Monday, February 17, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 72, Issue 16

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Today's Topics:

1. [ICUFN 2014] [CFP] ICUFN 2014, Deadline Extended to Mar. 15,
2014, (SCIE Journals, SCOPUS, EI, IEEE Xplore), Shanghai, China,
July 8-11, 2014 (Carlos Tavares Calafate)
2. Deadline approaching!: HM 2014 (9th Intl. Workshop on Hybrid
Metaheuristics) in Hamburg (Maria Jose Blesa)
3. SCOR 2014 - Last week for submission (M. Moniz)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 14:54:22 +0100
From: Carlos Tavares Calafate <>
Subject: [DMANET] [ICUFN 2014] [CFP] ICUFN 2014, Deadline Extended to
Mar. 15, 2014, (SCIE Journals, SCOPUS, EI, IEEE Xplore), Shanghai,
China, July 8-11, 2014
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this Call for Papers]

*** Deadline extention to March 15, 2014

Call For Papers for ICUFN 2014
Paper submission deadline (extended): Mar. 15, 2014

*** Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference
*** proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other ***
Abstracting and Indexing(A&I) database such as Scopus and EI Compendex.
*** Extended versions of selected papers will be also published *** in
the following international journals *** - Wireless Personal
Communications (SCIE) *** - International Journal of Distributed Sensor
Networks (SCIE) *** - Journal on Internet Technology (SCIE) *** -
INFORMATION Journal (Scopus)


ICUFN 2014

The Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks
July 8 (Tue)~11 (Fri), 2014, Shanghai, China


During the last decade, we have witnessed fast developments of various
networking technologies, and many forms of networking are becoming
core parts of our daily lives. With the proliferation of future wireless
technologies and electronic devices, there is a fast growing interest in
ubiquitous and future networks. In the days to come, we expect that the
ubiquitous communication and networking technologies will become
ubiquitous along with the emergence of many future networking technologies.
The ubiquitous and future network will offer multiservice, multimedia
services convergence, mobility, service ubiquity and context awareness,
fixed-mobile convergence, quality of service, variable connectivity,
spontaneous networking, autonomic networking and other capabilities
as the norm. Building on the success of the last five years, the Sixth
International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN 2014)
aims at addressing advances in research on ubiquitous and future networks,
covering topics ranging from technology issues to emerging applications
and test-bed developments. ICUFN 2014 solicits original, unpublished
contributions in all aspects of ubiquitous and future networking.
Submitted articles must not be concurrently considered elsewhere for
publication.The conference is organized by KICS (The Korean Institute of
Communications and Information Sciences) with the technical co-sponsorship
of IEEE Communications Society. Accepted and presented papers will be
published in the ICUFN 2014 Conference Proceedings and submitted to
IEEE Xplore. The ICUFN 2014 Conference Proceedings will also be submitted
for indexing through EI Compendex, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Knowledge,
Thomson ISI, and IET Inspect.

The topics include, but are not limited to:
- Wireless and Communication Network
- Cognitive Radio Network
- 5G, 4G, LTE, LTE-Advanced, WLAN, WPAN
- Wireless Ad-hoc and Mesh Network
- Small cell Networks
- Heterogeneous Networks
- Self-Organizing Networks
- Interference Management
- Radio Resource Management
- QoE, QoS, SLA, and GoS
- Future Internet and Network
- SDN and Network Virtualization
- Web-services and SOA
- Network Security and Network Management
- Network Platform, Software and Services
- Network Theory and Network Science
- Information Networks
- Social Network
- Cloud Computing and Networks
- CCN/CDN/ICN/Delay-tolerant networks
- Big Data Networks and Data Center Architecture
- Storage Networking Protocols
- Body Area Network
- Cooperative and Collaborative Communications
- Cross-Layer Design and Optimization
- Wireless Sensor Networks, RFID and QR Code
- Cyber-physical system (CPS)
- Ubiquitous Computing and Sensor Networks
- Optical Wireless, VLC and LED Communication
- Underwater Sensor Networks
- Internet of things (IoTs)
- D2D and M2M
- Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks and Connected Car
- Energy Internet, Smart Grid and Green Internets
- Location-based Services
- Location and mobility management
- e-Health
- Multi Screen and Digital Signage
- Smartphone Applications


