Tuesday, February 25, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 72, Issue 25

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Today's Topics:

1. AFL 2014: Call for Papers (afl2014@inf.u-szeged.hu)
2. PhD studentship at University of Strathclyde, Departments of
Mathematics & Statistics and Management Science (Kerem Akartunali)
3. CFP: GECCO 2014 Workshop on Metaheuristic Design Patterns
(MetaDeeP) (Krzysztof Krawiec)
4. MSc scholarships at Dept. of Management Science, Strathclyde
Business School (Kerem Akartunali)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 11:13:16 +0100 (CET)
From: afl2014@inf.u-szeged.hu
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] AFL 2014: Call for Papers
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8

2nd Call for Papers
Automata and Formal Languages, AFL2014
14th International Conference
Szeged, May 27--29, 2014.

The AFL series, initiated by the late Professor Istv\'an
Pe\'ak in 1980, has a long tradition. The AFL conferences
cover all aspects of automata and formal languages,
including theory and applications.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
grammars, acceptors and transducers for strings, trees,
graphs, arrays, etc., algebraic theories for automata and
languages, combinatorial properties of words and languages,
formal power series, decision problems, efficient algorithms
for automata and languages, relations to complexity theory
and logic, picture description and analysis, quantum
computing, cryptography, concurrency, applications of
automata and language theory in biology, natural language
processing, and other fields.

The scientific program will consist of invited lectures
and contributed presentations selected by the international
program committee.

*Invited Speakers*
Arnaud Carayol (Marne-la-Vall\'ee)
Markus Holzer (Giessen)
Christof L\"oding (Aachen)
Sebastian Maneth (Edinburgh)

*Program Committee*
Marie-Pierre B\'eal (Marne-la-Vall\'ee)
Symeon Bozapalidis (Thessaloniki)
Erzs\'ebet Csuhaj-Varj\'u (Budapest)
J\"urgen Dassow (Magdeburg)
Volker Diekert (Stuttgart)
P\'al D\"om\"osi (Debrecen, Ny\'\i regyh\'aza)
Frank Drewes (Umea)
Zolt\'an \'Esik (Szeged, chair)
Zolt\'an F\"ul\"op (Szeged, co-chair)
Viliam Geffert (Kosice)
Oscar H. Ibarra (Santa Barbara, CA, USA)
Masami Ito (Kyoto)
Martin Kutrib (Giessen)
Kamal Lodaya (Chennai)
Markus Lohrey (Siegen)
Andreas Maletti (Stuttgart)
Alexander Okhotin (Turku)
Friedrich Otto (Kassel)
Giovanni Pighizzini (Milan)
Libor Pol\'ak (Brno)
Antonio Restivo (Palermo)
Kai Salomaa (Kingston, ON, Canada)
Pedro V. Silva (Porto)
Gy\"orgy Vaszil (Debrecen)
Pascal Weil (Bordeaux)
Hsu-Chun Yen (Taipei)

*Important dates*
Paper submission deadline: *March 14, 2014.*
Author notification: *April 22, 2014.*
Camera-ready deadline: *May 5, 2014.*
Conference: *May 27--29, 2014.*

*Submission guidelines*
Submissions to AFL2014 must not exceed 15 pages
(in EPTCS style and including bibliography).
If the authors believe that more details are
essential to substantiate the main claims, they may
include a clearly marked appendix that will be read
at the discretion of the program committee.

Simultaneous submissions of papers to any other
conference with published proceedings or submitting
previously published papers is not allowed.
Only electronic submissions in PDF format are accepted.
Information about the submission procedure is
available on the conference web page.
The proceedings will be published in the EPTCS series.

A special issue of the
*International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science*
containing expanded versions of selected papers will
be published after the conference.

Zolt\'an \'Esik: ze@inf.u-szeged.hu
Zolt\'an F\"ul\"op: fulop@inf.u-szeged.hu

The conference is organized by the Department of Foundations
of Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Informatics,
University of Szeged, Hungary.


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 10:47:01 +0000
From: Kerem Akartunali <kerem.akartunali@strath.ac.uk>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] PhD studentship at University of Strathclyde,
Departments of Mathematics & Statistics and Management Science
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

A cross-faculty PhD studentship is available at University of Strathclyde (Departments of Mathematics & Statistics and Management Science), funded through the Capita/University of Strathclyde Strategic Partnership.

PROJECT TITLE: Network Science, Optimization and Data Fusion in a Smart City
START DATE: Oct 2014

Kerem Akartunali (Management Science) kerem.akartunali@strath.ac.uk
Des Higham (Mathematics & Statistics) d.j.higham@strath.ac.uk

Sufficient funding is available to cover 3 years of tuition fees for a UK/EU student only, plus a standard stipend. This PhD project requires a highly numerate graduate with skills and interests in computational science.

