Wednesday, February 11, 2015

dmanet Digest, Vol 84, Issue 12

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Today's Topics:

1. CG Week Multimedia Exposition - Final Call for Submissions
(Wolfgang Mulzer)
2. McM'2015 workshop in conjunction with MIC'2015 + Special
issue in CCPE intl. journal - Deadline Extension (Mohand MEZMAZ)
3. PhDs in Logic VII -- May 14-16, 2015 -- Deadline extension
and final call for abstracts (Martin Kronegger)
4. OPTMAS 2015 -- deadline extension, 18th February
(Meritxell Vinyals Salgado)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2015 19:56:14 +0100
From: Wolfgang Mulzer <>
Subject: [DMANET] CG Week Multimedia Exposition - Final Call for
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

The deadline is this Friday!


Video and multimedia contributions are sought for the 24th Multimedia
Exposition in Computational Geometry, a part of CG Week 2015. This
event showcases the use of visualization in computational geometry
for exposition and education, for visual exploration of geometry in
research, and as an interface and a debugging tool in software
development. Algorithm animations, visual explanations of structural
theorems, descriptions of applications of computational geometry,
demonstrations of software systems, and games that illustrate
concepts from computational geometry are all appropriate. There are
no limitations on creativity, anything that leverages the
possibilities of multimedia to enlighten and entertain the viewer
while learning about computational geometry will do. This includes
rendered animation, films with narrators and/or actors, and
interactive stories.

We seek submissions of high quality, judged by how well they exploit
the creative possibilities of their respective formats. That is, a
screencast of static slides with some voice-over will hardly do.


For videos, a length of three to five minutes is usually ideal; ten
minutes is the upper limit. For the final version, we require video
in 720P or better, using H.264. The embedded audio stream should be
AAC of at least 128kBit/s. Telephone-sounding audio (limited
frequency range, noise) or live rooms, as often recorded with cheap
headsets, must be avoided, as well as speakers with too heavy accent.

There are no general guidelines for other content. Interactive
applications (e.g., HTML5, Flash, AIR, Java, etc.) should have a
"demo" mode where the algorithm runs on its own. They should be
submitted as a distributable package.

To conserve resources, please try to keep your submission at a
reasonable size. The program committee may recode the submission at a
lower quality to reduce the space requirements. Authors are free to
post higher quality versions on their own web sites, and we will
include links in the electronic proceedings to their version, in
addition to the official version archived on

It is strongly encouraged to contact the PC well in advance
to 1) discuss the quality of a video submission (based on sample
files) or 2) to present your non-video idea and how it could be
reviewed, presented, and distributed.


Submissions should be deposited online where they are accessible
through the web or via FTP. A video submission should play
trouble-free on programs like VLC Media Player. For ease of sharing
and viewing, we encourage (but do not require) that each video
submission be uploaded to YouTube (not necessarly publicly visible),
and that the corresponding URL be included with the submission.

Each submission should include a three-page description of the
material shown in the presentation, and where applicable, the
techniques used in the implementation. This three-page description
must be formatted according to the guidelines for the conference
proceedings, using the LIPIcs format. LIPIcs typesetting instructions
can be found at and
the lipics.cls LaTeX style file at

Send a mail to the committee chair, Wolfgang Mulzer
( by February 13, 2015, 23:59 (UTC-12), with
the following information:
- the names and institutions of the authors
- the email address of the corresponding author
- instructions for downloading the submission
- if available: the link to the YouTube video
- and the PDF abstract.

We explicitly encourage video/multimedia submissions that support
papers submitted to the Symposium on Computational Geometry.
However, submitted papers and associated video/multimedia
submissions will be treated entirely separately by the respective
committees: acceptance or rejection of one will not influence
acceptance or rejection of the other. Authors will be notified of
acceptance or rejection, and given reviewers' comments, by March 09,
2015. For each accepted submission, the final version of the 3-page
textual description will be due by March 23, 2015 for inclusion in
the proceedings. Final versions of accepted video/multimedia
presentations will be due April 30, 2015.


