Friday, July 22, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 101, Issue 17

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Today's Topics:

1. ALENEX 2017 - Second Call for Papers (Sándor Fekete)
2. Tenure Track Assistent Professor Algorithms, Utrecht
University (Bodlaender, H.L. (Hans))
3. 22nd ACM International Conference on Intelligent User
Interfaces (IUI 2017): Fourth Call for Papers (Announce Announcements)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 22:30:48 +0200
From: Sándor Fekete <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] ALENEX 2017 - Second Call for Papers
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

** Note the early submission deadline (August 15), and the requirement for paper registration (by August 10).
** A more detailed Call for Papers is posted at



Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX17)
January 17-18, 2017
Hotel Hesperia Tower, Barcelona, Spain

The meeting is being held with:
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA17)
January 16-19, 2017

Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO17)
January 16-17, 2017

This meeting is co-sponsored by Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.


Sandor Fekete (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
Vijaya Ramachandran (University of Texas at Austin, USA)


* Deepak Ajwani (Nokia, Ireland)
* Hannah Bast (University of Freiburg, Germany)
* Rezaul Chowdhury (Stony Brook University, USA)
* Cid de Souza (University of Campinas, Brazil)
* Irene Finocchi (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
* Martin Noellenburg (TU Vienna, Austria)
* Valentin Polishchuk (Linkoeping University, Sweden)
* Rajeev Raman (University of Leicester, UK)
* Baruch Schieber (IBM Research, USA)
* Subhash Suri (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
* Sergei Vassilvitskii (Google Inc., USA)
* Carola Wenk (Tulane University, USA)
* Renato Werneck (Amazon, USA)
* Christos Zaroliagis (CTI & University of Patras, Greece)


The aim of ALENEX is to provide a forum for the presentation of original research in the design,
implementation, and experimental evaluation of algorithms and data structures.
Typical submissions will include an extensive experimental analysis of nontrivial algorithmic results,
ideally bridging the gap between theory and practice. We also invite submissions that address
methodological issues and standards in the experimental evaluation of algorithms and data structures.
Some possible areas of applied algorithmic research include but are not limited to databases;
networks, including web applications; operations research; and computational problems in the
natural sciences or engineering. Submissions are encouraged that address algorithms and data
structures for advanced models of computing including memory hierarchies and parallel computing,
ranging from instruction parallelism over multicore computing to exascale and cloud computing.

ALENEX is co-located with the ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA17), and
Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO17). Since researchers in all fields are approaching
the problem of learning detailed information about the performance of particular algorithms, we expect
that interesting synergies will develop. Proceedings of ALENEX and ANALCO will be published openly
and electronically in January 2017. A special section of the ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics
will be dedicated to selected papers from ALENEX17.

August 10, 2016, 11:00 PM GMT - Deadline - Short Abstract Submission and Paper Registration Deadline
August 15, 2016, 11:00 PM GMT - Deadline - Full Paper Submission
Acceptance/rejection notices will be sent to authors via email in early October 2016.

Pre-registration: October 16, 2016
Regular Registration: December 30, 2016
Onsite Registration: January 16-19, 2017

October 15, 2016


Submissions must be registered by August 10, 2016, no later than 11:00 PM GMT.
A title, list of authors and abstract is required by this date in order for a full paper to be considered.

Full paper submissions are due by August 15, 2016, no later than 11:00 PM GMT.
Submissions received after this time will not be considered. All submissions must be in PDF format
and submitted electronically. Submitting authors are encouraged to post their submission on their website.

Papers should be submitted in the form of an extended abstract, which begins with the title of the paper,
each author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address, followed by a clear statement of the problem considered,
a succinct summary of the results obtained, a brief discussion of the significance and novelty of the research,
and a clear comparison with related work. The remainder of the extended abstract should provide sufficient
detail to allow the program committee to evaluate the validity, quality, and relevance of the contribution.
Authors may include a clearly marked appendix, which will be read at the discretion of the program committee.

Submissions should be typeset in single column format, using 11-point or larger font, with reasonable
margins and line spacing. Excluding the title page and bibliography, the extended abstract must not
exceed ten pages. Supplementary material may be included in the appendix and will be read at the
discretion of the reviewers.

A link to the submission server will be activated at

Simultaneous Submissions

Results previously published in another conference proceedings or journal (or scheduled for publication
prior to ALENEX) will not be accepted. Simultaneous submissions of the results to another conference
with a published proceedings is not allowed. At the time that the author signs SIAM's copyright transfer
agreement, the author must affirm that no copyright transfer agreement permitting the publication of a
similar paper in a journal or elsewhere has been signed.

SIAM will provide final paper submission instructions to authors of accepted papers. Final papers may
not exceed 15 pages in double column format.


