Friday, March 7, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 73, Issue 7

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Today's Topics:

1. students conference on informatics (stefka fidanova)
2. CiE 2014: Language, Life, Limits - Grants, and Call for
Presentations (S B Cooper)
3. ECAI-14 Workshop and Tutorial on Metalearning & Algorithm
Selection (Pavel Brazdil)
4. Fraunhofer ITWM offers PhD positions in discrete applied
mathematics (Heiner Ackermann)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 11:08:25 +0200
From: stefka fidanova <>
Subject: [DMANET] students conference on informatics
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

6th Students Conference on Informatics,
ICDD- Imagination Creativity Design and Development in
Sibiu Romania

Bachelor and master students are invited to presents their
results to ICDD. Their supervisors are also welcome to our conference.

All details about the conference can be found on the conference webpage.

There is not fee for the participation

Important dates:

April 14, 2014 - Deadline for registration and full paper submission
April 28, 2014 - Notification of acceptance
May 5, 2014 - Submission deadline for final versions of the accepted papers

Assoc. Prof. Stefka Fidanova
Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl.25A
1113 Sofia Bulgaria
Ph. +359-2-9796642


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 09:16:25 GMT
From: S B Cooper <>
Subject: [DMANET] CiE 2014: Language, Life, Limits - Grants, and Call
for Presentations
Message-ID: <>

COMPUTABILITY IN EUROPE 2014: Language, Life, Limits
Budapest, Hungary
June 23 - 27, 2014



There is a remarkable difference in conference style between computer
science and mathematics conferences. Mathematics conferences allow for
informal presentations that are prepared very shortly before the conference
and inform the participants about current research and work in progress. The
format of computer science conferences with pre-conference proceedings is
not able to accommodate this form of scientific communication.

Continuing the tradition of past CiE conferences, also this year's CiE
conference endeavours to get the best of both worlds. In addition to the
formal presentations based on our LNCS proceedings volume, we invite
researchers to present informal presentations. For this, please send us a
brief description of your talk (between one paragraph and one page) by the

APRIL 14, 2014

Please submit your abstract electronically, via EasyChair
<>, selecting the category
"Informal Presentation".

You will be notified whether your talk has been accepted for informal
presentation usually within a week or two after your submission.

If you intend to apply for the ASL Student Travel Award, you might need us
to confirm that your are going to give a presentation at CiE 2014
(applications of students who are presenting get higher priority).
Therefore, we would like to ask you to submit your informal presentations by
20 March so that we can send you the notification before the ASL deadline of
23 March 2014.


Grants for students, members of the ASL:

The Association for Symbolic Logic < has decided
to sponsor some students that are ASL members and willing to attend CiE2014.
The eligible students may apply for ASL travel funds that are available for
sponsored meetings, see
for detailed instructions on the application process. Applications should be
received at least three months prior to the conference.


Under the name Elsevier Women in Computability (WiC), the publisher Elsevier
(more precisely, the journals 'Annals of Pure and Applied Logic' and
'Theoretical Computer Science') is continuing the programme 'Increasing
representation of female researchers in the computability community'
originally funded by the Elsevier Foundation (2008-2010).

This programme will fund the WiC workshop at CiE 2014, with the traditional
WiC dinner for workshop participants afterwards, and offer up to four grants
with modest support (up to 200 EUR) for junior female researchers to attend
CiE 2014. Every registered junior female researcher is eligible to apply.
Preference will be given to researchers who present a paper (contributed
paper or informal talk).

Applications should contain a short CV (max 1 page) and contact information
for an academic reference. The application should be sent to Liesbeth De Mol
<> before the deadline of April 1, 2014.

EACTS Students

The European Association for Theoretical Computer Science is providing
limited funds for student participation. Again, preference is given to
student presenting at the conference. Please contact the PC chairs if
you are interested before the deadline of April 1, 2014.

CiE Conference Series
CiE 2014: Language, Life, Limits
CiE Membership Application Form
AssociationCiE on Twitter


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 12:28:50 +0000
From: Pavel Brazdil <>
Subject: [DMANET] ECAI-14 Workshop and Tutorial on Metalearning &
Algorithm Selection
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

MetaSel - Meta-learning & Algorithm Selection
ECAI-2014 Workshop, Prague,
19 August 2014 (date altered)

Announcement & Call for Papers

This ECAI-2014 workshop will provide a platform for discussing the
nature of algorithm selection which arises in many diverse domains,
such as machine learning, data mining, optimization and satisfiability
solving, among many others.

