Tuesday, March 4, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 73, Issue 3

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Today's Topics:

1. Summer School on "Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics"
(Christian Krattenthaler)
2. SCIP Optimization Suite 3.1 released (Gerald Gamrath)
3. ICABD2014 - Call for Participation (Langiu, Alessio)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 10:24:20 +0100
From: "Christian Krattenthaler" <christian.krattenthaler@univie.ac.at>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] Summer School on "Algorithmic and Enumerative
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8


Summer school "Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics" (AEC 2014)
RISC, J. Kepler University Linz, Austria, August 18-22, 2014



Within the framework of the SFB "Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics",
a summer school will be held at the Research Institute for Symbolic
Computation (Johannes Kepler University Linz) in Hagenberg.
It is jointly organized with the combinatorics groups at the
University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology.

The goal of this summer school is to put forward the interplay between the
fields of Enumerative Combinatorics, Analytic Combinatorics, and
This is a very active research area, which, aside from the three fields
fueling each other mutually, receives as well constant impetus
from outside, by its interaction with algebra, probability,
statistical physics, and computer science.

The summer school will feature three series of lectures, given by

- Guillaume Chapuy (Universit? Paris Diderot, France)
- Michael Singer (North Carolina State University, U.S.A.)
- Mark Wilson (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

Each series of lectures will present a recent exciting trend in these three
research fields.

Aside from the three lecture series (5 hours each), there is time for a
limited number of contributed talks (20 minutes each).

There will be no conference fee. Lodging will be arranged at the Hotel
Sommerhaus Hagenberg (around 300 m distance from the venue where the summer
school wll be held). A single room costs 36 Euro and a double room costs 65
Euro per day (breakfast and internet connection are included).

There are limited funds available for participant support.

Important deadlines

Application for participant support: July 1, 2014
Submission of contributed talks: July 1, 2014
Acceptance of contributed talks: July 10, 2014
Registration: July 15, 2014


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 10:33:33 +0100
From: Gerald Gamrath <gamrath@zib.de>
To: dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de
Subject: [DMANET] SCIP Optimization Suite 3.1 released
Message-ID: <53159DED.4030606@zib.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15

Dear colleagues,

we are happy to announce that version 3.1 of the SCIP Optimization Suite has been released. It is comprised of the MIP, MINLP, and CIP solver SCIP 3.1; the LP solver SoPlex 2.0; the mathematical programming language ZIMPL 3.3.2; the generic branch-cut-and-price solver GCG 2.0; and the parallelization framework UG 0.7.3.

The SCIP Optimization Suite 3.1 provides many new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes, e.g., a completely revised SoPlex interface with many new functionalities, improved branching and node selection rules, and an interface to GAMS as well as beta interfaces to Python and Java.

For more information, check out our redesigned website http://scip.zib.de.

Best regards,
the SCIP team and friends

Download: http://scip.zib.de
Release notes of the individual software packages:
SCIP 3.1: http://scip.zib.de/doc/html/RELEASENOTES.php
SoPlex 2.0: http://soplex.zib.de/notes-200.txt
ZIMPL 3.3.2: http://zimpl.zib.de/notes-332.txt
GCG 2.0: http://www.or.rwth-aachen.de/gcg/doc/RELEASENOTES.html


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 10:12:06 +0000
From: "Langiu, Alessio" <alessio.langiu@kcl.ac.uk>
To: "dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de" <dmanet@zpr.uni-koeln.de>
Subject: [DMANET] ICABD2014 - Call for Participation
Message-ID: <8F5C6131-F2A9-49CC-8813-63BC5D3F7597@kcl.ac.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

I C A B D 2 0 1 4
Palermo, April 7-9, 2014

The ICABD conference focuses on the application of mathematical theories and methods to big data, primarily collections of biological sequences such as DNA/RNA and proteomic sequences. This second meeting intends to gather international researchers from the fields of bioinformatics, computer science and mathematical as well as R&D industry fellows in order to present original papers on the algorithmic advancements in big data technology.

Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Mathematical methods for sequence matching, compression, and information retrieval;
- Algorithms for sequence indexing, approximate indexing, and compressed indexing;
- In place data structures, space conscious data structures, and external memory algorithms;
- Mathematical results with applications in bioinformatics problems;
- Combinatorial aspects of biological sequences and collections;
- Algorithms and data structures for repetition discovery and motif recognition;
- Mathematical methods for fragment assembly, reads reassembly, and genome alignments;
- Mathematical methods for phylogenetic trees construction and comparison;
- Combinatorial measures of sequence similarity;

On the conference website - http://algorithms-for-big-data.org/ - you will find the list of accepted papers and more details about registration, location and trip advices.

The conference programme includes invited talks, regular paper presentations and working sessions joint with a StringMasters workshop.

The conference is organized by the Words and Automata Research Group of Palermo University, Italy, and the Algorithms and Bioinformatics Group of King?s College London, UK.

Please do not esitate to contact the organizing committee at info@algorithms-for-big-data.org for any other information.

Looking forward to see you in Palermo.

Alessio Langiu, Ph.D
ICABD2014 Co-chair


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 73, Issue 3

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