Thursday, February 12, 2015

dmanet Digest, Vol 84, Issue 14

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Today's Topics:

1. CFP TARK 2015 (Sophie Pinchinat)
2. CANADAM 2015: 5th Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic
Mathematics Conference (Frank Ruskey)
3. Tenured Full Professor Position in Computer Science in
Bordeaux, France (Eric Sopena)
4. CAO'15 Call for Papers (Martin Zsifkovits)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 13:16:18 +0100
From: Sophie Pinchinat <>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP TARK 2015
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

*Call for Papers*

TARK 2015
15th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge
June 4-6, 2015
Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Conference website:

About the Conference

The mission of the TARK conferences is to bring together researchers
from a wide variety of fields, including Artificial Intelligence,
Cryptography, Distributed Computing, Economics and Game Theory,
Linguistics, Philosophy, and Psychology, in order to further our
understanding of interdisciplinary issues involving reasoning about
rationality and knowledge. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to, semantic models for knowledge, belief, awareness and
uncertainty, bounded rationality and resource-bounded reasoning,
commonsense epistemic reasoning, epistemic logic, epistemic game
theory, knowledge and action, applications of reasoning about
knowledge and other mental states, belief revision, and foundations
of multi-agent systems.

TARK 2015 is the 15th conference of the TARK conference series.
Previous conferences have been held bi-annually around the world. The
most recent conference was held in 2013 at the Institute of Mathematical
Sciences, Chennai, India, see

Invited Speakers:

Robin Clark, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Simon Huttegger, University of California, Irvine, USA
Sarit Kraus, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Marciano Siniscalchi, Northwestern University, USA

Submissions are now invited to TARK 2015. Extended Abstracts can be
submitted here:

Strong preference will be given to papers whose topic is of interest
to an interdisciplinary audience, and papers should be accessible to
such an audience. Papers will be held to the usual high standards of
research publications. In particular, they should:
1) contain enough information to enable the program committee
to identify the main contribution of the work;
2) explain the significance of the work -- its novelty and
its practical or theoretical implications; and
3) include comparisons with and references to relevant literature.

Abstracts should be no longer than 12 pages (5,000 words).
Optional technical details such as proofs may be included in
an appendix. One author of each accepted paper will be
expected to present the paper at the conference.

To format your paper please use: LaTeX2e - Tighter Alternate style

While economics papers follow the same submission guidelines
for review purposes, they can specify that only a short abstract
be included for the Proceedings (with a link to a full working
paper available online).

The proceedings of all previous TARK conferences can be
accessed here: The proceedings of
TARK 2015 will also be open access and available online.

Key Dates for TARK 2015

Submission of abstracts: February 20, 2015
Notification to authors: April 4, 2015
Camera ready copy of accepted papers: April 24, 2015
Conference: June 4 - 6, 2015
(Carnegie Mellon University)

Program Committee

Eleonora Cresto <>
Clare Dixon <>
Edith Elkind <>
Amanda Friedenberg <>
Sujata Ghosh <>
Andreas Herzig <>
Bettina Klaus <>
Kevin Kelly <>
Yoram Moses <>
Andr?s Perea <>
Sophie Pinchinat <>
R. Ramanujam <> (Chair)
Francesca Rossi <>
Olivier Roy <>
Burkhard Schipper <>
Hans van Ditmarsch <>
Yanjing Wang <>
Michael Wooldridge <>

Program Chair

R. Ramanujam
Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Chennai, India.

Organizing Chair

Kevin Kelly
Department of Philosophy
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, USA.

Chair of the TARK Conference Series

Joe Halpern
Cornell University
Computer Science Department
Ithaca, NY, USA.


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 16:17:14 -0800
From: Frank Ruskey <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] CANADAM 2015: 5th Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic
Mathematics Conference
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed

(version fran?aise ci-dessous)

The fifth Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference
(CanaDAM) will be held June 1-4, 2015 on the Saskatoon campus of the
University of Saskatchewan.

*** Early registration is now open at: The early registration
deadline is March 31, 2015 at 23:59 Eastern time.

*** The deadline for submission of contributed minisymposia and talks is
February 15, 2015. A minisymposium can be submitted at, and a talk at Acceptance notifications will
be sent by February 25, 2015.

*** The deadline for student / PDF funding applications is March 2,
2015. Please see for details and
application procedures. Notifications will be sent by March 23, 2015.