There is a compelling case for training graduates in the mathematical sciences to play a leading role in data-rich applications. Going beyond the fundamental issues of storing, sharing, curating and securing data, mathematicians and operational researchers develop models and algorithms that deliver actionable insights.

This project will drive a new collaboration across the Strathclyde Business School and the Faculty of Science, by combining mathematical ideas from three very active, hot-topic areas
. Network Science: studying not only the individual elements in a system, but also the complex, emergent behaviour that arises when these elements combine,
. Optimization: developing computational strategies for discovering optimal solutions to quantifiable problems, notably on very large data sets, where High Performance Computing is necessary,
. Data Fusion: where heterogeneous sources of data are combined in order to add value, with the relative "influence" and "distinctness" of each data set simultaneously quantified.

The project will be application-driven, with close involvement of Strathclyde's new Institute for Future Cities (http://www.strath.ac.uk/business/cities/). The Institute is designed to work in partnership - integrating and catalysing expertise and research from multiple disciplines within Strathclyde and other academic, government and commercial organisations.

The project will meet the Institute's aim to tackle the large, complex and difficult issues and opportunities for cities. In order to maximise impact, the precise details will be fleshed out in collaboration with the key data generators and users; notably Glasgow City Council, who administer the ?24 Million TSB-funded Smart City Demonstrator award, which is at the heart of the City Observatory, to be housed in Strathclyde's Technology and Innovation Centre. The essence of this project is to develop new, customized Big Data and High Performance Computing algorithms that can be stress-tested and validated on data from the Observatory. A typical case study for the algorithms would be in combining data sources from the observatory sensors to monitor and predict energy levels across the city, including the new Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems, with a view to allowing energy storage when demand is low for use during times of higher activity. This has the potential to cut peo!
ple's fuel bills, help the city in its fight against fuel poverty and give Glaswegians access to affordable warmth.

All applications are to be made online at http://pgr.strath.ac.uk/. All documents (including scans of original documents) can be uploaded during the online application process. Candidates are expected to submit a cover letter, a research proposal detailing their 3-year plan, CV, any university degree certificates and transcripts, English test results (if applicable), two recommendation letters (or contact details of two referees, if letters are not available to them), and any other supporting documents. In order to be considered for this studentship, candidates should specifically note the title of this project in their online application when prompted about funding and their source of finance.


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 06:40:14 -0500
From: Krzysztof Krawiec <Krzysztof.Krawiec@cs.put.poznan.pl>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] CFP: GECCO 2014 Workshop on Metaheuristic Design
Patterns (MetaDeeP)
Message-ID: <530B2F9E.7090901@cs.put.poznan.pl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed


to be held as part of the 2014 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Conference (GECCO-2014) Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 12-16, 2014
Organized by ACM SIGEVO http://www.sigevo.org/gecco-2014/


Workshop URL:

You've (presumably) received this email because you're interested in EC
and/or metaheuristics in general:

* Do you have an idea about how metaheuristics could be better
hybridized or generated?
* Have you observed some commonality (e.g. across frameworks or
methodologies) that is not yet widely recognized?
* Are you frustrated when researchers don?t follow best practices that
are well-understood in your field?

If so, then you should attend MetaDeeP 2014 ? the first Workshop on
Metaheuristic Design Patterns.

Why Design Patterns?

Over the last 20 years, Evolutionary Computation (and meta- and hyper-
heuristics in general) has flourished, spawning an enormous variety of
algorithms, operators and representations.The history of science and
mathematics demonstrates that such proliferation is inevitable in a
growing field, but that in order to progress non-incrementally it is
periodically necessary to obtain a unifying perspective.

Existing EC/metaheuristic frameworks provide a certain level of
abstraction, but these are not generally sufficient to capture
higher-level or cross-cutting concerns such as the automatic design of
metaheuristics "in the large" (c.f. Dijkstra on software componentization).

The "Design Patterns" revolution in 1994 was successful in addressing
analogous issues in the software industry. The default level of
discourse among practitioners was consequently significantly increased,
and today ?factory method? or ?chain of responsibility? are software
engineers? lingua franca, immensely facilitating communication and
design of software systems.

The workshop organizers strongly believe that the EC/metaheuristics
community needs and deserves a corresponding breakthrough. The domain of
metaheuristics has good mathematical and conceptual foundations, so
nothing precludes the creation of a coherent and useful set of concepts
to help move metaheuristics up an abstraction level. For instance,
hyper-heuristics can be considered as the well-known composite pattern
as applied to metaheuristics. Framing recurring methodological and
algorithmic themes in terms of such Metaheuristic Design Patterns (MDP)
has been advocated in a recent lecture [1] and several papers [2,3]?
similar desires have also been expressed elsewhere [4].

