Thursday, October 27, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 104, Issue 23

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Today's Topics:

1. new doctoral training course in systems dynamics (Letchford, Adam)
2. COCOON 2017 Call For Papers (Yixin Cao)
3. CP2017: Call for Thematic Tracks (Tommaso Urli)
4. CFP: 17th International Conference on Algorithms and
Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP-2017) (Ding Daisy)
5. CFP: The 11th International Conference on Network and System
Security (NSS 2017) (Ding Daisy)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2016 15:47:56 +0000
From: "Letchford, Adam" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] new doctoral training course in systems dynamics
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

In 2017, NATCOR will be running week-long residential courses in Stochastic Modelling, Simulation
and Combinatorial Optimisation. Although based in the UK, the courses are open to PhD students and post-docs from any country working in a relevant area, such as Operational Research, Statistics, Engineering, Computer Science or Quantitative Finance.

Detailed descriptions of these courses, and information about registration and accommodation fees may be found on our website ( Our courses are approved by the UK Research Councils and also by EURO (the European Association of Operational Research Societies).

Professor Adam N. Letchford
NATCOR Director
Department of Management Science
Lancaster University
United Kingdom


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2016 06:01:34 +0800
From: Yixin Cao <>
Subject: [DMANET] COCOON 2017 Call For Papers
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

The 23rd Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference
August 3--5, 2017, Hong Kong, China

The 23rd Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference
(COCOON'17) will be held in Hong Kong, China, during August 3--5,
2017. Original research papers in the areas of algorithms, theory of
computation, computational complexity, and combinatorics related to
computing are solicited. In addition to theoretical results, we are
particularly interested in submissions that report on experimental and
applied research of general algorithmic interest. Special
consideration will be given to research that is motivated by
real-world problems. Experimental and applied papers are expected to
show convincingly the usefulness and efficiency of the algorithms
discussed in a practical setting.

Papers of high quality will be invited to special issues of
Algorithmica, Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), and Journal of
Combinatorial Optimization (JOCO).

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

Algorithms and Data Structures
Algorithmic Game Theory
Approximation Algorithms and Online Algorithms
Automata, Languages, Logic, and Computability
Complexity Theory
Computational Learning Theory and Knowledge Discovery
Cryptography, Reliability and Security, and Database Theory
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Computational Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory
Graph Drawing and Information Visualization
Graph Theory, Communication Networks, and Optimization
Parallel and Distributed Computing

Important dates

Paper submission due: March 20, 2017 (Anywhere on Earth)
Notification of Acceptance: May 20, 2017
Camera-ready and Registration: June 1, 2017
Conference Dates: August 3--5, 2017

Submission instructions

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of original
research on Computing and Combinatorics. Submissions must contain a
scholarly exposition of the ideas, techniques, and a full description
of the results achieved. A clear indication of the motivation and
comparison with prior related work should be presented. Simultaneous
submission to other refereed conferences is disallowed. Papers
authored or co-authored by members of the program committee are not

Submissions must adhere to the following guidelines: Papers must be
formatted using the LNCS style file
without altering margins or the font point. The maximum length of the
paper (excluding references and the optional appendix) is 12 pages.
Proofs omitted due to space constraints must be placed in an appendix
to be read by the program committee members at their discretion.
Papers that deviate from these guidelines risk being rejected without
consideration of their merits. Papers should be submitted
electronically via EasyChair

Invited speakers
Dániel Marx (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary)
Shang-Hua Teng (University of Southern California, USA)
Virginia Vassilevska Williams (Stanford University, USA)

