Monday, October 10, 2016

dmanet Digest, Vol 104, Issue 8

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Today's Topics:

1. Two special issues (DAM & JOGO) dedicated to Distance
Geometry (
2. Scholarships, master level, Lyon (France) (Nicolas Trotignon)
3. Postdoc in Sublinear and Randomized Algorithms (2 years),
University of Warwick (Czumaj, Artur)
4. Postdoctoral Programs at the Israeli center of research
excellence in Algorithms (Yossi Azar)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 08 Oct 2016 10:16:51 -0300
Subject: [DMANET] Two special issues (DAM & JOGO) dedicated to
Distance Geometry
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Following the Distance Geometry Theory and Applications (DGTA16)
workshop, organized at DIMACS last July 2016
<>, we are calling for
contributions to two special journal issues dedicated to the topics of
the workshop, but open to everyone: one in Discrete Applied Mathematics
(DAM) and the other in the Journal of Global Optimization (JOGO). Both
of these issues will be co-edited by:
- Farid Alizadeh (Rutgers University, USA)
- Douglas Goncalves (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil)
- Nathan Krislock (Northern Illinois University, USA)
- Leo Liberti (CNRS & Ecole Polytechnique, France).

Distance Geometry (DG) in its broader definition is the study of
geometry mostly based on distances between entities. More specifically,
DG is the study of metric spaces. Its main problem is the DG Problem
(DGP), which is an inverse problem that occurs frequently in many
applications, such as, e.g., sensor localization in wireless networks,
synchronization protocols, determination of protein structure (or
nanostructures) through NMR data, localization of fleets of autonomous
underwater vehicles, flexibility or reach of robotic structures,
rigidity of architectural structures, and more. Given an integer K and a
graph G=(V,E) with weights d_ij on the edges {i,j}, the problem is to
determine positions x_i (for each vertex i) in a K-dimensional Euclidean
space such that, for each edge {i,j} the length of the segment between
x_i and x_j and is exactly, or approximately, the given distance d_ij.
By "length of segment" we mean the Euclidean norm, but there are
applications that call for the use of other norms. Related fields
include embeddings of metric spaces with some distortion, the restricted
isometry property, Erdos' distances problem.

The DAM special issue is especially suitable to papers with elements of
combinatorics, or purely theoretical papers. The JOGO special issue is
more suitable to papers in nonlinear optimization, particularly if they
involve many (or mainly) continuous decision variables, and if they have
a computational section. These are only guidelines, as JOGO has some
purely theoretical papers stemming from combinatorial optimization, and
DAM has some papers on (essentially) continuous optimization with lots
of computational experiments. Both are excellent journals in their
respective fields. JOGO's impact factor is higher than DAM's, but DAM is
more established in the mathematical community.

The submission deadline is 31st December 2016, but we are ready to make
(some) concessions if you need (some) more time. Submissions are made
through the respective web editorial managers:
- DAM (Elsevier): <>
- JOGO (Springer): <>
In both systems, one of the first screens after specifying the title
asks you for "paper type". This is where you MUST click on the "DGTA16
special issue" (or similar label), since otherwise the paper will go
directly to the Editor-in-Chief rather than to our issue. The refereeing
process will involve at least two referees per paper. You do not need to
specify a list of possible referees. As soon as a submission comes in,
it will be handled. So if your paper is ready, submit it now rather than
close to deadline! For transparency: submissions co-authored by one of
the guest co-editors will be handled by the Editors-in-Chief of the
target journal, and the process will be completely hidden from the guest
editorial board.

Feel free to get in touch with any of us if you want to ask us for
advice on your submission. In general, a heads up about a paper you want
to submit to these issues is welcome!

Farid Alizadeh
Douglas Goncalves
Nathan Krislock
Leo Liberti


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2016 10:18:12 +0200
From: Nicolas Trotignon <>
Subject: [DMANET] Scholarships, master level, Lyon (France)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Scholarships at master level (undergraduate) at Lyon, in math and computer science
(Message translated en français at the end)

The Excellence Laboratory Milyon is a "Future Investments Program" in the Lyon—Saint-Étienne area. Milyon federates 350 researchers from three research units in Mathematics and Fundamental Computer Science: Institut Camille Jordan, Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme, Unité de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées.

