Tuesday, August 16, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 102, Issue 11

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Today's Topics:

1. Survey Paper on Energy Optimization in Communication Networks
(Antonio Capone)
2. 4-year PhD position in Algorithms at the University of
Würzburg, Germany (Alexander Wolff)
3. CFP: STACS 2017 - 34th International Symposium on Theoretical
Aspects of Computer Science (Heribert Vollmer)
4. Tenure Track Assistant Professor Algorithms Utrecht
University (Bodlaender, H.L. (Hans))
5. WALCOM 2017 - Call for Papers (Sheung-Hung POON)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2016 05:52:46 +0000
From: Antonio Capone <antonio.capone@polimi.it>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] Survey Paper on Energy Optimization in Communication
Message-ID: <CABCF3EA-CF8B-4934-9C5E-993EF5F1C9AE@polimi.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Dear colleagues,
I just want to point you out a survey paper that I believe can be of interest for this community.
The paper is on energy management in communication networks and focuses on optimization models:

B. Addis, A. Capone, G. Carello, L.G. Gianoli, B. Sansò, Energy management in communication networks: a journey through modeling and optimization glasses, Computer Communications, Volumes 91–92, 1 October 2016, Pages 76-94, ISSN 0140-3664, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comcom.2016.05.009.

Pre-print available at: http://home.deib.polimi.it/capone/papers/COMCOM_survey.pdf

Antonio Capone

Antonio Capone, PhD
Politecnico di Milano, DEIB, piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133, Milano, Italy
Email: antonio.capone@polimi.it, Tel: +39 02 2399 3449, Web: http://home.dei.polimi.it/capone, http://antlab.elet.polimi.it


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2016 08:52:54 +0200
From: Alexander Wolff <alexander.wolff@uni-wuerzburg.de>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] 4-year PhD position in Algorithms at the University
of Würzburg, Germany
Message-ID: <57B166C6.70501@uni-wuerzburg.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

* 4-year PhD position (TVL 13, 100%) at the Algorithms Group
* Institute of Computer Science, University of Würzburg
* starting October 1, 2016

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate with a M.Sc. in
computer science or mathematics, for a four-year PhD position.
We welcome applications from candidates with experience in algorithms
research. The Algorithms group currently focuses on the following

-- graph drawing
-- approximation algorithms
-- algorithms for geographic information systems
-- computational geometry

The PhD position involves 50% teaching; it requires good oral and
writing skills in English, preferably also in German.
Good programming skills are a plus.

Your applications should include (in a single pdf):

* a letter of motivation (at most 2 pages) that includes
-- a statement which of the above areas you are interested in
-- a link to (the current version of) your master thesis
-- the date when you handed in / expect to hand in your thesis
* a curriculum vitae
* copies of degrees earned (in English or German translation)
* transcript of records (list of subjects studied, with grades)

Further, we ask you for a letter of reference (in English or German)
to be sent by the author directly to the email address given below.

For full consideration, applications must be received no later than
_September 10, 2016_
however, late applications may be considered until the position is

*We offer*

We offer a PhD position on exciting topics in algorithm theory. The
PhD research will take place in a strong and stimulating environment.
Currently the Algorithm group consists of a full professor, an
independent junior professor, three postdocs and three PhD students.

In Germany, PhD students receive a salary; no additional grants are
needed. Moreover, although PhD students sometimes take courses, there
is usually no minimum requirement. Hence, PhD students are more like
employees than like students. Foreign PhD students don't necessarily
have to speak German; while one can get by with English, everyday life
is much more enjoyable with a basic knowledge of German.

The monthly gross salary (i.e., before taxes) is 3500 EUR in the
first year, 3900 EUR in the second and third year, and 4100 €
in the fourth year. The University of Würzburg offers
a broad package of fringe benefits (e.g. excellent technical
infrastructure, child daycare, and sports facilities).