Program committee
Jarek Byrka (University of Wrocław, Poland)
Liming Cai (University of Georgia, USA)
Yixin Cao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China, co-chair)
Hubert Chan (University of Hong Kong, China)
Jianer Chen (Texas A&M University, Texas, co-chair)
Rajesh Chitnis (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
Vida Dujmovic (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Funda Ergun (Indiana University, Indiana)
Siyao Guo (New York University, USA)
Magnús Már Halldórsson (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
Pinar Heggernes (University of Bergen, Norway)
Juraj Hromkovic (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Kazuo Iwama (Kyoto University, Japan)
Iyad Kanj (DePaul Universit, USA)
Bingkai Lin (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Daniel Lokshtanov (University of Bergen, Norway)
Monaldo Mastrolilli (IDSIA, Switzerland)
Ross McConnell (Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA)
Vangelis Th. Paschos (University Paris-Dauphine, France)
Youming Qiao (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
Piotr Sankowski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Ryuhei Uehara (JAIST, Japan)
Magnus Wahlström (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK)
Lusheng Wang (City University of Hong Kong, China)
Gerhard Woeginger (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherland)
Mary Wootters (Stanford University, USA)
Chee Yap (New York University, USA)
Grigory Yaroslavtsev (Indiana University, USA)
Neal Young (University of California, Riverside, USA)
Huacheng Yu (Stanford University, USA)
Shengyu Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
Daming Zhu (Shandong University, China)


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2016 22:52:51 +0000
From: Tommaso Urli <>
To: <>, <>
Subject: [DMANET] CP2017: Call for Thematic Tracks
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

CP2017: Call for Thematic Tracks

The International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming will take place in Melbourne, Australia, from August 29 to September 1, 2017. This is the 23rd edition of the annual conference on all aspects of computing with constraints, including: theory, algorithms, environments, languages, models, systems, and applications such as decision making, resource allocation, scheduling, configuration, and planning.

Full details (soon) at

Following on the successful introduction of THEMATIC TRACKS at CP2016, we are seeking proposals for tracks for 2017. Each track represents a particular sub-field or application area of constraint computation and has its own program sub-committee to ensure relevant reviewers. Both repeat tracks and new tracks are enthusiastically encouraged.

As an example, the CP2016 tracks were:
- testing and verification
- CP and biology
- computational sustainability
- preferences, social choice, and optimisation
- music

A far-from-exhaustive set of other suggestions:
- configuration
- CP, data mining, and machine learning
- CP and AI
- CP and Operations Research

!! Track topics are open to any relevant themes including those from CP2016. !!

Of course, CP2017 will continue to have TECHNICAL and APPLICATION tracks, as usual. This call is for thematic tracks beyond these.

Details for Proposers

Track chairs will have the following responsibilities, working with the CP2017 organizers:
- Recruitment of a track program committee
- Advertising and encouraging submissions, especially outside the usual CP channels
- Assignment of papers to reviewers
- Membership on the Senior Program Committee with associated reviewing, discussion, and meta-reviewing duties

Track proposals can be in the form of an email to Chris Beck (, the CP2017 Program Chair, containing:
- The names and email addresses of at most two track co-chairs (one is fine, too).
- A paragraph justifying and demonstrating the relevance of the theme to the CP community.
- A list of 6 to 10 people who have expressed interest in either serving on the program committee of or submitting a paper to the track.

As a general guideline, track chairs should be confident of at least a half-dozen submissions.

Potential chairs are encouraged to contact Chris Beck ( for informal discussions.

Deadline: October 31, 2017


Dr Tommaso Urli

Researcher | Optimisation Platforms


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Message: 4
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2016 12:47:28 +0800
From: Ding Daisy <>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP: 17th International Conference on Algorithms and
Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP-2017)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

*17th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel
Processing (ICA3PP-2017)*
August 21-23, 2017, Helsinki, Finland

ICA3PP 2017 will be held jointly with IEEE CIT 2017 and NSS 2017 in
Helsinki, Finland on 21-23 August 2017.

Important News!
* Keynote speakers
Prof. Francisco Herrera, University of Granada, Spain (EiC of Information
Prof. Y. Thomas Hou (Tom Hou), Virginia Tech, USA (IEEE Fellow)
Dr. Anand Prasad, NEC Corporation, Japan (3GPP SA3 Chair)
Prof. Yang Xiang, Deakin University, Australia
Prof. Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada

ICA3PP 2017 is the 17th in this series of conferences started in 1995 that
are devoted to algorithms and architectures for parallel processing. ICA3PP
is now recognized as the main regular event of the world that is covering
the many dimensions of parallel algorithms and architectures, encompassing
fundamental theoretical approaches, practical experimental projects, and
commercial components and systems. As applications of computing systems
have permeated in every aspects of daily life, the power of computing
system has become increasingly critical. This conference provides a forum
for academics and practitioners from countries around the world to exchange
ideas for improving the efficiency, performance, reliability, security and
interoperability of computing systems and applications.

