Friday, February 21, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 72, Issue 21

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Today's Topics:

1. PhD fellowship (Sabine Limbourg)
2. 5th conf Complex Systems Design Management 2014 - 2nd Call
for Papers (
3. Deadline Extension: INFOCOMP 2014 || July 20 - 24, 2014 -
Paris, France (Cristina Pascual)
4. 4th Student Conference on Operational Research (SCOR 2014) -
Last days for submission (M. Moniz)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 13:12:33 +0100
From: "Sabine Limbourg" <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] PhD fellowship
Message-ID: <009201cf2e35$095985c0$1c0c9140$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

BRAIN-TRansversal Assessment of Intermodal New Strategies (BRAIN-TRAINS)
For this Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks, HEC-ULg
offers a PhD fellowship starting in March 2014.
BRAIN-TRAINS is a four-year project (2014-2018) with the University of
HEC? Management School - University of Liege (HEC?-ULg) is the school of
management of the University of Liege. HEC-ULg is one of the leading Belgian
university business schools for graduate and postgraduate programs with more
than 115 full-time faculty members and researchers and more than 2380
students. The school's mission is to train creative managers who will be
responsible for building the future of businesses and organizations in a
cross-cultural world. HEC-ULg is a dynamic institution that heavily promotes
an active pedagogy leading students to actively contribute to their
education. The international vision of HEC-ULg translates into multiple
research activities in management and economics, numerous partnerships with
worldwide companies and universities, and growing internationalization of
its programs and faculty.
HEC-ULg is located in Li?ge, Belgium?s third largest city, and the largest
agglomeration of the French-speaking Walloon region. At the heart of Europe,
Li?ge is the third inland port of Europe and the seventh freight airport in
Europe.? Recognized for its quality of life and its rich historical
patrimonium, Li?ge is ideally situated within the Meuse-Rhin Euregio, 40
kilometers from Maastricht (the Netherlands) and 60 kilometers from Aachen
(Germany). It is less than 1.5 hours away from K?ln, 2.5 hours from Paris
and 4 hours from London by high-speed train (TGV) starting from the new
magnificent train station designed by the renowned architect Santiago
HEC-ULg work environment :
The objective of BRAIN-TRAINS is to determine how rail freight intermodality
can be made successful and how it can contribute to solve the related
market, society and policy-making challenges. Starting point of the project
is the relative weak usage of this mode of transport. The research proposal
aims at building new understanding based on existing knowledge, by
integrating and approaching the problem from an interdisciplinary
perspective. It tackles various issues which are still scientifically
unresolved, for both policy-makers and the transport sector.
HEC-ULg?s main work is on the design and the management of intermodal
transport services networks. To do that, road, rail and transhipment costs
can be based on models for calculating operational and external costs of
intermodal and road freight transportation networks. These costs include
different components such as personnel, energy, stock depreciation and
maintenance, and rail infrastructure charges, but also delays through e.g.
customs procedures. External costs include local and global air pollution,
congestion, noise pollution, and traffic accidents. In order to reflect the
real impact of transportation on the environment, those costs will be
incorporated into our models, in interaction with the outputs of the other
partners of the project. Secondly, our research will look into the economic
improvements that an intermodal services network may bring by a better use
of its modal networks and an optimal distribution of the flows on these
networks. More precisely, given a group of demands characterized by their
removal points, their delivery points, the physical properties of the goods
and the times intervals for removal and delivery, transport chains have to
be defined between the removal and delivery points.
The approach comes under the operations research domain and the mathematical
optimization. Design and management of intermodal transport services
networks problems are complex inherently, in regards to the multiplicity of
the objectives, of the constraints and of the parameters. In addition,
taking into account external costs due to emissions might imply the
development of non-linear optimization models.
Candidate profile:
Quantitative skills
Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
Strong academic record
Good knowledge of English
Good drafting ability required
Deadline: March 15th, 2014

Sabine Limbourg - Assistant Professor
QuantOM, Research Centre in Quantitative Methods and Operations Management
HEC - Management School - University of Li?ge
Rue Louvrex,?14 Building N1 Office 337
4000 Li?ge - Belgium
Phone : +32 (0) 4 366 31 81 - Fax: +32 (0) 4 366 27 67