All papers must be submitted electronically, in PDF format, and uploaded
on EDAS. The direct link for paper submission is
There are two options for the submissions, either a full paper or a short
paper. We decided to allow the submission of short papers in order to
accommodate the most recent research outcomes. The submissions should be
formatted with single-spaced, double-column pages using at least 10 pt
size fonts on A4 or letter pages in IEEE style format. The
maximum number of pages is 6 for full papers and 2 for short papers.
Detailed formatting and submission instructions will be available on the
conference web site (


Proposals are invited for half- or full-day workshops in communication and
networking topics. Please contact workshop co-chairs, Sungrae Cho and
Yonghoon Choi at and


Accepted and presented papers will be published in the ICUFN 2014 Conference
Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore. The ICUFN 2014 Conference
Proceedings will also be submitted for indexing through EI Compendex,
ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, Thomson ISI, and IET Inspect.
Also extended versions of
selected papers will be published in the following international journals as
a special section for the ICUFN 2014.
- Wireless Personal Communications (SCIE)
- International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (SCIE)
- Journal on Internet Technology (SCIE)


Best papers will be selected by the technical program committee members
among regular papers presented at ICUFN 2014.


- Submission Deadline (6-page Full Paper or 2-page Short Paper): March
15, 2014
- Acceptance Notification: April 15, 2014
- Camera-Ready Paper (6-page Full Paper or 2-page Short Paper): May 1, 2014


International Advisory Committee
- Byeong Gi Lee, Seoul National Univ., Korea
- Nim Cheung, ASTRI, China
- Zygmunt J. Haas, Cornell Univ., USA
- Kyung Sup Kwak, Inha Univ., Korea
- Ramjee Prasad, Aalborg Univ., Denmark
- Chuwhan Yim, Korea Univ., Korea
- Wu Hequan, Chinese Academy of Eng., China
- Bijan Jabbari, George Mason Univ., USA
- Iwao Sasase, Keio Univ., Japan
- Jinwoo Park, Korea Univ., Korea
- Douglass Zuckerman, IEEE ComSoC
- Jaiyong Lee, Yonsei Univ., Korea
- Naohisa Ohta, Keio Univ., Japan
- Pascal LORENZ, Univ. of Haute Alsace, France
- Zhisheng Niu, Tsinghua Univ., China
- Dong Ho Cho, KAIST, Korea
- Ilyoung Chong, HUFS, Korea

Steering Committee
- Masahiro Umehira, Ibaraki University, Japan
- Yeong Min Jang, Kookmin Univ., Korea
- Sungchang Lee, Korea Aerospace Univ., Korea
- Jiandong Li, Xidian Univ., China
- C. K. Toh, National Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan
- Seong-Ho Jeong, HUFS, Korea
- Zary Segall, KTH, Sweden
- Seung Hyong Rhee, Kwangwoon Univ., Korea
- Xin Wang, Fudan Univ., China
- Sang-Jo Yoo, Inha Univ., Korea
- Honggang Zhang, Zhejiang Univ., China
- Nguyen Huu Thanh, HUST, Vietnam
- Joel Rodrigues, IT, Univ. of Beira Interior, Portugal
- Myungsik Yoo, Soongsil Univ., Korea

Organizing Committee

Honorary Conference Co-chairs
- Eunhee Kwon, Member of Parliament, Korea
- Ramjee Prasad, Aalborg Univ., Denmark
- Zhen Yang, NUPT, China

Organizing Co-Chairs
- Yeong Min Jang, Kookmin Univ., Korea
- C. K. Toh, National Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan
- Masahiro Umehira, Ibaraki University, Japan
- Juan Carlos Cano, Technical Univ. of Valencia, Spain