Milyon fosters interdisciplinary research. It also stimulates interactions between Mathematics and Computer Science and between the researchers from the three research units in three main directions:
• research
• support to innovative training programs
• dissemination of scientific culture.

Milyon offers scholarships for Master and 3rd year Bachelor students. Of 1,000 euros net/month/10 months, the scholarships are intended to students with outstanding academic records willing to enroll in the research programs in Mathematics and Computer Science supported by Milyon.

The 2017 call for applications is open
Deadline for applications: January 11th, 2017
Results will be communicated around February 15th, 2017

Useful links

Milyon's scholarships program <>
Programs eligible for Milyon scholarships <>
Call for applications <>
Milyon's website <>


Le Laboratoire d'Excellence Milyon est un « Programme d'investissements d'avenir » du site Lyon—Saint-Étienne. Milyon fédère 350 chercheurs de trois laboratoires de recherche en mathématiques et informatiques fondamentale : l'Institut Camille Jordan, le Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme, l'Unité de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées.

Milyon favorise la recherche interdisciplinaire, ainsi que les interactions entre mathématiques et informatique selon trois axes :
• recherche
• soutien aux cursus innovants d'enseignement et initiation à la recherche
• dissémination de la culture scientifique.

Milyon offre, à des étudiants ayant obtenus de très bons résultats académiques et souhaitant suivre un parcours de recherche en mathématiques ou informatique sur le site Lyon—Saint-Étienne, des bourses d'excellence pour le master (M1 ou M2). Ces bourses sont d'un montant de 1 000 euros net/mois/10 mois.

L'appel à candidatures 2017 est ouvert
Date-limite: 11 janvier 2017
Communication des résultats : autour du 15 février 2017

Liens utiles

Milyon's scholarships program <>
Programs eligible for Milyon scholarships <>
Call for applications <>
Milyon's website <>

Nicolas Trotignon
CNRS, LIP, Équipe MC2
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Département d'informatique
Tél : (+33 | 0) 4 72 72 87 58


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2016 11:59:16 +0000
From: "Czumaj, Artur" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Postdoc in Sublinear and Randomized Algorithms (2
years), University of Warwick

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Postdoc in Sublinear/Randomized Algorithms (2 years)

University of Warwick

Applicants are sought for a postdoctoral position in connection with a grant of Artur Czumaj (

We are looking for highly qualified candidates with a PhD degree (or expecting to get one very soon) in combinatorics, discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, or related fields. The main focus of the post is on the research in the broadly understood area of design and mathematical analysis of sublinear and randomized algorithms, including research in property testing and combinatorics, and sublinear-time approximation algorithms for combinatorial and optimization problems.

The position is affiliated with the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, DIMAP ( and the Foundations of Computer Science Research Group ( in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick.

The post is available for up to 2 years.

Closing date for receipt of applications: October 17, 2016.

Informal inquiries should be addressed to Artur Czumaj at

Formal applications, which include CV with a list of publications,, a research statement, and a short statement highlighting your suitability for this post, should be made following the link at

Closing date: October 17, 2016.

Prof Artur Czumaj
Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
Department of Computer Science
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 24 7657 3796


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2016 15:46:56 +0300
From: Yossi Azar <>
Subject: [DMANET] Postdoctoral Programs at the Israeli center of
research excellence in Algorithms
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed; DelSp=Yes

We are seeking excellent candidates for two postdoctoral programs:

1. I-CORE in Algorithms postdoctoral program

2. I-CORE in Algorithms and the Simons Institute for the Theory of
Computing in Berkeley - a joint postdoctoral program

We are seeking excellent candidates for postdoctoral positions at the
I-CORE ALGO (Israeli center of research excellence in algorithms)
institutes. The positions are supported by the Israeli Science Foundation
The Israeli Center of Research Excellence in Algorithms is part of the
I-CORE program, initiated by the Government of Israel  and adopted by
Israel's Council of Higher Education, in order to reinforce Israel's
intellectual capacities and promote synergy among Israel's leading research
centers.  The institutes participating in the center are:

* The Blavatnik School of Computer Science, TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY
* The Rachel and Selim Benin School of Computer Science and
* Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): all variety of
algorithms (optimization, online, streaming, approximation, randomized,
geometric and more), cryptography, security and privacy, algorithmic game
theory, quantum computing, networking and distributed computing, databases,
machine learning and computer vision.
To apply please send the following
to (deadline: 22/12/16)

-A CV of the applicant including the list of publications.