Following the traditions of the previous successful ICA3PP conferences held
in Hangzhou, Brisbane, Singapore, Melbourne, Hong Kong, Beijing, Cyprus,
Taipei, Busan, Melbourne, Fukuoka, Vietri sul Mare, Dalian,Japan,
Zhangjiajie, and Granada, ICA3PP 2017 will be held in Helsinki, Finland.
The objective of ICA3PP 2017 is to bring together researchers and
practitioners from academia, industry and governments to advance the
theories and technologies in parallel and distributed computing. ICA3PP
2017 will focus on two broad areas of parallel and distributed computing,
i.e., architectures, algorithms and networks, and systems and applications.
The conference of ICA3PP 2017 is co-organized by Aalto University, Finland
and Xidian University, China.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Scope and Interests
- Parallel and Distributed Architectures
- Software Systems and Programming Models
- Distributed and Network-based Computing
- Big Data and its Applications
- Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
- Applications of Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Service Dependability and Security in Distributed and Parallel Systems
- Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical-Social Computing
- Performance Modeling and Evaluation

Submission Guidelines

Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference
with proceedings. Papers must be clearly presented in English, must not
exceed 14 pages, including tables, figures, references and appendixes, in
Springer LNCS Format with Portable Document Format (.pdf). Please submit
your paper via

Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness,
significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Submission of a paper
should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be accepted, at
least one of the authors will register and attend the conference to present
the work. The conference proceeding will be published by Springer Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, EI indexed). Excellent Papers will be
recommended to high-quality journal special issues as below (SCI/SCIE

1. Special Issue on IEEE Access (SCI indexed, Impact Factor: 1.27)
2. Special Issue on IEEE Internet of Things (SCI indexed)
... More journal special issues will be announced soon.

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: 15 March, 2017
Author Notification: 10th June, 2017
Camera-ready and Registration: 25th June, 2017
Conference Dates: 21-23 August, 2017

The ICA3PP 2017 Organizing Committee invites proposals for one-day
workshops affiliated with the conference and addressing research areas
related to the conference. The workshop proceedings will be published by
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, EI indexed). Excellent
Papers will be recommended to high-quality journal special issues (SCI/SCIE
indexed). Submit workshop proposals via emails to;

Organization Committee

Honorary chair:
Xinbo Gao, Xidian University, China

General Chairs:

Witold Pedrycz, Alberta Unviersity, Canada
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA
Zheng Yan, Xidian University, China

Program Chairs:

Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Shadi Ibrahim, Eurecom, INRIA, France
Ruppa Thulasiram, University of Manitoba, Canada

Workshop Chairs

Jun Liu, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
KP Lam, Keele University, UK

Publication Chair

Peng Zhang, Zalando, Finland

Publicity Chairs

Wenxiu Ding, Xidian University, China

Local & Finance Chair

Raimo Kantola, Aalto University, Finland

Steering Committee

Yang Xiang, Deakin University, Australia (Chair)
Weijia Jia, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Yi Pan, Georgia State University, USA
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Wanlei Zhou, Deakin University, Australia

Web Chairs

Mingjun Wang, Xidian University, China
Huaqing Lin, Xidian University, China

Technical Program Committee
See ICA3PP 2017 website:


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2016 13:03:40 +0800
From: Ding Daisy <>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP: The 11th International Conference on Network
and System Security (NSS 2017)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

*The 11th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS
August 21-23, 2017, Helsinki, Finland

NSS 2017 will be held jointly with IEEE CIT 2017 and ICA3PP 2017 in
Helsinki, Finland on 21-23 August 2017.