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 14:15:24 +0100
Subject: [DMANET] 5th conf Complex Systems Design Management 2014 -
2nd Call for Papers

Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8

(CSD&M 2014)

November 12-14, 2014 ? Salons de l'H?tel des Arts et M?tiers (Paris, France)

Call for Papers section:


Designing complex industrial systems is a fundamental strategic challenges.
This spawned the relatively new academic field of "system architecture &
engineering", producing a body of research that allows engineers to manage
the increasing complexity of the technical systems they design.
This field is at the interface between industry and academia, and requires
its practitioners to understand the industrial concrete contexts as well
as to master a strong theoretical background.
Thus, the ambition of the 5th CSD&M conference is to be the meeting of
reference for both the industrial and academic environments working in the
design and management of complex industrial systems.


? Abstract submission (optional) : March 26, 2014
? Paper submission deadline : April 9, 2014
? Results announcement : May 30, 2014
? Final version for publication: June 30, 2014
? Conference : November 12-14, 2014
? Best papers awards : November 14, 2014


As the CSD&M conference is both industrial and academic, the papers'
topics could be industrial, academic or both in transverse.
About twenty selected papers will be fully published in the conference
proceedings and shall give a 30-min contributed talk at dedicated session
of the conference. Some twenty other papers selected for the Poster
Workshop will also participate in the conference and have one-page
abstract published in the same proceedings (printed by SPRINGER VERLAG
with an ISBN number) and can also be fully published in an online
proceedings: CEUR-WS, if option chosen.

The program committee is pleased to inform you of the following awards for
the best CSD&M 2014 papers in 2 categories :
1 prize of 2.000? for the best academic or/and industrial paper and 1
prize of 1.000? for the best student paper.

For more details, see


? Industrial domains: Aeronautics & aerospace, Transport constructors &
operators, Defense &
security, Electronics & robotics, Energy & environment, Health & welfare
services, Media & communications,
Software & e-services.
? Scientific and technical topics: Systems fundamentals, Systems
modelling, Systems architecture, Systems engineering,
Industrial projects, Systems metrics, Systems quality, Systemic tools.
? Systems types: Embedded systems, Transportation systems, Software
systems, Information systems, Systems of systems,
Artificial eco-systems.


More information can be found on the conference website:
For any question or for unsubscribing from the mailing list, please email
to: (with "remove" in email subject
for unsubscription).

hyscom mailing list


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 10:07:24 +0100
From: Cristina Pascual<>
Subject: [DMANET] Deadline Extension: INFOCOMP 2014 || July 20 - 24,
2014 - Paris, France
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to INFOCOMP 2014.
The submission deadline is extended to March 12, 2014.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals:

============== INFOCOMP 2014 | Call for Papers ===============


INFOCOMP 2014, The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation

July 20 - 24, 2014 - Paris, France

General page:

Call for Papers:

Submission page:

- regular papers
- short papers (work in progress)
- posters
- ideas
- presentations
- demos
- doctoral forum submissions

Proposals for:
- symposia
- workshops

Submission deadline: March 12, 2014

Sponsored by IARIA,
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:
Print proceedings will be available via Curran Associates, Inc.:
Articles will be archived in the free access ThinkMind Digital Library:

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.

All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress, Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.

Before submission, please check and conform with the Editorial rules:

INFOCOMP 2014 Topics (topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)

Large scale and fast computation

Developments in information and computing systems; Grid computing; Cloud computing; Pervasive / ubiquitous computing; Services computing and Opportunistic computing; High Performance Computing (HPC); Fast data processing; Real-time processing; Fast switching and routing protocols; Parallelization of algorithms and applications; Energy-efficient High Performance Computing; Large scale data visualization; Tools for parallelization; Highly performance codes; Optimization; Innovative architectures; Distributed systems, dynamical systems; Future architectures, integrated systems, beyond cloud, reaching exaflop; Supercomputing architectures, operation, and management; Petascale, Exascale; Big data, dCache; HPC centers, data centers; Benchmarking; Green500, Graph500, Top500; Service provisioning; Green computing, cooling techniques