For more information, see

For questions regarding the position, don't hesitate to write to
Prof. Dr. Alexander Wolff


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2016 12:08:53 +0200
From: Heribert Vollmer <vollmer@thi.uni-hannover.de>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] CFP: STACS 2017 - 34th International Symposium on
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
Message-ID: <888F7E35-78AD-49A7-B7C2-C3BF9FC93A2C@thi.uni-hannover.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


STACS 2017 - Second Call for Papers

34th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
March 8-11, 2017, Hannover, Germany

Submission deadline: Sep 25, 2016


Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished
research on theoretical aspects of computer science. Typical areas
include (but are not limited to):

- algorithms and data structures,
including: design of parallel, distributed, approximation, and randomized
algorithms; analysis of algorithms and combinatorics of data structures;
computational geometry, cryptography, algorithmic learning theory,
algorithmic game theory;
- automata and formal languages,
including: algebraic and categorical methods, coding theory;
- complexity and computability,
including: computational and structural complexity theory, parameterized
complexity, randomness in computation;
- logic in computer science,
including: finite model theory, database theory, semantics, specification
and verification, rewriting and deduction;
- current challenges,
for example: natural computing, quantum computing, mobile and net


- Artur Jez, Wroclaw, Poland
- Antoine Joux, Paris
- Till Tantau, Lübeck, Germany


- Juha Kontinen, Helsinki, Finland


- Olaf Beyersdorff, Leeds
- Francine Blanchet-Sadri, Greensboro
- Beate Bollig, Dortmund
- Nicolas Bonichon, Bordeaux
- Jean Cardinal, Bruxelles
- Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi, Milano
- Leo Ducas, Amsterdam
- Arnaud Durand, Paris
- Michael Elberfeld, Aachen
- Emmanuel Filiot, Bruxelles
- Pinar Heggernes, Bergen
- Martin Hoefer, Saarbrücken
- Giuseppe Italiano, Roma
- Emmanuel Jeandel, Nancy
- Christian Komusiewicz, Jena
- Nutan Limaye, Bombay
- Florin Manea, Kiel
- Filip Murlak, Warszawa
- Seth Pettie, Ann Arbor
- Irena Rusu, Nantes
- Sylvain Schmitz, Cachan
- Frank Stephan, Singapore
- Brigitte Vallée, Caen, co-chair
- Heribert Vollmer, Hannover, co-chair
- Ronald de Wolf, Amsterdam
- Florian Zuleger, Wien


Authors are invited to submit a draft of a full paper with at most 12
pages (excluding the references section).

The usage of pdflatex and the LIPIcs style file (see below) are
mandatory; no changes to font size, page geometry etc. are permitted.
Submissions not in the correct format or submitted after the deadline
will not be considered.

The paper should contain a succinct statement of the issues and of their
motivation, a summary of the main results, and a brief explanation of
their significance, accessible to non-specialist readers.

Proofs omitted due to space constraints must be put into an appendix, to
be read by the program committee members at their discretion.

Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings
or to journals is not allowed. PC members are excluded from submitting.

There will be a rebuttal period for authors. Authors will receive
the reviews of their submissions (via EasyChair) on Nov 21 and have
three days to submit rebuttals (via EasyChair). These rebuttals become
part of the PC meeting, but entail no specific responses.

The submissions site is: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=stacs2017


Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the symposium.
As usual, these proceedings will appear in the Leibniz International
Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series, based at Schloss Dagstuhl.
This guarantees perennial, free and easy electronic access, while the
authors retain the rights over their work. With their submission,
authors consent to sign a license authorizing the program committee
chairs to organize the electronic publication of their paper, provided
the paper is accepted.


LIPIcs homepage: http://www.dagstuhl.de/en/publications/lipics
tar ball: http://drops.dagstuhl.de/styles/lipics-v2016/lipics-v2016-authors.tgz

Further details are available on www.stacs-conf.org and on the
conference website https://stacs2017.thi.uni-hannover.de.


