Monday, March 24, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 73, Issue 25

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Today's Topics:

1. Open position at the AOC team of LIPN - Paris13 - Starting in
September 2014 (Roberto Wolfler Calvo)
2. 2 Calls || Inform. Systems & Managment in eMedia/Creative
Industries || Book Chapters (Springer-Verlag) || Workshop Papers
(ICME 2014) || (
3. Special Issue of Discrete Optimization (ISCO 2014) (ridha mahjoub)
4. Supernetwors and optimization - Research Position (Pablo Moscato)
5. CSR 2014: Call for Participation (Edward A. Hirsch)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 18:37:20 +0100
From: Roberto Wolfler Calvo <>
Subject: [DMANET] Open position at the AOC team of LIPN - Paris13 -
Starting in September 2014
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

*** Apologies for multiple copies ***
Looking for candidates to a Associate Professor position in Computer
Science specialized in Mathematical Programming

The Universit? Paris 13 is seeking applicants for an Associate Professor
position in the Department of Computer Science attached to the LIPN
(Laboratory of Computer Science of Paris Nord) as for research and
attached to the IUT St Denis as for teaching.

Knowledge of French is requested.

The application process is open, it closes on March 28, 2014 at 16h.

Post 27
Profile : Computer Science LIPN, University Institute of Technology of
Saint -Denis, Universit? Paris 13

Teaching Profile
Education Department: Business Management and Administration
Place of work: University Institute of Technology of Saint -Denis
Teaching team : Initial training

- Information and communication tools and programs
- Design and implementation of an information system with a Relational
Database Management System
- Computerized running of companies
- Computer tools for management and ERP

Recherche Profile
The Computer Science Laboratory of Paris-North University (LIPN) has
been associated with CNRS since january 1992 and is a mixed research
unit since january 2001 (UMR 7030). Research at LIPN is carried out in
its major areas of expertise, in particular Combinatorics, Combinatorial
Optimisation, Algorithmics, Logic, Software, Natural Language, Machine
Learning. The laboratory is structured into five teams: A3, AOC, CALIN,

Successful candidates will hold a PhD in Operations Research or
Mathematical Programming, and will join the Algorithms and Combinatorial
Optimization (AOC) research team

The AOC team is organized along three axes: Optimization on graphs,
Mathematical Programming and Parallel and Distributed Computing. These
three research axes are strongly linked together. The first one mainly
deals with optimization problems in graphs with focus on complexity,
Polyedral theory and Approximation.

The second axis of the AOC team (i.e., Mathematical Programming) deals
with the design and analysis (both theoretical and empirical) of
mathematical programming approaches and algorithms. Both exact and
heuristic approaches for solving hard combinatorial optimization
problems are developed. Among these approaches there are: branch and
cut, branch and price, methods of decomposition and relaxation.
Moreover, both MILP (mixed integer linear programming) and MINLP (mixed
integer non linear programming) are studied. The third axis deals with
problems intersecting three strongly linked domains: distributed
middleware and architecture, distributed programming and distributed
An interesting characteristic of the AOC team is that our expertise
covers a broad spectrum of topics either horizontal (from graph theory
to heuristics) or vertical (from algorithm design to detailed
implementation). The theoretical and methodological work is complete by
an industrial transfers.

The second axis is particularly interested in solving hard combinatorial
optimization problems by exact and matheuristic approaches. The ?ma?tre
de conf?rences? recruited will integrate the AOC team LIPN on a
mathematical programming profile. Expertise around reformulation and
decomposition methods will be appreciated.

Key words: combinatorial optimization, discrete applied mathematics,
mathematical programming.

Contact: Roberto Wolfler -Calvo ( roberto.wolfler @ lipn.univ - )
Responsible for the AOC team
tel: +33 (0)1 49 40 40 71

More information / further contacts

Information :
Place of work: LIPN - UMR 7030
Name Lab Director : Laure Petrucci
As lab director : +33 (0)1 49 40 35 79
Email lab director : @ laure.petrucci lipn.univ -
Lab URL :

Name Department Director : David CALMELS
Dept Director Tel . : +33 (0)1 49 40 62 06 / 62 03
Email Dept Director. :
URL filing . : Www.iutsd.univ -

Contacts :
Head of the laboratory : Laure Petrucci :

For futher details on the postion (in french) :


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 00:04:24 +0200 (EET)
Subject: [DMANET] 2 Calls || Inform. Systems & Managment in
eMedia/Creative Industries || Book Chapters (Springer-Verlag) ||
Workshop Papers (ICME 2014) ||
Message-ID: <855811486.119.1395439464802.JavaMail.lugmayr@HLO76-LT>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dear All,

Two interesting possibilties:
- Call for book chapters (Springer-Verlag): Information Systems & Management
in eMedia and Creative Industries (ABSTRACT DEADLINE: 15th APRIL 2014)
- Call for Papers (ICME2014): Workshop on Information Systems & Managmeent in
Multimedia, Arts, Education, Entertainment, and Culture
(DEADLINE 2nd APRIL: 2014)


Call for Book Chapters
Information Systems and Management in eMedia and Creative Industries
Artur Lugmayr, Emilija Stojmenova, Katarina Stanoevska, and Robert Wellington (Eds.)