Programming models

Programming languages and parallel algorithms; Message Passing Interface (MPI), OpenMP; Massively Parallel Processing, Symmetric Multi-Processing; PGAS, GASPI, CAF (Co-array Fortran), UPC (Unified Parallel C); X10, Chapel, CUDA, OpenCL, OpenACC, OpenHMPP, Lime, OmpSs, OpenStream; Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM); Programming paradigms; Manycore, multicore; CPU, GPU, FPGA, accelerators; Chip design, architectures, and programming; Fault tolerance, troubleshooting, debugging; High end issues, latency, concurrency

Networks/systems communications

Cross-layer design and optimization; Cyber-physical systems and networks; Data centers, virtualization, and cloud networks; Delay/disruption tolerant networks; Future Internet broadband services; Software Defined Networks (SDN); Fast networks / InfiniBand architectures for future interactive multicore applications; Sensor networks and embedded systems; Ad hoc mobile networks; Access technologies; P2P networks; Optical networks; Cellular and broadband wireless networks; Mobility models and mobile networks; Multicast, broadcast and anycast; Multimedia protocols and networking; Software defined radio and cognitive radio networking; Content-based network service; Certification, public key infrastructures, data integrity; Privacy and anonymity

Networks/systems measurement, control and management

Networks/systems measurement, simulation and emulation; Network-, system-, and application-management; Congestion control and capacity planning; Dynamic spectrum management; Addressing and location management; Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE); Quality of Data (QoD) and Quality of Context (QoC); e-Commerce, accounting, pricing and billing; Highly parallel file systems, Lustre, GPFS; Interconnects, high speed ethernet; Use of distributed compute and storage resources; Energy-aware mechanisms for control and management; Configuration, reuse of software components; Resource allocation and management; Denial of service mitigation and prevention; System and data security; Communication visualization

Advanced applications

Scientific, theoretical, methodological, practical, and technical contributions; Advanced scientific computing; Simulation and modelling (scientific applications, engineering, industry); Mathematical and numerical algorithms and methods; Computer science and geoinformatics; e-Energy, geosciences, prospection, exploration, oil and gas; Mobility and logistic services; Geoscientific Information Systems (GIS); Remote sensing and satellite imaging; Cartography, hydrology; Climatology and environmental sciences; Molecular dynamics simulation; Genetic algorithms; Physics and chemistry applications; Medicine, genetics, epidemiology, medical geology; Multi-dimensional data visualization; Search engines and scientific discovery; Online social networking; Vehicular, underground and underwater networks and applications; Scientific data processing; Computation frameworks and tools; Mathematica, SAGE, Maple, Matlab, Scilab, Gromacs, ANSYS, Fluent, etc.); Database applications and developm!
ent; Inf
ormation and database systems; Education, e-Learning, and e-Science; ICT business evaluation and management; Legal informatics, Open Access, Science / Copyright, Patents; Earth and planetary sciences; Archaeology, cultural heritage; Knowledge discovery, documentation, and classification; Data intensive computing, data science; Methdodology and case studies regarding computing and communication scenarios; Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) applications; Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) applications

Evaluation context

Energy-aware and energy-efficient networks; Implementation and experimental testbeds; Traffic measurement and traffic patterns; Characterization of topology dynamics; Access and biometric technologies, performance, and cost prediction; Web services and performance; Performance measurement and benchmarking; Energy-aware and energy-efficient High Performance Computing; Usability studies; Social and ethic consequences with biometry and data security; Standards, benchmarks, protocols

Biometry, security, access technologies, algorithms, and applications

Technologies and advances in biometric algorithms and interfaces (gait, electrocardiography, iris, image, fingerprint, palm veins, multi-modality); Biometric systems; Integration of biometrics with other technologies; Challenge response; Simplified enrollment; NFC support, spoofing, and countermeasures; Single sign on (SSO); Adaptive trust; Template protection (protection of reference data); Large and scalable biometric systems using cloud services; Deployed solutions and applications; Experience reports and systems; Description in physical and logical access control; information system access, immigration and border control, law enforcement, entertainment, finance, life science, healthcare, forensics); Distributed and mobile devices; Public Key Infrastructures; Digital Forensics


INFOCOMP General Chair

Claus-Peter R�ckemann, Westf�lische Wilhelms-Universit�t M�nster / Leibniz Universit�t Hannover / North-German Supercomputing Alliance, Germany

INFOCOMP Advisory Chairs

Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Technische Universit�t M�nchen (TUM) - Garching, Germany