Accommodation information and local information is expected to be posted

Please check the conference website, ,
regularly for
up to date information about:

* invited and contributed minisymposia speakers,
* accommodation,
* important dates,
* fees,
* local information,
* student/PDF funding, and
* the organising team.

Invited Speakers :
Irit Dinur (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
Daniela K?hn (University of Birmingham, UK)
Brendan McKay (Australian National University, Australia)
Dhruv Mubayi (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)
Yann Ponty (Polytechnique, CNRS, France)
Angelika Steger (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Doron Zeilberger (Rutgers University, USA)

Public Interest Lecture:
Michiel van de Panne (University of British Columbia, Canada)

Invited Minisymposia:
Algorithmic chemical reaction networks
org: Dave Doty (California Institute of Technology, USA)
At the interface of physics and combinatorics
org: Karen Yeats (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Combinatorial optimization
org: Samuel Fiorini (Universit? libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Matroid theory
org: Stefan van Zwam (Louisiana State University, USA)
Probabilitstic combinatorics
org: Amin Coja-Oghlan (Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Germany)
Random graphs
org: Pawel Pralat (Ryerson University, Canada)
Spectral methods in graph theory
org: Bill Martin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA) and Jason
Williford (University of Wyoming, USA)
Structural graph theory
org: Luke Postle (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Topological methods in discrete mathematics
org: Ron Aharoni (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)

Please also note that the PIMS CRG in Applied Combinatorics will hold a
Graduate Summer School May 18-29, 2015 at the University of
Saskatchewan. For more information see:

Please pass this message along to colleagues in discrete mathematics.
Our apologies to those who receive it more than once. The organising
team expresses its thanks and gratitude to the Canadian Mathematical
Society for the conference's web presence.


CanaDAM 2015 ? L?inscription est ouverte; les dates limites de
soumissions et demandes de financement seront disponibles maintenant.

(English above)

La cinqui?me ?dition du Congr?s canadien de math?matiques discr?tes et
algorithmiques (CanaDAM) aura lieu du 1er au 4 juin 2015 sur le campus
de l?University of Saskatchewan.

***La pr?-inscription (frais r?duits) est maintenant ouverte ? La date limite pour
s?inscrire ? frais r?duits est le 31 mars 2015 ? 23h59 heure GMT - 5.

***La date limite pour proposer un minisymposium ou une pr?sentation est
le 15 f?vrier 2015. Une proposition peut ?tre soumise ? pour un minisymposium et ? une pr?sentation. Les
notifications d?acceptation seront envoy?es au plus tard le 25 f?vrier 2015.

***La date limite pour les demandes de financement pour les ?tudiants ou
stagiaires post-doctoraux est le 2 mars 2015 ? 23h59 heure GMT-5. Voir pour plus de d?tails.

Les informations locales et sur l?h?bergement seront disponibles sous peu.

Visitez le site pour des
mises-?-jour sur :

* conf?renciers des minisymposia,
* h?bergement,
* dates importantes,
* frais,
* informations locales,
* financement des ?tudiants et des stagiaires post-doctoraux, et
* ?quipe d?organisation.

Conf?renciers invit?s :
Irit Dinur (Weizmann Institute, Isra?l)
Daniela K?hn (University of Birmingham, UK)
Brendan McKay (Australian National University, Australie)
Dhruv Mubayi (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)
Yann Ponty (Polytechnique, CNRS, France)
Angelika Steger (ETH Zurich, Suisse)
Doron Zeilberger (Rutgers University, USA)

Conf?rence d?int?r?t publique:
Michiel van de Panne (University of British Columbia, Canada)

Minisymposia invit?s:
R?seaux algorithmiques de r?actions chimiques
org: Dave Doty (California Institute of Technology, USA)
A l?interface de la physique et de la combinatoire
org: Karen Yeats (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Optimisation combinatoire
org: Samuel Fiorini (Universit? libre de Bruxelles, Belgique)
Th?orie des matro?des
org: Stefan van Zwam (Louisiana State University, USA)
Combinatoire probabiliste
org: Amin Coja-Oghlan (Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Allemagne)
Graphes al?atoires
org: Pawel Pralat (Ryerson University, Canada)
Th?orie spectrale en th?orie des graphes
org: Bill Martin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA) et Jason
Williford (University of Wyoming, USA)
Th?orie des graphes structurelle
org: Luke Postle (University of Waterloo, Canada)
M?thodes topologiques en math?matiques discr?tes
org: Ron Aharoni (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Isra?l)