February 13, 2015: Video and multimedia submissions due
March 9, 2015: Notification of acceptance/rejection of
March 23, 2015: Camera-ready versions due for papers and video
April 30, 2015: Final versions due for videos/multimedia
June 22-25, 2015: Symposium in Eindhoven


Esther Ezra (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Matthias Henze (Freie Universit?t Berlin)
Matias Korman (National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo)
Maarten Loeffler (Universiteit Utrecht)
Wolfgang Mulzer (Freie Universit?t Berlin, Chair)
Ludmila Scharf (Freie Universit?t Berlin)
Christiane Schmidt (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Stefanie Wuhrer (Universit?t des Saarlandes)


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 13:35:39 +0100
From: Mohand MEZMAZ <>
To: dmanet <>
Subject: [DMANET] McM'2015 workshop in conjunction with MIC'2015 +
Special issue in CCPE intl. journal - Deadline Extension
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

* Workshop on Multi/Many-core computing for parallel Metaheuristics (McM'2015)
* In conjunction with
* The 11th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC'2015)
* 7-10 June, 2015
* Agadir, Morocco

Submission Deadline: Feb 28, 2015
Selected best papers of McM'2015 will be considered for publication in
a special issue
of the Wiley's journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and
Experience (CC-PE).

Plenty of hard problems in a wide range of application areas,
including engineering design,
telecommunications, logistics, etc. have been modelled and tackled
successfully with
metaheuristics (evolutionary algorithms, scatter or swarm search,
simulated annealing,
abu search, etc.). Nowadays, optimization problems become increasingly
large and complex,
forcing the use of parallel computing for their efficient and
effective resolution. On the
other hand, parallel computing has recently undergone a significant
evolution in terms of
performance and energy consumption with the emergence of multi-core
and many-core
computing technologies (GPU, MIC, etc.). Indeed, accelerators and
coprocessors have powered
many parallel and/or distributed environements including
high-performance workstations,
hybrid clusters among them the top ranked Top500 and Green500 ones,
and computational
grids and clouds. The design and implementation of parallel
metaheuristics for the above
environments raise several issues related in the same time to the
characteristics of these
hardware execution machines and those of the parallel models of
metaheuristics. This
workshop seeks to provide an opportunity for the researchers to present original
contributions on the joint use of advanced (discrete or continuous,
single or multi-objective,
static or dynamic, deterministic or stochastic, hybrid) optimization
methods and distributed
and/or parallel multi/many-core computing, and any related issues.

- Parallel models (island, master-worker, multi-start, etc.) for metaheuristics
revisited for multi-core and/or many-core (MMC) environments.
- Parallel mechanisms for hybridization of metaheuristics on MMC environments.
- Implementation of parallel metaheuristics on MMC workstations, MMC
clusters, MMC
grids/clouds, etc.
- Software frameworks for the design and implementation of parallel
and/or distributed
MMC metaheuristics.
- Computational/theoretical studies reporting results on solving
challenging problems
using MMC computing.
- Performance metrics for MMC parallel and/or distributed metaheuristics.
- Energy-aware optimization for/with MMC parallel and/or distributed


Authors are invited to submit papers to the McM'2015 workshop. During submission
authors will be required to specify which track they are submitting
their paper to.
Submitted papers to McM'2015 must be formatted according to MIC 2015
guidelines and
submitted electronically through the MIC 2015 paper submission site.
Full instructions
including formatting guidelines and electronic templates (both LaTeX
and Microsoft Word)
are available on the MIC 2015 website. Submission is only electronic,
in PDF format,
using the easychair system. At least one author of each accepted paper
is required to
attend the workshop to present the work. Authors will be required to
agree to this
requirement at the time of submission.

There are 3 types of submissions:
S1) Original research contributions for publication in the conference
proceedings of a
maximum of 10 pages.
S2) Extended abstracts of work-in-progress and position papers on an
important research
aspect of a maximum of 3 pages.
S3) High-quality manuscripts that have recently, within the last six
months, been submitted
or accepted for journal publication.

All papers are due electronically by the deadline reported above.
Submissions that do not
meet the length or formatting requirements will not be accepted for
review. No email or fax
submissions will be accepted. Notification of receipt of an
electronically submitted paper
will be emailed to the designated contact author soon after receipt.
If there are problems
with the electronic submission, the program chairs will contact the
designated author by email.
If you have any questions about paper submission or the workshop,
please feel free to contact
the workshop organizers.

In addition, a special issue of the Wiley's journal of Concurrency and
Computation: Practice
and Experience (CC-PE) is planned to be published. Participants will
be invited to submit
extended versions of their work for consideration.