Algorithm Selection and configuration are increasingly relevant today.
Researchers and practitioners from all branches of science and
technology face a large choice of parameterized machine learning
algorithms, with little guidance as to which techniques to use.
Moreover, data mining challenges frequently remind us that algorithm
selection and configuration are crucial in order to achieve the best
performance, and drive industrial applications.

Meta-learning leverages knowledge of past algorithm applications to
select the best techniques for future applications, and offers
effective techniques that are superior to humans both in terms of the
end result and especially in the time required to achieve it. In this
workshop we will discuss different ways of exploiting meta-learning
techniques to identify the potentially best algorithm(s) for a new
task, based on meta-level information and prior experiments. We also
discuss the prerequisites for effective meta-learning systems such as
recent infrastructure such as

Many problems of today require that solutions be elaborated in the
form of complex systems or workflows which include many different
processes or operations. Constructing such complex systems or
workflows requires extensive expertise, and could be greatly
facilitated by leveraging planning, meta-learning and intelligent
system design. This task is inherently interdisciplinary, as it builds
on expertise in various areas of AI.

The workshop will include invited talks, presentations of
peer-reviewed papers and panels. The invited talks will be by Lars
Kotthoff and Frank Hutter (to be confirmed).

The target audience of this workshop includes researchers (Ph.D.'s)
and research students interested to exchange their knowledge about:
- problems and solutions of algorithm selection and algorithm configuration
- how to use software and platforms to select algorithms in practice
- how to provide advice to end users about which algorithms to
select in diverse domains, including optimization, SAT etc. and
incorporate this knowledge in new platforms.

We specifically aim to attract researchers in diverse areas that have
encountered the problem of algorithm selection and thus promote
exchange of ideas and possible collaborations.

Algorithm Selection & Configuration
Planning to learn and construct workflows
Applications of workflow planning
Meta-learning and exploitation of meta-knowledge
Exploitation of ontologies of tasks and methods
Exploitation of benchmarks and experimentation
Representation of learning goals and states in learning
Control and coordination of learning processes
Experimentation and evaluation of learning processes
Layered learning
Multi-task and transfer learning
Learning to learn
Intelligent design
Performance modeling
Process mining

Submissions and Review Process
Important dates:
Submission deadline: 25 May 2014
Notification: 23 June 2014

Full papers can consist of a maximum of 8 pages, extended abstracts up
to 2 pages, in the ECAI format. Each submission must be submitted
online via the Easychair submission interface.

Submissions can be updated at will before the submission deadline.
Electronic versions of accepted submissions will also be made publicly
available on the conference web site. The only accepted format for
submitted papers is PDF.

Submissions are possible either as a full paper or as an extended
abstract. Full papers should present more advanced work, covering
research or a case application. Extended abstracts may present
current, recently published or future research, and can cover a wider
scope. For instance, they may be position statements, offer a specific
scientific or business problem to be solved by machine learning (ML) /
data mining (DM) or describe ML / DM demo or

Each paper submission will be evaluated on the basis of relevance,
significance of contribution, technical quality, scholarship, and
quality of presentation, by at least two members of the program
committee. All accepted submissions will be included in the conference
proceedings. At least one author of each accepted full paper or
extended abstract is required to attend the workshop to present the

A selection will be made of the best paper and runner ups, and these
will be presented in the plenary session. The remainder of accepted
submissions will be presented in the form of short talks and a poster
session. All accepted papers, including those presented as a poster,
will be published in the workshop proceedings (possibly as CEUR
Workshop Proceedings). The papers selected for plenary presentation
will be identified in the proceedings.

