Monday, March 24, 2014

dmanet Digest, Vol 73, Issue 26

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Today's Topics:

1. Three pre-doctoral positions in OR/MS @ University of Antwerp
(Kenneth S?rensen)
2. [padabs'14] - Call for Papers 2nd Workshop on Parallel and
Distributed Agent-Based Simulations (Gennaro Cordasco)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 09:36:49 +0100
From: Kenneth S?rensen <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] Three pre-doctoral positions in OR/MS @ University
of Antwerp
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Vacancy for three PhD students - application deadline May 2014

The ANT/OR Operations Research group of the Department of Engineering
Management, University of Antwerp, Belgium has vacancies for

three pre-doctoral positions (PhD students) in Operations
Research/Management Science

The selected candidates will be hired for a four-year period subject
to yearly evaluation. They will receive a tax-free PhD scholarship of
approximately 1800 euro per month. They will enroll in the doctoral
program of the Faculty of Applied Economics and work towards obtaining
a PhD during the fourth year. Some light teaching/support activities
may also be demanded of the candidate.

The selected candidates will perform research on a specific topic
within the broad domain of Operations Research/Management Science. Two
research topics have already been defined:

- City bike repositioning. Bicycle sharing systems are popping up all
over the world, but bike stations tend to empty out or fill up. The
PhD student selected for this topic will analyze the problem of
repositioning bicycles in a bike sharing system. This research will
entail statistical analysis of demand/supply patterns of bikes at the
different stations, as well as the development of (exact and
metaheuristic) algorithms to optimize the activities of the
repositioning vehicles.

- Smart plant optimization in the petrochemical industry. The PhD
student selected for this topic will develop models and methods for
planning the semi-continuous production of a petrochemical companhy,
also looking at tactical decisions like plant layout and
configuration. Antwerp is the second largest petrochemical cluster in
the world and this research project will be executed in collaboration
with partners from the chemical industry.

Other potential topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

- Applications of metaheuristics in various fields (especially
transportation and logistics, humanitarian aid, public transportation,
...). The topic will be defined in collaboration with the PhD

- Metaheuristic theory: A large number of different metaheuristics
exist: tabu search, evolutionary algorithms, simulated annealing, ant
colony optimization, ... To solve a large number of theoretical and
real-life optimization problems, metaheuristics typically outperform
all other methods. However, very little knowledge is available on why
and how these methods work and an overarching theory of metaheuristic
development is still lacking? The aim of this topic is to work towards
a better theoretical understanding of metaheuristic optimization.

The ideal candidate has a good background in operations research
(, statistics, and mathematics, including good
programming skills and a good command of the English language. Typical
activities the candidate will perform are the development of heuristic
optimization algorithms, implementation in a programming environment,
running computational experiments, and analyzing the results
statistically, as well as writing research papers and giving
conference presentations.

The candidates will join the ANT/OR research group (, a
young and dynamic team of researchers mainly working on applications
of operations research. They will work under the direct supervision of
Prof. Kenneth S?rensen ( and/or
prof. Trijntje Cornelissens (
They will work at the city campus of the University of Antwerp.
Antwerp is a lively city in the center of Europe, well-known for its
history, its fashion and diamond industry, and its generally excellent
quality of life.

To apply, go to and submit your complete
file (instructions can be found on the website). Application deadline
is 1 May 2014 but early application is encouraged. Final-year master
students who have not yet received their degree are also encouraged to
apply when interested. The selected PhD students will be expected to
start working before 1 October 2014.

For more information, contact


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 11:07:08 +0100
From: Gennaro Cordasco <>
Subject: [DMANET] [padabs'14] - Call for Papers 2nd Workshop on
Parallel and Distributed Agent-Based Simulations
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

[Apologies for multiple copies of this message.]

August 25-26th, 2014, Porto (Portugal),
jointly with Euro-Par 2014 |


Workshop papers due: May 30, 2014
Workshop author notification: July 4, 2014
Workshop early registration: July 25, 2014
Workshop: August 25/August 26th
Workshop camera-ready papers due: October 3, 2014


Vittorio Scarano (Universit? di Salerno, Italy), chair
Gennaro Cordasco (Seconda Universit? di Napoli, Italy)
Rosario De Chiara (Poste Italiane, Italy)
Ugo Erra (Universit? della Basilicata, Italy)

Program Committee:

Maria Chli (Aston University, United Kingdom)
Claudio Cioffi-Revilla (George Mason University, USA)
Biagio Cosenza (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Nick Collier (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
Rosaria Conte (CNR, Italy)
Andrew Evans (University of Leeds, United Kingdom)
Bernardino Frola (The MathWorks, Cambridge, UK)
Nicola Lettieri (Universit? del Sannio e ISFOL, Italy)
Sean Luke (George Mason University, USA)
Michael North (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
Mario Paolucci (CNR, Italy)
Paul Richmond (The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)
Arnold Rosenberg (Northeastern University, USA)
Flaminio Squazzoni (University of Brescia, Italy)
Michela Taufer (University of Delaware, USA)

Objectives of the Workshop

Agent-Based Simulation Models are an increasingly popular tool for
research and management in many fields such as ecology, economics,
sociology, etc.. In some fields, such as social sciences, these models
are seen as a key instrument to the generative approach, essential for
understanding complex social phenomena. But also in policy-making,
biology, military simulations, control of mobile robots and economics,
the relevance and effectiveness of Agent-Based Simulation Models is
recently recognized.
Computer science community has responded to the need for platforms
that can help the development and testing of new models in each
specific field by providing tools, libraries and frameworks that speed
up and make massive simulations possible.
The key objective of this Second Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Agent-Based Simulations is to bring together the researchers that are
interested in getting more performances from their simulations, by
using synchronized, many-core simulations (e.g., GPUs), strongly
coupled, parallel simulations (e.g. MPI) and loosely coupled,
distributed simulations (distributed heterogeneous setting).
Several frameworks have been recently developed and are active in this
field. They range from the GPU-Manycore approach, to Parallel, to
Distributed simulation environments. In the first category, you can
find FLAME GPU, that allows also non GPU specialists to harness the
GPUs performance for real time simulation and visualization. For
tightly-coupled, large computing clusters and supercomputers a very
popular framework is Repast for High Performance Computing
(REPAST-HPC), a C++-based modeling system. On the distributed side,
recent work on Distributed MASON, allows non specialists to use
heterogeneous hardware and software in local area networks for
enlarging the size and speeding up the simulation of complex
Agent-Based models.

Topics of interest

Frameworks for parallel/distributed ABSs
Case studies of ABSs in parallel/distributed settings, with an
emphasis on the technical implementation, architectural choices and
their impact on performances
Benchmark parallel/distributed ABSs
Debugging parallel/distributed ABSs
Formal methods and algorithms for ABSs in parallel/distributed models
Load Balancing algorithms, techniques and frameworks
Management and deployment of parallel/distributed ABSs
Visualization of parallel/distributed ABSs

Paper submission

The papers will be presented in the regular format (10 pages LNCS format,
5 pages for short papers) and will be reviewed, anonymously by at least 2
reviewers of the Program Committee. Acceptance as regular/short papers will
depend upon scientific value, originality and relevance to the Workshop theme.

Euro-Par Workshops Proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture
Notes for Computer Science series after the Workshops. Submissions and
reviewing will be through EasyChair via

Contact information:

Vittorio Scarano:
Ugo Erra:
Gennaro Cordasco:
Rosario De Chiara:


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 73, Issue 26

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