Friday, March 20, 2015

dmanet Digest, Vol 85, Issue 21

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Today's Topics:

1. ALGO 2015: 14-18 September 2015, Patras, GR (Christos Zaroliagis)
2. Management Science scholarships, Strathclyde Business School,
Glasgow, UK (Kerem Akartunali)
3. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: CP-AI-OR 2015 (David Bergman)
4. CFP: DISC 2015 - Call for Workshops and Tutorials (Tal Mizrahi)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 22:09:30 +0200
From: Christos Zaroliagis <>
Subject: [DMANET] ALGO 2015: 14-18 September 2015, Patras, GR
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

ALGO 2015
14-18 September 2015, Patras, Greece

ALGO is an annual event combining the premier algorithmic conference
European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) along with a number of specialized
conferences and workshops (ALGOCLOUD, ALGOSENSORS, ATMOS, IPEC, MASSIVE,
WAOA) all related to algorithms and their applications, making ALGO the
major European event of researchers, students and practitioners in algorithms.

ALGO 2015 will be held on 14-18 September 2015 in the Conference and Cultural
Center of the University of Patras, Greece. The event is hosted by the University
of Patras and its Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, and it is
organized in cooperation with the European Association for Theoretical Computer
Science (EATCS).

More information on the participating conferences, call for papers, as well
as important dates are available at


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 00:52:30 +0000
From: Kerem Akartunali <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [DMANET] Management Science scholarships, Strathclyde
Business School, Glasgow, UK
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Management Science scholarships
(MSc Operational Research and MSc Business Analysis and Consulting)
Dept. of Management Science
Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow, UK

We have partial scholarships available for our full-time MSc Operational Research and MSc Business Analysis and Consulting courses in the academic year 2015/16. Each scholarship will be worth ?5,000. Students with any nationality are eligible to apply.

The applicants are strictly required to have a First Class Honours (undergraduate) degree, or equivalent (that is, a minimum 3.5 GPA in a 4.0 GPA system, or a minimum 90% average, or a minimum average of A- in a letter system). Final year undergraduate students are eligible to apply, and any Scholarship offered will be dependent on achieving the criteria above.

Applicants for MSc Operational Research should have their degree in a numerical subject, including but not limited to Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Engineering and Economics. Applicants for MSc Business Analysis and Consulting could have their degree from a broader selection of subjects, including but not limited to business, economics, engineering or the social sciences. Candidates must be self-funded (that is, not in receipt of any funding from any other scholarship, employer sponsorship etc.).

Applicants should also upload with their scholarship application, a personal statement outlining their interest in the programme and scholarship award. Applications not satisfying eligibility requirements or not following the above guidelines will be disregarded.

You can apply for a scholarship here:

The application deadline is Friday 29 May 2015, 17:00 GMT.
Informal enquiries can be directed to

For more information about the courses, please refer to:

To start your online application for the courses, please follow the links through "Apply Now" and make sure to select the "Full Time" application starting in September 2015.


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 02:44:47 +0000
From: David Bergman <>
To: "" <>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

******************** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: CP-AI-OR 2015 ********************

The Twelfth International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Operations Research (OR) techniques in Constraint Programming (CPAIOR 2015) invites participants to register for the conference.

Conference Location: Barcelona, Spain
Conference Dates: May 18 - May 22, 2015
Conference Website:
Conference Series:

******************** CONFERENCE REGISTRATION DETAILS ********************

The registration link is the following:

- Early Bird registration - until March 25th
- Student: 250.00 Euro
- Regular registration: 375.00 Euro
- Workshop and Master Class only: 120.00 Euro
- Late registration - after March 26th
- Student 350.00 Euro
- Regular Registration: 450.00 Euro
- Workshop and Master Class only: 150.00 Euro

The registration fee for participants includes admission to all scientific sessions, congress material, access to electronic proceedings (for a pre-set time window), banquet, reception, tour, coffee breaks, and VAT at the 21% rate.