Pavel Brazdil, FEP, Univ. of Porto / Inesc Tec, Portugal, pbrazdil
Carlos Soares, FEUP, Univ. of Porto / Inesc Tec, Portugal, csoares
Joaquin Vanschoren, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Eindhoven,
The Netherlands, j.vanschoren at
Lars Kotthoff, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, larsko at

Program Committee:
Pavel Brazdil, LIAAD-INESC Porto L.A. / FEP, University of Porto, Portugal
Andr? C. P. Carvalho, USP, Brasil
Claudia Diamantini, Universit? Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Johannes Fuernkranz, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Christophe Giraud-Carrier, Brigham Young Univ., USA
Krzysztof Grabczewski, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland
Melanie Hilario, Switzerland
Frank Hutter, University of Freiburg, Germany
Christopher Jefferson, University of St Andrews, UK
Alexandros Kalousis, U Geneva, Switzerland
J?rg-Uwe Kietz, U.Zurich, Switzerland
Lars Kotthoff, University College Cork, Ireland
Yuri Malitsky, University College Cork, Ireland
Bernhard Pfahringer, U Waikato, New Zealand
Vid Podpecan, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Ricardo Prud?ncio, Univ. Federal de Pernambuco Recife (PE), Brasil
Carlos Soares, FEP, University of Porto, Portugal
Guido Tack, Monash University, Australia
Joaquin Vanschoren, U. Leiden / KU Leuven
Ricardo Vilalta, University of Houston, USA
Filip Zelezn?, CVUT, Prague, R.Checa

Previous events
This workshop is closely related to the PlanLearn-2012, which took
place at ECAI-2012 and other predecessor workshops in this series.

Tutorial on Metalearning and Algorithm Selection at ECAI-2014
18 August 2014

Algorithm Selection and configuration are increasingly relevant today.
Researchers and practitioners from all branches of science and
technology face a large choice of parameterized algorithms, with

guidance as to which techniques to use. Moreover, data mining
challenges frequently remind us that algorithm selection and
configuration are crucial in order to achieve the best performance and
drive industrial applications.

Meta-learning leverages knowledge of past algorithm applications to
select the best techniques for future applications, and offers
effective techniques that are superior to humans both in terms of the
end result and especially in a limited time.
In this tutorial, we elucidate the nature of algorithm selection and
how it arises in many diverse domains, such as machine learning, data
mining, optimization and SAT solving. We show that it is possible to
use meta-learning techniques to identify the potentially best
algorithm(s) for a new task, based on meta-level information and prior
experiments. We also discuss the prerequisites for effective
meta-learning systems, and how recent infrastructures, such as, allow us to build systems that effectively advice users on
which algorithms to apply.

The intended audience includes researchers (Ph.D.'s), research
students and practitioners interested to learn about, or consolidate
their knowledge about the state-of-the-art in algorithm selection and
algorithm configuration, how to use Data Mining software and platforms
to select algorithms in practice, how to provide advice to end users
about which algorithms to select in diverse domains, including
optimization, SAT etc. and incorporate this knowledge in new
platforms. The participants should bring their own laptops


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 10:07:46 +0100
From: Heiner Ackermann <>
Subject: [DMANET] Fraunhofer ITWM offers PhD positions in discrete
applied mathematics
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed

The Department of Optimization at the Fraunhofer Institute of Industrial
Mathematics ITWM in Kaiserslautern, Germany offers

PhD positions in discrete applied mathematics.

The core competence of the Department of Optimization is to develop
individual solutions for planning and decision problems in production,
logistics, engineering sciences and life sciences in close cooperation
with researchers and customers from industry. The methodology is based
on the coupling of simulation, optimization and decision support.
Research topics for PhD candidates include questions related to the
modeling and the analysis of

- CAD problems, especially cutting and packing problems
- production planning problems
- distributed and hierarchical decision making processes

Applicants should have completed their University Studies in
Mathematics, Computer Science or Operations Research, be interested in
the above mentioned topics and have basic knowledge in computer programming.

Phd candidates will receive a scholarship according to the rules of the
German Research Foundation DFG.

Unsolicited applications of researchers already holding a PhD degree are
welcome as well.

Please submit your application here:

Please direct your questions to:
Fraunhofer Institute of Industrial Mathematics ITWM
Department of Optimization
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz K?fer
Fraunhofer-Platz 1
D-67663 Kaiserslautern

Further information can be obtained on our websites.
- Fraunhofer ITWM:
- Department of Optimization at Fraunhofer ITWM:


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 73, Issue 7

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