Saturday, February 14, 2015

dmanet Digest, Vol 84, Issue 15

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Today's Topics:

1. Professorship (W2) for Discrete Mathematics at Goethe
University Frankfurt (Thorsten Theobald)
2. Special Track on ?Distributed Computing with Mobile Agents?
as part of ADHOC-NOW 2015 (Final Call for Papers) (Euripides Markou)
3. ADHOC-NOW 2015: Final CfP (** deadline extended to Feb 20 **)
(Aris Pagourtzis)
4. CfP: Mathematical Problems in Engineering - Special Issue:
Theory and Applications of Data Clustering (
5. University of Birmingham, PhD scholarships in Combinatorics
(Deryk Osthus)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 16:58:04 +0100 (CET)
From: Thorsten Theobald <>
Subject: [DMANET] Professorship (W2) for Discrete Mathematics at
Goethe University Frankfurt
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=ISO-8859-15; FORMAT=flowed

An der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universit?t ist am Institut f?r Mathematik
des Fachbereichs Informatik und Mathematik zum n?chstm?glichen Zeitpunkt
folgende Stelle im Beamten- bzw. ?quivalent im Angestelltenverh?ltnis zu

Professur (W2) f?r Diskrete Mathematik

Gesucht wird eine international profilierte Pers?nlichkeit, die auf einem
aktuellen Gebiet der diskreten Mathematik (etwa Codierungstheorie,
diskrete Methoden in Algebra und Geometrie, Optimierung oder
Tropische Geometrie) t?tig ist.

Von dem/der zuk?nftigen Stelleninhaber/-in werden Erfahrungen in der
Einwerbung von Drittmitteln ebenso erwartet wie die Bereitschaft zur
Zusammenarbeit mit bestehenden Arbeitsgruppen. Die Professur beteiligt
sich an der Lehre f?r die Studieng?nge der Lehreinheit Mathematik
(einschlie?lich den Grundveranstaltungen in der diskreten und der
computerorientierten Mathematik) sowie an dem mathematischen Lehrangebot
f?r die Informatik und andere Disziplinen.

Details zu den rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen der Einstellungsvoraussetzungen
finden Sie unter:

Wissenschaftler/-innen, die in Forschung und Lehre exzellent ausgewiesen
sind und dies durch international sichtbare Forschungsleistungen belegen
k?nnen, sind eingeladen, ihre Bewerbungen mit Lebenslauf,
Schriftenverzeichnis, Darstellung der Forschungsvorhaben, Verzeichnis der
selbstst?ndigen Lehrveranstaltungen sowie Kopien der Zeugnisse und
Urkunden innerhalb von vier Wochen nach Erscheinen dieser Anzeige an den
Dekan des Fachbereichs Informatik und Mathematik der Johann Wolfgang
Goethe-Universit?t, E-Mail:, zu richten.

Bewerbungsschluss/Deadline: 2015-03-12.


The Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Faculty of Computer
Science and Mathematics invites applications to fill the position of a

Professorship (W2) for Discrete Mathematics

within the Institute of Mathematics. We are seeking a candidate
internationally widely recognized for excellent research in an active
field of discrete mathematics, such as coding theory, discrete methods
in algebra and geometry, optimization or tropical geometry.

The successful applicant is expected to cooperate with the existing
research groups, and to strengthen the department through the acquisition
of third-party support. We are seeking a dedicated academic teacher who will
be actively involved in all the teaching tasks for the mathematics curricula
(including basic courses in discrete mathematics and in computer-oriented
mathematics) as well as in courses for students of computer science and
other disciplines.

For further information regarding the general conditions for professorship
appointments, please see:

Qualified academics with an excellent track record on research and teaching
are invited to submit their application with curriculum vitae (scientific
and professional experience), copies of certificates, details of teaching
experiences and publication list within four weeks of publication of this
job advertisement to the Dean of Computer Science and Mathematics,
Goethe-University, E-Mail:

Bewerbungsschluss/Deadline: 2015-03-12.


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 13:23:05 +0200
From: Euripides Markou <>
Subject: [DMANET] Special Track on ?Distributed Computing with Mobile
Agents? as part of ADHOC-NOW 2015 (Final Call for Papers)
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Message: 3
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 16:51:06 +0200
From: Aris Pagourtzis <>
Subject: [DMANET] ADHOC-NOW 2015: Final CfP (** deadline extended to
Feb 20 **)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-7

Call for Papers
Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks, ADHOC-NOW 2015
June 29 - July 02 2015, Athens, Greece

Important Dates
? Paper submission deadline: February 20, 2015 (**NEW dealdine**)
? Notification of acceptance: March 23, 2015
? Camera-ready due: April 10, 2015

Since its creation in 2002, the International Conference
on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless (ADHOC-NOW) has become a
well-established and well known event dedicated to
wireless and mobile computing. It serves as a forum for
interesting discussions on ongoing research and new
contributions. The conference addresses both experimental
and theoretical research in the areas of ad hoc networks,
sensor networks, mesh networks and vehicular networks. It
focuses on all issues from link layer up to the
application layer. The fourteenth edition of ADHOC-NOW
will be for the first time organized in Athens, Greece,
from June 29 to July 02, 2015. We seek original
contributions as work in progress, experimental and
theoretical research in Wireless Sensor, Ad-Hoc, Mobile
and Wireless Networks. Submissions must not be published
or under review for another conference or journal. We are
interested, but not limited to, research papers in any of
the following areas:
? Access Control
? Ad Hoc Networks of Autonomous Intelligent Systems
? Algorithmic Issues
? Analytic Methods and Modeling for Performance
? Ad Hoc Network Applications and Architectures
? Delay-Tolerant Networking
? Distributed Algorithms for Ad Hoc Networks
? Energy Efficiency
? Geometric Graphs
? Location Discovery and Management
? Mobility Handling and Utilization
? Wireless Mesh Networks
? Big Data Inspired Data Sensing
? Mobile Ad Hoc Computing Platforms
? Systems and Testbeds
? Mobile Social Networking
? Quality-of-Service
? Routing Protocols (Unicast, Multicast, etc.)
? Secure Services and Protocols
? Sensor Networks
? Self-Configuration
? Service Discovery
? Timing Synchronization
? Vehicular Networks
? Wireless Internet
? Processing and Networking Technologies Complexity and
Computational Issues
? Prototype systems and real-world deployment experiences