Important News!
* Keynote speakers
Prof. Francisco Herrera, University of Granada, Spain (EiC of Information
Prof. Y. Thomas Hou (Tom Hou), Virginia Tech, USA (IEEE Fellow)
Dr. Anand Prasad, NEC Corporation, Japan (3GPP SA3 Chair)
Prof. Yang Xiang, Deakin University, Australia
Prof. Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada

While the attack systems have become more easy-to-use, sophisticated, and
powerful, interest has greatly increased in the field of building more
effective, intelligent, adaptive, active and high performance defense
systems which are distributed and networked. The conference will cover
research on all theoretical and practical aspects related to network and
system security, such as authentication, access control, availability,
integrity, privacy, confidentiality, dependability, trustworthiness, and
sustainability of computer networks and systems. The aim of NSS is to
provide a leading edge forum to foster interaction between researchers and
developers with the network and system security communities, and to give
attendees an opportunity to interact with experts in academia, industry,
and governments. NSS 2017 is the next event in a series of highly
successful events of Network and System Security. Previous editions were
held in: Taipei (2016), New York City, USA (2015), Xi'an, China (2014),
Madrid, Spain (2013); Wu Yi Shan, China (2012); Milan, Italy (2011);
Melbourne, Australia; (2010); Gold Coast, Australia (2009); Shanghai, China
(2008); and Dalian, China (2007).

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Active Defense Systems
- Adaptive Defense Systems
- Analysis, Benchmark of Security Systems
- Applied Cryptography
- Authentication
- Big Data Trust, Security and Privacy
- Biometric Security
- Complex Systems Security
- Database and System Security
- Data Protection
- Data/System Integrity
- Digital Forensics
- Distributed Access Control
- Distributed Attack Systems
- Denial-of-Service
- High Performance Network Virtualization
- High Performance Security Systems
- Hardware Security
- Identity Management
- Intelligent Defense Systems
- Insider Threats
- Intellectual Property Rights Protection
- Internet and Network Forensics
- Intrusion Detection and Prevention
- Key Distribution and Management
- Large-scale Attacks and Defense
- Malware
- Network Resiliency
- Network Security
- RFID/NFC Security and Privacy
- Security Architectures
- Security for Critical Infrastructures
- Security for Cyber Physical Systems
- Security in Cloud and Grid Systems
- Security in Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing
- Security and Privacy in Smart Grid
- Security and Privacy in Social Networks
- Security and Privacy in Wireless Networks
- Secure Mobile Agents and Mobile Code
- Security Policy
- Security Protocols
- Security Simulation and Tools
- Security Theory and Tools
- Standards and Assurance Methods
- Trusted Computing
- Trust Management
- World Wide Web Security

Submission Guidelines

Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference
with proceedings. Papers must be clearly presented in English, must not
exceed 14 pages, including tables, figures, references and appendixes, in
Springer LNCS Format with Portable Document Format (.pdf). Please submit
your paper via

Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness,
significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Submission of a paper
should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be accepted, at
least one of the authors will register and attend the conference to present
the work. The conference proceeding will be published by Springer Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, EI indexed). Excellent Papers will be
recommended to high-quality journal special issues as below (SCI/SCIE

1. Special Issue on IEEE Access (SCI indexed, Impact Factor: 1.27)
2. Special Issue on IEEE Internet of Things (SCI indexed)
... More journal special issues will be announced soon.

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: 15 March, 2017
Author Notification: 10th June, 2017
Camera-ready and Registration: 25th June, 2017
Conference Dates: 21-23 August, 2017

The NSS 2017 Organizing Committee invites proposals for one-day workshops
affiliated with the conference and addressing research areas related to the
conference. The workshop proceedings will be published by Springer Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, EI indexed). Excellent Papers will be
recommended to high-quality journal special issues (SCI/SCIE indexed).
Submit workshop proposals via emails to;

Organization Committee

General Chairs:
Raimo Kantola, Aalto University, Finland
Valtteri Niemi, University of Helsinki, Finland

Program Chairs:
Zheng Yan, Xidian University, China
Refik Molva, Eurocom, France
Wojciech Mazurczyk, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Workshop Chair
Silke Holtmmans, Nokia, Finland
Xin Huang, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China

Publicity Chair
Li Yang, Xidian University, China

Steering Committee
Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA
Robert H. Deng, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Dieter Gollmann, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
Xinyi Huang, Fujian Normal University, China
Kui Ren, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, USA
Ravi Sandhu, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Yang Xiang (Chair), Deakin University, Australia
Wanlei Zhou, Deakin University, Australia

Web Chair
Mingjun Wang, Xidian University, China
Huaqing Lin, Xidian University, China


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 104, Issue 23

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