below.

Main contact:
Dr Thomas Kalinowski
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
The University of Newcastle
T: +61 2 4921 6558
E: Thomas.Kalinowski@newcastle.edu.au


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 101, Issue 20

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