Special Focus on NEW Approaches in the eMedia Industries, or Approaches HOW eMedia
Support Information Systems: Strategic Importance of IT ans IS&M in Media, Big Data,
Crowd, Open Data, Linked Data, Cloud Application, New Business Analytics, Information
Visualization, Workflow Management, IS&M as Basis of New Business Models of New Media
Products, and Global Digital Production Pipelines.

* Management, Marketing, Business Aspects and Strategic Importance of IT and IS&M in
Creative eMedia Industries
* Technology Perspective of the Usage of Media in IS&M in Media Industry and the Application
of Media in IS&M across Domains: Technology, Processes, Workflows, Infrastructures and
Global Production Pipelines
* Methods, Approaches, and Importance of IT and Information Systems and Management in
Media - Media and Content as Part of IS&M across Application Domains
* Content, Service, Application, and Artistic Viewpoint on IS&M in Media and
Creativity Industries

Upcoming Deadline: 15th April (abstract), 15th June (manuscript), 30th Aug. (reviews)
Book Website:
Email List:
Submission System:
Contact us: or

2nd international workshop on information systems in multimedia arts, education,
entertainment, and culture (MIS-MEDIA 2014)
14th-18th July 2014
Chengdu, China
in conjunction with ICME 2014
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo

EXTENDED DEADLINE: 2nd APRIL 2014 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

in cooperation with the International Asscocation for Ambient Media (iAMEA) and the
Assocation for Information Systems (AIS) SIG-eMedia (

Paper Submission: - please tick the correct

* Big Data & Multimedia Systems
* Cross-media offering, distribution channels and convergence
* Media business information management for multimedia
* Media information system design in multimedia
* Business intelligence in media industries
* Knowledge management systems applications
* Workflow management, operational efficiency and new capturing technologies
* Home platforms, mobility, multi-play and network convergence
* Systems for management reporting, analysis, and decision support
* Standards to enable technical convergence
* Data warehousing in converging environments
* Integration of analogue and digital media productions
* E2E systems and solutions in converging media environments
* Asset management and metadata management
* E2E systems, infrastructures and solutions
* Integration of analogue and digital media production and distribution
* Information systems and decision support systems
* Speech, audio, image, video, and text processing in information management
* Marketing information systems
* Content analysis, matching, and retrieval in information management
* Technologies in media art, education, entertainment, environment, and culture
* Consumer experience and quality assessment in MIS
* Theoretical foundations of entertainment computation
* Production process management
* Multimedia databases, digital libraries, and eLearning in MIS
* Technology and management of E2E media delivery
* Business information management in media
* Standards, policies, and regulation for MIS in media industry
* Mobility, Social media, ambient media, eLearning
* Practical media art, education, entertainment, and cultural applications


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 23:24:49 +0100
From: ridha mahjoub <>
Subject: [DMANET] Special Issue of Discrete Optimization (ISCO 2014)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

(Apologies in advance for multiple postings)


Special Issue of Discrete Optimization
on Combinatorial Optimization

We invite submissions of novel research articles for a forthcoming issue
of Discrete Optimization on Combinatorial Optimization.

This special issue is associated with the International Symposium on
Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO 2014) that was held in Lisbon, Portugal, March 5-7, 2014.
However it is also open to papers which have not been presented at the conference.

High quality research papers are solicited to address theoretical as
well as practical issues of Combinatorial Optimization.
Topics of interest include, but are notlimited to:

Approximation algorithms
Cutting-plane algorithms
Polyhedral combinatorics
Branch-and-cut-and-price algorithms
Graph and network algorithms
Linear and nonlinear (mixed-) integer programming
Computational complexity
Computational geometry
Randomized algorithms
Scheduling algorithms
Interior point methods

The deadline for submission of full papers is July 31, 2014.
We aim at completing a first review of all papers by January 31, 2015.

For their submissions, the authors can send their contributions to one of the Guest Editors.
Only electronic submissions in the form of pdf files will be accepted.
All submissions will be refereed according to the standad of the journal.
The special issue will be set up if there will be sufficiently high-quality submissions to it.