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 10:21:45 +0000
From: "Bodlaender, H.L. (Hans)" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Tenure Track Assistent Professor Algorithms, Utrecht
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

Tenure Track Assistant Professor Algorithms (0,8-1,0 fte)
Department of Information and Computer Science, Utrecht University

Job description
The Department of Information and Computer Science of Utrecht University, the Netherlands,
is looking for an Assistant Professor (Universitair Docent - UD) in the field of algorithms and complexity,
in particular parameterized algorithms. You have expertise and experience in scientific teaching and
research in algorithms. You will teach in the Bachelor's and Master's programmes of the department
in courses related to your expertise. You will be expected to develop an independent research line in
this specific field, in cooperation with the other members of the department.

The tasks include:
- Carry out scientific research in the field of algorithms and complexity, in particular in the area of parameterized algorithms;
- Supervising PhD students and acquiring research funding;
- Developing and teaching courses, especially within the Master's programme Computing Science and
the Bachelor's programme Computer Science;
- Supervising internships and theses;
- Organizational activities within the department and/or faculty.


* We are looking for candidates with a PhD, preferably in the above mentioned areas.
* Experience in performing (post)graduate teaching within a university setting is desired.
* The candidate shall have published on the aforementioned areas in national and international conferences and/or journals.
* Well-developed teaching skills and command of English in speaking and writing is a requirement.

Candidates who prefer part-time employment are also invited to apply by specifying the desired part-time ratio.
We aim to employ more women in areas where they are underrepresented.
Female candidates are therefore especially invited to apply.

The candidate is offered a 0.8 - 1.0-time tenure-track position for 3 - 5 years, depending on experience.
Salary depends on education and experience between €3.044,- (scale 10) and €5.288,- (scale 12) gross
for a full-time appointment.
The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% per year.
In addition we offer: a pension scheme, a partially paid parental leave, flexible employment conditions.
Conditions are based on the Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities. The research group will
provide the candidate with necessary support on all aspects of the project. We also offer the opportunity
to obtain a Basic Teaching Qualification ("BKO") if you do not already have one.
More information about working at Utrecht University<>.

About the organization
A better future for everyone. This ambition motivates our scientists in executing their leading research and inspiring teaching. At Utrecht University<>, the various disciplines collaborate intensively towards major societal themes. Our focus is on Dynamics of Youth, Institutions for Open Societies, Life Sciences and Sustainability.
The city of Utrecht is one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands, with a charming old center and an internationally oriented culture that is strongly influenced by its century-old university. Utrecht city has been consistently ranked as one of the most livable cities in the Netherlands.

The Faculty of Science<> consists of six departments: Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Information and Computing Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry and Mathematics. The Faculty is home to 4800 students and nearly 1500 staff and is internationally renowned for the quality of its research. The Faculty's academic programmes reflect developments in today's society.

The Department of Information and Computer Science<> is nationally and internationally renowned for its fundamental research in computer science and information science. Its research is positioned with applications into game technology on the one hand, and into natural and medical sciences on the other hand. The research of the department is at this moment grouped into four divisions: Software Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Worlds and Interaction Technology.
The Department offers Bachelor programmes in Computer Science and Information Science, and four English-language research Master programmes including Computing Science.

Additional information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from: Prof Dr Hans Bodlaender;, +31 (30) 253 4409.
As part of the selection procedure, the candidate is expected to give an outline of his/her research plans in a written report and an oral presentation.

To apply please attach a letter of motivation, curriculum vitae and (email) addresses of two referees. Application deadline is September 12, 2016.
To apply, please click the application button, reachable via this link:,55523865,0,0,0,845492,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0&PortalID=4124&preview=1&VacatureID=845492

The application deadline is


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 16:48:54 +0300
From: Announce Announcements <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] 22nd ACM International Conference on Intelligent
User Interfaces (IUI 2017): Fourth Call for Papers
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed

** Fourth Call for Papers ***

22nd ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
IUI 2017

St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus

March 13-16, 2017


ACM IUI 2017 is the 22nd annual meeting of the intelligent interfaces
community and serves as a premier international forum for reporting
outstanding research and development on intelligent user interfaces.

The 22nd edition of the conference will be held in Limassol, Cyprus.
Limassol (or Lemesos) is a multicultural bustling town, flanked by two
ancient cities, Amathus and Kourion, and guarded by the Amathusian
Aphrodite and Appolo Hylates. It is a town of great visual diversity and
contrast from spectacular seafront views, historic places like the mediaeval
Castle, and Byzantine churches. Along the 17 km long sandy beaches, two
Marinas, world renowned 5 star hotels, and a most exciting dining, shopping,
nightlife and yachting scene create a year-round vibrant lifestyle well beyond
the expectations of a Mediterranean island.

ACM IUI is where the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) community meets
the Artificial Intelligence (AI), with contributions from related fields such as
psychology, behavioral science, cognitive science, computer graphics, design
or the arts. Our focus is to improve the interaction between humans and
machines, by leveraging both more traditional HCI approaches, as well as
solutions that involve state-of-the art AI techniques such as machine
learning, natural language processing, data mining, knowledge
representation and reasoning. ACM IUI welcomes contribution from any
relevant arena: academia, business, or non-profit organizations.