Submission deadline: Sep 25, 2016
Rebuttal period: Nov 21-24, 2016
Author notification: Dec 12, 2016
Final version due: Jan 8, 2017
Symposium: March 8-11, 2017



Prof. Dr. Heribert Vollmer
Inst. f. Theoretische Informatik
Leibniz-Univ. Hannover, Appelstr. 4, D-30167 Hannover
http://www.thi.uni-hannover.de -- +49-511-762-19703


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2016 12:31:03 +0000
From: "Bodlaender, H.L. (Hans)" <H.L.Bodlaender@uu.nl>
To: "DMANET@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <DMANET@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] Tenure Track Assistant Professor Algorithms Utrecht
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

Tenure Track Assistant Professor Algorithms (0,8-1,0 fte)
Department of Information and Computer Science, Utrecht University

Job description
The Department of Information and Computer Science of Utrecht University, the Netherlands,
is looking for an Assistant Professor (Universitair Docent - UD) in the field of algorithms and complexity,
in particular parameterized algorithms. You have expertise and experience in scientific teaching and
research in algorithms. You will teach in the Bachelor's and Master's programmes of the department
in courses related to your expertise. You will be expected to develop an independent research line in
this specific field, in cooperation with the other members of the department.

The tasks include:
- Carry out scientific research in the field of algorithms and complexity, in particular in the area of parameterized algorithms;
- Supervising PhD students and acquiring research funding;
- Developing and teaching courses, especially within the Master's programme Computing Science and
the Bachelor's programme Computer Science;
- Supervising internships and theses;
- Organizational activities within the department and/or faculty.


* We are looking for candidates with a PhD, preferably in the above mentioned areas.
* Experience in performing (post)graduate teaching within a university setting is desired.
* The candidate shall have published on the aforementioned areas in national and international conferences and/or journals.
* Well-developed teaching skills and command of English in speaking and writing is a requirement.

Candidates who prefer part-time employment are also invited to apply by specifying the desired part-time ratio.
We aim to employ more women in areas where they are underrepresented.
Female candidates are therefore especially invited to apply.

The candidate is offered a 0.8 - 1.0-time tenure-track position for 3 - 5 years, depending on experience.
Salary depends on education and experience between €3.044,- (scale 10) and €5.288,- (scale 12) gross
for a full-time appointment.
The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% per year.
In addition we offer: a pension scheme, a partially paid parental leave, flexible employment conditions.
Conditions are based on the Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities. The research group will
provide the candidate with necessary support on all aspects of the project. We also offer the opportunity
to obtain a Basic Teaching Qualification ("BKO") if you do not already have one.
More information about working at Utrecht University<http://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university>.

About the organization
A better future for everyone. This ambition motivates our scientists in executing their leading research and inspiring teaching. At Utrecht University<http://www.uu.nl/en>, the various disciplines collaborate intensively towards major societal themes. Our focus is on Dynamics of Youth, Institutions for Open Societies, Life Sciences and Sustainability.
The city of Utrecht is one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands, with a charming old center and an internationally oriented culture that is strongly influenced by its century-old university. Utrecht city has been consistently ranked as one of the most livable cities in the Netherlands.

The Faculty of Science<http://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/faculty-of-science> consists of six departments: Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Information and Computing Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry and Mathematics. The Faculty is home to 4800 students and nearly 1500 staff and is internationally renowned for the quality of its research. The Faculty's academic programmes reflect developments in today's society.

The Department of Information and Computer Science<http://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/department-of-information-and-computing-sciences> is nationally and internationally renowned for its fundamental research in computer science and information science. Its research is positioned with applications into game technology on the one hand, and into natural and medical sciences on the other hand. The research of the department is at this moment grouped into four divisions: Software Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Worlds and Interaction Technology.
The Department offers Bachelor programmes in Computer Science and Information Science, and four English-language research Master programmes including Computing Science.

Additional information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from: Prof Dr Hans Bodlaender; h.l.bodlaender@uu.nl, +31 (30) 253 4409.
As part of the selection procedure, the candidate is expected to give an outline of his/her research plans in a written report and an oral presentation.