Petre Dini, Concordia University - Montreal, Canada / China Space Agency Center - Beijing, China

Sik Lee, Supercomputing Center / Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Korea

Subhash Saini, NASA, USA

INFOCOMP Academia Chairs

Alexander Knapp, Universit�t Augsburg, Germany

Malgorzata Pankowska, University of Economics, Katowice, Poland

INFOCOMP Research Institute Liaison Chairs

Kei Davis, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Edgar A. Leon, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA

Ivor Spence, School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, Research for High

Performance and Distributed Computing / Queen's University Belfast, UK

INFOCOMP Industry Chairs

Alfred Geiger, T-Systems Solutions for Research GmbH, Germany

Hans-G�nther M�ller, Cray, Germany

INFOCOMP Special Area Chairs on Large Scale and Fast Computation

Jos� Gracia, High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), University of Stuttgart, Germany

Bj�rn Hagemeier, Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany

Walter Lioen, SURFsara, Netherlands

Lutz Schubert, Institute of Information Resource Management, University of Ulm, Germany

INFOCOMP Special Area Chairs on Networks and Communications

Noelia Correia, University of the Algarve, Portugal

Wolfgang Hommel, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre - Munich, Germany

INFOCOMP Special Area Chairs on Advanced Applications

Bernhard Bandow, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS), G�ttingen, Germany

Diglio A. Simoni, RTI International - Research Triangle Park, USA

INFOCOMP Special Area Chairs on Evaluation Context

Dominic Eschweiler, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), Germany

Huong Ha, University of Newcastle, Australia (Singapore campus)

Philipp Kremer, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany

INFOCOMP Special Area Chairs on Biometry

Ulrich Norbisrath, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan /, Switzerland



Message: 4
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 10:22:51 +0100
From: "M. Moniz" <>
Subject: [DMANET] 4th Student Conference on Operational Research (SCOR
2014) - Last days for submission
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

The abstract submission procedure will close on the next Monday, the
24th of February.

The conference takes place just after the NATCOR course, which will
also be held in Nottingham.

******************CALL FOR PAPERS******************
**4th Student Conference on Operational Research**
************************SCOR 2014***********************
******May 2-4 2014, University of Nottingham, UK*****

We are pleased to announce the official launch of the PhD Student
Conference on Operational Research (SCOR 2014), now back for its
fourth instalment. We invite you to join us once again, at the
beautiful University of Nottingham campus the 2-4 May 2014.

PhD students from all European Universities studying Operational
Research, Management Science or a related field are kindly invited to
submit an abstract for presentation at the conference. As some
presenters may still be on an early stage of in their careers, the
work presented does not need to be fully developed or thoroughly
explored as of yet. The purpose of SCOR 2014 is to provide a friendly
environment for the next generation of Operational Researchers to
receive constructive feedback on their work and to meet people with
similar interests. The scope of the conference includes, but is not
limited to:

*Big Data & Analytics * Data Mining * Energy * Forecasting * Graphs /
Networks * Healthcare *
*Heuristics * Inventory * Mathematical Programming * Multicriteria
Decision Analysis * *Neural Networks / Machine Learning * Optimisation
and Applications * Reliability / Risk Assessment * Scheduling /
Timetabling * Stochastic Modelling * Supply Chain Management *
*Simulation / System Dynamics * Transport /Logistics*

*******Deadline for abstract (250 words) submission: Monday 24th
February 2014*********

A notification of acceptance will be sent shortly after this deadline.
In order to encourage a wide
range of students to attend, an affordable conference fee will cover
accommodation, a full social
program and full catering provided.

******************Deadline for PAPERS submission: Friday 11th April

Presenters are also invited to submit a paper (no more than 10 pages)
on their work to be published electronically as part of the SCOR 2014
proceedings. This will be available in the Dagstuhl OpenAccess Series
in Informatics (OASIcs). Paper submissions will undergo a selection
process based on refereeing by the Committee. This gives doctoral
candidates a chance to experience the peer-review process and to
enhance their technical writing skills. Although it
is not mandatory, it is again, highly recommended. To get an idea on
the paper standards please visit the SCOR2012 proceedings.

See you in Nottingham!!!

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Apologies for cross-posting and/or multiple copies. Appreciate if you can
distribute this announcement to your network.


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 72, Issue 21

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