Thursday, October 13, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 104, Issue 11

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Today's Topics:

1. First announcement : Third STAR workshop on Random Graphs
(Tobias Muller)
2. MADALGO postdoc positions (Kasper Green Larsen)
3. WG 2017 Call for Papers (Bodlaender, H.L. (Hans))


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2016 18:41:29 +0200
From: Tobias Muller <>
Subject: [DMANET] First announcement : Third STAR workshop on Random
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

First announcement : Third STAR workshop on Random Graphs

The workshop will take place on Thursday 26 and friday 27 January 2017
on the campus of the University of Utrecht (more details of the
location and schedule will be added later).
This will be the 3rd STAR Workshop on Random Graphs. The first took
place in 2012 and the second in 2015.
We are very pleased to announce the following prominent researchers
have agreed to deliver plenary talks:

- Marián Boguñá (Barcelona)
- Mihyun Kang (Graz)
- Vincent Tassion (Geneva/Zürich)
- Nick Wormald (Melbourne)

A limited number of slots for contributed talks are available. If you
would like to propose a short talk, please let us know by e-mailing
Ben Hansen at (In case of too much interest,
selection will be based on relevance of the talk and the career stage
of the speaker.) The workshop is open to all and free of charge, but
please register to let us know that you are coming by sending an
e-mail to:

The website of the workshhop can be found at the address :


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2016 23:57:53 +0000
From: Kasper Green Larsen <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] MADALGO postdoc positions
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Center for Massive Data Algorithmics (MADALGO), is a basic research
center funded by the Danish National Research Foundation. The center is
located in the Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University,
Denmark, but also includes researchers at CSAIL, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics and at
Frankfurt University. The center covers all areas of the design,
analysis and implementation of algorithms and data structures for
processing massive data (interpreted broadly to cover computations where
data is large compared to the computational resources), with focus on
I/O-efficient, cache-oblivious and streaming algorithms. See for more information. In addition, the center
researchers have a strong emphasis on computational complexity, in
particular within the areas of data structure lower bounds and
fine-grained complexity (the recent "hardness in P" area).

Starting February 1, 2017 or later, one or more postdoc positions are available at
MADALGO under the supervision of Professor Lars Arge
(, Professor Gerth S. Brodal
(, Associate Professor Peyman Afshani
(, Assistant Professor Kasper Green Larsen
( and Assistant Professor Thomas Dueholm
Hansen ( MADALGO welcomes postdoctoral researchers
with clearly demonstrated experience and skills in computational
complexity and/or the design and
analysis of algorithms and data structures.

Researchers with experience in one or more of the areas I/O-efficient,
cache-oblivious, streaming algorithms and computational complexity are
preferred. The responsibilities of MADALGO postdocs
include work on the above areas in collaboration
with center researchers, along with modest teaching responsibilities.

The application deadline for the position is November 7th, 2016. Applicants
should apply by sending a letter of interest and a CV, as well as
indicate at least two names of references for recommendations, to
MADALGO center manager Trine Holmgaard (email

Best regards
Kasper Green Larsen
Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science
Aarhus University, Denmark


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2016 12:18:27 +0000
From: "Bodlaender, H.L. (Hans)" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] WG 2017 Call for Papers
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

- Website and Easychair Submission now online

43rd International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science
June 21-23, Heeze (near Eindhoven), the Netherlands
Submission Deadline: Feb 27, 2017
Notification: April 24, 2017

The WG 2017 conference is the 43rd edition of the WG series. It will
take place in hotel Kapellerput in Heeze, near Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The
conference will be from Wednesday June 21 to Friday June 23, 2017.
Participants are expected to arrive in Heeze on Tuesday June 20, where we
will have a welcome reception in the evening.

WG conferences aim to connect theory and applications by demonstrating
how graph-theoretic concepts can be applied in various areas of computer
science. The goal is to present recent results and to identify and
explore directions for future research. Submitted papers should describe
original results in any aspects of graph theory related to computer
science, including but not restricted to:
- design and analysis of sequential, parallel, randomized,
parameterized, and distributed graph and network algorithms,
- structural graph theory with algorithmic or complexity applications,
- computational complexity of graph and network problems,
- graph grammars, graph rewriting systems and graph modeling,
- graph drawing and layouts,
- computational geometry,
- computational biology,
- random graphs and models of the web and scale-free networks, and
- support of these concepts by suitable implementations and applications.

Contributors are invited to submit an extended abstract of at most 12
pages Springer LNCS format including title, abstract, but excluding references,
without changes to the settings of margins and vertical spacing, and with numbered pages.
Proofs omitted due to space restrictions must be placed in an appendix,
to be read by program committee members at their discretion.
Simultaneous submission of papers to any other conference with
proceedings published or made publicly available, or submitting papers
previously accepted for journal publication is not allowed. Invited
papers and accepted contributions will be published in the conference
proceedings in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series of

Please submit your paper electronically at

Thanks to a generous donation by Springer Verlag, WG 2017 is able to
offer awards of 500 euro for the best paper and the best student paper. The awards
will be decided by the program committee. The committee can decide to split the award(s)
over multiple papers.
Papers eligible for the best student paper can have non-student coauthors, but the
the main work in a paper that is a candidate for the best student paper award must be
done by co-authors that were students at the time of submission, and the award can be
received only by such co-authors. It must be indicated at the time of
submission whether a paper is candidate for this award.

Submission of papers: February 27, 2017
Acceptance notification: April 24, 2017
Conference: June 21-23, 2017
Final version: July 31, 2017

Fedor V. Fomin
Remco van der Hofstad
Petra Mutzel

Hans L. Bodlaender (Eindhoven and Utrecht, chair)
Gerhard J. Woeginger (Eindhoven, chair)
René van Bevern (Novosibirsk)
Andreas Brandstädt (Rostock)
Bart M. P. Jansen (Eindhoven)
Iyad Kanj (Chicago)
Mamadou M. Kanté (Aubiere)
Michael Kaufmann (T\"ubingen)
Eun Jung Kim (Paris)
Christian Komusiewicz (Jena)
Stefan Kratsch (Bonn)
Asaf Levin (Haifa)
Haiko Müller (Leeds)
Sang-il Oum (Daejeon)
Felix Reidl (Raleigh)
Saket Saurabh (Chennai and Bergen)
Pascal Schweitzer (Aachen)
Jan Arne Telle (Bergen)
Ioan Todinca (Orleans)
Dimitrios M. Thilikos (Athens and Montpellier)

Mark de Berg
Hans Bodlaender (chair)
Bart Jansen
Sandor Kisfaludi-Bak
Jesper Nederlof
Tom van der Zanden



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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 104, Issue 11

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