To apply please attach a letter of motivation, curriculum vitae and (email) addresses of two referees. Application deadline is September 12, 2016.
To apply, please click the application button, reachable via this link:


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2016 22:21:14 +0800
From: Sheung-Hung POON <spoon@cs.nthu.edu.tw>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] WALCOM 2017 - Call for Papers
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

WALCOM 2017 (Call for Papers)
11th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms & Computation
March 29--31, 2017 - Hsinchu, Taiwan

International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation
is intended to provide an international forum for researchers working in
the areas of
algorithms and computation. WALCOM 2017 will be held during March 29- 31,
at Hsinchu, Taiwan.


The range of topics within the scope of the workshop on algorithms and
computation includes (but is not limited to): Approximation Algorithms,
Algorithmic Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Combinatorial
Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization, Computational Biology,
Computational Complexity, Computational Geometry, Discrete Geometry,
Data Structures, Experimental Algorithm Methodologies, Graph Algorithms,
Graph Drawing, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms,
Parameterized Complexity, Network Optimization, Online
Algorithms, Randomized Algorithms, String Algorithms.


Authors are invited to submit papers (extended abstracts) describing
original research of theoretical or practical significance to
algorithms and computation. Papers should not exceed 12 pages in LNCS
style. Papers significantly shorter than 12 pages are also welcome.
If the authors feel that more details are essential to substantiate the main
claim of the paper, they may include a clearly marked appendix that
will be read at the discretion of the Program Committee. Only electronic
submission will be allowed. Submitted papers must describe work not
previously published. They must not be submitted simultaneously to
another conference with refereed proceedings or to a journal.


The submission page at conference server is now open for submissions.
Please submit your original contributions electronically at the following


Accepted papers in the conference will be published in the conference
which will be included in the Springer- Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer
(LNCS) series. Moreover, selected papers will be published in special
issues of
"Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) " and "Journal of Graph Algorithms and
Applications (JGAA) ".


The conference will be held at the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU),
Hsinchu, Taiwan, during March 29- 31, 2017.


Paper Submission Deadline: September 17 (Sat.), 2016 GMT/UTC Midnight
Acceptance Notification: November 26 (Sat.), 2016
Camera Ready Version Due: December 10 (Sat.), 2016
Conference Dates: March 29 (Wed.) – 31 (Fri.), 2017


Sang Won Bae, Kyonggi University, Korea
Tiziana Calamoneri, University La Sapienza, Italy
Subhas Chandra Nandy, ISI, India
Kun-Mao Chao, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Jianer Chen, Texas A&M University, USA
Yijia Chen, Fudan University, China
Mordecai Golin , Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Seok-Hee Hong, University of Sydney, Australia
Md. Rezaul Karim, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Naoki Katoh, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Mohammad Kaykobad, BUET, Bangladesh
Marc van Kreveld, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Amit Kumar, IIT Delhi, India
Van Bang Le, University of Rostock, Germany
Minming Li, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Chun-Cheng Lin, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Giuseppe Liotta, University of Perugia, Italy
Jerome Monnot, University Paris-Dauphine, France
David Mount, University of Maryland, USA
Petra Mutzel, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
Shin-ichi Nakano, Gunma University, Japan
Rolf Niedermeier, Technical University of Belin, Germany
Martin Nollenburg, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Nadia Pisanti, University of Pisa, Italy
Sheung Hung Poon (Co-Chair), Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei Darussalam
Md Saidur Rahman (Co-Chair), BUET, Bangladesh
C. Pandu Rangan, IIT Madras, India
Kunihiko Sadakane, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Takeshi Tokuyama, Tohoku University, Japan
Antoine Vigneron, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Sue Whitesides, University of Vitoria, Canada
Prudence Wong, University of Liverpool, UK
Chee K. Yap, New York University, USA
Hsu-Chun Yen (Co-Chair), National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Siu-Ming Yiu, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Guochuan Zhang, Zhejiang University, China


Sheung Hung Poon, Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei Darussalam
Md Saidur Rahman, BUET, Bangladesh
Hsu-Chun Yen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Chun-Cheng Lin, NCTU, Taiwan


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 102, Issue 11

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