Submission deadline: Feb 28, 2015
Notification of acceptance: March 20, 2015
Camera ready copy: April 10, 2015
Early registration: April 10, 2015
Conference: June 7-10, 2015

Nouredine Melab
Universit? Lille 1 / INRIA Lille - Nord Europe / CNRS CRIStAL
Phone: +33 3 59 57 78 86
Fax: +33 3 28 77 85 37

Mohand Mezmaz
University of Mons
Phone: +32 65 37 46 91
Fax: +32 65 37 46 45

International Program Committee (To be extended)
- Enrique Alba, University of Malaga, Spain
- Ahc?ne Bendjoudi, CERIST, Algeria
- Didier El Baz, LAAS-CNRS, France
- Bertrand Le Cun, Universit? de Paris-Ouest-Nanterre-La D?fense, France
- Andrew Lewis, Griffith University, Australia
- Pierre Manneback, University of Mons, Belgium
- Malika Mehdi, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algeria
- Nouredine Melab, Universit? Lille 1, France
- Mohand Mezmaz, University of Mons, Belgium
- Sanaz Mostagim, Universit?t Karlsruhe, Germany
- Celso C. Ribeiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil
- Catherine Roucairol, Universit? de Versailles
Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France
- Franciszek Seredynski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
- Giandomenico Spezzano, University of Calabria, Italy
- Dirk Sudholt, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
- El-Ghazali Talbi, Universit? Lille 1, France
- Daniel Tuyttens, University of Mons, Belgium
- Albert Y. Zomaya, The University of Sydney, Australia


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 23:40:45 +0100
From: Martin Kronegger <>
Subject: [DMANET] PhDs in Logic VII -- May 14-16, 2015 -- Deadline
extension and final call for abstracts
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

PhDs in Logic VII

May 14-16th, 2015

The submission deadline is extended to February 19, 2015.


PhDs in Logic is an annual graduate conference in logic. Each year we
invite four established researchers in various branches of logic to do a
tutorial on their work in two 45-minute sessions. We also give PhD
students the opportunity to do a twenty-minute presentation on (a) their
own work or (b) an overview of some topic in their field.

The conference includes the following tutorial speakers.

Thomas Eiter (Vienna University of Technology)
Michael Moortgat (Universiteit Utrecht)
Revantha Ramanayake (Vienna University of Technology)
Torsten Schaub (University Potsdam)

PhD students in logic with a background in philosophy, computer science,
mathematics or linguistics are the intended audience for these
tutorials. They are also the type of students we have in mind for our
thirty-minute student sessions. Students interested in doing a talk
should send a 500-1000 word blinded abstract to by February 19th, 2015.
The selection of the talks will follow a double-blind review process.
Please make sure that your name and affiliation are not included in the

We welcome students to participate in PhDs in Logic VII regardless of
whether they want to do a presentation. We also invite master students
in logic, first year postdocs, and logicians from disciplines other than
philosophy, computer science, mathematics and linguistics to apply.
Students interested in participating without giving a talk should
contact us at

For more information, visit our website at In case you have any questions, please
do not hesitate to contact us via

Organizing Committee: Ronald de Haan, Martin Kronegger.

Scientific Committee: Agata Ciabattoni, Jan van Eijck, Chris Ferm?ller,
Nina Gierasimczuk, Thomas Icard, Eric Pacuit, Jakub Szymanik, Anna Zamansky.

Advisory Board: Stefan Szeider, Helmut Veith.

Sponsors: Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms, Doctoral Program
Logical Methods in Computer Science.


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 00:52:34 +0100
From: Meritxell Vinyals Salgado <>
Subject: [DMANET] OPTMAS 2015 -- deadline extension, 18th February
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8



NEWS! *** Submission DEADLINE EXTENDED to February 18th, 2015 ***

The International Workshop on

Optimisation in Multi-Agent Systems (OptMAS)

May 4-5, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey

in conjunction with AAMAS 2015


Workshop Website





The OPTMAS workshop invites works from different strands of the multi-agent
systems community that pertain to the design of algorithms, models, and
techniques to deal with multi-agent optimisation problems. We will also
place a particular emphasis on DCR approaches, which include the modeling,
formulation and solution of DCR problems, including both Distributed
Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization problems.