Notez que PIMS CRG in Applied Combinatorics (Groupe de recherche
collaborative de l?Institut Pacifique des Sciences math?matiques)
organise une Ecole d??t? Doctorale du 18 au 29 mai 2015 ? l?University
of Saskatchewan. Pour plus de renseignements voir

Merci de diffuser ce message ? vos coll?gues en math?matiques discr?tes.
Veuillez nous excuser en cas d?envois multiples. L??quipe d?organisation
remercie la Soci?t? Canadienne des Math?matiques pour l?affichage de la
page du congr?s sur l?internet.


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 05:14:59 +0100
From: Eric Sopena <>
Subject: [DMANET] Tenured Full Professor Position in Computer Science
in Bordeaux, France
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Call for Applications

3-year Research Chair
Tenured Full Professor Position in Computer Science
IdEx Bordeaux

The University of Bordeaux is opening a full professor position in
Computer Science. This position may benefit from specific funding
through the IdEx Bordeaux Chair program. This program is expected to
contribute to strengthening the academic community of the University of
Bordeaux and other partner institutions in strategic fields by
supporting high-profile researchers in setting up a research team for
the development of their projects within one of Bordeaux laboratories.

The successful candidate will join LaBRI, the Bordeaux research lab in
computer science[1] (UMR 5800), a joint research unit of the University,
the Bordeaux Polytechnic Institute and CNRS.

LaBRI is looking to reinforce its expertise in two different areas of
Computer Science:

- Models, Software, Computation, and Data. The convergence of models,
simulation, computation and data, and their application towards the
development of secure infrastructure and systems, to understand,
predict, and decide, is a characteristic feature of contemporary
Computer Science, both in its scientific foundations and in its
interactions with other sciences, with the industry, and with society in
general. LaBRI wants to strengthen its expertise in this vast area,
which covers issues related to modeling and numerical simulation,
high-performance computing, large amounts of data, design of and
algorithms for distributed systems, cloud computing, domain-specific
data processing and knowledge elaboration, decision support, development
of efficient programming paradigms, and safe and reliable complex systems.

- Interactive Systems. Interactions between humans and computerized
systems are at the heart of challenges that must be tackled by computer
science. LaBRI wants to strengthen its skills in this broad area, which
covers issues related to digital contents, human system interactions and
virtual and augmented reality, robotics and embedded systems, Internet
of Things, and intelligent systems.

The successful candidate will lecture undergraduate courses, and
graduate courses in relation with his/her research area.

LaBRI is seeking high-level candidates for this position and the hiring
committee will be attentive to the quality of the research project and
the way it integrates with the existing teams of the lab. The hiring
committee will also pay attention to the applicants? capacity to hold
positions of responsibility within the research lab or the teaching unit.

In addition, the Professor, recruited through a competitive admission
process, may benefit from a startup funding through the IdEx Bordeaux
Chairs Programs.

Eligible candidates are researchers with international experience and an
outstanding scientific record (publications, patents, etc.), who have
not previously held a teaching or research position at the University of
Bordeaux or any other IdEx partner institution. International
researchers should hold a ?qualification? from the French ?Conseil
national des universit?s? (CNU), or occupy a Professor or Assistant
Professor position (or equivalent) in a foreign university. Post-docs or
equivalent are not eligible for a Professor position in the University
of Bordeaux without a CNU qualification.

Funding will consist of a minimum of 250.000 ? for three years (not
including the PI salary). This amount may be used for the setting up of
a research lab (purchase of equipment), for hiring team members
(salaries) and for operational costs.

IdEx Bordeaux will perform an independent evaluation of the candidate
and his project. Candidates should specifically apply for research chair
funding by submitting before March 12th the following documents (in
English) through the Senior Chairs application website:

- a letter of intent introducing the candidate and briefly presenting
his/her project and its medium- to long-term perspectives;
- a full cv of the candidate;
- a research project description with an estimative budget (3 years).

In the absence of a suitable candidate, IdEx Bordeaux reserves the right
not to grant this chair.

Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Pascal Weil
(, head of LaBRI, and Alain.Griffault
(, head of Computer Science Faculty, for
additional information.

The Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI, UMR 5800)
is a research unit associated with the CNRS, the University of Bordeaux
and the Bordeaux National Polytechnic Institute, and a partner of Inria.
In october 2014 it had a total of 320 members including 113
teaching/research staff (University of Bordeaux, and Bordeaux INP), 37
research staff (CNRS and Inria), 23 administrative and technical staff
members and more than 140 doctoral students and post-docs. The LaBRI's
missions are of three types: research (fundamental and applied),
technology application and transfer and training through research. The
lab is organized in six teams, each one combining basic research,
applied research and technology transfer:

- Combinatorics and Algorithmic;
- Image and Sound;
- Formal Methods;
- Models and Algorithms for Bio-informatics and Data Visualization;
- Programming, Networks and Systems;
- Supports and Algorithms for High Performance Numerical Applications.

The Initiative of Excellence of the University of Bordeaux (IdEx
Bordeaux) is a collective program coordinated by the Universit? de
Bordeaux, in association with national research centers CNRS and Inserm,
and the following higher education and research organizations: Bordeaux
Sciences Agro, Bordeaux INP, Universit? Bordeaux Montaigne and Sciences
Po Bordeaux. IdEx Bordeaux also involves other partnering organizations:
CEA, INRA, Inria, IRSTEA, Ifremer and CHU de Bordeaux.

The Excellence Initiative of the University of Bordeaux has been labeled
and funded by the French government under theProgramme des
Investissements d?Avenir, operated by the national research agency ANR


Eric Sopena.
LaBRI, Universit? de Bordeaux
351 crs de la Lib?ration, CS 10004, F-33405 Talence cedex, France
T?l. +33 5 40 00 38 71 - Fax. +33 5 40 00 66 69
IUT de Bordeaux, D?partement Informatique
15, rue Naudet, CS 10207
T?l. +33 5 56 84 57 85 - Fax. +33 5 56 84 58 86


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 09:54:46 +0100
From: "Martin Zsifkovits" <>
To: <>
Subject: [DMANET] CAO'15 Call for Papers
Message-ID: <00f501d046a1$8d16b920$a7442b60$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Dear Sir or Madam,

On behalf of Professor Stefan Pickl of the Universit?t der Bundeswehr
M?nchen, it is my great pleasure to invite you to participate in the

16th IFAC WORKSHOP ON Control Applications of Optimization (CAO?2015)

to by held in

Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany from October 6 to 9, 2015.

Following the traditions of the previous CAO workshops held in Rimini
(2012), Jyv?skyl? (2009), Cachan-Paris (2006), Visegrad (2003), Saint
Petersburg (2000), Haifa (1995) and Munich (1992), CAO? 2015 in
Garmisch-Partenkirchen will bring together researchers and practitioners to
discuss recent developments in the applications of optimization for control
purposes, decision making and for risk management in economy and industry.

CAO? 2015 is an international meeting of the International Federation of
Automatic Control, sponsored by the IFAC Technical Committee on Optimal
Control and co-sponsored by the IFAC Technical Committees on Adaptive and
Learning Systems, Networked Systems, Linear Control Systems, Non-Linear
Control Systems, Robust Control and Economic and Business Systems.

CAO? 2015 is organized by Prof. Stefan Pickl, Institut f?r Theoretische
Informatik, Mathematik und Operations Research, Fakult?t f?r Informatik,
Universit?t der Bundeswehr M?nchen.


Authors are encouraged to submit papers, session proposals and invited
sessions electronically in PDF format using the conference submission system
PaperPlaza: <>

In order to encourage young researchers and recognize valuable
contributions, CAO? 2015 will acknowledge an outstanding paper with the Best
Paper Student Award. It will be granted to a Master?s or PhD student.

To qualify for consideration, the corresponding author of the paper must be
less than 35 years old at the paper submission date, be enrolled in a PhD or
Master?s program and present the paper at the conference. The winner will be
announced during the workshop.

All papers must be prepared in accordance with the publication requirements
for IFAC meetings and must not exceed 6 two-column pages.

For detailed information about the scope, topics, and paper submission
please visit our website: WWW.CAO2015.DE <>

Please direct any question regarding organization or the program to:

Dr. Martin Zsifkovits

E- Mail: <>

Tel.: +49 (89) 6004 2264

Fax: +49 (89) 6004 3561

Best regards,

Dr. Martin Zsifkovits


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 84, Issue 14

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