Workshop Co-Chairs
- Sungrae Cho, Chung-Ang Univ., Korea
- Yonghoon Choi, Kwangwoon Univ., Korea
- Pradeep Kumar Ray, Univ. of New South Wales, Australia

Publication Co-Chairs
- Hwangnam Kim, Korea Univ., Korea
- Young-June Choi, Ajou Univ., Korea

Publicity Co-Chairs
- Sunghyun Choi, Seoul National Univ., Korea
- Jangwon Lee, Yonsei Univ., Korea
- Takeo Fujii, Univ. of Electro-Comms, Japan
- Xuejun Sha, Harbin Institute of Tech., China
- Timo Sukuvaara, FMI, Finland
- Jyh-Cheng Chen, National Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan
- Carlos T. Calafate, Technical Univ. of Valencia, Spain

International Liaison Chairs
- Jaewoo So, Sogang Univ., Korea
- Seong-Lyun Kim, Yonsei Univ., Korea

Registration Co-Chairs
- Sangheon Pack, Korea University, Korea
- Young-Ho Jung, Korea Aerospace Univ., Korea

Finance Co-Chairs
- Sangjoon Park, ETRI, Korea

Local Arragement Co-Chairs
- Xudong Wang, Fudan Univ., China
- Sang-Chul Kim, Kookmin Univ., Korea
- Kyung-Joon Park, DGIST, Korea

Web Co-Chairs
- Jeong Ryun Lee, Chung-Ang Univ., Korea
- Jaesung Park, Suwon Univ., Korea

- Dongkyun Kim, Kyungpook National Univ., Korea
- Jiman Hong, Soongsil Univ., Korea

Technical Program Committee

TPC Co-Chairs
- Ki-Hyung Kim, Ajou Univ., Korea
- Xin WANG, Fudan Univ., China
- Masaki Aida, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Japan
- Kun Yang, Univ. of Essex, UK
- Edmund Yeh, Northeastern Univ., USA

TPC Vice Co-Chairs
- Francisco Martinez, Univ. of Zaragoza, Spain
- Macos Katz, Univ. of Oulu, Finland
- Panos Papadimitratos, KTH, Sweden
- Sangwhan Lee, Kookmin Univ., Korea

You are receiving this call-for-papers from EDAS, based on your user
profile. To unsubscribe from call-for-paper messages such as this one,
go to "My profile" and update your areas of interest (link at top of
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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 08:39:32 +0100
From: Maria Jose Blesa <>
Subject: [DMANET] Deadline approaching!: HM 2014 (9th Intl. Workshop
on Hybrid Metaheuristics) in Hamburg
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Dear colleague, apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP.

The deadline is approaching !!


HM 2014
9th International Workshop on Hybrid Metaheuristics

June 9-13, 2014
Hamburg, Germany

Back to back with the
5th international Workshop on Model-Based Metaheuristics



General Chair

Stefan Voss (Universit?t Hamburg, Germany)

Program chair

Christian Blum (IKERBASQUE and Univ. of the Basque Country, Spain)


Steering Committee

Maria Blesa (Universitat Polit?cnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Christian Blum (IKERBASQUE and Univ. of the Basque Country, Spain)
Luca di Gaspero (University of Udine, Italy)
Paola Festa (University of Napoli FEDERICO II, Italy)
G?nther Raidl (Technische Universit?t Wien, Austria)
Michael Sampels (Universit? Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)


Important Dates

Submissions Due: February 21, 2014
Notification: March 28, 2014
Final Papers Due: April 4, 2014


Aims & Scope

The HM Workshops are intended to be an international forum for
researchers in the area of design, analysis, and experimental
evaluation of metaheuristics. Metaheuristics, such as simulated
annealing, evolutionary algorithms, tabu search, ant colony
optimization, scatter search and iterated local search, are
considered state-of-the-art methods for many problems. In
recent years, however, it has become evident that the
concentration on a sole metaheuristic is rather restrictive. A
skilled combination of concepts from different optimization
techniques can provide a more efficient behavior and a higher
flexibility when dealing with real-world and large-scale

Hybrid Metaheuristics are such techniques for optimization that
combine different metaheuristics or integrate AI/OR techniques
into metaheuristics. Previously organized Workshops were held
in Ischia Island (HM 2013), Vienna (HM 2010), Udine (HM 2009),
Malaga (HM 2008), Dortmund (HM 2007), Gran Canaria (HM 2006),
Barcelona (HM 2005), and Val?ncia (HM 2004).