Information about Discrete Optimization including author instructions is available at
Additional information about the special issue can be obtained from the
Guest Editors.

Guest Editors:

Luis Gouveia,
CIO, University of Lisbon

Andrea Lodi,
DEI, University of Bologna

A. Ridha Mahjoub,
LAMSADE, University Paris-Dauphine


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 05:46:30 +0000
From: Pablo Moscato <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Supernetwors and optimization - Research Position

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

Research Associate ? Academic Level A or B
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

This position is within the Centre for Bioinformatics, Biomarker Discovery and Information-based Medicine
(CIBM) under the direct supervision of Professor Pablo Moscato, CIBM?s Co-Director.

Brief description of the project

Supernetworks are built ?above and beyond? existing networks. In bioinformatics they arise from the
integration of a set of networks with different types of nodes and edges. While large companies and
governments have already understood the importance of decision problems in supernetworks,
the power of this perspective has not yet been exploited in the Life Sciences. The successful candidate
will develop a research program that, using supercomputer-based approaches together with memetic
algorithms, will address the first key areas that will lead to smart information use of existing networks
and the supernetworks that can be generated by integration of in distributed databases.

In particular, the work will be conducted to develop state-of-the-art algorithms for problems in the key areas
of network alignment, identification of connected-cohesive subnetworks (and other community detection
algorithms) and embedding large graphs in multi-planar structures (i.e. developing algorithms for variants of
the book embedding problem in graphs).

The Priority Research Centre of Bioinformatics, Biomarker Discovery and Information Based Medicine (CIBM),
conducts research in areas such as multi-objective optimization, evolutionary computation, bioinformatics,
machine learning, combinatorial optimization, metaheuristics, memetic algorithms, computer vision, to
mention a few, with applications in analysis of biological data and healthcare.

The University of Newcastle is one of Australia's leading universities - an exceptional achiever in research
according to its size and it has an international reputation for expertise in innovative approaches to teaching
and learning. On December, 2012, the University was assessed in 49 four digit fields of research with 90% of
our codes being rated at world standard ("3") or above. A total of 18 of those received the maximum score of
?5? indicating that they were ?well above world standard'.

This position is available on a fixed-term basis for three years supported by an ARC Discovery Project
and is aimed at producing outcomes in relation to this project. Women are particularly encouraged to apply
as they are under-represented in the School's/Faculty's academic profile

To apply, please visit$VAC.QueryView?P_VACANCY_REF_NO=2364


Message: 5
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 12:37:50 +0400
From: "Edward A\. Hirsch" <>
Subject: [DMANET] CSR 2014: Call for Participation
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso8859-1

Dear Colleagues,

Please find below the Call for Participation for CSR-2014.

If you need a visa to come to Russia (most nationalities do need it!),
please register and ask for the official invitation *NOW*
to be on time with the official papers.
It is recommended to do it before March 15.
In any case, please do it before the early registration deadline March 31.

The preliminary program can be now found at

A limited number of travel grants is available (with preference to
students and authors of accepted papers).

Best regards,
Jean-Eric Pin (program committee chair)
Edward A. Hirsch, Sergei O. Kuznetsov, Nikolay K. Vereshchagin (symposium co-chairs)



9th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia
June 7-11, 2014, Moscow, Russia
Workshops on June 5, 6 and 12


The conference program features

* Distinguished opening lecture:
- Shafi Goldwasser. Title TBA.

* Six invited talks:
- Benjamin Rossman. Formulas vs. Circuits
- Volker Diekert. Finding All Solutions of Equations
in Free Groups and Monoids with Involution
- Alexei Semenov. The Lattice of Definability.
Origins, Recent Developments, and Further Direction
- Igor Walukiewicz. Transfer theorems
- Martin Grohe. Algorithmic Meta Theorems for Sparse Graph Classes
- Mark Braverman. Title TBA

* 27 contributed talks (see the conference program)
that have been selected out of 76 submissions.

* Four associated workshops:
- Workshop on Current Trends in Cryptology (CTCrypt)
(organizer: Technical committee on standardization
"Cryptography and security mechanisms" (TC26))
- Extremal graph theory
(organizer: Andrei Raigorodsky)
- New directions in cryptography
(organizers: A.V.Mikhalev, A.A.Mikhalev, S.Glavatsky, D.Grigoriev, and V.Shpilrain)
- Program Semantics, Specification and Verification (PSSV 2014)
(organizers: V.A.Sokolov and V.A.Nepomnyaschij)
(see the conference web page)

Further information and contacts:
Email: csr2014 "at"


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 73, Issue 25

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