Important dates


* February, 18, 2015 - EXTENDED Submission of contributions to workshops

* March 6, 2015 - Workshop paper acceptance notification

* March 15, 2015 - Submission of camera-ready version

* May 4-5, 2015 - Workshop takes place in conjunction with AAMAS 2015



Topics include but are not limited to:

* Distributed constraint optimization/satisfaction

* Winner determination algorithms in auctions

* Coalition formation algorithms

* Algorithms to compute Nash and other equilibria in games

* Optimization under uncertainty

* Optimization with incomplete or dynamic input data

* Algorithms for real-time applications

* GPU for general purpose computations (GPGPU)

* Multi-core and many-core computing

* Cloud, distributed and grid computing



Participants should submit a paper (maximum 15 pages), describing their
work on one or more of the topics relevant to the workshop. Alternatively,
participants may submit a shorter paper (maximum 5 pages) presenting a
research statement or perspective on topics relevant to the workshop.
Accepted papers will be presented during the workshop and will be published
in the workshop proceedings.

Authors are requested to prepare their papers by following the LNCS
Springer instructions found at:

All submissions are conducted via the OptMAS 2015 EasyChair website:

Submissions should include the name(s), affiliations, and email addresses
of all authors in the body of the email. We welcome the submission of
papers rejected from the AAMAS 2015 technical program. The deadline for
receipt of submissions is February 18, 2015. Papers received after this
date may not be reviewed.

Submissions will be refereed on the basis of technical quality, novelty,
significance, and clarity. Each submission will be thoroughly reviewed by
at least two program committee members.

For questions about the submission process, contact the workshop co-chairs.

Reviewing process


Papers will be reviewed by at least 2 program committee members. Criteria
for selection of papers will include: technical quality, novelty,
significance, and clarity.



Pre-proceedings containing all accepted papers are provided electronically
on a USB stick as a part of the AAMAS workshop registration package. Best
papers from OptMAS 2008 and OptMAS 2009 were selected for publication in
the special issue on Optimisation in Multi-Agent System of the Journal of
Autonomous and Multiagent Systems. Best papers from OptMAS 2011 and 2012
were invited to submit to a special issue on Optimisation in Multi-Agent
System of the Computer Journal. We plan to continue this initiative for the
current and next editions.

Organizing comittee


* Dr. Archie Chapman, University of Sydney.

* Dr. Marc Pujol-Gonzalez, IIIA-CSIC.

* Dr. Meritxell Vinyals, CEA-LIST.

* Dr. William Yeoh, New Mexico State University.

* Dr. Roie Zivan, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

Programme comittee


* Bo An, Nanyang Technological University

* Tal Grinshpoun, Ariel University

* Valentin Robu, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

* Juan Antonio Rodriguez Aguilar, IIIA-CSIC

* Robert N. Lass, Drexel University

* Kate Larson, University of Waterloo

* Hala Mostafa, SMU

* Matthew E. Taylor, Washington State University

* Ana L. C. Bazzan, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

* Sven Koenig, University of Southern California

* Talal Rahwan, University of Southampton

* Marius Silaghi, FIT

* Tomas Klos, Delft University of Technology

* Francisco Cruz, IIIA-CSIC

* Patricia Gutierrez, IIIA CSIC

* Christopher Kiekintveld, University of Texas at El Paso

* Jesus Cerquides, IIIA-CSIC

* Toni Penya-Alba, IIIA-CSIC

* Katsutoshi Hirayama, Kobe University

* Mohamed Wahbi, Insight, University College Cork

* Harel Yedidsion, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

* Onn Shehory, IBM Haifa Research Lab

* Luke Teacy, University of Southampton

* Gauthier Picard, ENS Mines Saint-Etienne

* Fei Fang, University of Southern California

* Filippo Bistaffa, University Of Verona

* Tom Holvoet, Dept. of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven

* Alessandro Farinelli, Verona University

* C?dric Herpson, LIP6, University Pierre and Marie Curie

* Kagan Tumer, Oregon State University

* Logan Yliniemi, Oregon State University

* Pedro Meseguer, IIIA - CSIC

* Makoto Yokoo, Kyushu University

* Yoonheui Kim, University of Massachusetts

* Jose Luis Fernandez-Marquez, University of Geneva

* Amnon Meisels, Ben-Gurion University


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 84, Issue 12

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