Monday, March 31, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 73, Issue 32

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Today's Topics:

1. CfP: NoSQL Databases and Linked Data Applications (Lena Wiese)
2. Tenure-Track Position at U. of Sao Paulo (Yoshiharu Kohayakawa)
3. Metaheuristics for optimization problems (stefka fidanova)
4. (last two days) SWANSITY 2014- Self-organizing Wireless
Access Networks for Smart cITY >>>>> In conjuction with SECON
2014 <<<<< (Valeria Loscri)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 13:40:23 +0100
From: "Lena Wiese" <>
Subject: [DMANET] CfP: NoSQL Databases and Linked Data Applications
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1

[Apologies for crossposting]

Call for industrial and research papers for the 1st International Workshop
on NoSQL Databases and Linked Data Applications (part of DEXA 2014 in

For industrial papers: We are looking for experience reports on NoSQL
databases and linked open data in industrial applications and production

For research papers: This workshop is intended to be a meeting point for
the research communities of NoSQL data management and Linked Data. It aims
to instigate discussion and new collaboration between researchers of the
two communities.

Submission deadline for full papers: April 10, 2014.
Workshop date: September 1 or 2, 2014.

More information:

Dr. Lena Wiese
Institute of Computer Science, University of Goettingen
Goldschmidtstrasse 7, 37077 Goettingen, Germany


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 09:53:41 -0300
From: Yoshiharu Kohayakawa <>
Subject: [DMANET] Tenure-Track Position at U. of Sao Paulo
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

University of S?o Paulo
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
Department of Computer Science
Tenure-Track Positions
Assistant Professor
Application Dealine: April 14th 2014

The Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of S?o
Paulo (IME-USP) invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions
at the Assistant Professor level. The Department is accepting
applications in all areas of Computer Science.

We expect candidates with strong potential for research and teaching
abilities. The candidates should have a PhD in Computer Science or a
related area. The selected candidate will be responsible for doing
research and for teaching graduate and udergraduate courses provided
by the department. Deadlines and documents required for the
application are specified at .
The documents and selection interview may be either in Portuguese or

The University of S?o Paulo (USP) is one of the most prestigious
educational institution in South America. It is the best ranked
Brazilian university. The Department of Computer Science of
IME-USP is responsible for the BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Computer
Science, offering some of the most competitive courses in Brazil.

More information:



Message: 3
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:11:17 +0200
From: stefka fidanova <>
Subject: [DMANET] Metaheuristics for optimization problems
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we invite you to participate in
the special session (workshop) on "METAHEURISTICS FOR OPTIMIZATION
PROBLEMS" at the
8th Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications NM&A'14,
to be held 20-24 August 2014 in Borovets, Bulgaria.
The session is organized by:
Assoc. Prof. Stefka Fidanova (
from the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and
Gabriel Luque ( from University of Malaga, Spain.


The list of topics includes, but is not limited to:

- unconstrained and constrained optimization
- combinatorial optimization
- global optimization
- multi-objective optimization
- optimization in dynamic and/or noisy environments
- large scale optimization
- parallel and distributed approaches in optimization
- random search algorithms (simulated annealing, tabu search, free
search and other derivative free optimization methods).
- nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms,
ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, immune
artificial systems etc.).
- hybrid optimization algorithms involving natural computing
techniques and other global and local optimization methods
- optimization methods for learning processes and data mining
- computational optimization methods in statistics, econometrics,
finance, physics, medicine, biology, engineering etc

The refereed and presented papers will be published as a special
volume of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).

Important deadlines
Deadline for submission of abstracts
April 15, 2014
Notification of acceptance of the talks on the basis of the
submitted abstract
April 30, 2014
Deadline for submission of full papers
May 15, 2014
Notification of acceptance of full papers
June 30, 2014
Submission of accommodation forms
July 15, 2014

Abstracts and contributed papers
The abstracts (up to 1 page stating clearly the originality of the
results) are to be written in standard LaTeX. The length of the
contributed papers is limited up to 8 pages. It is assumed that one
participant will present not more than one talk.

Send the abstracts and papers to special session organizers and
conference organizers, indicating the name of the special session.
After sending the abstract go to the conference web page and fill in
the registration form (personal data of the participants, minimum one
per paper, and the name of the special session).

Information about abstract and paper preparation, accommodation,
transportation, registration form and conference location you can find
at the conference web page

Special session organizers
Assoc. Prof. S. Fidanova, Institute of Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of
Gabriel Luque ( from University of Malaga, Spain.