Special Tracks
? Efficient, Reliable, and Secure Smart Energy Networks
? Emerging communications, networking and computing technologies for VANETs 2.0
? Distributed Computing with Mobile Agents

Workshop Organizers
General Chair:
? Symeon Papavassiliou, Nat. Tech. Univ. Athens, Greece
Technical Program Co-Chairs:
? Antonella Molinaro, Medit. Univ. Reggio Calabria, Italy
? Jiannong Cao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., Hong Kong
? Vasileios Karyotis, Nat. Tech. Univ. Athens, Greece
Special Tracks Co-Chairs:
? Yan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
? Aris Pagourtzis, Nat. Tech. Univ. Athens, Greece
Publicity Co-Chairs:
? Amiya Nayak, University of Ottawa, Ottawa
? Xinbing Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R.China
? Sandra Sendra, Univ. Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Proceedings Chair:
? Stefan Ruehrup, FTW-Telecom. Res. Center Vienna, Austria
Submissions & Registrations Chair:
? Vasileios Karyotis, Nat. Tech. Univ. Athens, Greece
Local Arrangements Co-Chairs:
? Eirini-Eleni Tsiropoulou, Nat.Tech.Univ. Athens, Greece
? Eleni Stai, NatNat. Tech. Univ. Athens, Greece
Web Chair:
? Milos Stojmenovic, Singidunum Univ., Belgrade, Serbia

Paper Submission
The conference proceedings will be published by
Springer-Verlag, as part of the Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) series. Authors are invited to submit
either regular papers or short papers. Regular papers
should not exceed 14 pages in LNCS format. Short papers
must be limited to up to 4 pages in LNCS format. The paper
should provide sufficient detail to allow the Program
Committee to evaluate its validity, quality, and
relevance. Each accepted paper will be included in the
conference proceedings, provided at least one author of
the paper registers to present the paper at the
conference. High-quality articles may be invited for
submission to a special issue of Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless
Networks and the International Journal of Parallel,
Emergent and Distributed Systems. Link for details,
submission guidelines and electronic submissions:


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 12:34:55 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [DMANET] CfP: Mathematical Problems in Engineering - Special
Issue: Theory and Applications of Data Clustering
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1

Call for Papers : Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Special Issue: Theory and Applications of Data Clustering

Data clustering aims at organizing a set of records into a set of groups
so that the overall similarity between the records within a group is
maximized while minimizing the similarity with the records in the other
groups. The data clustering is a state-of-the-art problem with increasing
number of applications. For decades, data clustering problems have been
identified in many applications and domains such as computer vision and
pattern recognition (e.g., video and image analysis for information
retrieval, object recognition, image segmentation, and point clustering),
networks (e.g., identification of web communities), databases and
computing (facing privacy in databases), statistical physics, and
mechanics (e.g., understanding phase transitions, vibration control, and
fracture identification using acoustic emission data).

Several definitions and validation measures of data clustering problem
have been used on different applications in engineering. For instance, the
goal of the classical clustering problem is to find the clusters that
optimize a predefined criterion while the goal of the micro aggregation
problem is to determine the clusters under the constraint of a given
minimum cluster size for masking micro data. This special issue is
particularly focused on fundamental and practical issues in data

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

Clustering methods
Hierarchical and partitional clustering
Spectral clustering
Clustering validation measures
Estimation of the number of clusters
Statistical disclosure control, micro aggregation
Consensus clustering
Graph clustering
Trajectory and time series clustering
Datasets for clustering
Application oriented clustering problems

Authors can submit their manuscripts via the Manuscript Tracking System at

Manuscript Due Friday, 14 August 2015
First Round of Reviews Friday, 6 November 2015
Publication Date Friday, 1 January 2016

Lead Guest Editor

Costas Panagiotakis, Technological Educational Institute of Crete,
Agios Nikolaos, Greece

Guest Editors

Emmanuel Ramasso, National School of Engineering and Micro-Mechatronic
Systems (ENSMM), Besan?on, France
Paraskevi Fragopoulou, Technological Educational Institute of Crete,
Heraklion, Greece
Daniel Aloise, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil


Message: 5
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2015 07:45:50 +0000
From: Deryk Osthus <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] University of Birmingham, PhD scholarships in
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

There are several PhD scholarships available at the School of Mathematics, with Combinatorics/Graph Theory as one of the relevant areas.
The preferred starting date would be late September 2015, but there is some flexibility in this.
The closing date for applications is 1st March.

Informal enquiries about the scholarships should be made to Daniela Kuhn or Deryk Osthus:

d.kuhn at
d.osthus at

The Combinatorics group in Birmingham offers a vibrant research environment, with currently eight permanent members of staff, as well as three research fellows and 9 PhD students. Further information about the Combinatorics group is available at

Further information about the School is available on


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 84, Issue 15

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