Why you should submit to ACM IUI:

At ACM IUI, we focus on the interaction between machine intelligence and
human intelligence. While other conferences focus on one side or the other,
we address the complex interaction between the two. We welcome research
that explores how to make the interaction between computers and people
smarter, which may leverage solutions from data mining, knowledge
representation, novel interaction paradigms, and emerging technologies. We
strongly encourage submissions that discuss research from both HCI and AI
simultaneously, but also welcome works that focus more on one side or the other.

The conference brings together people from academia, industry and
non-profit organizations and gives its participants the opportunity to present
and see cutting-edge IUI work in a focused and interactive setting. It is large
enough to be diverse and lively, but small enough to allow for extensive
interaction among attendees and easy attendance to the events that the
conference offers, ranging from oral paper presentations, poster sessions,
workshops, panels and doctoral consortium for graduate students.


Full and Short Papers

We invite original paper submissions that describe novel user interfaces,
applications, interactive and intelligent technologies, empirical studies, or
design techniques. IUI 2017 especially encourages submissions on innovative
and visionary new concepts or directions for the design of intelligent
interfaces. We do not require evaluations with users, but we do expect papers
to include an appropriate evaluation for their stated contribution.

Accepted papers will appear in the ACM Digital Library and citation indices.
A selected set of accepted top quality full papers will be invited to submit
their extended versions for publication in an ACM Transactions on
Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS, special issue
titled "Highlights of IUI 2017".

Examples of ACM IUI topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
· Intelligent visualization tools
· User-Adaptive interaction and personalization
· Recommender systems
· Intelligent wearable, mobile and ubiquitous interfaces
· Modeling and prediction of user behavior
· Information retrieval and search
· Education and learning-related technologies
· Social media analysis
· Multi-modal interfaces (speech, gestures, eye gaze, face, physiological
information etc.)
· Natural language and speech processing
· Generation of multimodal content
· Big Data and analytics
· Smart environments and tangible computing
· Intelligent assistants for complex tasks
· Collaborative interfaces
· Persuasive and assistive technologies in IUI
· Affective and aesthetic interfaces
· Interactive machine learning
· Planning and plan recognition for IUI
· Knowledge-based approaches to user interface design and generation
· Proactive and agent-based user interaction
· Example-and demonstration-based interfaces
· Evaluations of intelligent user interfaces

Submission Guidelines

· Full paper (anonymized 10 pages, references do not count toward the page
limit) should make substantial, novel, and relevant contribution to the field.

· Short paper (anonymized 4 pages, references do not count toward the page
limit) is a much more focused and succinct contribution to the field. Short
papers are not expected to include a discussion of related work that is as
broad and complete as that of full papers.

· Anonymization: ACM IUI uses a double-blind review process. All submissions
must be appropriately anonymized according to the following guidelines:
1. Author's names and affiliations are not visible anywhere in the paper.
2. Acknowledgements should be anonymized or removed during the review
3. Self-citations should be included where necessary, but must use the third
person. For example, "... as shown in our previous user study [2] ..." is not
allowed, whereas "... as shown in Smith et al. [2] " is acceptable (because in
this case the citation [2] will NOT be perceived as self-citation).

Failure to follow these guidelines may results in submissions being rejected
without review.

Submissions should follow the standard SigCHI format available here: . You may use either the
Microsoft Word template or the LaTeX template.

Accepted full papers will be invited for oral presentation. Accepted short
papers will be invited either as oral or poster presentation, depending on
the quality of the papers.

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the
proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be
up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The official
publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to
published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are
published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the
official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)

Important Dates

· Abstracts: October 9, 2016
· Full and Short Papers: October 14, 2016
· Reviews to Authors: November 21, 2016
· Rebuttals: November 25, 2016
· Notification of Decisions: December 9, 2016


General Chairs
· Tsvika Kuflik, University of Haifa, Israel
· George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Program Committee Chairs
· Fang Chen, NICTA, Australia
· Carlos Duarte, University of Lisbon, Portugal
· Wai-Tat Fu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Posters/Demos Chairs
· Andrina Granic, University of Split, Croatia
· Denis Parra. PUC, Chile
· Jingtaw Wang, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Workshops/Tutorials Chairs
· Shlomo Berkovsky, CSIRO, Australia
· Bart Kninijnburg, Clemson University, USA

Student Consortium Chairs
· Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA
· Katrien Verbert, KULeuven, Belgium

Student Volunteers Chairs
· Christos Mettouris, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
· Tobias Grosse-Puppendahl, Microsoft Research, UK
· Julia Sheidin, University of Haifa, Israel

Sponsorship Chairs
· Daniel Sonntag, DFKI, Germany (for Europe)
· Feng Tian, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (for Asia)

· George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Proceedings Chair
· Daniel Afergan, Google, USA

Web Master
· Marios Christou, Easy Conferences, Cyprus
· Kyriakos Georgiades, Easy Conferences, Cyprus


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 101, Issue 17

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