HM2014 is organized as a non-profit event.


Topics of Interest

Contributions solicited cover a variety of topics including but
not limited to:

- Novel combinations of components from different metaheuristics
- Hybridization of metaheuristics and AI/OR techniques
- Low-level hybridization
- High-level hybridization, portfolio techniques, expert systems
- Cooperative search
- Automated parameter tuning
- Empirical and statistical comparison
- Theoretical aspects of hybridization
- Parallelization
- Software libraries


Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit a full paper describing original,
unpublished research with at most 15 pages (in LNCS style).
Proofs omitted due to space constraints must be put into an
appendix to be read by the program committee members at their

Electronic submissions should be formatted in pdf. Simultaneous
submission to other conferences or workshops with published
proceedings is not allowed.

The proceedings will be published in Springer's LNCS series.


Further and Contact information:

Stefan Voss (
Institute of Information Systems
Department for Business and Economics
University of Hamburg
Von-Melle-Park 5
Office VMP 5, Room 3064
D-20146 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 (0)40 42838-3064
Fax: +49 (0)40 42838-5535

Conference Website:



Message: 3
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 10:45:05 +0100
From: "M. Moniz" <>
Subject: [DMANET] SCOR 2014 - Last week for submission
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

The abstract submission procedure will close on the next Monday, the 24th.

******************CALL FOR PAPERS******************
**4th Student Conference on Operational Research**
************************SCOR 2014***********************
******May 2-4 2014, University of Nottingham, UK*****

We are pleased to announce the official launch of the PhD Student
Conference on Operational Research (SCOR 2014), now back for its
fourth instalment. We invite you to join us once again, at the
beautiful University of Nottingham campus the 2-4 May 2014.

PhD students from all European Universities studying Operational
Research, Management Science or a related field are kindly invited to
submit an abstract for presentation at the conference. As some
presenters may still be on an early stage of in their careers, the
work presented does not need to be fully developed or thoroughly
explored as of yet. The purpose of SCOR 2014 is to provide a friendly
environment for the next generation of Operational Researchers to
receive constructive feedback on their work and to meet people with
similar interests. The scope of the conference includes, but is not
limited to:

*Big Data & Analytics * Data Mining * Energy * Forecasting * Graphs /
Networks * Healthcare *
*Heuristics * Inventory * Mathematical Programming * Multicriteria
Decision Analysis * *Neural Networks / Machine Learning * Optimisation
and Applications * Reliability / Risk Assessment * Scheduling /
Timetabling * Stochastic Modelling * Supply Chain Management *
*Simulation / System Dynamics * Transport /Logistics*

The conference takes place just after the NATCOR course, which will
also be held in Nottingham.

*******Deadline for abstract (250 words) submission: Monday 24th
February 2014*********

A notification of acceptance will be sent shortly after this deadline.
In order to encourage a wide
range of students to attend, an affordable conference fee will cover
accommodation, a full social
program and full catering provided.

******************Deadline for PAPERS submission: Friday 11th April

Presenters are also invited to submit a paper (no more than 10 pages)
on their work to be
published electronically as part of the SCOR 2014 proceedings. This
will be available in the
Dagstuhl OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs). Paper submissions
will undergo a selection
process based on refereeing by the Committee. This gives doctoral
candidates a chance to
experience the peer-review process and to enhance their technical
writing skills. Although it
is not mandatory, it is again, highly recommended. To get an idea on
the paper standards
please visit the SCOR2012 proceedings.

See you in Nottingham!!!

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 72, Issue 16

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