Proceedings hard-copies are available for pre-order for 50 Euro and will be available for pick up during registration.

******************** CONFERENCE DETAILS ********************

The aim of the conference is to bring together interested researchers from Constraint Programming (CP), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Operations Research (OR) to present new techniques or applications in combinatorial optimization and to provide an opportunity for researchers in one area to learn about techniques in the others. A main objective of this conference series is also to give these researchers the opportunity to show how the integration of techniques from different fields can lead to interesting results on large and complex problems. Therefore papers that actively combine, integrate, or contrast approaches from more than one of the areas are especially solicited. High quality papers from a single area are also welcome, provided that they are of interest to other communities involved. Application papers showcasing CP/AI/OR techniques on novel and challenging applications or experience reports on such applications are strongly encouraged.

The program will include talks broadly covering the following topics:
- Inference and relaxation methods: constraint propagation, cutting planes, global constraints, graph algorithms, dynamic programming, Lagrangian and convex relaxations, heuristic functions based on constraint relaxation.
- Search methods: branch and bound, intelligent backtracking, incomplete search, randomized search, portfolios, column generation, Benders decompositions or any other decomposition methods, local search, meta-heuristics.
- Integration methods: solver communication, model transformations and solver selection, parallel and distributed resolution techniques, models, and solvers.
- Modeling methods: comparison of models, symmetry breaking, uncertainty, dominance relationships.
- Innovative Applications of CP/AI/OR techniques.
- Implementation of CP/AI/OR techniques and optimization systems.

******************** CONFERENCE SCHEDULE ********************

There is a series of Workshops and a Master Class that are held in conjunction with the conference.

---- WORKSHOPS: MAY 18th ----

- CPAIOR Meets CAV -
- ISA: Innovative Scheduling and Scheduling Applications using CP-AI=OR -
- Smart Cities -

---- MASTER CLASS: MAY 18th - MAY 19th ----

- Constraint Programming and Verification

---- TECHNICAL PROGRAM: MAY 20th - MAY 22nd ----

- Presentations of the 32 accepted papers and three Fast Track papers which are accepted for publication in Constraints
- Three invited talks
- Constraints programming for infeasibility diagnosis with BARON - Yash Puranik and Nikolaos Sahinidis
- IntSat: From SAT to Integer Linear Programming - Robert Nieuwenhuis
- Symmetry in Integer Programing - Jeff Linderoth

******************** ORGANIZERS ********************

Program Chair: Laurent Michel
Conference Chair: Carlos Ansotegui
Local Organizing Committee: Maria Bonet, Jordi Levy, Mateu Villaret
Publicity Chair: David Bergman


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 08:10:27 +0000
From: Tal Mizrahi <>
Subject: [DMANET] CFP: DISC 2015 - Call for Workshops and Tutorials
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

DISC 2015 Call for Workshops and Tutorials
29th International Symposium on Distributed Computing
October 5-9 2015, Tokyo Japan

DISC invites proposals for workshops and tutorials related to the scope of the conference, on the theory, design, specification, or implementation of distributed systems. Workshops and tutorials will be held in conjunction with DISC on the two days preceding the conference: October 5th and 6th 2015.

A proposal for a workshop or tutorial should consist of the following:
- the event title;
- a one-page abstract describing the focus of the event and its relevance to DISC;
- names and contact information of the organizers;
- for a tutorial: the length of the tutorial (90-120min);
- for a workshop: the expected number of talks, estimated duration of the workshop, and the selection format.

DISC will provide organizational and administrative support for the events. Please send the proposals by email to the DISC PC chair Yoram Moses, email The deadline for proposals is April 15th 2015, and early applications are encouraged.

This call for workshops and tutorials is also available at:

DISC 2015 site:

See you in Tokyo!?


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End of dmanet Digest, Vol 85, Issue 21

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