Assoc. Prof. Stefka Fidanova
Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl.25A
1113 Sofia Bulgaria
Ph. +359-2-9796642


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 07:37:46 +0100 (CET)
From: Valeria Loscri <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] (last two days) SWANSITY 2014- Self-organizing
Wireless Access Networks for Smart cITY >>>>> In conjuction with SECON
2014 <<<<<
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

CFP: SWANSITY 2014- Self-organizing Wireless Access Networks for Smart cITY

(In conjunction with SECON 2014)


30 June 2014, Singapore

< >

Important dates

Submission deadline: March 31st, 2014

Notification of acceptance: April 30th, 2014

Camera Ready: May 12th, 2014

Program: June 1st, 2014

Accepted paper will be published in IEEE Xplore

Proceedings will be submitted for indexing by SCOPUS


The SWANSITY workshop aims to solicit contributions on novel algorithms,
methodological studies and experimentations on how to make a city-wide
network infrastructure able to self-adapt to the dynamic requirements posed
by the users and by the applications, to manage the complexity of
heterogeneous devices and access technologies, and to guarantee robust,
ubiquitous, and secure connectivity over the urban environments. At the
same time, beside studying the issues of the city-wide infrastructure
deployment, the workshop aims to investigate the potential provided by the
end-users devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets) when augmented with
self-organization capabilities, in order to turn them into active components
of the smart-city network, instead of mere connection end-points. Such a
potential includes the possibility to extend the network access in a
pervasive way, to provide ubiquitous computing services, and to favor the
emergence of ?collectivity intelligence behaviors? through collaboration and
direct communication among devices.

In line with such objectives, original contributions are solicited in topics
of interest including, but not limited to, the following:

? Models of network components? interactions on a

? Techniques and tools for modeling self-organizing
wireless networks on large-scale urban environments

? Self-organizing wireless networks for pervasive urban

? Self-organizing and self-repairing wireless networks for
disaster recovery

? Dynamic resource allocation schemes for urban

? Evolutionary design of wireless network components and

? Enabling technologies and algorithms for self-configuring
wireless nodes

? Self-organizing femtocell and cognitive radio networks

? Cooperative Smart Objects supporting Wireless Networks

? Decision making strategies for software defined radio

? Emerging collective intelligence in self-organizing
wireless networks

? Network virtualization for heterogeneous wireless

? Bio-inspired models for self-organizing wireless networks

? Controlled mobility algorithms for self-placing wireless

? Self-organizing networks through Device-2-Device
technology (D2D)

? Business model to promote users collaboration and
resources sharing

? Security, Privacy and Trust issues in Self-organizing
wireless networks

Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical paper by the
deadline of 31 March 2014. Submissions will be accepted through EDAS. All
submissions must be written in English and be at most six (6) printed pages
in length, including figures.

Important dates & Information

Submission deadline: March 31st, 2014

Format: All submissions must be written in English and be at most six (6)
printed pages in length via edas < >

Notification of acceptance:April 30th, 2014

Camera Ready: May 12th, 2014

Program: June 1st, 2014

For full details, please visit the following website:
< >

TPC Co-Chairs

Gianluca ALOI, University of Calabria, Italy

Marco DI FELICE, Univesity of Bologna,Italy

Valeria LOSCRI', Inria Lille-Nord Europe, FUN, France

Pasquale PACE, University of Calabria, Italy

Giuseppe RUGGERI, University of Reggio Calabria, Italy

Steering Committee

Emanuele VITERBO, MONASH University

Giancarlo FORTINO, UNICAL- Italy

TPC Members

Luca Bedogni - University of Bologna, Italy

Kaushik Roy Chowdhury, Northeastern University, USA

Marcos Fagundes Caetano - University of Brasilia, Brasil

Claudia Campolo, University of Reggio Calabria, Italy

Yue Gao (Frank), Queen Mary University of London, UK

Yi Hong, Monash University, Australia

Antonio Iera, University of Reggio Calabria, Italy

Won-Yeol Lee, - Korea Telecom

Wenfeng Li, Wuhan University of Technology, China

Antonio Liotta, TU/e, Netherlands

Karnouskos Stamatis, SAP, Germany

Petri M?h?nen - RWTH Aachen University, German

Pietro Manzoni, UPV -Valencia, Spain

Pedro Jose Marron, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Nathalie Mitton, Inria Lille-Nord Europe, FUN, France

Antonella Molinaro, University of Reggio Calabria, Italy

Enrico Natalizio, Compiegne,Technology, University, France

Sotiris Nikoletseas - University of Patras and CTI, Greece

Tahiry Razafindralambo, Inria Lille-Nord Europe, FUN, France

Anna Maria Vegni, University of Roma Tre, Italy

Mengchu Zhou, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA

Valeria Loscri
Research Scientist FUN Team

Inria Lille-Nord Europe .
Parc scientifique de la Haute Borne
40, avenue Halley - B?t A - Park Plaza
59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq - France

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 73, Issue 32

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