-A short research statement.

-The preferable I-CORE ALGO fellow to work with (if already known) and
institution in I-CORE ALGO. (There is a possibility of more than one fellow
and/or institution.)

-In addition, all applicants should ensure that their recommenders email
their letters (as pdf files) to the email address above, with the subject
line "<candidate_name>: recommendation". (It is the
applicant's responsibility to ensure that the letters are sent; the
Institute will not solicit letters directly.)

I-CORE in Algorithms and the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing
in Berkeley - a joint postdoctoral program

I-CORE Algo – Israeli Center of Research Excellence in algorithms, and
the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing are seeking excellent
candidates for a joint postdoctoral program starting in the academic year

The Israeli Center of Research Excellence in Algorithms is part of the
I-CORE program, initiated by the Government of Israel and adopted by
Israel's Council of Higher Education, in order to reinforce Israel's
intellectual capacities and promote synergy among Israel's leading research
centers. The members of the center are some of Israel's most exceptional
computer scientists, from The Blavatnik School of Computer Science in Tel
Aviv University, The Rachel and Selim Benin School of Computer Science and
Engineering in The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the Faculty of
Mathematics and Computer Science in Weizmann Institute of Science.

The Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing is a major international
venue for collaborative research in theoretical computer science and
related fields. The Institute is housed in a dedicated building on the UC
Berkeley campus, and acts as a vibrant and welcoming environment for
visiting researchers. In each academic semester the activities of the
Institute are largely focused on specific research programs, each of which
attracts fifty to sixty participants ranging from senior scientists to
graduate students. The Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing was
created in 2012 through a ten-year grant from the Simons Foundation (more
information can be found at:

The joint postdoctoral position would start in Fall 2017. The joint
post-doctoral fellow will first spend a semester (fall 2017) or possibly
two semesters at the Simons Institute, and then will continue at the I-Core
in Algorithms for a semester (or possibly two). The topics of the research
programs for 2017-18 in the Simons Institute are "Bridging Continuous and
Discrete Optimization" (jumbo program, Fall 17), "The Brain and
Computation" (Spring 18) and "Real-Time Decision Making" (Spring 18).
The topics of research in I-CORE in Algorithms include (but are not limited
to): all variety of algorithms (optimization, online, streaming,
approximation, randomized, geometric and more), cryptography, security and
privacy, algorithmic game theory, quantum computing, networking and
distributed computing, databases, machine learning and computer vision. The
research interests of potential candidates should match the research
interests of both institutions.

Salaries and benefits are competitive and assistance with visas and housing
will be provided.

We particularly encourage applications from outstanding women and minority
candidates. In addition, the I-CORE in Algorithms would provide some
support to travel to and from Israel.

In some circumstances, the fellowship maybe be awarded for more than one
year, up to a maximum of two years.


Each applicant should submit the following documents (as pdf files) in a
single email to

- cover letter, including current institution and employment status,
(expected) date of PhD, and a statement indicating the Simons Institute
program (or programs) in which you wish to participate, and why. For the
I-CORE Algo please indicate which institute you would like to perform the
research at (can be more than one);

- curriculum vitae, including full list of publications;

- research statement;

- names and email addresses of at least three recommenders.

In addition, all applicants should ensure that their recommenders email
their letters (as pdf files) to the email address above, with the subject
line "<candidate_name>: recommendation". (It is the applicant's
responsibility to ensure that the letters are sent; I-CORE will not solicit
letters directly.)

The deadline for receipt of all application materials, including letters,
is December 22, 2016


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 104, Issue 8

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