This workshop provides a forum for those interested in contributing to
the MDP vision and/or willing to demonstrate its usefulness in practical
and theoretical studies.

Topics and Themes

The workshop welcomes original submissions on all applications of design
patterns to metaheuristics, which include (but are not limited to) the
following topics and themes:

- Applications of existing design patterns (e.g. from [5]) to
metaheuristics. Some examples are given in [1,4] and on the Workshop
- New metaheuristic design patterns: algorithms and methodologies that
might be expected to be widely applicable but which have not yet been
documented at the appropriate level of abstraction.
- Automation of metaheuristic design via patterns. There is a wealth of
pattern literature in the (Search-Based) Software Engineering community
related to software automation. Much of this is directly applicable to
metaheuristic design.
- Pattern languages for metaheuristics. See [4] for the definitive example.

Further details (and examples) are available at the Workshop website:


[1] Jerry Swan. Metaheuristic Design Patterns. Available at
[2] Krzysztof Krawiec and Jerry Swan, Pattern-guided Genetic
Programming. GECCO 2013.
[3] John R. Woodward and Jerry Swan, The automatic generation of
mutation operators for Genetic Algorithms, GECCO 2012.
[4] Natalio Krasnogor. Handbook of Natural Computation, chapter ?Memetic
Algorithms?. Natural Computing. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009.
[5] Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. Design
Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley
Boston, USA. 1995.

Paper Submission

Submitted papers should follow the ACM format, and should be between 2
and 4 pages in length.
Please see "GECCO 2014 information for authors" for further details.
However, note that the review process of the workshop is not
double-blind and hence, authors' information should appear in the paper.

All accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and appear in the
GECCO workshop volume.
Proceedings of the workshop will be published on CD-ROM, and distributed
at the conference.

Papers should be submitted by 28 March, 2014 in PDF format to:
[jerry.swan -at- cs.stir.ac.uk]
containing the subject line "Metaheuristic Design Patterns Workshop".

Important Dates

* Paper submission deadline: 28 March, 2014
* Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2014
* Camera-Ready Accepted Papers Due: April 25, 2014
* GECCO-2014: July 12-16, 2014

Workshop Chairs

Jerry Swan - University of Stirling, United Kingdom.
jsw ?at- cs.stir.ac.uk

John Clark - University of York, United Kingdom.
john.clark -at- cs.york.ac.uk

Krzysztof Krawiec - Poznan University of Technology, Poland.
krawiec ?at- cs.put.poznan.pl

Chris Simons - University of the West of England, United Kingdom.
chris.simons -at- uwe.ac.uk

John Woodward - University of Stirling, United Kingdom.
jrw ?at- cs.stir.ac.uk

The traditional apologies are made in the event of cross-posting.
For more details, please visit the workshop website at:
GECCO is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery Special
Interest Group on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (SIGEVO). SIG
Services: 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, New York, NY, 10121, USA,
1-800-342-6626 1-800-342-6626 (USA and Canada) or +212-626-0500 (Global).


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 14:32:16 +0000
From: Kerem Akartunali <kerem.akartunali@strath.ac.uk>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] MSc scholarships at Dept. of Management Science,
Strathclyde Business School
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Scholarships in MSc Operational Research and MSc Business Analysis and Consulting

University of Strathclyde Business School
Department of Management Science

We have scholarships available for our full-time MSc Operational Research and MSc Business Analysis and Consulting courses in the academic year 2014/15. Each scholarship will be worth ?7,000. Students with any nationality are eligible to apply. We will award two scholarships.

The applicants are strictly required to have a First Class Honours (undergraduate) degree, or equivalent (that is, a minimum 3.5 GPA in a 4.0 GPA system, or a minimum 90% average, or a minimum average of A- in a letter system).

Applicants for MSc Operational Research should have their degree in a numerical subject, including but not limited to Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Engineering and Economics. Applicants for MSc Business Analysis and Consulting could have their degree from a broader selection of subjects, including but not limited to business, economics, engineering or the social sciences.

All applicants should follow the online MSc application procedure of the department (please see the links below). After submitting their online application, the applicants are required to send an email to kerem.akartunali@strath.ac.uk with a title "Strathclyde Man Sci MSc Scholarships - Applicant #", where "#" should be replaced by the online application number of the applicant (provided by Pegasus online system).

Applications not satisfying eligibility requirements or not following the above guidelines will be disregarded.

The application deadline is 15 April 2014, 17:00 GMT.

Informal enquiries can be directed to elaine.bloodworth@strath.ac.uk.

For more information about the courses, please refer to:


To start your online application, please follow the links through "Apply Now" and make sure to select the "Full Time" application starting in September 2014.


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 72, Issue 25

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